One Hot Chase (Hot Brits #12) Chapter Fifteen 59%
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Chapter Fifteen


As we rush through the city of Athens, clinging to each other's hands, we both can't stop grinning. I giggle too, which is not like me at all. Declan Wilde has shown me the kind of passion and excitement I had never dreamed of experiencing before I met him. Yeah, his last name is entirely appropriate. Declan is the wildest man I've ever met. I can't believe we had sex inside a half-demolished ancient building, up against a huge marble column.

Losing my mind feels surprisingly good.

Until I hear shouts behind us, emanating from the Acropolis. Declan releases my hand so he can spin around and look behind us. I don't notice he's fallen behind until I finally glance backward. He's just caught up to me again.

"Bree," Declan calls out, his voice husky with laughter and exertion. "I think we've lost them!"

"Lost who?" I glance over my shoulder, half wondering if an angry mob of archaeologists chasing us with trowels and brushes. But the winding cobblestone street behind us is empty, save for a stray cat watching us with judgmental eyes.

"The security guards," Declan announces, just as he reclaims my hand. "I think we lost them, though I can't be certain that an entire army isn't tracking us."

"Oh my God," I wheeze, slowing to a stop and doubling over. "I can't believe we just did that. I'm pretty sure we committed, like, seven different crimes against history."

Declan's hands find my waist, and he pulls me upright against his chest. "Only seven? I'd say we're slacking off, love."

I smack his chest again, but I can't help the laughter that bubbles up from my throat. "You're incorrigible, Declan Wilde."

That roguish grin always makes my knees weak. "And you love it, Sabrina Remington."

I'm about to issue a scathing retort when a nearby church bell chimes, reminding me of our precarious situation. I glance around nervously. "We should probably keep moving."

Declan nods, his expression turning serious for a moment. "Right you are. I know just the place. Remember that taverna I mentioned?"

"Ooh, yes, food. That sounds incredible. Our workout in the Propylaea burned off all my energy. I'm starved."

He reclaims my hand, leading me through a maze of narrow streets. The adrenaline is still coursing through my veins, making everything feel heightened and surreal---in the best way. We pass colorful doorways and balconies overflowing with flowers, the scent of jasmine mixing with the salt air and the faint aroma of grilled meat. As we turn a corner, I catch sight of a small, unassuming taverna tucked away in a quiet alley.

Declan pulls me inside, and we're immediately enveloped in the warm, inviting atmosphere. The walls are adorned with old photographs and rustic decorations, and the air is thick with the scent of garlic and roasting lamb.

"Ah, Declan!" A boisterous voice booms from behind the bar. An older man with a salt-and-pepper mustache waves us over. "Back so soon?"

"Nikos, my friend." Declan greets him with a hearty handshake and half hug. "We're in need of sustenance and perhaps a bit of...discretion."

"Ah, I see," Nikos says with a knowing wink. "The usual table in the back, then?"

Declan nods gratefully, and Nikos ushers us to a cozy corner booth partially hidden behind a wooden partition. As we slide into our seats, I marvel at how easily Declan seems to charm everyone he meets. It's like he has friends in every corner of the world.

I raise an eyebrow at him once we're settled. "So, the 'usual' table, huh? Just how often do you bring women here after defiling ancient monuments?"

Declan's eyes bulge in mock offense. "I'll have you know, Miss Remington, that you are the first and only woman I've ever brought here after such illicit activities." He curls a lock of my hair around his finger as he nuzzles my cheek. "Though I must admit, you're making me wish I'd started this tradition much sooner."

Clearing my throat, I reach for the menu to hide my flustered expression. I try to play it cool, refusing to let him see how intensely he affects me. But yeah, my resolve lasts about five seconds. That's when Declan clasps my hand, lifting it to his lips, and feathers them delicately over my skin.

Fortunately, Nikos appears with two glasses of ouzo and a knowing smile. "For the lovebirds," he says with a wink. "Now, what can I get you to eat?"

We order a feast of Greek delicacies -- dolmades , spanakopita , moussaka , and more. As we wait for our food, sipping our ouzo, I'm struck by how surreal this all feels. Just a week ago, I was drowning in paperwork at my mind-numbing insurance job in Asheville, North Carolina, and now I'm on the run from Greek security guards with a devastatingly handsome Brit. Life has a funny way of surprising you.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Declan asks, his fingers tracing lazy circles on the back of my hand.

I take a sip of ouzo, savoring the anise flavor. "Just thinking about how crazy this all is. A week ago, I was living the most boring life imaginable. And now..." I gesture vaguely at our surroundings.

"Do you regret it? Coming with me, I mean."

I consider his question for a moment. Do I regret throwing caution to the wind and jetting off to Europe to play naughty games with a man I barely know? Do I regret the heart pounding excitement, the breathtaking scenery, the body-shattering climaxes? I peer into Declan eyes and feel my heart skip a beat, the answer suddenly clear.

"Not for a second," I reply softly, surprising myself with my honesty. "These past few days have been...incredible. Terrifying at times, but incredible."

Declan grins with a radiance that's dazzling. He leans across the table, his lips just inches from mine. "I'm glad to hear it, because I've got plans for us, Bree. Big plans."

"Oh, really?" I arch an eyebrow, trying to ignore the way my pulse quickens from his proximity. "And what might those be?"

"For starters, I was thinking we could hop on my friend's yacht tomorrow and sail to Santorini. I know a little cove there---"

"Uh-uh-uh," I chastise, wagging a finger at him. "We agreed to a chase, not a lazy getaway in the Mediterranean."

That devilish amusement twinkles in his eyes again. "Ah, but who says we can't have both, love? A bit of leisure between the thrills?"

I lean back, crossing my arms. "I thought you were supposed to be this big, bad adventurer. Don't tell me you're going soft on me already."

"Never, darling. But even the most daring adventurers need a moment to recover their breath." He slides his hand onto my thigh, caressing my flesh with his fingertips. "Besides, I have some ideas for that yacht that are anything but soft."

Declan is sneaky, but he won't distract me with silky promises, not this time. "That's not how this game is supposed to go. You chase me ."

He slumps against his chair. "As you wish."

"I won't make it easy for you to find me this time."

"But how do you mean to foil me?"

"You'll see." My bladder thinks now is a good time for a bathroom break. So, I decide to use that to my advantage in this game of one-ups-manship with Declan. "Will you excuse me? I need to use the restroom. Please tell me this place has one."

"Naturally. It's directly opposite the doorway."

"Thank you."

I slink into the restroom and relieve myself, but that wasn't my only reason for sneaking in here. I get my phone and tap out a message to Diana Hahn. She seems the most likely to have the right connections to get this done for me. Her response comes quickly and provides exactly what I need. I follow her instructions, then thank her for the assist.

After sprucing myself up a bit, I return to Declan and our table. "How badly did you miss me?"


I shiver at the tickly sensation of his breath on my ear but force myself to stay focused. "Well, you're about to miss me a whole lot more, Sir Declan."

His eyebrows shoot up. "Oh? And why is that?"

I lean in, mirroring his posture, my lips almost brushing his ear. "Because in about thirty seconds, I'm going to disappear."

"You've become a magician?"

"Nope. I told you the truth. I'm about to vanish from your sight."

Declan pulls back, his brows wrinkling slightly. "Is that a challenge, love?"

"It's a promise," I say, just as Nikos appears with our first round of dishes.

The taverna owner sets down plates of steaming dolmades and spanakopita , the aroma making my mouth water. But I can't indulge, not yet. I stand up abruptly, making Declan start.

"Enjoy your meal," I say with a wink. "I'll be seeing you...eventually."

With that, I turn on my heel and dash out of the taverna, my heart pounding with exhilaration. I hear Declan's surprised shout behind me, but I don't look back as I weave through the narrow streets of Athens, my feet carrying me swiftly over the worn cobblestones.

The dark alley casts long shadows onto the street ahead of me as I navigate the maze-like alleys, relying on the directions Diana sent me. Left, right, another right, then straight for two blocks. I can hear Declan's footsteps behind me, his deep voice calling my name, but I don't slow down.

Finally, I spot what I'm looking for---a yellow taxi. Once I flag the driver down, I climb inside. Diana had warned me about Athens cabbies and how they sometimes try to scam tourists by claiming they provided extra services, like music playing during the trip. Diana told me never to pay more than the actual fare, excepting the tip. I'm so lucky to have a friend who knows the ins and outs of traveling in Greece. Diana has been there twenty-two times.

Wow. That's a lot of traveling.

The driver twists around in his seat to smile graciously at me. "Where may I take you, miss?"

"The airport, please."

His smile mutates into a wide grin. "You are American, eh? Let me turn the radio on for you to enjoy local music."

"I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather ride in silence and enjoy the view."

"Are you sure? I could---"

"Thank you, but no."

He sighs, then faces forward again. As the car rolls down the street, I glance back, half expecting to see Declan's tall figure chasing after me. But the narrow alleyway behind us is empty. I settle back into the seat, my heart still racing from the thrill of the escape and the chase to come.

The driver weaves through the bustling Athens traffic, and I watch as the ancient city blurs past my window. Part of me wonders if I've gone too far, if this game of cat and mouse is pushing things to the limit and beyond. But then I remember the mischievous glint in Declan's eyes, the way he thrives on challenges, and I know this is exactly the kind of adventure he craves.

One thing I've learned lately? I crave adventure too.

As we approach the airport, I pull out my phone to alert the pilots that I'm on my way. Diana's connections have come through once again, and I'll be heading somewhere farther north once I reach the jet. The driver stops along the curb where passengers enter the terminal. As I hand him some euros, including a nice tip, he grins at me.

"I am Isaak, by the way. And if you wish to have more Greek experiences, I can drive you to all the best towns and villages that tourists love to visit---"

"Thanks a lot, Isaak. But I have an itinerary all set."

I smile and wave at him as I jog toward the terminal entrance. Traveling by private jet is fantastic. No need to wade through security, and one of Diana's pilots is waiting for me to guide me back outside to the plane. Soon, we're in the air, headed to my next destination.

As the jet climbs into the sky, I peer out the window, my mind conjuring images of Declan clinging to the wing. I just stifle a laugh at that thought. He may be wild, but even Sir Declan has his limits.

"Can I get you anything, Ms. Remington?" The onboard chef's voice pulls me from my reverie.

"Just some water, please," I reply, settling back into the plush leather seat. As he walks away, I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Tabitha.

Hey sis, hope the wedding plans are going well. Don't worry, I'm still planning to make it back in time. Just having a bit of fun first.

I hesitate before hitting send, wondering if I should mention Declan. But no, that would lead to too many questions I'm not ready to answer. I press send and tuck my phone away, letting out a contented sigh as I gaze out the window at the clouds drifting by.

The chef returns with my water and a small plate of Greek pastries. He smiles and says, "Compliments of the chef."

I'm an American on a British jet with British pilots, yet I'm eating Greek food. How strange---and wonderful at the same time.

I thank the chef and nibble on a flaky baklava, savoring the sweetness of honey and nuts. While I eat, my mind wanders back to Declan. I wonder how long it took him to realize I was truly gone, and how he reacted when he found out I'd slipped away. Part of me feels a twinge of guilt for leaving him behind, but a larger part thrills at the chase.

I pull out my phone again and open my email, finding the itinerary I'd crafted during the drive to the Athens airport. My next stop is Budapest, another place I've always wanted to visit. I smile to myself, imagining Declan's face when he finds me in that ancient and mysterious locale. I suppose it's not mysterious to the residents. But for me, this is like stepping into another dimension.

While I nibble on the pastry some more, I can't help fantasizing about where and how Declan might track me down this time. He can't track me with his phone anymore. Two things I'm certain of are that he will catch me eventually, and we'll have scorching sex afterward.

I'm already getting turned on just thinking about that.

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