I never want to leave this bed. Bash’s bare chest rises and falls in slumber against my back. His arm wrapped around my waist at some point during the night, pulling me closer to him. I had the best night of sleep, my little spoon fitting into his big one as if they were always meant to be that way.
While I’m not used to actually sleeping with others, I’ve never been so comfortable doing so. Snacking on sugar all night left me crashing somewhere between Doctor Strange and Iron Man , the second and third movie in Bash’s Marvel marathon.
It was fun experiencing this fictional universe with him. It was clear that Bash has not only watched the movies several times but has also read up on them. He kept whispering little facts about the making of the movie or hidden meanings in a scene I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed.
I’m not too stubborn to admit that it was adorable. Heck, Bash is adorable, so as much as I don’t want to, I need to get out of this bed. It’s all feeling too comfortable, which leads to complacency, and the next thing I know, I’m going to be throwing my convictions out the window for a life on Bash’s arm. I wasn’t born to be anyone’s arm candy.
There are friends, and then there’s this . While nothing sexual happened last night, it almost feels as if what we’re doing now is worse. We’re getting too comfortable with one another, and the kind of love that seeps in during the quiet moments is the kind that stays. Anyone can shout boldly about love with flashy gestures. The fanfare goes away eventually. It’s the sweet moments behind closed doors, the genuine affection that threatens to expose me.
Holding my breath, I slowly lift Bash’s arm. His muscles twitch, and his hold on me tightens, pulling me back into his chest.
“Not yet,” he grumbles, half asleep behind me.
I rub his arm. “I have to go.”
“Too sleepy.”
“You stay here and sleep. I’m getting up.”
“Ari, I’m too comfortable to move. ”
“Then don’t move.”
“I need you here. You’re part of that comfort.”
The corners of my mouth tilt up in a grin. “Bash,” I sigh. “I really should go. I think we’re a little too comfortable.”
He holds me tighter. “This is friend snuggle time.”
I chuckle. “There is no such thing as friend snuggle time.” I turn around beneath his arm so I’m facing him. His big blue eyes hold my gaze. Even half asleep, he’s the most beautiful man.
“I had fun last night,” I admit.
“Yeah, me too.”
“Does your tattoo hurt?”
He looks momentarily confused as if he had forgotten all about it. “Oh… you should check it out. Make sure it’s looking good.”
I press my palm against his chest. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
“Yeah, I don’t even feel it.”
“I gotta go,” I say.
“Fine, but you need to pay the toll first.”
“And what’s that?”
He lifts his arm from my waist and moves his hand to his mouth, his pointer finger tapping his lips.
I push against his chest. “Bash,” I whine. “We agreed to be friends.”
“Friends kiss. ”
“No. They don’t.” I chuckle.
“They could.” He shrugs.
I stare into his beautiful blues, and my chest hurts with the adoration I find in their depths. “I thought you were fine just being friends.”
He runs his finger over my lips, the gesture sending shivers down my spine. “I was, at that moment. I don’t know what it is about you, but I think I’m obsessed. I convince myself I don’t want you, but it’s really hard to lie to oneself. You know? I’m like this emotional yo-yo. Just when I think I’ve pulled away from you, I hurl myself right back.”
I shake my head. “I’ll only hurt you.”
“You won’t.”
“Believe me. I will. You know I’m stubborn as hell…”
“Yeah, I know.” He flashes me a barely-there smile that has me second-guessing everything, but only for a moment.
“Well, I have plans, and they come before anything else, including you. You may have been the right guy on another timeline, but it’s not the right time.”
“Fine.” He sighs. “Well, maybe we should make another bet today where you put another stupid tattoo on my body so I can be mad at you again.”
I hit his chest. “I knew you were mad. ”
He laughs. “I wasn’t. I’m just teasing. Go.” He moves back, allowing me space to leave.
The loss of contact creates this void within me. None of this makes sense. I know what I need, and I’ve never wavered. Yet I can’t deny that I feel drawn to this man in a manner that seems bigger than lust.
I climb off the bed and turn back to face him. Leaning down, I press my hands against the mattress in front of him, and his body stills. With closed eyes, I press my lips to his in a chaste kiss.
“I really am sorry,” I whisper against his lips.
Standing, I turn toward the door and don’t spare him a backward glance as I leave the room.
Freshly showered, wearing the uniform of the week—a bikini and a cover-up—I pour creamer into my coffee.
“What’d you do last night? I barely saw you,” my mom asks, filling a plate with berries.
I sprinkle some cinnamon on my coffee. “I started a Marvel movie marathon with Bash.”
“What?” Jaden shrieks, padding through the kitchen in his bare feet in only his swim trunks. “You guys were marathoning and didn’t tell the rest of us?” He has visible purplish bags under his eyes .
I look him up and down. “Why are you up so early?”
He brings his hand up and rubs the back of his neck. “I actually haven’t been to bed yet.”
“Really?” I giggle. “Must’ve been quite the night.”
Max, Eddy, Logan, and four women in string bikinis that I’ve never seen before come barreling into the kitchen, entirely too loud for this hour.
“Oh, hey,” one of the girls says with a wave.
Jaden looks over his shoulder. “We met some friends last night.”
I nod, my eyes wide. “I see that. Good for you.”
Max throws one of the girls over his shoulder and runs toward the stairs. The others follow.
“Where’d you meet your friends?” I ask Jaden.
“We went out to this local bar and came back here for an after-party. Anyway, I should…” He hitches his thumb toward the staircase.
“Have fun.” I wave him away.
I put the creamer back in the refrigerator, then dish some berries and quiche onto a plate and follow my mom to a table outside.
“I guess you missed all the fun last night.” She shakes her head.
“Yeah, I guess so. You missed it, too?”
She nods. “We were in bed by nine. I don’t know if it’s this pregnancy or what, but I’m exhausted. ”
“I’m sure it’s the pregnancy, Ma. You are growing a human.”
“True. So tell me about this marathon.”
I plop a blackberry in my mouth. “Well, I mentioned to Bash that I’d never seen any of the Marvel movies, so he insisted I do. I came down here to get movie snacks and drinks, but I didn’t see you.”
“Yeah, I don’t know where I was.” Mom looks at her plate, and if I’m not mistaken, there is a flush to her cheeks, making it very clear I don’t want to know what she was doing.
“Well, anyway, we started with Captain America , and then Doctor Strange , and then Iron Man . But I must’ve fallen asleep right after Iron Man started because I don’t remember any of it.”
She smiles. “I’m glad you have Bash to hang out with. He’s a nice friend to have.” She points her fork toward me. “You know, he has a sister around your age at Michigan State, too.”
“Yeah, that’s what he says. He said I’d like her.”
“Oh, I’m sure. I think his whole family is super sweet from what Beckett tells me.”
I move around the pieces of egg that have fallen from my quiche on my plate. “Honestly, everyone here is so nice. I can see why you love your job.”
She nods and releases a sigh. “Yeah, I got really lucky. It’s crazy how life turns out sometimes. Who knew this was where I’d be a year ago? Somedays, it’s hard to believe it’s real.” She looks down at her plate. A sadness crosses her face, and my heart hurts for her.
I can’t imagine what it felt like to struggle every day for twenty-two years as my mom did. She had to fight hard for this life.
Reaching for her hand, I squeeze. “It’s real, and you deserve it. You’ve fought your whole life to get here. Maybe that’s why it’s so incredible. You always said dreams don’t come easy. You have to work for them.”
“Yeah,” she agrees. “And I’m so proud of you and everything you’re doing at school to make all your dreams come true.”
I give her a smile.
Accomplishing my dreams isn’t an option. It’s a guarantee. One thing I’ll never do is disappoint my mother. A lot of uncertainty hovers over me this week, but I have no doubt about the path I must take to make my dreams come true. Sometimes what we want and what we need are two very different things, and strength is knowing which is more important.