Only With Me (Sugarland Creek #4) Chapter 21 63%
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Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty-One


W aylon showing me how he likes to be touched while I got off to watching him is all I’ve been able to think about for the past four days.

I’ve never seen a cock in person and even though he was through a screen, it was still jarring to see how thick and big he is.

I was tempted to ask how that is supposed to fit inside someone, because even though I have no references to compare it to, I assume he’s above average. When he wrapped his hand around his shaft, I couldn’t help wondering if my fingers would even touch around his girth.

And then I tried to picture how it’d fit in my mouth…

I would choke to death.

But then I read somewhere about gag reflexes and how some people practice with a dildo to go deeper down their throats. Since I’m not about to buy one of those, I’ll have to learn another way.

The more he teaches me about sex and what guys like the more the lines blur between us. I’ve tried pushing my feelings aside so things don’t get awkward when he’s answering my questions, but it’s getting harder now that we’re growing closer as friends.

Today’s my coffee date with Emery so I need to shove all my unrequited feelings to the back burner and at least try to give him a chance. He messaged this morning to confirm we’re still meeting at noon and then said he’d be waiting for me with a black baseball cap on and leather jacket.

Should be easy enough to find him, especially since I’ve seen his photos on the app. But I’m still not super eager about it. I’m more excited to wear my new boots out of the house.

I’ll never get proper dating experience if I don’t try, so I get myself ready and try to give myself a pep talk. Who knows, he could be very sweet in person, we could have a lot in common, and I would’ve never known if I hadn’t given him a chance.

Yeah, that’s what I’m telling myself.

Before I head out, Natalie video calls, and I prop up my phone while I finish my makeup and hair.

“I still have your location in case this Emery dude turns out to be a psycho,” she tells me.

“I’m not going anywhere with him so you don’t need to worry.”

“After the last book I read, I will always worry. Girl went on a date with an actual serial killer…”

“Oh God.”

“And he ate his victims!”

“I’m gonna throw up if you keep talkin’.”

“She was an undercover detective and managed to escape but he beat her up badly beforehand…”

“Then what happened?” I ask, annoyed that I’m invested.

“Oh, she got revenge in the best way. Returned with a huge ass knife—like a machete—and tortured him the same way he did his victims.”

“Please don’t tell me she ate him…”

“No, she chopped him up and fed him to alligators.”

I mimic a gag reaction because what the fuck is she reading?

“That’s disgusting.”

“That’s what he gets.”

“I guess?” I chuckle. “You’re gonna scare me away from wantin’ to date at all.”

“Speakin’ of that, how’re things with Waylon?” she taunts in that bubbly voice of hers.

“Well…” I lower my voice before continuing. “I saw his dick.”

“ What? ” She chokes out, nearly spewing her drink everywhere. “When did this happen? How’re you now just tellin’ me?”

“Calm down…it was through video chat. I asked him to show me how he jerks off and teach me how guys like to be touched.”

“Fucking hell, and he just agreed to that?”

I shrug. “Yeah. Then he told me to touch myself because he could tell it was turning me on, so I did, and we came together.”

“Holy shit, that’s so hot.”

“It was, but it was just a learning experience. Once we finished and cleaned up, we talked for a little bit and then said goodnight.”

We’ve talked every day since then too but nothing out of our ordinary conversation.

“That man is either not into women or he’s incredibly obsessed with you. There’s no in between.”

“That would be neither.”

“I will die on this hill. He wants you.” She gives me a serious look. “And I’ll say this again because what man would teach you about sex and orgasms, show you how he masturbates, and then talk you through how to touch yourself if he wasn’t interested in you?”

“A man who’s my friend and doesn’t want me to get hurt by datin’ the wrong men.”

She snorts. “You mean, dating other men.”

“Well…” I shrug. “If he was interested, then he should ask me out himself. And since he hasn’t, I just haveta assume it’s because he doesn’t wanna.”

“He’s probably scared just like you are. He’s older and dated your sister. He’s more experienced than you. Might also be jaded from other bad datin’ experiences.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of the list of reasons,” I deadpan. “Which is why I’m going on a date with Emery. It’d be much easier to date someone who I’m allowed to like and likes me back.”

I check the time. “Speakin’ of which, I better go so I’m not late.”

“Okay, good luck. Don’t get murdered.”

I chuckle, hovering my finger over the end call button. “Bye!”

Before heading out, I give Moose a little goodbye kiss and then check on my dad who’s still napping, so I don’t bother him. I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour, but I still have PTSD from the day of my dad’s accident. I never saw him that morning to tell him I loved him. He was in a medically induced coma for two weeks, and during that time, I feared I’d never get to tell him again. But fortunately, he woke up and I was finally able to.

I never leave the house without telling either of my parents for fear it’ll be the last time I see them.

Then I message Emery to let him know I’m on my way.

Harlow: I’ll be there in five minutes.

Emery: Take your time. I’m here, sitting at a table in front of the big window.

Harlow: Sounds good!

The nerves kick in as I drive down Main Street and find a parking spot. Once I get out and walk to the cafe, I see him right away and he stands to greet me.

He’s decent looking in person, charming smile and kind eyes. With my boots, I’m at least a few inches taller than him but if it bothers him, it’s not obvious.

“I’m so glad you could come,” he says, leaning in to give me a side hug. “You look beautiful.”

I return it the best I can before I take my seat.

“Did you wanna order something?”

“Yeah, sure.” I’m about to stand when he stops me.

“I’ll grab it for you. What would you like?”

“I’ll do an iced caramel soy latte.”

“You got it.” He winks.

Nervously, I smile and then wait for him to return.

I can’t help wondering how things would’ve went if Mystery Guy had shown up. Would he have offered to order for me? Would we have sat and talked for hours? I can’t imagine things would’ve felt this tense after how much we texted.

While Emery stands at the coffee bar waiting for our order, I quickly pull out my phone and decide to text him.

Harlow: Hey, it’s been a while. I’m just checking in and seeing how you’re doing. The group chat hasn’t been the same without you. I miss talking to you and have just been thinking about the conversations we had. Hope all is well.

Oh God, that sounds so fucking lame.

I haven’t been active in the group chat in a couple weeks but it’s not the same anymore.

When Emery grabs our order, I put my phone away, but make sure it’s on silent so we don’t get interrupted. If I’m going to give him a chance, I need to give him my full attention.

“Here you go.” He sets mine down in front of me.

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Of course.”

He sits across from me, keeping his eyes on me. “I’m excited to get to know you. So you’re twenty, right?”

“Yep, I’ll be twenty-one in a few months.”

“Nice. Gonna celebrate big?”

“Probably not, but I’m not sure. We’ll see.”

“Cool cool. You do show horse jumping. How’s that going?”

“Great. Just a lot of trainin’ right now before the season starts in the spring. Mostly doing practice runs and conditioning.”

“I love that. I only ride for fun on my friend’s ranch. But I’d love to watch you sometime.”

“Yeah, maybe!”

“Whaddya do outside of that?”

“I work at Rodeo Belle, the Western clothing boutique, a few times a week.”

“Oh that’s close to here, ain’t it?”

“Yeah, just a block or two away.”

He continues asking me questions, and I barely get a chance to ask him anything. I guess that means he’s interested? But it would’ve been nice to get some details about him.

After thirty minutes of feeling like I’m being interviewed, I tell him I have to go and check on my dad. He asks if he can walk me to my truck, and it seems harmless, so I agree.

He opens my door and thank him again for the date.

“I hope we can do it again soon,” he says.

“Yeah, maybe. I’ll let you know.”

He grabs my hand and then kisses my knuckles—something I’ve only seen in movies.

“Bye, Harlow. Have a lovely rest of your day.”

I force a smile, slowly prying my hand out of his grip. “Thanks, you too.”

Finally, he walks away, toward his car that’s a few ahead of me.

When I hop into my truck, I toss my purse onto the passenger seat and put my phone in one of my cup holders. As soon as I go to close my door, a body approaches, scaring the living shit out of me.

“Oh my God, Waylon!” My hand smacks against my racing heart, and I breathe out in relief when I realize it’s him.

He stands with a taunting grin. “How was your date?”

“Are you stalkin’ me? What’re you doing here?”

“No, I was across the street buyin’ a new phone and saw you gettin’ in your truck, so I thought I’d come over.” He thumbs over his shoulder, and I see the cell phone store sign.

“Next time, say something before you creep up on me! I thought you were a murderer.”

He smirks. “Yeah, lots of serial killers in Sugarland Creek.”

I playfully smack him. “You know what I mean.”

He chuckles. “How’d things go? Did he say anything about your heels?”

“It was fine,” I say dryly. “And no. He said I looked beautiful.”

His gaze roams down my body and he’s not even trying to hide that he’s checking me out. “I agree. Very nice.”

“Thanks,” I say hesitantly, then nod toward the bag in his hand. “So wait, what happened to your phone?”

“Uh…I dropped it twenty feet when I was up in the loft and then Wilder ran it over with a tractor.”

“Jesus. What a brutal death.”

“Yeah, I had to get a new phone number, too. My dad said being on his cell plan at my age was pathetic.”

I stifle a laugh but it comes out as a snort anyway. “I mean, he’s not wrong.”

He shrugs. “Well now I need to get your number since I don’t plan to re-download the CowboyMatch app.”


“Nah, I ignored every message that came through, but I kept it so I could talk to you since we never exchanged phone numbers.”

That has my whole stomach fluttering and heart pounding because it’s undeniable how sweet that is considering he knows I was on there talking to guys.

“Well, gimme your phone, and I’ll program my number.” I hold out my palm and he hands it over without a second thought.

“Whaddya want my name in here to be?” I ask, clicking on the add new contact button.

“Um…” He purses his lips for a moment and squints one eye. “How about Favorite Student ?”

“Seriously?” Chuckling, I roll my eyes but type it in anyway and then text myself so I have his number. “Guess that means you’ll be Favorite Teacher in mine.” I hand him back his phone and then grab mine from inside my truck.

“Favorite Hot Teacher,” he counters. “At least gimme that.”

“More like Mr. Grumpy Teacher,” I tease, clicking on the text message and programming his number.

“Don’t do me dirty like that.”

Smirking, I give in. “Fine, Favorite Hot Teacher it is. But if anyone ever breaks into my phone and sees that, they’re gonna think you’re a creep for textin’ your student.”

“That’ll be the least of their worries once they find all the weird sexual questions you ask me.”

“They’re not weird!” I defend, pocketing my phone once I’m done. “They’re for educational purposes.”

“That’s one way to put it,” he muses.

“Okay, well now that we officially have each other’s numbers, what time should I meet you and Bentley at the ranch tomorrow?”

“I was gonna pick him up at one, but I can swing through town and grab you first?”

“Are you sure? Then you’ll haveta drop me off.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Okay, that works for me.”

“Great, we’ll see ya then.”

Right as I go to turn around, he captures my hand, lifts it to his lips, and grins around my knuckles before pressing a gentle kiss there.

“Is this how he did it?” His mocking tone has my whole face burning red.

“Saw that, did ya?” I yank my hand out of his grip. “You’re so mean.”

He holds up his hand in feign innocence. “What? I thought that’s how you liked sayin’ goodbye?”

“Wow, you’re so funny.” I playfully punch his arm but before I can step back, he quickly grabs my wrist and pulls me to his chest. Our bodies smash together along with all the air getting sucked out of my lungs.

His gaze pierces mine, and I swallow hard at the intensity of his stare. He’s made me speechless, which is hard to do.

When he grabs my chin and tilts it up so my mouth is closer to his, I brace for contact—hoping this is finally it.

But then he shifts slightly and kisses my cheek.

“Have a good rest of your day. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

Before stepping away, he winks and then I watch as he walks across the street to his truck—leaving me in a puddle of disbelief.

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