One Pucking Destiny (Crane Hockey #4) BONUS CHRISTMAS EPILOGUE 100%
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Cell phone out, I snap pictures of our girls as their daddy pulls them over the snow-covered ground of the Christmas tree farm. They’re sitting atop a plush white blanket on their old-fashioned wooden sled. We had a big snowfall last night. The cold winter air from the snowstorm lingers, whipping through the trees. My babies, bundled up in their winter gear, look like sweet little Arctic princesses, their cheeks pink from the cool wind. The rows of pine trees surrounding them provide a perfect picturesque backdrop.

“Do we see a tree we like?” Bash calls over his shoulder.

“Not yet!” I say, though admittedly, I haven’t been looking.

I can’t help it. The girls are too precious, and I need to grab all the pictures.

Snow in December is unpredictable in Michigan, which is why we’re getting our tree a little later this year. I wanted to wait until we got a good amount of snow to go to the Christmas tree farm because I knew the photos would be priceless.

To say I’m obsessed with our girls is an understatement. They are the most beautiful angels to ever exist. Growing up, I never dreamed of being a mother. Sure, I figured I’d have children someday, but I wasn’t one of those girls who fantasized about it. I was too busy crushing my academic and career goals to think about being a mom.

I adore my career as a veterinarian and am very fortunate, given my husband’s salary, to choose how often I work. While the girls are young, I’ve reduced my hours to part-time. I enjoy working with animals every day, and it makes me happy. But spending more time with Charlie and Billie is a gift. I know these precious moments are fleeting, and I don’t want to miss them.

Charlotte Elena, our sweet Charlie, came into this world almost three years ago, just a month after my mother gave birth to her second son, Chase.

Bash and I weren’t planning on having kids so soon. Our first year of marriage wasn’t ideal, with all the travel back and forth while I was finishing school, but we made it work. After graduation, we planned to take some time to enjoy just the two of us. I left my studio apartment for good and was able to live in the house we purchased before our wedding full time. That second year of marriage was incredible. I got a job at a local vet office, worked, and traveled to as many of the Crane’s road games as I could. Bash and I were inseparable and never spent more than a day apart. It was such a busy time and so much fun.

So busy, in fact, that I forgot to take my birth control for a couple of days. And late into our second year of marriage, I found out I was pregnant with Charlotte. Despite not planning the pregnancy, we were excited. As Bash does, he chalked it up to fate. She was simply meant to be at that time in our lives, and he was right. She was always meant to be ours.

Two years later, I gave birth to our second daughter, Billie Rose, who we named after Bash’s grandma.

Appearance-wise, the girls are a perfect combination of us both and look so similar to one another. Bash’s lighter features, blue eyes, and blond hair mixed with my olive skin, brown hair, and brown eyes to create the most beautiful little girls. They have light olive skin, sandy-blond hair, and hazel eyes that appear green with golden flecks. They have their daddy’s smile and light up a room with a single grin.

I notice our dog shivering in Charlie’s lap. “Charlie, honey, put the blankie over Baby. She’s cold.”

Charlie covers Baby up and gives her a kiss on the head.

Baby came into our lives a year ago after the Cranes Care organization volunteered at an adoption drive for a local animal shelter. She was the dog that Bash had been assigned to and the only one not adopted that day. So, of course, he insisted that he had some connection to her and felt she was meant to be part of our family.

We had been on the lookout for a cute puppy, but Baby was not what I had in mind. She was, without a doubt, the ugliest dog I’d ever seen.

She’s four pounds soaking wet with wiry hair that points in all different directions. One of her ears sticks straight up while the other flops down. She breathes like she’s smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for thirty years, and half the time, her tongue sticks out the side of her mouth. She’s a mutt, and we have no idea what breeds make up her appearance. If I had to guess, I’d say half sewer rat, half gremlin.

In fact, Gremlin was in contention for her name for a while. But little two-year-old Charlie carried her around all day, calling her “Baby” until the name stuck.

Bash was right—she’s the perfect dog for our family. She’s so calm and lets the girls carry her around, push her in the doll stroller, and dress her up. She remains at their side, loving them and protecting them. Not that she could protect them from much, but she sure thinks she can. She sleeps with Charlie every night and goes almost everywhere with us. And really, she’s so ugly that she’s cute, adorably so.

Bash halts and looks back at me. “Babe.” He smiles. “Just remember we have to carry this tree back to the car, so the farther back we go… Are we sure there aren’t any good ones nearby?”

“Oh yeah, true. Honestly, I haven’t been looking at the trees because look…” My gloved hand motions toward the sled.

“I know. They’re adorable.” He chuckles. “Let’s stop here. Get all the pictures you want and pick out a tree.”

Bash reaches for Charlie and Baby, lifting them from the sled while I grab Billie. The snow comes to the top of their fur-lined boots as we place them in front of an evergreen. I take all combinations of pictures with the girls both in and out of the sled, together and individually. After a nice man walking by snaps a few family shots of us, I agree it’s time to choose a tree.

“What do we think? This one?” Bash motions toward a healthy, symmetrical tree.

“This one!” Charlie points toward a half-dead pine to her side and looks up at her dad with a huge smile.

My gaze darts toward Bash, my eyes full of warning. I’m not signing off on a half-dead tree. Besides looking hideous, it’s a fire hazard.

Bash gasps and looks at another tree. “Oh my goodness, look how green this one is! It must be a special one. Whoever gets this one is so lucky!”

Charlie abandons all thoughts of the fire hazard and trudges through the snow toward her daddy. “That one! I want that one!”

“Oh, you think we should get this one?” Bash raises a brow and looks down toward Charlie.

She claps her gloved hands together, and the fuzzy ball atop her stocking hat bounces up and down as she jumps. “Yes! Yes!”

“What do you think, Mommy? Should we get this special green tree?” Bash shoots me a smile, and my heart melts.

“Oh, I think so. That’s a perfect tree, Charlie girl. Good job!” Charlie’s smile, the same one her dad wears, beams up at me with pride.

Retrieving Baby from the snow, I place her in the sled and cover her up with the blanket before I scoop Billie up into my arms. “Do you like this one?” I ask my little cherub.

At one, she isn’t a big talker yet, but her face lights up as she nods.

“Billie agrees!” I say. “Then it’s settled. That’s our Christmas tree.”

Bash gets to work, moving the handsaw back and forth while I record some video of Charlie and Billie doing snow angels among the evergreens.

Billie’s bottom lip puffs out, and her mouth begins to tremble. Rushing toward her, I sweep her into my arms as her full-on cries ensue.

“All finished,” Bash says as he takes the tree he’s secured with twine and hoists it over his shoulder.

“Perfect timing.” I rub my hand against Billie’s back, trying to soothe her as she attempts to tell me what’s bothering her.

“Snow in her boots.” Charlie pulls at Billie’s feet.

I swipe the tears from Billie’s cheeks. “Is that it, sweetie? Are your feet cold?”

Billie nods, and I hold her against my chest. “Do you think a hot chocolate will warm you up?” Billie’s head bobs again, and her tears slow.

“Okay, come on. Let’s go get some hot chocolate.” I place Billie back on the sled and wait as Charlie gets settled behind her. “Thank you for looking out for your little sister,” I tell Charlie, grateful she can translate Billie’s baby talk.

Charlie smiles with pride and makes a show of rubbing Billie’s back.

“You’re such a good sister,” I beam. “Hold tight to Baby, and let’s get out of here.”

We make our way back to our vehicle and get the girls buckled into their car seats. Standing by the back passenger door, I ogle over Bash as he lifts the tree onto the top of the SUV. Everything he does is a turn-on. My husband is the sexiest man I’ve ever met.

Noticing my stare, he chuckles. “It’s not that heavy.”

“Well, you look good doing it.” My brows raise suggestively, causing Bash to laugh again.

“Tonight, babe.”

I release a contented sigh and slide into the front passenger seat.

The tree farm is only a twenty-minute drive from our house, but both girls will be out cold when we get back. Christmas tree farm photo shoots are exhausting.

Reaching over the center console, I squeeze Bash’s thigh. “Let’s get ’em in bed. Hopefully, we’ll have a good twenty minutes before they wake.”

Bash’s tongue peeks out, wetting his lips. His bright blue eyes darken as he says, “I can do a lot with twenty minutes.”

The girls have a sleepover at my mom and Beckett’s house tonight that Bash and I have been looking forward to for a long time. I know he has an amazing date night planned that will surely be followed by even more incredible alone time. But having both girls napping at the same time is a gift, one that we plan to take full advantage of.

My husband and I work in tandem to efficiently and quietly get the girls and the dog into their beds. I carefully pull off Billie’s boots and wet winter gear, not wanting her to be cold, and tuck her under her covers. Thankfully, she doesn’t stir. The excitement of the morning has her in a deep sleep.

Tiptoeing out of her room, I close her bedroom door. Bash sneaks out of Charlie’s room, and the cadence of my heart accelerates.

Everything about being a mom makes me happy. I love the role so much, and I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. The only minor downfall is not being able to be with Bash when I want to. The baby and toddler stage is not for the faint of heart. As much as we try to follow schedules, our life is ruled by the girls’ internal clocks.

Bash threads his fingers through mine, and we hurry toward our room.

Inside the bedroom, Bash pushes my back against the closed door, and his mouth captures mine. He releases a guttural sigh into my mouth as his tongue dances with mine. Simultaneously, we unbutton our jeans and leave them on the ground.

“Charlie was already stirring,” he whispers against my lips. “This will be fast, but I promise to make up for it tonight.”

“Works for me,” I say as he circles his arms around my thighs and lifts me from the floor.

I wrap my legs around him and reach between our bodies to guide him inside me. My back hits the wooden door as he slides in deep. As always, he feels incredible, and the exquisite release within me starts to build.

Gliding my fingers through the short hair at the nape of his neck, I pull his face against mine as our tongues mimic the motions below. Bash thrusts into me again and again, each movement insanely perfect. I moan into his mouth, wanting this feeling to last forever.

He grips my ass as his beautiful assault continues. My body trembles with heat as the sensations within me build.

“Ari.” He groans my name, and it’s a plea.

He thrusts harder and I know he wants me to fall over the edge with him. Moving a hand between us, I rub my fingers against my bundle of nerves and feel his shaft moving in and out of me.

My breaths become labored as the tingle on my skin builds. I can feel my release threatening to explode from my scalp to the tips of my toes. Every nerve is on fire.

“Oh, Bash,” I cry out as sensation detonates from within my core and burns throughout my body.

My husband falls into euphoria with me. Our bodies tremble against one another as he comes inside me.

Still connected, he leans his forehead against mine as we catch our breath.

A little voice breaks through our post-coital haze. “Mama! Mama! You said we could have hot chocolate,” Charlie calls out as she passes our door to what I’m sure is her journey to the kitchen.

Bash plants a kiss on my lips as I unwrap my legs from his body. Snatching our pants from the floor, we hurry to our bathroom.

“Go ahead and get cleaned up, and I’ll get the hot cocoa started for the little princess,” Bash, now fully clothed, says as he washes his hands.

“Mama!” Charlie screams.

We laugh.

“Hurry before she wakes up her sister.”

Bash tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. Now, go,” I shoo him out with a chuckle. “She’s going to wake up Billie.”

“On it.” Bash presses his lips to mine in a quick peck before he runs from the room.


The vision of Ari walking down the aisle on our wedding day is one of my most sacred memories. I remember everything about it, from the way she wore her hair to the way her body moved in her dress as she walked. I remember her expression, her eyes brimming with tears as she held my stare and her smile that radiated pure happiness and love. I recall it all so clearly because I knew that at that moment I loved Ari as much as humanly possible. My love was so visceral and all-encompassing, I was certain it had reached its limit. I loved Ari more than anyone could love another.

The truth is, I was naive to the depths that my love could grow.

Like the Grinch in Charlie’s favorite Christmas movie, my heart has only grown since the day Ari promised to be mine forever.

A universe worth of love was unlocked for me when I laid eyes on Charlie for the first time, and an additional universe was revealed when Billie Rose came into this world.

I’m so in love with this life that it feels impossible to contain. It seems unreal that one person should be this happy. But I am.

Ari was love at first sight for me, and though I thought my heart couldn’t possibly hold more love for her than it did on our wedding day, I was wrong. Because Ari as a mother makes me love her beyond what I thought possible.

In my eyes, my wife has always been perfection, but as a mother—she’s so much more than perfect. She’s more than I have words to express. She’s everything.

“Mama, too many,” Charlie whines over the fact that her little sister has now placed her tenth ornament on the same branch.

“It’s okay, Charlie girl. This is where Billie likes to put them, and that’s okay. You can put yours wherever you want them to go. Both ways are perfect.”

I see so much of Ari in Charlie. Our firstborn is a little perfectionist and as much as an overachiever as a three-year-old can be. Ari is so good at celebrating Charlie while giving her the grace to make mistakes and know it’s okay.

Strong-willed girls grow into confident women who will change the world. I love that for my daughter, and she’s already changed my world for the better. I don’t ever want her destiny to pass her because she’s afraid to be vulnerable. And I know she’s only three, but I feel like we, as parents, are doing a pretty great job of making a safe space where all her feelings are valid.

Ari and I both agree that our role as parents to these two girls is the greatest privilege and responsibility we’ll ever have.

When the tree has been sufficiently decorated, we move into the kitchen, where I promised Charlie we’d make some holiday sugar cookies to take over to Grandma and Grandpa’s tonight.

Baking is one of our favorite family activities, and we do it quite often. It’s something that the whole family enjoys doing together. It’s no secret that the girls’ favorite part is eating the dough, but really, that is one of the best parts, regardless of one’s age.

“You got a cup of flour?” I ask Charlie.

She nods, holding up the measuring cup of white powder. “Yep!”

“Level it off and give it to Billie to dump into the bowl,” I instruct.

Charlie takes a butter knife and levels off the mound of flour as I taught her. She does this over the counter. Flour flies everywhere except for back into the flour container, but making a giant mess while baking is par for the course. She hands the measuring cup to Billie. With a giant grin, Billie throws the entire measuring scoop into the bowl.

“Not the whole thing,” Charlie corrects her sister.

“It’s okay. Just grab the measuring cup out of the bowl, Charlie.”

The entire cooking-making process is long with these two as my sous chefs. I sneak in some ingredients when they’re not looking to move us along. After quite a while and only a few tears from Billie, we have completed the dough. Using two teaspoons, I scoop a little dough into each and hand one to each girl. They sit side by side on the countertop and giggle, sharing a glance as they take a bite of the sweetness.

Ari steps into the kitchen. “Oh, I’m just in time.” She digs her finger into the bowl and plops her finger into her mouth for a taste. “Perfect.” She gives each girl a tickle on their bellies, and they giggle. “Great job, girls,” she says before addressing me. “Babe. We need to get them to Mom’s soon. I told her they’d be there in a half hour. She has some activities planned.”

“Right. Yeah, the dough took a little longer than expected. Hey.” I tap Charlie’s knee. “The dough needs to chill in the refrigerator before we roll it out. And Grandma has some fun things planned for you. So we’ll finish making these tomorrow. Okay?”

“But cookies for Grandma?” Charlie questions.

Ari speaks up. “It’s okay. Grandma has some Christmas treats for you. And this way, we’ll be able to go over to Grandma and Grandpa’s again when the cookies are done. And they’ll be so surprised. Plus, Nolan and Chase are waiting to play with you.”

The mention of her uncles has Charlie jumping into my arms for a quick dismount. She adores her uncles, Chase especially. The two are only a month apart in age and are little besties.

“I guess Charlie approves.” I chuckle.

Ari pulls Billie into her arms. “I’m going to get them changed and take them over.”

“Perfect. I’ll clean up here.” The kitchen looks like a tornado of ingredients whipped through.

I give my girls hugs and kisses goodbye. “Have so much fun, and we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Bye, Daddy!” Charlie waves as she runs out of the kitchen and toward her bedroom to get ready for her sleepover. Billie wiggles out of Ari’s arms and pads across the kitchen after her sister.

Ari leans in and gives me a kiss. “I’ll see you soon, Daddy.” Her voice lowers as her lips linger against mine.

“I can hardly wait.”

We only live a couple of miles from Elena and Beckett, but it takes Ari almost an hour to return, which is no surprise. When she and her mother get together, they can’t help but gab for a bit. The pair are just as much best friends as they are mother and daughter. The whole situation is pretty incredible. We all get along great. Our kids adore each other. Even our little mutt, Baby, loves it over there and wags her tail every time we say the word, grandma. Despite the one hundred and fifteen pound size difference, she and Elena and Beckett’s bull mastiff, Sassy, are best buds.

I meet Ari in the foyer, so excited to have her all to myself.

“What’s the plan for this evening?” She circles her arms around my neck.

The truth is, I did have a well-thought-out evening planned, but now, all I want to do is go all caveman and carry Ari to our bedroom.

“Well, it’s a choose-your-own-adventure type of situation,” I state.

She raises a brow. “So there are options.”

“Yes, there are. Option A—fancy dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant followed by some romantic ice-skating in the park and a nightcap at the lodge before heading back here.”

“Sounds lovely.”

“Option B—we stay in, make a beeline toward the bedroom, and order in Chinese takeout later.”

Her smile widens. “Option B. A hundred percent.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

Grabbing her waist, I hike her up over my shoulder, and she laughs. I give her ass a slap as I head to our bedroom. Our little quickie earlier was nice, but now I plan to take my time.

Once inside our bedroom, we’re quick to remove our clothes. I cup my hand around Ari’s breast as I capture her mouth with mine. I rub her nipple between my thumb and forefinger as I savor the feeling of her soft, bare skin against me. I am utterly addicted to and insanely in love with this woman.

Lips connected, I walk us toward our bed and guide her onto the mattress. I trail needy kisses from her mouth, down her neck, and over her collarbone. My lips stop at each breast, giving each one ample attention before my mouth trails farther south. I’m addicted to the way my wife tastes, smells, feels, and sounds. She satisfies every craving within.

My favorite sound is the moan she makes when my mouth finds that magic spot between her legs that drives her crazy with pleasure.

She grips my head, tugging at my hair, and begs me not to stop.

Not that I ever would.

Using a finger within her body and a steady rhythm of my tongue, I push her over the edge and into euphoria. She writhes beneath me, and her entire body shudders as she cries out.

She works to catch her breath as I kiss up her body. Her flushed chest rises and falls as she breathes heavy. Her cheeks are rosy, and her lips are plump and wet. She’s a gorgeous, sated goddess.

“You are so beautiful,” I nuzzle against her neck, kissing the skin below her ear.

She releases an audible breath. “You are so talented.” She reaches between my legs.

Before she takes hold, I roll off the bed.

Propping herself up on her elbows, she asks, “What are you doing?”

“Something a little different,” I tease, pulling the full-length mirror from the corner of the room to the foot of the bed.

“Oooh,” Ari utters, sitting up.

I move onto the bed. Positioning myself behind her, I get on my knees and then sit back on my heels. She gets on her hands and knees in front of me, and I slide deep inside her.

“Lean back.” I pull her hips toward me.

She leans back onto me, and we remain connected. Her back against my front, she sits on my thighs. Lifting one hand, she circles it around my neck as I palm her breasts. I nibble on her ear and wrap my arms around her chest to cup her breasts.

Moaning, she begins to move atop me. “Oh, this hits different. Turning her face back toward mine, she pulls my head toward hers until our mouths meet. Her tongue slides into my mouth, and I welcome it with a groan.

“Good different?” I say against her lips.

She sighs. “Very good.”

Opening my eyes, I look at the full-length mirror at the end of the bed, and chills run through my body. Ari’s knees are spread as she straddles mine, and the sight of our connection makes me wild with desire.

I slide one of my hands off of her breast and down her abdomen until I’m rubbing the needy spot between her legs.

“Oh,” she moans as I thrust up inside her.

She continues to grasp the back of my head as she leans into my neck. Her eyes are closed as she takes in all the sensations. The evidence of her arousal becomes apparent.

“Babe. Look in the mirror. I want you to see what I see.”

She turns her face from my neck and faces forward.

My hard length is buried inside her as my hand rubs between her legs. Her nipples are hard, and her chest is flushed. She breathes heavy through fully parted lips as she moves up and down atop me.

“You drive me crazy. So beautiful.” I suck the skin of her neck. “Don’t look away. Watch as we come together.”

She releases a whimper but stays focused on our reflection. The visual alone is enough to make me lose it, so the moment she starts to tremble, I fall over into oblivion with her. I’ve watched her come thousands of times but never like this, and it’s intoxicating, pushing my own release to new heights.

When our bodies cease to shake, we collapse onto the bed. My front still to her back, I spoon her body. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I kiss her shoulder.

“Was it good for you?” My voice comes out in a husky whisper.

She chuckles. “You know it was. With you, it always is.” She squeezes my hand.

“Should we order food before we go again?” I ask.

“I think that would be wise.” She turns around to face me and presses her lips to mine. “Are you in the mood for Chinese?”

“Of course. Always. You?”


I kiss the tip of her nose. “The normal?”

“Yep. You know I am a creature of habit.” She grins.

An hour later, we lie naked, sprawled out on the bed with containers of Chinese takeout between us. One of the Harry Potter movies plays on the big screen TV across from our bed, the sound low. Ari insists on a marathon of these movies every holiday season. I don’t know if it’s the brief snowy scenes in the movies or what, but they make her think of Christmas.

Ari slurps a noodle into her mouth. “This is a perfect date.”

“It’s not over yet.” I give her a wink.

“I think I have one more time in me. Then we’ll shower, climb into bed, finish the movie, and I’m passing out.”

I chuckle. “Sounds good. I probably only have one more go left in me anyway.”

She raises a brow. “Are we getting old?”

“God, no. We’ve just had a long and busy day.”


“Like every day.”

She smiles with a shake of her head. “Also true.”

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

The girls had a fun time at Grandpa and Grandma’s house, as they always do, but I’m so happy to have them at home. I cherish my alone time with Ari but feel complete when our family is together, and I know Ari feels the same.

The white lights of our Christmas tree illuminate the room in a soft glow. The tree with a section of perfectly placed ornaments from Charlie and the bottom branches stuffed with tightly packed ornaments from Billie makes me smile.

After bath time, the girls changed into their Christmas jammies and talked us into another round of hot cocoa and toast. Now, we’re snuggled together on the sofa, the girls between Ari and I, watching a short holiday movie before bed. Both Charlie and Billie wanted to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas again—Charlie because it’s her favorite, and Billie because she’s at the age where she copies everything her older sister does.

“Three sizes, Daddy.” Charlie holds up three fingers, indicating how much the Grinch’s heart has grown.

“Yeah, that’s a lot,” I respond.

Charlie gives an emphatic nod and leans into my side as we continue to watch the movie.

Arm across the back of the sofa, I cradle the nape of Ari’s neck beneath her hair as I run my thumb back and forth over her skin. I feel her stare on me and turn my face toward her. She gives me a smile that communicates exactly what I’m feeling. Sometimes happiness is so great that our hearts have to grow to encompass its magnitude. This is one of those moments. She leans her head back and kisses my forearm, and I lightly squeeze the base of her neck.

No words are spoken, but they don’t need to be. Love surrounds us, blanketing us in this serene state of joy. This beautiful destiny—this life with these girls—is exactly where we were always meant to be, and I’ll never take it for granted.

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