Only With Me (Sugarland Creek #4) Chapter 17 51%
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Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen


I ’ve never been more turned on in my life and it should freak me out that Waylon’s the guy on the other line, but it doesn’t.

I feel safe with him.

Secure. Somewhat confident.

Maybe a little wrong because of who he is.

But he doesn’t make me feel stupid for not knowing about sex and orgasms.

Even though I was a little surprised to see him on CowboyMatch, I was also relieved that I’d have someone to talk to about dating.

Maybe it’s because we’re not face-to-face, but he’s easy to talk to. We’ve never chatted this much in all the years I’ve known him, but it’s like we’ve been friends for ages.

And his voice…deep and rough…but somehow soothing at the same time.

A girl could get used to this.

“This’ll be easier for you without bottoms and panties,” he says sheepishly, but he’s right.

His room is bathed in darkness, minus a dim light coming from the opposite side, so I can’t see all of his face, but I can tell he’s staring at me intently.

I shuffle under the covers, removing my PJ shorts and underwear, then get my blankets back in place.

“Okay, done.”

“Put the phone close to your ear so it feels like I’m next to you,” he orders.

“Okay,” I say breathlessly, moving it up to my pillow and no longer able to see him.

“How’s my voice? Too quiet?”

“No, it’s perfect,” I whisper.

And although it feels more intimate this way, it’s a game changer compared to when I’m alone.

“Good. I’m gonna start talkin’ you through it now. Are you ready?”

God, yes. “Yep.”

We’ve barely started and my body’s already buzzing. The anticipation has me both nervous and excited.

“I want you to spread your legs and put your hand between them. Rub two fingers in a steady circle over your clit.”

Quickly doing as he said, I put my middle and ring finger between my folds.

I’ve tried going solo plenty of times, but it’s much more thrilling now that I have someone telling me what to do.

“How’s it feel?” he asks after I release an intense breath.

“Good…really…nice,” I pant between each word.

“Once your clit is aching, slide your hand down and thrust a finger inside your pussy. And then when you’re ready, add a second one.”

It’s so hot hearing him give me instructions. I wish I could record him because his demanding voice would be on repeat.

“Okay,” I whisper, doing exactly as he says.

“Are you wet down there?”

“Yes.” Much more than usual.

I swear he hisses after I hear him shuffling around.

“Tell me how it feels.”

“A little weird, but I like it.”

“Bend your legs at the knees so you can fill that tight cunt deeper.”

Jesus Christ. His filthy mouth is my new obsession.

Once I have, I insert two fingers back in and gasp at how far I can go. My walls squeeze them when I move in and out.

“That’s…” Unable to finish my sentence, a groan vibrates against my chest.

Undoubtedly, he can hear how wet I am now.

“Your body responds so well, Harlow.” He swallows hard, and I wonder if he’s as affected as I am right now. “Keep fucking yourself until your fingers are drownin’ in your arousal.”

“They’re so wet right now,” I tell him.

“Perfect. Now increase your speed.”

“Oh my God…” My chest rises and falls rapidly at the intense warmth brewing low in my abdomen.

“Think you can add a third?”

“I don’t think so. It’s so tight and full.”

Waylon’s breathing picks up as if he’s restraining himself.

“That’s okay. Try curling ’em up inside, like a hook.”

I prop up on one elbow as I try to reach farther but can’t quite do it. “I think I need longer arms.”

His breathy chuckle has my core tightening. “That’s okay. Drag the wetness from your pussy up your slit and then rub it over your clit until more pressure builds.”

His voice strains as he tells me what to do and it makes me more eager to come. I want to do this for him, too.


“And this time I wanna hear you moan, Harlow. The more responsive and louder you are, the more your body releases oxytocin to help you finish. Guys also like hearing it, so unless you haveta stay quiet, don’t hold back.”

All of my senses are on fire knowing he’s listening to my reactions.

“Got it.”

Once my fingers find my clit again, I move them in a circular motion and find the perfect pressure. My mouth spills open and a moan echoes around me.

“Good girl,” he praises. “Keep your eyes closed and focus on my voice.”

“I am.”

“The trick to finishin’ with self-pleasure is fantasizing about someone else being there, touchin’ you, kissin’ your neck, makin’ you feel good. Play into your senses to build an intense orgasm.”

“How?” I ask, my back arching as the pleasure increases.

“Listen to my voice and imagine I’m there. My hands on you. My lips on your skin. My breath mixin’ with yours.”

“God, yes. I think I’m close…” My legs stiffen and my breathing intensifies as I climb closer to the ledge.

“Continue your steady rhythm and keep going. Don’t stop.”

My free hand cups my breast over my shirt, imagining it’s him so I don’t lose the sensation.

My breath catches as the pleasure starts to take over. Slowly and gradually, a feeling I’ve never had before shoots down my spine and lingers in my core.

“Yes, yes… fuck …” I groan out the words, gasping for air as the orgasm takes over my body.

“That’s it. Keep going, baby,” he encourages. “I’m right here with you.”

Baby? That does it for me.

I muffle my screams with my other hand and my back flies off the bed as the explosion rips through me. My screams turn to moans and then I give in to the pleasure, no longer caring how loud I am.

And I swear, I hear Waylon groaning through the phone.

“Fuck, you did it,” he says once I go quiet.

“I’ve never been able to do that before,” I say in between catching my breath. “You feel that every time you orgasm?”

“Yeah. It’s even better when it’s with someone else.”

I shift to my side and prop up the phone so he can see me again. “I can’t imagine that. No wonder people get addicted. I wanna experience that over and over again.”

He chuckles softly, moving slightly so I can see the shadows over his face. “How do you feel now that you have?”

“Boneless and euphoric. Like I could sleep for ten hours straight.”

He scratches his cheek. “Sounds about right.”

“But I’m afraid it’s gonna hurt the first time I have sex,” I admit.

“It might, a little. But if your partner knows what they’re doing, you should only feel some tightness and discomfort in the beginning. If you’re wet and relaxed, it’ll reduce the pain.”

“So lots of foreplay?”

“Yes, lots.”

“Does that include for him, too?”

He lifts a shoulder. “It can, yes. But it’s most important for you, especially when it’s your first or even second time.”

I sigh, holding up my head with my palm. “I wanna do it again.”

He bellows out a laugh. “Well, you can do it as much as you want now that you know what to do.”

“I dunno if I’ll be able to do it on my own, but I’ll haveta try later.”

“You’ll get better at it…the more you do it.”

“And I’m willing to bet the same goes for sex, right? I’m probably gonna be bad and awkward my first time.”

“I doubt it. Just tell your partner what you need and don’t be afraid to tell him to slow down or give you more time. Communication is key.”

“Have you ever taken someone’s virginity?”

It’s hard to be sure in this light, but I swear his cheeks turn red.

“Uh, yeah. After I lost mine, I dated around and took a few others.”

“A few?” I shriek. “No wonder you’re good at this.”

“At what?”

“Knowin’ what a woman’s needs are and being able to talk me through it. I assume most guys couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to successfully.”

“Most are too lazy,” he retorts. “Or they don’t care.”

“So now I just need to figure out which guys are worthy of my V-card.” I snort because that’s going to be easier said than done. “Sounds truly awful now that I’m thinkin’ about it.”

“Welcome to the dating world.” His jaw clenches and I wonder if he’s over talking about this.

“Is that why you’re still single after all these years? You didn’t wanna put in the effort anymore?”

“I didn’t wanna get my heart broken again,” he clarifies, sadness coating his voice. “Not only that, but my mental health wasn’t great after Wilder’s hospitalization. It’s a miracle Delilah put up with me for those two years because I was always worryin’ and would drag her out with me so I could keep an eye on him. It doesn’t seem fair to put someone else through that, especially since I knew she had you and your dad to think about, too.”

“I understand being a package deal. Whoever I end up dating or having a serious relationship with has to be okay with me being accessible to my dad and regularly checkin’ in on him. I can’t imagine every guy would be supportive of that.”

“Sadly, you’re right. People can be selfish and manipulative. They don’t always show their true colors right away either. They’ll do whatever it takes to get you, but they’ll slowly reveal who they are by gaslightin’ you or makin’ you pick between them and your family.”

“Wow, you’re givin’ me so much hope right now,” I deadpan.

He lifts a shoulder, a sincere grin on his face. “Now you understand why datin’ is hard. It ain’t all flowers and candlelight dinners.”

“Okay, but that sounds so sweet,” I coo. “I’m addin’ that to my romance wish list.”

He noticeably stiffens before his shoulders fall again. “What’s that?”

“A list of things I wanna experience in a relationship. Most are cute little gestures like that. Some are date night ideas.”

“Whaddya have on there so far?”

I suck in my lips. “I can’t tell you that.”

He tilts his head. “I just taught you how to orgasm but sharing that is off-limits?”

Giggling, I shrug. “Some of it is personal—things I doubt would ever happen. But I’ll tell you a few of the others.”

“Okay, I’ll take what I can get.”

“Good.” I smirk, then pull up my notes app where I keep a list. “A couple’s massage. Not only does it sound super relaxing, but it feels like it’d be a fun bonding experience.”

“Hell, I could use a massage. Let’s go.”

“Ha! Okay, another one is fruit pickin’ and then baking a pie together with the fruit. My mama loves to bake, and it’d be cool to learn that with someone special, too.”

“Strawberry or apple pie sounds delicious,” he mocks.

“I agree.”

“What else?”

“Hmm…let’s see.” I read over my list, wondering if I should share the ones I told Mystery Guy but then decide not to. “Horseback riding in the snowy mountains, a picnic in the sky while in a hot air balloon, a cross country road trip, singing karaoke in a country bar, reading at the beach together except we read the letters we wrote to each other on our one-year dating anniversary, reenacting my favorite scene from The Notebook …” I list off and then wait for his reactions.

“Which scene?” he asks.

“You’ve seen the movie?”

“Of course.”

“Then guess.”

“Alright…” he drawls. “The one where Ryan Gosling says if she’s a bird, then he’s a bird, too.”

“Good guess, but nope.”

“The Ferris wheel scene where he’s beggin’ her to go on a date with him?”

“That’s dangerous! I’d never risk that.”

He snickers. “Had to check.”

“It’s the rain scene,” I tell him. “Where they’re fightin’ about the letters and they kiss, then it leads to hot make-up sex. But mostly the kissin’ in the rain part.”

“Interestin’ choice.”

“See, you think I’m weird.”

“Nope, not at all. Datin’ you would never get boring, that’s for sure.”

“I’m gonna take that as a compliment.”

He licks his bottom lip. “As you should.”

“Do you have date ideas you wanna do before you get married?”

“I’m not sure I’ll be gettin’ married anytime soon. But I have non-negotiables that would make or break a relationship I’m in.”

“Ooh, let’s hear ’em. Maybe I’ll haveta steal some for myself.” I make a new note and type out the title at the top. “Okay, I’m ready.”

He shakes his head, chuckling. “Alright, uhh…the top one is family comes first. If any of my siblings text an SOS, I drop everything and go. So if my girlfriend can’t understand that, then we’d break up.”

“That’s a good one. Mine would be the same because I immediately go if anyone in my family needs me, especially if it’s for my dad.”

“Another is them having to be okay with me leavin’ in the middle of the night to pick up Wilder. His number is programmed so it rings even when my phone’s on silent. My partner would also haveta understand we have a special twin bond, and if he’s hurting, I’ll most likely feel it.”

“Damn. So when he’s depressed or in pain, you always know?”

“Yeah. Been that way for as long as I can remember.”

“I think that’s reasonable, honestly. Any more on your list?”

“Just one.”

I meet his gaze through the screen. “What’s that?”

“They have to scrapbook with my family on Sunday nights.”

My lips spread into a wide smile. “That sounds like a fun tradition.”

“It can be…I don’t stay every week, but I try to at least once a month.”

“How do I get invited?” I tease.

“You gotta marry a Hollis.”

My brow arches. “Any Hollis?”

“Any of ’em that are available.”

“Well, I don’t see Wilder as the marryin’ type—unless he’s literally dragged down the aisle—so I guess I’ll haveta somehow beg you so I can join.”

“It wouldn’t take that much to convince me,” he mumbles almost too quietly for me to hear him.

“Oh? What’re you doin’ next weekend?” I quip.

He snorts. “What I always do…work and keep an eye on Wilder.”

“He can be your best man, and we’ll handcuff him to Delilah so he can’t get into any trouble.”

He barks out a deep laugh. “Trust me, he’d find a way to drag your sister into his madness.”

“That’s probably true. Have you heard from either of ’em tonight?”

His finger swipes over the screen, so I assume he’s checking his texts. “Nope. Probably won’t for another couple hours.”

“And you’re stayin’ up until he’s home?”

“Yep,” he says, not looking at all amused about it.

We’ve already talked through the midnight celebration like it was nothing. But when I yawn, he notices.

“You should get some sleep. No point in you stayin’ up too.”

“I don’t mind. I’m off work tomorrow anyway.”

“I’m not.”

“Whaddya have to do?”

“Muck stalls, disperse straw and feed, fill water buckets, check the water troughs, make sure the barn is picked up. It’ll be an easy day since there are no tours, but something always comes up. Someone else will need help or a disaster will happen. A fence post needs replacing, a tractor or four-wheeler needs repairs…you name it.”

“No wonder y’all stay busy.”

“Pretty much every day.”

“Not complainin’ about your long hours should be one of your non-negotiables or they might start givin’ ya a hard time about it.”

“Valid point. I’ll add it.” He taps his temple. “Girls always wanna date a cowboy until they realize how much they’re not home.”

“When my dad worked on a farm, I remember there’d be specific times of the year where he’d be gone before I left for school and wouldn’t be home until after I was in bed. Mama would keep his plate in the oven and stay up to warm it for him.”

“Sounds right. Especially durin’ the summer.”

“He’d try to make it up to us on the one weekend a month he had off. Mama would cram as much family stuff as she could into those two days,” I say with a laugh, remembering how chaotic things would be. “By Sunday nights, I’d be exhausted.”

“At least y’all understood. It ain’t for the faint of heart.”

“Is it fun workin’ on your family’s ranch with your parents and siblings? You probably get to see ’em all the time, right?”

“Yeah, it’s fun most days. But it’s easy to get sick of each other, too.”

We continue talking for a few more hours, moving effortlessly from topic to topic, and before I realize, it’s after three in the morning.

“Your sister just texted. She’s on her way to drop off Wilder.”

“Did she say how drunk he is?”

“Uh…I assume somewhere between him thinking he can ride the mechanical bull for eight seconds and being passed out on the sidewalk. Which means, he’s at least half asleep.”

“I can’t believe how late we stayed up. I’m ready to pass out, too.”

“Same. But you helped the time fly by, so I’m ain’t complainin’.”

“Me neither. It was fun. And I learned a lot.” I giggle, my cheeks heating. I’m still in disbelief he volunteered. “Thanks again for helpin’ me.”


“I’ll talk to you soon,” I hesitate, almost like a question.

“Yeah, for sure.”

“Okay, good night.”

“Night, Harlow.”

As soon as I end the call, I’m mentally kicking and screaming.

I know I shouldn’t crush on him, but it’s impossible when he’s this sweet and nice.

But it’d never be possible. For so many reasons…

1. He’s twelve years older and is probably looking for a wife

2. He’s way more experienced than me, so he’d have to literally teach me how to please him in the bedroom (no guy wants to do that, right?)

3. He sees me like a little sister or at the very least only a friend

4. He’s Delilah’s ex, which means she’s already slept with him

5. See number four

Delilah would freak out if she ever found out what Waylon and I did tonight. Texting is one thing, but he helped me orgasm over the phone and talked to me in a way I’ve never experienced before. She might’ve forgiven him for “cheating” years ago, but hooking up with her little sister would be unforgivable.

Even on the off chance he was into me, we’d have to keep it a secret, and then what’s the point?

I wouldn’t want to risk our relationship either.

It’s better not to even think anything more could happen between us, but I can still enjoy him teaching me things, if he’s even up for it after tonight. It’d be nice to get tips before I go on a first date with someone.

Assuming I can even get one.

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