“ S pit on it, baby. We don’t have much time.”
Lifting up slightly, I spit on his cock and then stroke his shaft until it’s lubricated. I line up our entrances and then slide down his hard length.
“Fuck…” His head falls back on the bed as he grips my thighs that are straddling his.
“You better get me there faster if I’m on limited time,” I teasingly warn because he knows exactly what I need.
His thumb perfectly rubs over my clit, like he’s done hundreds of times before. Waylon knows my body better than I do, and I love him more than anything for accepting me exactly the way I am. Imperfect skin and all.
“Ride my cock just like that…” He says when I lean back and rest my hands on his thighs. He gets a full view of my pussy and it helps him go deeper as he plays with my clit.
One of my favorite positions besides doggy style.
And yes, we’ve tried several over the past eight and a half months.
I wanted to experience as many as possible that didn’t exceed my gymnastics ability and since he’s a great teacher, he was all for trying anything once—including anal play.
Turns out I’m basic when it comes to sex because I love when he slams into me from behind, slaps my ass, or wraps his hand around my waist and pinches my clit.
I love when he buries his face between my thighs and eats me until I come all over his face.
But I mostly love the way he cherishes my body and makes me scream.
Wilder would probably disagree.
I bought him some top-of-the-line noise-canceling headphones for his birthday.
He didn’t find it as hilarious as Waylon and I did.
From the moment Waylon and I started officially dating, we’ve been inseparable.
So when we had thirty minutes to spare before we had to go back to the arena to watch Ellie compete on the ninth day of the NFR, we took full advantage of a quiet hotel room.
Everyone in the Hollis family came to Vegas for the championship, and I brought my mom and sister, too. It’s almost the middle of December so it was a nice way to celebrate before the holidays.
It’s been a blast watching Ellie kick ass. She won last year and is expected to win again this year, but she has some big competitors so the scores have been close.
Waylon and I decided to road trip it here, one of my romance wishlist items, but we’re going to fly back so he can get back to work.
“Alright, I’m close…” He groans. “Come sit on my face.”
I crawl up his stomach and straddle his head so I can finish on his tongue. He fucks his fist while eating me so we can get off together.
Normally, he’d wear a condom, but someone forgot to buy more and we didn’t realize we were out until we were already naked.
Since I’m not looking to get pregnant anytime soon, we’re not taking any risks.
“Right there…” I tell him, bouncing on his face and then I cover my mouth to muffle my screams.
We’ve already been warned by hotel security twice to keep it down.
The first time they thought there was a domestic dispute, and I had to prove it wasn’t by showing them the hickies on my neck and my torn panties on the floor.
The second time they said they’d kick us out if we couldn’t control ourselves.
You’d think we were on our honeymoon but with Waylon’s work schedule keeping him tired and busy, we don’t get to spend many nights together unless he has off the next day or is willing to go in late.
But I’m not complaining because I knew what I was getting into and we still make it work the best we can.
Waylon groans through his release, spilling out onto his stomach. I roll off him but then crawl over to lick up his mess.
“Jesus, baby. That’s hot.”
I smile up at him as I clean his cock next. “No time to shower.”
He laughs. “Yeah, we better go before Landen starts askin’ questions again.”
We were ten minutes late for the barrel racing event yesterday and he glared at us as we snuck in.
Rushing to get dressed and fix my hair, we make it to the lobby with two minutes to spare.
“Where’s Wilder?” I ask him.
“Who knows…I’ll text him.”
Wilder’s been consistent in going to therapy and not drinking as much, but while we’ve been here, he’s been a lot more free with it. Not that it’s a huge deal, considering we’re in Vegas after all, and the guys don’t get a lot of down time with their schedules.
“We’ll just meet him there,” Waylon says, grabbing my hand.
We spent the next couple hours at the NFR arena and cheered loudly when it’s Ellie’s turn. She comes in second, which is honestly amazing. Her last event is tomorrow and then depending on how she scores will decide if she’s the overall champion.
The rest of the evening we spent with his family, eating and hanging out at the casinos. I don’t gamble, but I watch some of them play slots and other card games. Waylon sticks to water, so I let myself get drunk on margaritas since I know he’ll make sure nothing happens to me.
It's shortly after sunrise when Waylon's phone rings. We’d just fallen asleep a few hours ago, but he always keeps his on for emergencies, so it wakes us both.
“Delilah?” Waylon mutters, putting it on speakerphone.
"Hey, sorry to bother you. But have you seen Wilder?"
“Uh…no. He texted me hours ago saying that he was out . Why? Everything okay?”
“Remember that big favor you owe me?” she asks.
“Huh? Whaddya talkin’ about?” Waylon’s half-asleep but he sits up and turns on the bedside lamp.
“New Year’s Eve, I babysat your brother for you, and you said ya owed me. That time has come.”
“Okay…it’s like seven in the mornin’.”
“Yeah, well…I just woke up and noticed Wilder was missin’. So I need you to go find him for me.”
“Missin’ from where?”
“We got drunk last night.”
“Oh my God, Delilah…did you fuck my brother?” Waylon rubs his temples.
“I’m afraid it’s worse than that.”
“What could be?—”
“We ended up at the Little White Wedding Chapel,” she admits.
“Oh my God!” I screech.
Delilah signs through the phone. “Yeah.”
“Wait, wait, wait…” Waylon shakes his head. “Y’all got hitched ?”
“Yep…say hello to your new sister-in-law.”
I burst out laughing at Waylon’s shell-shocked face.
“How the fuck did this happen, Delilah? You were supposed to make sure he doesn’t go out and do stupid shit like this!”
“Because he got me drunk too! Who knew Long Island drinks were that strong? Not to mention the tequila shots at the strip club.”
I snort. Of course they went there.
“Motherfucker.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly not amused with either of them. “Didn’t realize I needed a babysitter for his babysitter.”
“It could be worse, babe…” I tell him. “He coulda married a complete stranger.”
He glares. “That doesn’t make things better.”
“I should be the one mad here. My sister got married before me and they weren’t even datin’!”
“My twin brother married my ex,” Waylon counters.
“Okay, so we’re mad equally.” I cackle. “But not really because this is funny. Mom’s gonna pop a blood vessel when she finds out.”
“Yeah, please don’t tell her. At least not until I can find my husband so I can get this annulled.”
“Lemme see if I can find his location…” Waylon goes to his app and clicks on Wilder’s name. “It says he’s in the hotel.”
I look at the screen to see if we can find which floor.
“It looks like he’s on the roof,” I say. “That can’t be right.”
Waylon’s face turns ghost white as he checks for himself. “We gotta go. Call hotel security now,” he tells Delilah.
Waylon grabs his jeans, yanks them on, and then pulls on a shirt. I quickly follow suit and then slide on my boots.
“What the hell is goin’ on?” Delilah panics. “The roof access is all blocked off.”
“I dunno but it’s possible he’s passed out somewhere. Or worse, he relapsed and hurt himself.”
My heart pounds with the fear that he could be right. It’s not uncommon for people who struggle with depression and substance abuse.
Waylon grabs the room key, and I quickly pick up the phone so he doesn’t forget it. “Delilah, we’ll call you back,” I tell her, then hang up.
Waylon grabs my hand and we rush toward the door.
As soon as he opens it, we find Wilder lying on the floor.
“What the fuck? Wilder!” Waylon shakes him.
Wilder opens his eyes, and smiles when he notices his brother.
“Hey… finally .”
“What the hell are you doin’ out here?”
“I forgot my key.”
“This ain’t your room,” Waylon reminds him, helping him to his feet. “Where’s your phone? It says your location is like on the roof or something.”
“I dunno, I lost it,” he slurs, still clearly tipsy. “And I lost my key so that’s why I came here.”
“You wanna tell me about this?” Waylon grabs his left hand with a brand-new wedding band on his ring finger.
“Oh shit…” He stares at it like it’s the first time he’s seeing it. “Who’d I marry?”
“Jesus Christ,” Waylon mutters, scrubbing a hand down his face. “My ex-girlfriend, you fucker.”
I suck in my lips to stop myself from laughing.
“ Delilah ?” Wilder says it like even he’s shocked she agreed to marry him.
“Yep,” I say.
“Fuck…she’s gonna kill me, ain’t she?” He scratches his head like he knows this is bad even for him.
“Oh yeah…” Waylon shakes his head, crossing his arms. “I might as well start writin’ your eulogy now.”