I don't even try to stifle my laughter. "Maybe for a moment there I wondered if you'd turn tail and run for the nearest pub. You aren't as spry as you used to be, old man."
"Old man?" He scoffs, feigning offense. "I'm only three years older than you."
Before I realize what he intends to do, Declan wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me flush against his muscular body. I gawk at him, unable to speak even one syllable. I always feel that way when he crushes his firm body to mine. The heat of his body awakens mine as my chest rises and falls rapidly. He always does this to me.
His voice has become a silken whisper that stimulates me in every way imaginable. "What was that you said about being caught, Bree?"
My lips part slightly as my gaze flickers between his entrancing eyes and his nibble-worthy lips. For a moment, I think he might kiss me right here on the promenade. But then that roguish glint ignites in his eyes again.
"This time, darling, I might be waiting for you instead of the other way round."
"It's doubtful. I had to slow down to make sure you could find me. Otherwise, you might've traipsed down the wrong street."
With a swift movement, I slip out of his grasp and shuffle backward. "Tell you what. If you can find me before sunset, I'll let you claim your prize. But if not..." I let my voice trail off as I back away from him even more. "I guess you'll just have to keep chasing me across Europe, won't you?"
"You drive a hard bargain, Sabrina. But I accept your challenge."
"Maybe I'll even widen the net to take this chase onto other continents."
The suggestive quirk of his lips unleashes liquid fire deep inside my sex, and I'm suddenly breathing harder. Declan always has that effect on me. But when I whirl around, blowing him a kiss over my shoulder, he doesn't even try to follow me. Not yet. As I disappear into the crowd along the Danube promenade, I glance back at Declan---only to find him gone.
What is that sly, shameless Brit up to now?
I weave through the bustling crowd, my mind whirling with thoughts of what he'll do if he reaches our destination first. Just imagining how our game will unfold sends an electric charge down my spine. Declan might think he's a genius, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
As I duck into a nearby café, the aroma of fresh pastries and coffee envelops me. Through the window, I scan the promenade, searching for any sign of Declan. But I don't see him. Might he be hot on my trail right now? He's good, I'll give him that. And he's totally committed to our game, just like I am.
Slipping out the back door, I find myself in a narrow alley. Perfect for losing a tail. I need to get to the airport, but I wouldn't mind a steamy interlude before we part ways again. So, I move out onto the street, slowing my pace, and allowing Declan to catch up---if he can. Then I notice an outdoor market up ahead and jog over there. Can't make it too easy for Declan to find me.
I'm browsing the offerings when a familiar scent wafts past me---a blend of spicy cologne and something uniquely Declan. My pulse quickens, but I force myself to remain casual, pretending to examine a display of colorful scarves.
"There you are, Bree." His deep, alluring voice shivers through me like a sultry breeze. "If you want to be surreptitious, my sweet, best cover up all that luscious strawberry blonde hair."
I spin around, pretending to be startled, though I doubt he buys my act. "Well, well, Sir Declan. Looks as if someone's navigation skills have improved."
"Perhaps." He leans against a display of fruits and vegetables, picking up a tomato to examine it. "Did you ever think that I might know you better than you know yourself, pet?"
"Now you're my therapist, hey?" I fold my arms over my chest, fighting the urge to close the gap between us. "I thought I was being so unpredictable. How did you find me?"
"Oh, you're unpredictable all right. But that's what makes this game so enticing."
His fingers brush my arm, sending sparks of electricity through my body. I bite my lip, trying to maintain my composure. "Well, Mr. Wilde, it seems you've found me before sunset. I suppose that means you've won your prize."
"And what a prize it is," he murmurs, his gaze roaming over my face, lingering on my lips.
I sashay up to him, using all my willpower not to rip his clothes off right here in the market. "But the question is, what are you going to do with me?"
In one swift motion, Declan pulls me behind a nearby stall, shielding us from prying eyes. His strong arms cage me against the wall, and I feel my heart racing. "How about a quick fuck before we part ways again?"
I gasp and clasp my hands to my breast, feigning shock. "Declan, we're in public."
His eyes darken with desire, and he leans in closer, his lips brushing my ear. "That's never stopped us before, love."
A shiver runs down my spine as memories of our past encounters flash through my mind. The thrill of almost getting caught, the rush of adrenaline...It's intoxicating.
"You're incorrigible," I whisper, but I can't keep the smile from my voice.
"Only for you, Bree," he murmurs, his hands sliding down to my ass.
I bite my lip, torn between wanting to give in to the temptation and the nagging voice of reason in my head. What we did back in the Propylaia had been the most incredible thing ever, but there wasn't anyone else around. Not sure if I'm ready for screwing Declan on a bustling street. "As tempting as that sounds, I have someplace to be. Remember?"
Declan groans, his forehead resting against mine. "You're killing me, Sabrina."
I can't resist running my fingers through his dark brown hair. "Oh, come on. You know you love the chase."
"That I do," he admits, pulling back slightly to look into my eyes. "But one of these days, I'm going to catch you for good."
For a moment, I let myself imagine what that might be like---no more running, no more games. Just Declan and me, together. But then reality crashes back in, and I push the thought away.
"We'll see about that," I tease, trying to lighten the mood. "For now, I'd like to know how you've been able to find me so quickly now that you don't have a tracker on my phone."
He studies me for a moment, his expression unreadable. "I'll tell you when we reach the next destination."
"But you won't know where to find me."
Declan smiles and shakes his head. "Oh ye of so little faith. Answers will come later."
I narrow my gaze on him, my curiosity piqued. "You're up to something, Your Knightliness. And I intend to find out what it is."
His lips curl into a sizzling smile. "I look forward to you trying, darling."
Before he has time to react, I'm ducking under his arm to step away, putting some distance between us before I lose all self-control. "Well, as fun as this has been, I really do need to get going. My flight won't wait for me."
He can't know that I'm flying private, on Diana's jet. Can he? Maybe he's good buddies with the billionaire, and that's how he tracked me down. The pilots might have given my flight plans to Diana. But I doubt that.
Declan's eyes follow me, and he seems both confused and aroused by my actions. "Where might you be jetting off to this time, Bree? You could at least give me a hint."
I tap my chin, pretending to consider his request. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe I'll spin a globe and see where my finger lands. Or maybe I'll just follow the wind and see where it takes me."
"You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"
"Why should I? The sex will be even better if you have to work to track me down. Time to put those detective skills of yours to good use."
"I fully intend to." He licks his lips, his gaze flitting to my bosom before he aims those baby blues directly at me. "And when I find you again, Sabrina Remington, there will be no escape."
"That's quite a promise. Now let's see if you can follow through."
I turn and disappear into the crowd, my heart pounding. As I weave through the throngs of people, I search for the familiar face of a certain Brit. I wonder if Declan will come up behind me, armed with his patented sexy sarcasm. But he's nowhere in sight.
I flag down a taxi and hop in, giving the driver directions to the airport in my best attempt at Hungarian. Okay, yeah, that means I speak very slowly in English until the driver gets annoyed when I wave a picture of the airport at him. As we pull away from the curb, I allow myself a small smile of triumph. I may have won this round, but I know Declan won't give up easily.
At the airport, I breeze through security and make my way to the gate. Just as I'm about to board Diana's jet, my phone buzzes with a text. It's Declan.
Safe travels, fair Sabrina. I'll see you soon.
Damn. How does he always manage to get the last word? It's impressive.
As I settle into my seat on the jet, I replay our encounter in my mind. The way Declan's arms felt around me, the intensity in his eyes, the promise of what could have been if I'd let it happen...I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. This game we're playing is dangerous, and not just because of the globe-trotting pursuit.
The jet takes off, and I watch Budapest shrink beneath us. Part of me wonders if Declan is down there somewhere, plotting his next move. Deep down, I hope he is.
"Still heading for Paris, Miss Remington?" the co-pilot asks.
I jump a little since I hadn't even noticed when he approached my seat. His question makes me stop and think for a moment. Where do I want to go? Though I had planned to head to Paris next, now I'm not so sure. Declan's always been good at predicting my moves, and I don't want to make it too easy for him.
Then an idea strikes me like a baseball to the head. "You know what? Let's shake things up a bit. How about we head to Marrakesh instead?"
The co-pilot nods, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Very good, Miss Remington. I'll inform the captain."
As he walks away, I settle back into my seat, feeling quite pleased with myself. Marrakesh should throw Declan off my trail for a while. The vibrant colors, the bustling souks, the exotic scents---it's the perfect place to lose myself. And if Declan does manage to find me there...Well, I can think of worse places for our next encounter.
I pull out my phone, tempted to send Declan a cryptic message, but I resist. The less information he has, the more fun this will be. Instead, I shoot a quick text to my sister.
Change of plans. Heading to Marrakesh instead of Paris. Don't tell anyone!
Tabby's reply comes almost instantly. Ooh, mysterious! Have fun and stay safe. Love you.
I smile, grateful for my sister's unwavering support. As much as I love my globe-trotting game with Declan, I feel a twinge of guilt. Tabby's wedding is coming up soon, and here I am, gallivanting across the world with a man I can't seem to commit to.
What?! I jerk upright in my seat, suddenly struck by a cold panic. Commit to Declan? I barely know the man. He's yummy and incredible in bed, but I cannot ever marry anyone. Never again. But why did that thought slam into my mind? It doesn't mean anything.
The jet levels off, and I order a glass of champagne to calm my nerves. As I sip the bubbly liquid, I let my mind wander back to Declan. Those delicious muscles, that devilish smirk, the way his strong hands felt on my body...
I shake my head, desperately trying to dispel the images. This is exactly why I need to put some distance between us. Declan Wilde is dangerous---not just because of his ability to knock me off kilter, but also because of the way he can so easily talk me into doing crazy, amazing things. And the way he makes me feel as if I could actually trust a man again. Like I could fall...
No. I can't go there. Not after what happened with Peter.
I drain my champagne glass and signal for another. As the co-pilot refills it, I pull out my laptop, determined to distract myself with work. There are always insurance policies to review, risk assessments to complete. Boring, safe, predictable work---exactly what I need right now.
But as I stare at the screen, the words blur together. My mind keeps drifting back to Declan, to the way his eyes lit up when he found me in the market. The thrill of our cat and mouse game pulses through me, making it impossible to focus on actuarial tables and policy exclusions.
With a frustrated sigh, I snap my laptop shut. Who am I kidding? There's no way I can concentrate on work right now, not with the memory of Declan's touch still burning on my skin.
I gaze out the window at the endless expanse of sky as we soar over eastern Europe, my thoughts a jumbled mess. Part of me wonders if I'm making a mistake, running away to Marrakesh instead of letting things play out with Declan. But another part, the part that still bears the scars from my failed marriage, reminds me why I can't let myself get too close.
As the jet soars over the Mediterranean, I try to focus on the excitement of exploring Marrakesh. The vibrant colors, exotic scents, and bustling souks---medieval marketplaces that I'd love to check out---will be a welcome distraction. Plus, I've always wanted to stay in one of those luxurious riads in the old medina. Okay, maybe I read some articles online and used an online translation thingy to learn just enough Arabic to get by. But even as I picture myself sipping mint tea on a rooftop terrace, Declan's face keeps popping into my mind. That tousled dark hair, those luscious lips...
"Get it together, Sabrina," I mutter to myself, earning a curious glance from the co-pilot.
I flash him an apologetic smile and decide to get some sleep. Maybe a nap will help clear my head. As I recline my seat, I imagine what Declan might be doing right now. Is he still in Budapest, trying to figure out where I am?
When I wake up, the plane has already begun its descent into Marrakesh. Blinking away the last remnants of sleep, I peer out the window at the sprawling city below, a patchwork of terracotta rooftops and winding alleyways. The late afternoon sun bathes everything in a golden glow, and I feel a flutter of excitement in my chest.
As we touch down, I gather my belongings and thank the crew. The blast of toasty air that hits me as I step off the plane is a stark contrast to the cool air conditioning of the jet. I take a deep breath, inhaling the desert air.
My phone buzzes as I make my way through the airport. It's a text from Declan.
Enjoying the City of Lights, darling? Or have you given me the slip again?
I smile with no small measure of self-satisfaction, imagining his frustration at guessing wrong. But he isn't totally off base. I had intended to visit Paris next and only changed my mind once I reached the Budapest airport. While I'm exiting the jet, a sudden, wild thought rushes through my mind unbidden.
Declan, please catch me.