One Hot Chase (Hot Brits #12) Chapter Twenty-Five 96%
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Chapter Twenty-Five


I love the Wildes. They've welcomed me into their family and made me feel like I belong here. Julian and his wife, Margaret, tell me how they met and fell in love, then share the story of their son Finn's birth, which is quite a tale.

I listen intently, sipping my tea and trying not to choke on my laughter as Julian recounts how Finn decided to make his grand entrance into the world during a charity polo match. Margaret, bless her heart, had insisted on attending despite being ready to pop. As Julian mimes swinging a mallet while simultaneously attempting to usher his wife into the car, I catch Declan's eye across the room. He's leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

"And where were you during all this excitement, Declan?" I call out, unable to resist the urge to draw him into the conversation.

He pushes away from the wall, sauntering over here with all the grace of a panther on the prowl. "Oh, I was there, love. Someone had to keep Mum from throttling Dad for suggesting that Margaret 'hold it in for just one more chukker.' "

I snort into my teacup, nearly spilling the contents down my front. "Chukker? Sounds like a drinking game."

Declan's eyes sparkle with mischief as he plops down next to me on the sofa, his thigh brushing against mine. The contact sends a jolt through my body that I desperately try to ignore. "Ronald Wilde has never left a match early, so he couldn't understand Julian's refusal to keep going. I managed to pry Father away from Julian so he could rush to his wife's side."

Julian rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "I'll have you know I handled that situation with the utmost grace and composure."

Margaret lets out an unladylike snort. "Oh yes, darling. Nothing says 'grace and composure' quite like shouting 'My wife's having a baby, you wanker!' while frantically waving a polo mallet in the air at our father."

I burst into laughter, picturing the scene. "I'm sure it was quite the spectacle."

"Oh, it was," Declan chimes in. "The entire crowd thought it was part of some elaborate halftime show. There were cheers and whoops."

I turn to him, eyebrows raised. "And I suppose you just stood there looking devastatingly handsome and completely unruffled?"

His lips curl into a slow, dangerous smile. "Naturally. Someone had to maintain their composure."

A doorbell rings elsewhere in the house.

Constance Wilde abruptly leaps out of her chair. "Come, Sabrina, we have a wonderful surprise for you."

"You didn't need to do anything special."

"Nonsense." She seizes my arm, politely yet forcefully pulling me off the sofa. "Declan, dear, will you please escort Sabrina?"

Declan and I exchange bemused glances as Constance practically drags us out of the room. I love how easily his hand finds the small of my back, guiding me through the hallway with a gentle pressure that sends tingles up my spine.

"Any idea what this is about?" I whisper, leaning in close enough to get a whiff of his enticing cologne. It's woodsy and intoxicating, and I have to resist the urge to bury my face in his neck.

"Not a clue," he murmurs back, his breath tickling my ear. "But knowing Mum, it's bound to be...interesting."

We reach the foyer just as the butler opens the massive oak door, revealing familiar faces, and my jaw drops. "Tabitha?"

"Surprise!" my sister squeals, launching herself at me with all the grace of an excited teenager.

I stagger backward, nearly toppling over as Tabitha's enthusiasm threatens to bowl us both over. Declan's steady hand on my back keeps me upright, and I'm torn between gratitude for his support and acute awareness of his touch.

"Tabby?" I gasp, returning her embrace with equal fervor. "What on earth are you doing here?"

She pulls back, blinking in confusion. "Did you really think I'd let you have all the fun in jolly old England without me?"

Before I can respond, a deep, accented voice chimes in. "Don't forget about me, love. I'm not just the chauffeur, you know."

I peer around Tabitha to see her fiancé, Spencer, standing in the doorway while wearing a grin that could rival the Cheshire Cat's. His brown hair is tousled, and his blue eyes are focused on Tabby.

"Spencer!" I exclaim, breaking away from Tabitha to give him a quick hug. "I can't believe you're both here. We weren't expecting you until next week."

"We couldn't very well let you gallivant around London on your own, could we?" Spencer says, his accent somehow more pronounced than I remember. "Someone's got to keep you out of trouble."

I roll my eyes, but can't keep the grin off my face. "I'll have you know I'm perfectly capable of staying out of trouble on my own, thank you very much."

"Is that so?" Declan's voice is low and teasing in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "And here I thought you were actively seeking it out."

I turn to face him, ready with a snappy retort, but the words die on my lips as I realize my parents are standing just behind Tabby and Spence. My mouth goes dry as I take in the sight of my parents, standing there like they've just stepped out of a time machine.

Mom, with her flowing tie-dye dress and silver-streaked hair twisted into an elaborate braid, beams at me with all the brilliance of the sun. Dad, sporting a blend of hippie chic and academic professor style---complete with elbow patches on his tweed jacket---offers a sheepish wave.

My eyes narrow on them. "Why are you two dressed like that? You haven't worn hippie chic since I was ten years old."

Dad shrugs. "It was Tabby's idea. She thought it would be fun to show off our old hippie selves to your soon-to-be in-laws."

"In-laws!?" I virtually shriek.

The word "in-laws" echoes through the foyer, and I feel my face flush crimson. I shoot a panicked glance at Declan, who looks equally stunned, his blue eyes wide with surprise.

"Oh, sweetie-pie," my mother coos, pulling me into a quick hug. "We're just so thrilled you've found someone special. When Tabby told us about your whirlwind romance with this dashing Englishman, we simply had to come and meet him properly. You are engaged, after all."

Dad smirks and chucks my chin. "Relax, Bree. We're so damn happy that you've found your PC. That loser husband of yours didn't deserve you."

I feel the blood drain from my face as I whirl around to face Declan, who looks equally stunned. His gaze darts between me and my family. While my mouth gapes, Declan recovers first.

He flicks his gaze between Mom and Dad. "Ah, what gave you the idea that we're engaged?"

Julian inserts himself between my parents, setting a hand on their shoulders. "You underestimated the international grapevine, didn't you, Decky?"

"I don't understand."

"Ren sent Leo a text, asking when the wedding would be. He even offered to bring some Japanese food for the reception."

Declan's arm snakes around my waist, pulling me close against his side. "Well, darling, it seems our little secret's out."

Tabitha shrieks and claps. "Let's make it a double wedding!"

Spencer does a literal double take, and his eyes grow so wide that I think they might fall out of their sockets. "Double wedding? I don't see how we can pull that off in such a short."

"Let's all go inside and discuss the possibility." Tabby slides her arms around Spencer's waist and raises onto her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "I know you can make it happen...for me."

Her suggestive tone makes it clear she plans on using sex to convince her fiancé.

I feel like I've stepped into some bizarre alternate reality where everything's gone topsy-turvy. My brain is scrambling to comprehend the chaos unfolding around me. A double wedding? Declan and I have only just gotten engaged. We weren't planning to tell anybody yet. Now, my sister has turned this into a twofer. My heart is pounding so hard I'm surprised it hasn't burst right out of my chest.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I finally manage to sputter, holding up my hands. "Let's pump the brakes here for a second. There's been a huge misunderstanding."

But my protests are drowned out by the excited chatter of my family and the Wildes as they usher us further into the house. Declan's arm remains firmly around my waist, and I'm torn between wanting to melt into his embrace and wishing I could elbow him in the ribs for playing along with this charade.

Declan clears his throat. "Sabrina, darling, I think we need to have a little chat. In private."

I nod my agreement, feeling dizzy from the whirlwind of events. Our families file into the drawing room, chattering excitedly about wedding plans. But Declan smoothly steers me away from the doors and straight toward a quiet alcove off to the side.

"Sit down, please," he says. "It seems that we're not only engaged, but also becoming parties to a double wedding."

I groan, burying my face in my hands. "I am so, so sorry about this. I have no idea how they got that ridiculous notion in their heads."

Declan gently pries my hands away from my face. "No need to apologize, love. Though I must say, if we're to be married, I would've liked to have been consulted."

I can't stop the nervous laugh that bubbles out of me. "Consulted? You mean you're actually considering this crazy idea?"

He scratches his chin. "Well, I must admit, the idea of being married to you isn't entirely unappealing."

My heart does a little flip-flop in my chest, but I force myself to stay focused. "Declan, be serious. We can't get married. Not now. We barely know each other."

"Do we?" He raises an eyebrow, his voice dropping to a low, intimate tone. "I'd say we know quite a bit about each other, Bree. For instance, I know how you take your tea---Earl Grey with a splash of milk, no sugar. Or how you scrunch up your nose when you're trying not to laugh at one of my jokes."

A blush creeps up my cheeks as Declan's words sink in. He's right. We do know each other better than I'd care to admit. But still, marriage? It's absurd.

"Okay, fine," I concede. "We're not complete strangers. But that doesn't mean we should get married on a whim just because our families have decided we should do it."

He tugs me against his side and places a soft kiss on my forehead. "Who says it has to be on a whim? We could have a long engagement. Very long. Years, even."

I snort at that. "And let our families plan this elaborate double wedding for years? That sounds like torture."

"Fair point. The alternative is that we...go along with it and see where this new adventure takes us. Just imagine our honeymoon in Tahiti..."

"That does sound sublime. But still---"

He holds my face with both hands, urging me to stare into his eyes. "This could be our wildest adventure yet. Why not jump in headfirst, like we did on the night we met? Let's see how the future unfolds. I love you with all my heart and soul, and no amount of waiting will change that. What do you say, Sabrina?"

I gaze deeply into Declan's eyes, my pulse accelerating by the second. His proposal is crazy, impulsive, and absolutely terrifying. It's also thrilling in a way I can't quite explain. For a moment, I let myself imagine it---waking up next to Declan every morning, building a life together, facing whatever challenges come our way as a team, having children.

"You're insane," I whisper, but there's no force behind the words. "This is completely bonkers."

"Perhaps. But isn't that what makes life interesting?"

Laughter snorts out of me, and I shake my head. "You're impossible."

"And yet, you love me anyway." He nuzzles my cheek. "Just say yes. You know you want to."

"God help me, I must be as insane as you are, but..." I grasp his face with both hands and kiss him passionately. "Yes, Declan, yes. I want a double wedding."

He sweeps me up in his arms and leaps off the bench, spinning us round and round while whooping. I laugh and whoop too, clinging to Declan, my heart soaring with a mixture of excitement and sheer terror until we finally come to a stop.

"You won't regret this, Bree."

"I better not," I tease, my fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. "Otherwise, my hippie family will have to shoot you. We're all crack shots, you know. Or maybe Spencer's crazy friends will neutralize you."

Our families burst out of the drawing room, shouting various exclamations of joy. They clearly heard me shrieking and Declan whooping.

"Oh, sweetie!" my mother exclaims, rushing over to envelop us both in a suffocating hug. "We heard the commotion. Does this mean what I think it means?"

I exchange a glance with Declan, and he shrugs. I decide to torture them a little. "Well..."

Our families wait with rapt attention for our announcement.

I take a deep breath and say, "We're in. Double wedding it is."

The room erupts in more cheers and squeals of delight. Tabitha practically launches herself at me, nearly knocking me over in her enthusiasm. "Oh, Bree! This is going to be amazing!"

As our families swarm us, offering congratulations and already beginning to chatter about wedding plans, I feel a moment of panic. Declan must sense my unease because he pulls me close.

"Don't worry, Bree. We've got this."

His words, and the tickling of his breath on my skin, make the hairs on my arms lift. I lean into him, drawing strength from his solid presence.

"All right, All right!" Constance's voice rises above the excited chatter. "This calls for a celebration. Champagne for everyone!"

As if by magic, the butler appears with a tray of champagne flutes. The glasses and the bottles get passed around, and I find myself clinking glasses with my sister, her fiancé, my parents, and the entire Wilde clan.

"To the happy couples!" Julian toasts, raising his glass high.

"To love and adventure!" my mother chimes in, her eyes misty with happy tears.

As everyone sips and laughs, I smile at Declan over the rim of my glass. He winks at me with that familiar mischievous glint in his eye. The butterflies fluttering in my stomach prove to me I've made the right choice---with Declan and with our wedding plans---and I smile right back at him.

"So, when's the big day?" Darcy inquires, throwing an arm around Tabitha.

"As soon as we can arrange everything. Spencer and I already have the venue booked, though we'll need to move the date up."

Constance scrunches her brows. "How can you change the date so quickly? Wedding planners require---"

"Our friends are doing the planning," Tabby tells her. "And the venue will be Sommerleigh House."

"The home of Lord and Lady Sommerleigh? I know Hugh and his mother quite well. Rosalyn is a wonderful woman."

The double wedding is now officially on. And I can't wait.

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