Once Upon a Not at all Innocent Kiss (The Whickertons in Love #9) Epilogue 96%
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Whickerton Grove, England, August 1772 (or a variation thereof)

Seven months later

E xhausted, Beatrice sank back into the pillows as her child’s cries filled the chamber. Charles was at her side, placing a kiss upon her forehead, his pale face bathed in warm sunlight. “Are you all right?” His eyes searched her face before he craned his neck to look toward the doctor. “Is she all right?”

His voice was tight with concern, and Beatrice gathered her strength to reassure him. “I am fine. Merely… tired. So very tired.” A chuckle drifted from her lips as she forced her eyes open once more. “Where’s my child?” Indeed, she had never heard anything more wonderful than the soft wailing that drifted through their chamber.

With the babe bundled up warmly, the midwife stepped toward them, a wide smile upon her face as she looked from Beatrice to her husband. “It’s a boy,” she announced, beaming, no doubt certain that a boy was always most welcome to any peer of the realm. Of course, the midwife could not know the circumstances that had brought their family together, and months ago, Beatrice would have flinched at the thought that her child would be a boy.

Now, though, everything was different.

Gently, Charles took their son from the midwife’s arms, his eyes aglow and fixed upon the boy’s little face. As much as Beatrice longed to hold her child, she was utterly mesmerized by the sight before her eyes. Indeed, Charles looked like a father through and through, pride in his gaze and tears streaming down his cheeks.

Seating himself on the bed beside her, Charles handed her their son. “Here,” he whispered, awe tinging his voice. “Go to Mama.” He scooted closer, wrapping an arm around them both.

Beatrice cursed under her breath as tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision and all but hiding her son’s precious little face from her.

“He’s perfect,” Charles whispered beside her. “We are a family now.” He smiled down at her and placed a kiss upon her forehead.

Gently, Beatrice traced a finger down her son’s cheek and across his chin. She softly tapped it to his little nose, absolutely mesmerized to hold him in her arms, to look into his eyes and have him look back at her. These were his first moments, and she vowed she would do everything within her power to ensure that all the ones that came after were as happy as possible. “What shall we name him?” she whispered; her voice choked with tears as she looked up at her husband. “Any ideas?”

Charles sighed and thought for a moment. “What do you think of Troy?” he asked tentatively. “It is my father’s middle name.”

Beatrice nodded, deeply touched. “It sounds perfect.” Indeed, Troy was a wonderful name, and it proved beyond any doubt that Charles was Troy’s father in every way that mattered. Life truly could be perfect.

“I’m so grateful,” Beatrice murmured, seeking her husband’s gaze, “that you did not leave me alone that night at the ball when I told you to go.” She shook her head, unable to imagine what might have been if he had. “Thank you for being so adamant.”

Charles grinned at her wickedly. “I shall remind you of this the next time you call me stubborn.”

Beatrice laughed when a knock came on the door, and Lady Whickerton poked her head in only a second later. “May we come in?” she asked with a wide smile.

“You made it!” Charles exclaimed, waving them forward.

In the next instant, the door flew open, allowing in not only Lord and Lady Whickerton but also Lizzie following upon their heels. “Where’s the baby?” the girl exclaimed, bouncing as she walked.

“We’ve come to meet the next generation of Whickertons,” Jasper exclaimed, one arm wrapped around his wife, “and welcome him or her to the family.”

The three of them moved closer, peering expectantly at the little bundle in Beatrice’s arms.

“It’s a boy,” Charles told them proudly, and stepped aside to grant his little sister a better view. “We’ve named him Troy.”

Edith smiled while Jasper seemed a bit taken aback, his eyes suddenly misting with tears. “He’s beautiful,” Lizzie exclaimed. “May I hold him?” she asked pleadingly, her hands clasped together.

Beatrice nodded then gently laid her son into his aunt’s arms as the rest of the family crowded around them, every single face lit up with joy.

Indeed, the future was a bright one, and Beatrice could hardly wait.


Have you read the Whickerton saga yet? Of course, this is not the last time Lady Whickerton meddles to ensure her family’s happiness. There are many more loves to be found in the Whickertons in Love series!

It is now the year 1801, and the legacy of Lady Edith's matchmaking prowess lives on through her grandchildren, particularly the fiery Lady Louisa. Much like her grandmother, Louisa finds herself entangled in the complexities of love and rivalry, albeit under very different circumstances.

In the heart of England's aristocracy, where every glance has meaning and every word carries the weight of reputation, Lady Louisa faces her own romantic turmoil. At an innocent ball, she is confronted with her most guarded secret by none other than Phineas Hawke, Viscount Barrington—a man whose dark eyes seem to see straight through her defenses. This encounter sets off a chain of events filled with teasing, challenges, and a begrudging attraction that neither Louisa nor Phineas can easily deny.

Echoing the tales of yesteryears, where Lady Edith once played the role of cupid for her friend, now Lady Louisa and Viscount Barrington find themselves caught in a dance of pride, passion, and a rivalry that could very well lead to love.

Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of the Whickertons once more, where past and present intertwine, and where the legacy of a grandmother’s meddlesome yet loving ways guides the next generation towards finding happiness in the most unexpected places.

Read book 1, Once Upon a Devilishly Enchanting Kiss , a captivating enemies-to-lovers Regency romance!

Read on for a sneak-peek!

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