Chapter Seventeen
“You really want to take care of me?” I asked Declan as I parked at Eric’s. During the short drive home, my insides couldn’t decide between being slightly nauseated, exhausted, and excited. Finally, I simply had to ask for my own sanity because I hated the idea of Declan merely trying to be nice because he felt obligated.
“Someone needs to.” He gave me a pointed look that did nothing to diffuse my topsy-turvy stomach.
“Nah,” I countered. “That’s kind of my job for everyone else.”
“I’m aware.” Declan’s tone turned scolding as we entered the house through the back, pausing so he could navigate the steps thick with rock salt. “Which is exactly why you need taking care of.”
“Some people are simply born caretakers.” I stopped to greet Oz, letting him outside to do his business. “That’s me. I don’t need coddling or?—”
“Jonas.” Declan pivoted on his crutches in the empty kitchen. “I want to take care of you. Trust me, I’m surprised too, but you had a hard day, and I want to do something nice for you. Let me, please?”
“It’s been a long time.” My voice came out soft and unsure. I avoided meeting his gaze by busying myself with letting Oz back in. “What did you have in mind?”
Declan took entirely too long thinking, so I started getting twitchy.
“You could read to me for a change?” I suggested the easiest thing I could think of, but Declan made a sour face.
“Not that.” His shoulders slumped. “Told you. I sucked at school. Reading isn’t my strong suit, especially not lately with the stupid headaches and not to someone as good at it as you. “
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” I turned to head toward the basement stairs, but Declan pointed a crutch in the direction of his room.
“You’re not getting out of this so easily. How about I give you a massage?” He clomped off toward his room, leaving me and the dog to follow uncertainly behind. Once in his room, Declan’s tone became more confident. “I’ve had enough massages over the years from injuries. I think I could figure out how to make you feel good.”
“You always make me feel good.” I tried for a soothing tone, but Declan stayed bossy, gesturing toward his bathroom.
“And you should shower first. That always relaxes me. I’ll find some lotion while you do.”
“We could maybe both shower?” I’d be much more comfortable if I could take care of him as well, but Declan gave me a stern stare.
“Nope. Me showering is a whole production these days, and I want you to relax, not assist.” He gave me a gentle tap on the ass with his crutch. “Go shower. Take as long as you want. I’m good hanging out here.”
It felt weird showering in Declan’s bathroom. My skin pebbled with an extra chill as I undressed. I’d never used this particular room, other than helping out when Montgomery, Eric’s late husband, was ill. Declan had a whole lineup of expensive body products strewn around the accessible shower, so I shifted my focus to figuring out which scents made Declan so irresistible. There was something subtly sexy about using his body wash, and gradually, I relaxed into the warmth of the water.
Until, that was, I exited the shower and faced the question of what to wear for this massage. Skipping into his room nude wasn’t my style, nor was wearing a scrap of towel. When we fooled around, I intentionally stayed at least partially clothed.
I spotted a thick terrycloth robe on a hook near the door. Saved. I happily borrowed it, wrapping the belt securely around my too-soft middle.
However, Declan made a loud scoff as I left the bathroom and approached the bed where he was reclining, shirt already off, looking as chiseled as ever. Oz was asleep in his usual spot by the window.
“A robe?” Declan gestured toward me. “How am I supposed to rub you through that thing? Which, by the way, isn’t even mine. I think Tony left it behind.”
“I’m not as fit as you.” The words tumbled out faster and more honest than I intended.
“What? The hell you’re not.” Declan wrinkled his face. “Is that why I’m always the naked one? I thought you staying clothed was some sort of kink of yours.”
“It is sexy, but I’m also well aware that I’m older, heavier?—”
“And hot as hell.” Declan hefted himself off the bed to hop in front of me. He untied my robe, spreading the lapels so he could stroke my broad chest. “I love how fucking hairy you are. And thick. You’re my favorite pillow, but you’re also strong.”
“Thank you.” My eyes burned, and I had no idea what else to say, especially once Declan pushed the robe the rest of the way off.
“And quit saying you’re old.” Declan wagged a finger in my face. “You’re not. That Percy dude, he’s old.”
“Too old for me?” Despite my discomfort with being naked, I had to chuckle at Declan’s obvious jealousy.
“Hell, yes.” He nodded emphatically before shoving me toward the bed. “Now shut up and let me massage your hot ass.” Forehead creasing, he gave an audible gulp. “I mean back. Not asking for the other thing…”
“You could.” I shrugged as we both stretched out on the bed. Declan’s cheeks were rosy, but whether out of embarrassment or curiosity, I couldn’t tell. I flipped to my stomach, but I turned my head so I could see his face. “It’s not my usual thing, but if you’re curious about topping, I’m relaxed enough from the shower to let you play around.”
“I don’t want to top.” Declan made a face like he’d tasted something super salty. “Does that make me a bottom? Because I’m not sure I wanna get fucked either. It looks like it hurts.”
“You don’t have to get fucked. And it doesn’t have to hurt, but if it’s not sexy to you, it’s not sexy.” I tried to pitch my voice to be soothing without crossing over to patronizing. “Just like gay and bi aren’t one-size-fits-all terms, top, bottom, vers aren’t the neat little categories some like to pretend.”
“But you’re a top, right? You like being in control and doing stuff to me.” Declan nodded like he’d already decided he was right.
“I like giving pleasure, yes. And I suppose I like a certain amount of control.”
Declan interrupted me with a snort. “Just a bit.”
“But I’m honestly not that big on fucking, either receiving or giving.” I wasn’t sure exactly how to explain to Declan that I always found fucking a bit clinical compared to the more emotional and open-ended sensual encounters I preferred. “I’ll top if it gets my partner off, but it’s not my favorite thing by any means.”
“What’s your favorite?” Kneeling beside me, Declan started a slow massage of my neck.
“Man, that feels good.” I moaned softly when he kissed my neck. “And I love all variations on frot. That’s probably my favorite way to get off.”
“I like the rubbing together thing while kissing too.” Declan moved on to stroking my bare back, sweeping his hands up and down. He wasn’t particularly skilled at massage, but he was enthusiastic, which counted for a lot in my book.
“And, of course, hands, mouths, all that good stuff, are also great options.” I groaned again when he found a particularly tense spot under my shoulder blade. Being taken care of like this was unfamiliar but also nice. Sweet. I took several deep breaths as Declan continued rubbing my back.
Right when I’d reached a level of relaxation where I could doze off, Declan nudged my side. “Roll.”
“Now who’s bossy?” I groaned sleepily as I complied with the request.
“Still you,” Declan said absently as he stared down at my half-hard cock. “Tell me how to suck your cock.”
“You don’t have to.” I studied his face, which was back to that difficult-to-read flush.
“I want to. I kept thinking about it while massaging you and getting all distracted.” Declan shimmied out of his loose track pants, revealing his own erection. “But you’ve got a monster, and I’m fond of oxygen.”
He gripped my cock, a little too tight, but my cock didn’t particularly care as it had been too damn long since I’d felt a hand that wasn’t mine. It didn’t take much before I was fully erect. The risk of this being over embarrassingly fast was real.
“Try just playing,” I suggested, hoping that might buy me time to calm down. “Whatever feels good to you will feel good to me, baby.”
“What if you come? Will you tell me? Am I supposed to swallow?” Declan’s forehead creased as he tilted his head, adorably confused and eager to please.
“Declan. Yes, I’ll tell you.” I chuckled and resisted the urge to drag him up for a kiss. If he wanted to try this, I wasn’t about to talk him out of it. “Trust me, you’ll know what I like. And you only have to swallow if you want to, if that’s a turn-on for you. I’m tested and negative, but swallowing is a matter of personal preference. Doesn’t make you any better or worse in bed.”
I personally loved giving oral but was ambivalent about swallowing, not that Declan seemed to mind.
“I want to be fucking spectacular.” Declan didn’t give me a chance to reply before licking up and down my cock, which wasn’t nearly as huge as he seemed to think, but his awe was good for my ego.
“That’s pretty spectacular right there.” I gasped as he found the sensitive spot under my cockhead with the tip of his tongue. “Keep doing that.”
“Like this?” He redoubled his efforts, licking and sucking all along the underside of my cock.
“Yes. Yes. You’re so good, baby.” My head fell back against the pillows, and I closed my eyes. “Try using your hand on the base at the same time.”
My breath came in harsh bursts.
“Am I going to get you off?” Declan sounded so excited that I would have laughed had I not been so turned on.
“Uh-huh.” My body tensed, Declan’s enthusiasm having a predictable effect on my staying power. He figured out ridiculously quickly that I liked a fast, loose grip on the base of my cock and a lot of tongue action on the underside. “You’re doing amazing. Spectacular. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t.” Declan made the promise sound like the sexiest thing ever. “God, I can tell you’re close from how you keep holding your breath and arching your back. That’s so hot.”
“Close.” I moaned my agreement. “Keep going.”
“Please come, Jonas.” Declan pulled back from licking and sucking in favor of jacking me hard and fast. “Please come.”
“I am.” Apparently, I really couldn’t deny him anything as my orgasm hit the second he started begging. I came in a series of huge waves with sharp edges, pleasure so good it hurt. My balls ached, and my abs quivered. “Oh God. Yes. Declan .”
“You said my name.” He beamed at me as I opened my eyes, undeniably proud of himself.
“You liked that?” I pulled him down next to me, exhaling softly as his head found its spot on my shoulder. The brush of his silky auburn hair never failed to make me shiver. And this time, he was shuddering too, and his cock was straining skyward, slick drop at the tip. “Do you need to come now too?”
“Fuck yes.” He moaned as I took him in hand. I knew how he liked it by now, tight and fast. He had a bottle of lotion on the bedside table, so I used that to slick up my grip. “Oh, I like that. Why does your hand feel so good?”
“Because it’s not yours?” I chuckled.
“It’s more than that.” Declan turned rather serious for someone on the verge of orgasm. “And more than you being fucking amazing at jerking me off. You’re…different.”
“Thanks.” My chest pinched deep inside, and I had to bite my lower lip to stop the tide of emotions. “You’re special too.”
“Say that again.” He gasped as I kept stroking his cock.
“You’re special? You are, baby.” I jacked him faster. “You’re so special to me.”
I wasn’t simply spewing sex words to get him off. He was special to me, more than he’d ever know. I looked forward to seeing him at the end of the day, loved his eagerness and vulnerability in equal measure, loved how he made me feel hot and wanted.
“Oh fuck, coming.” His back bowed, cock fucking up into my fist, as come jetted out of his tip. We were both a mess, and I retrieved the towel from my shower to clean us up.
“I’m tired.” Declan yawned and tried to cuddle into my side. “I didn’t calculate how tired I’d be after getting you off.”
“You did work hard,” I teased.
“I did.” Declan managed to yawn and preen at the same time.
“You sleep.” I dodged his questing hands even though I wanted nothing more than to stay cuddled up with him. “I’ll sneak back downstairs.”
“Soon, I want to sleep the whole night with you.”
Well, now I had a new goal in life. I smiled at him as I made my way to the bathroom to retrieve my clothes, rather glad the basement door was mere steps from his. “I’ll see what I can do.”