One Little Chance (Sweet River) Chapter 21 85%
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Chapter 21



good morning fiancé


good morning soon-to-be husband


ready to show off that ring at the most happening spot in town??


the Christmas tree lot is the most happening spot in town?


if we’re judging by the parking, oh yeah

I f you were looking for a fresh, real Christmas tree in Sweet River, the Holly & Ivy Christmas Tree Lot was the place to go. They didn’t only sell trees. They had fresh garland and wreaths, a hot chocolate stand, and a Santa with a line of kids weaving down the block. I was looking for a tree, and I’d enlisted my fiancé to help me pick and haul it home.

The scent of spruce and fir mingled with cocoa and peppermint hit my senses as we walked onto the lot hand in hand. The ring on my finger sent a little thrill down my spine.

“Okay, we need hot chocolate with marshmallows, stat.” I squeezed Jordan’s hand.

“Oh, you don’t have to tell me. That’s exactly where I was headed,” Jordan said, his breath coming out in frosty puffs.

We stood in line for the hot cocoa stand, Jordan warming my fingers in both of his hands, when I spotted Emma Brown and Gabriel Hernandez standing amongst the rows of Christmas trees. She had on a floppy Christmas hat over her long blonde hair and was giggling while Gabriel showed her a picture he’d taken on his phone. He had some fancy camera attachment on it.

I turned back to Jordan, who was reading the menu. “Do we need chocolate dip pretzels or roast chestnuts? Or both?”


“Hey you two,” I heard a familiar voice. Lucy Rhodes, the redheaded kindergarten teacher was in line behind us with her sisters, Gracie and Olivia.

“Hi there,” I said. “Looking for a tree?”

“Yeah, Liv and I are roommates, so we’re scoping out the perfect tree for our place,” Lucy said, nodding her head toward her smaller, freckly older sister.

“All I know is I want it to be poofy, like maybe a spruce or something,” Olivia mused, really pondering her tree choices.

“I like ‘em tall,” I said.

“Obviously.” Lucy giggled, eyeing Jordan from her five foot three stature. He had over a foot on her.

I felt my cheeks go pink. “I suppose that’s true.”

“Can you believe it’s been nearly a year since our impromptu group Valentine’s dinner?” Lucy asked as we stepped forward in line. “And look where you are now.”

I lifted my left hand and wiggled my ring finger. Lucy’s jaw dropped. We both started to squeal. “He asked last night!”

Suddenly, Jordan and I were wrapped up in the arms of all three Rhodes sisters.

“ A happy couple looking for a Christmas tree!” A cheerful man with a long silvery beard found us amongst the rows of fir trees later. “My name’s Richard and I’m happy to assist you. What size are you thinking?”

“The tree is for Sophie here. All she’s given me is she wants it tall, green, and smelling like Christmas.” Jordan shook the guy’s hand.

“The smelling like Christmas is the real non-negotiable,” I explained.

Richard nodded seriously. “Let’s talk the dimensions of your living room,” Richard said, eyeing the trees around us. “You might like a tall tree, but what’s your ceiling height?”

Jordan started answering with information about the living room in my rental… but all I could imagine was our new home. The one we were going to fix up together. The one we’d always dreamed about.

I imagined the two of us wrapping a tree in golden lights in the living room where he proposed.

But I didn’t want it to live only in my imagination.

“I’ve got a popular one this way.” We followed Richard down a grassy path. Jordan excitedly grabbed my hand.

I was so much more than ready for our future together. I wanted it to start right now .

I didn’t want to spend the holidays as anything but his wife. I was ready for Christmas mornings in our dream home and Valentine’s Day mornings whispering husband in his ear.

We’d waited long enough to find our way back to each other. Why spend any more of our time together waiting?

I was having this epiphany as Richard chatted tree dimensions with Jordan. I swallowed.

“Actually, could we have a few minutes to talk it over?” I interrupted the two of them.

“Sure, sure. Come find me when you’re ready,” Richard said before walking off in the shadow of plush pines.

I turned to Jordan, fixing my eyes on his and hoping he was feeling what I was feeling. “I was just thinking…doesn’t it feel silly to buy a Christmas tree for anywhere other than our dream home?”

He jutted out his chin in consideration. “I’m listening.”

“I know the place is a fixer-upper, but it’s definitely livable.” I put my hands in my coat pockets.

“You want to move into the new house before Christmas?”

“It’s more than that, honestly. I want to wake up Christmas morning with my husband.”

Jordan’s brows shot up. “Rogers, I’m your husband whenever you want me to be your husband.”

“Should we call over Richard? See if he’s ordained?” I stood on my tiptoes, pretending to look around for him.

“So you’re saying you don’t want to wait until spring?”

“I’m saying I don’t want to wait until the New Year.” I felt excitement bubbling up from my toes to my ears.

S weet River was having its grand Christmas tree lighting downtown in front of city hall. Coffees and Commas was open late for the occasion so people could have warm cinnamon scones and gingerbread hot chocolate as they waited for the ceremony. Sweet River Orchestra was playing Christmas music on the city hall lawn under a sky of winter stars.

Like two giddy kids in love, Jordan and I raced down the sidewalks, trying to find our families. City Hall had thick garland sloped across the front windows.

Everyone had arrived earlier than us. We’d gotten distracted gleefully planning our wedding. We’d agreed on the location in seconds, so I’d made a few calls to secure it while Jordan and Richard strapped the tree to the top of our truck. Then when we went to drop off the tree at our new house, we got caught up in figuring out all the details.

Jordan spun me around in the living room of our house, his big hands under my fluffy coat. “We’re really doing this.”

My mom spotted me in the bustling downtown crowd waving her hand in the air. “Sophie!” she called out.

The rest of the crew turned to see us.

“Next week? Is this really happening?” Pat nearly shouted as Jordan and I walked up.

Sarah’s eyes were wide. “I thought your text message was a joke at first!” She bit her lip. “But then when I thought about it, it actually makes perfect sense.”

“You said in your message you guys already got the location?” Jenna asked, holding a plastic cup to her mouth.

I nodded excitedly.

Orlando hung an arm around my shoulder. “I’m Brother of Honor, right?”

“We decided on that when we were kids,” I said into his shoulder. We pulled apart, misty-eyed. “I have to have you there beside me.”

“So this is happening,” my mom said, as the music came to a stop. “You’re getting married in a week .”

“This is happening,” I whispered. The Christmas music faded away, and the countdown began. Our Sweet River mayor held a red button in his hand.

“We have a week to plan a wedding.” She covered her face with her hands.

“A Christmas wedding,” Sarah added. “I love it.” She sighed wistfully.

“Three, two,” people shouted while Jordan slipped his arms around my waist from behind, tugging me against the warmth of his chest on this cold night.

The crowd cheered, “One!” and just like that, the twelve-foot tree was lit with glowing, multicolored lights in the center of downtown. The orchestra began to play “O Christmas Tree,” as everyone clapped and cheered.

I hadn’t felt so sure in a long time that I was exactly where I wanted to be.

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