A few days later, a darkening sky in the late afternoon portended a harsh storm, which was why Noah fetched Juliet early from Silver Meadows. He kept his horse behind hers as they raced back to Brambling Cottage.
The wind had blown Juliet’s bonnet from her head, hanging on by its lavender ribbons as her long hair whipped behind her, the pins she’d used to hold it up lost to nature’s forces. But as thunder rumbled, the first large drops hit his bare head, and he wished they’d left sooner.
They galloped around the last bend and up to the cottage’s stable. Jumping from his mount, he ran to Juliet and pulled her from hers as thunder sounded close. “Go inside. I’ll take care of the horses!”
A crack of lightning made her jump before she ran for the cottage door. The boom of thunder that followed spooked her horse, and he held onto the reins to keep it from bolting. Quickly, he led the animals into the little stable and brushed them down before giving them food. Despite his speed, by the time he finished, the rain came down so hard he could barely see the front of the cottage. Without hesitation, he ran out, glad he knew the way so well, since the outdoor temperatures had plummeted with the clouds and wind, and the rain felt like icy darts hitting his skin.
He opened the door without knocking and entered the warm, dry parlor. As he slammed it shut against the wind and water that came in with him, Juliet entered from the kitchen. Her laughter froze him to the spot as it flowed over his body, warming him from the inside out.
“Aren’t we a pair?” She lifted her disheveled hair with one hand. “I look like the hounds of hell were upon my heels, and you look like a nearly drowned sailor.”
He grinned as he wiped water from his face with his wet sleeve. “I feel like one.” A shiver ran through him, his soaked clothing quickly chilling him.
Her face sobered and her brow knit. “You need to get dry. I’ll find you a towel.” She left the room, running upstairs.
The last thing he wished for was an early death, so he reached behind his head and pulled up his soaked shirt, letting it slip from his cold fingers to plop on the floor. Pulling his boots off while wet was difficult, but he managed to do so without sitting on the settee and soaking it through. He gathered his hair together and wrung out what he could, careful to keep the drops from touching his bare skin.
Juliet’s steps as she raced down the stairs had him looking up as she strode in.
“I brought a towel and a—” Her eyes widened as she stumbled to a halt. Her gaze was riveted on his wet chest and his body heated at her focused look. When she lifted her gaze, her eyes appeared a deeper blue, all trace of green having vanished.
His pulse thudded hard as desire burned low in his abdomen.
She stepped forward and wordlessly held out the towel.
He took it and dried his torso despite her avid attention. As he brought it to his face, her scent filled his nostrils. Unable to remain so far from her, he held out the white cotton cloth. “Could you dry my back?”
Her teeth worried her bottom lip for a moment, drawing his attention to her mouth, but she moved forward and took the towel.
He turned around, facing the door. Moments went by and he wondered if she would do as he asked. Then he felt the cloth touch his back. She stroked it over him as if she were touching him, not drying him, making his desire for her grow. It was pure torture to resist until he finally didn’t want to resist anymore.
He turned about, his intent to take her in his arms, but his hands filled with the towel.
She scurried to the fireplace, bent over, and dropped another log in. “You need to warm yourself or you might take a chill.”
He dropped the towel on the back of a chair as he walked toward her, enjoying the view of her backside. All he needed was her.
She straightened and faced him. “Oh. Of course, you need to get close to the fire.” Stepping aside, she moved toward the kitchen.
He followed. “Juliet.” He took her hands and placed them on his chest then dropped his own. “Do you want me?”
Her eyes widened at the question, even as her fingers moved on his flesh. “I…” Her hands caressed him and she stepped closer to press a hesitant kiss upon his chest.
He loosely wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to leave if she wished, but hoping she wouldn’t.
She lifted her hands upward and looped them around his neck. Finally, she lifted her gaze to his. “Kiss me, Noah.”
Relief, excitement, and triumph filled him as he lowered his lips to hers and gently coaxed her to open for him. As soon as she opened her mouth, she surprised him by slipping her tongue between his lips to meet his own. He tightened his hold on her, deepening the kiss, tasting her sweetness, and reveling in her small breasts pressing against him. She was so delicate, but filled with fire.
He loved her. He had since the day they met, though perhaps before that. He needed to show her, even if she wasn’t ready to know. He broke away from her lips and trailed kisses down her neck.
Suddenly, she pulled away. “Off.” She turned her back to him.
He stilled. “Juliet?”
She bent over and lifted her skirts until they were over her head.
He grinned as understanding dawned, and he helped lift the dress from her.
She faced him in her boots, stockings, shift, and stays. That last item pulled in the folds of linen outlining her small waist and raising her breasts, as their taut peaks strained against the material. A soft smiled played about her lips. “You too.”
Not willing to let her change her mind, he quickly unbuttoned his soaked trousers and struggled to push them down to the floor to step out of them. As he looked up, he found Juliet had backed away to watch him. He swallowed hard at the memory of making love to her in his dreams on the kitchen table just behind her.
Her gaze was fixed upon his erection, her teeth worrying her lips. But then she looked at him and smiled warmly. “Yes, I want you.”
At her belated answer, all doubts slipped away.
As if she were as anxious as him, she bent her head and began to unlace her stays.
Naked, he stepped forward. “Allow me.” His voice had deepened with his desire, and she snapped her head up.
Without a word, she lifted her hands and held them out to the sides.
Swallowing a moan, he accepted her invitation and slowly pulled the lacing from each eyelet, his large fingers purposefully brushing her breasts with every pull. As the stays fell, he moved the chair away from the table with his foot, then grasped her about the waist.
She grabbed his shoulders as he lifted her to a sitting position on the table. Once seated, her hands began to roam over his shoulders, down his chest, over his stomach until without hesitation, she grasped him.
He locked his hand over hers, and she looked at him through her lashes. “I want to know you. Don’t you wish to know me?”
It wasn’t her words so much as her tone of voice that had his sac tightening. Her boldness pleased him, but also made it difficult to proceed slowly. “Then we will need to rid you of this.” He tugged the neckline of her shift with his free hand.
Immediately, she let him go and pulled the cloth out from under her backside, then held her arms aloft and simply stared at him.
He chuckled before lifting the linen over her head to reveal her natural beauty. His mouth went dry at the sight. She was petite, yet rounded in the right places and the dark hair between her legs beckoned him like a bee to a flower. A full-bloom flower.
A flash of lightning filled the room at the same time a loud crack sounded above them. Juliet jumped, grabbing onto him. He thought her afraid, but as her gaze met his, he could see it wasn’t fear in her eyes, but excitement.
A stab of need shot through him, and he stepped between her legs to take her mouth with his own.
Thunder rumbled, and she moaned as their tongues tangled, pressing herself against him.
He buried his hands in her hair, bending her backward as he left her mouth to kiss her breasts. Teasing the taut peaks, he gave each equal attention, loving the taste of her.
Another flash of lightning lit the room for what seemed like minutes only to be followed by a loud crash of thunder that vibrated the little house. The wildness of nature outside stoked Juliet’s fervor.
Her hand grabbed him and squeezed, even as she rubbed her thumb along him. It was too much. The storm, the dreams, the woman he loved, conspired against him savoring the moment. He removed her hand and held it over her head on the table. Catching her other, he raised it and held both within one of his.
Now with her somewhat controlled, he took advantage to touch her as she had him. With his free hand, he explored the folds between her legs, his erection hardening at her moist readiness. She remained deceptively still until he touched the one spot he knew would please her most.
Small whimpers issued from her as he pleasured her, wanting her to be near the brink as his own control slowly slipped.
Positioning himself at her entrance, he tried to wait. But when another flash and thunder clap filled the room, he slid inside to his hilt.
Juliet gasped with pleasure as Noah entered her, filling her in every way, more than she’d ever been. Pinned to the table by his hand and his shaft, she revealed in the excitement skipping through her like the lightning flashes outside.
His damp, dark hair hung loose about his face as he remained motionless, eyes closed, one hand pressed lightly on her abdomen. In the muted light, he became her dream, yet he was her reality, a flesh and blood man. His eyes slowly opened and he stared into hers as he pulled away before filling her once again. His nostrils flared and his hand ran over her stomach, then upward to catch her breast.
Lightening flashed and thunder rumbled, echoing how her body felt at his entrance and she wrapped her legs around him. But as he pulled away again, the feel of him inside her had her eyes closing as every nerve searched for the release she knew he could give her.
His rhythm increased and her body spiraled out of control, grasping at him even as she lay helpless to control anything, giving herself up to his expert ministrations. Just when she thought she would go mad with her need, the thunder boomed once again and he grasped her waist, pushing into her with a force that filled her with such exquisite pleasure, her world shattered.
His own shout barely penetrated the happiness that filled her as she grasped his hand with both of hers, tightened her legs about him, and rode the wave of bliss. She floated on a cloud of purest satisfaction, smiling in the darkness that was so like her dreams and yet not. Finally, she opened her eyes to look at him and sucked in her breath. Naked love shone in his eyes, their green intensity piercing the darkness.
Then just as suddenly, he blinked and what she thought she saw was gone. His mouth lifted in a satisfied grin. “Best storm we’ve ever had.”
She managed a small smile, still stunned by what she’d seen.
He pulled her up to a sitting position against him, his hands cradling her backside, which sent off a new volley of sparks, redirecting her thoughts. She looped her arms around his neck. “I like this.”
“So do I.” He walked with her to the chair he’d kicked aside, sending tiny volts of pleasure through her. Then he sat. “You can uncross your legs.”
She did as he suggested, and he sat back on the chair with her on his lap. She tested their new position, rocking her hips forward a little, then hissed at the pleasure it caused. Her gaze flew to his.
He grinned. “Since I obviously have no control with you. You can have control this time.”
She’d never been in such a unique position. Burying her hands in his hair, she kissed the side of his neck, pleased at the slight jump she felt inside. Oh, the pleasure they could find.
And they did.