Passions Ignite (Phoenix Ridge Fire Department #5) 10. Zoey 36%
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10. Zoey



Z oey kept her arm around Lux’s waist as they moved through the clearing. Lux limped, dragging her injured leg with each step. Zoey could see the strain on her face, the way her lips pressed into a tight line, and the faint tremble in her movements. Lux’s usual confidence was gone, replaced by a vulnerability that surprised Zoey.

“Let’s take a break.” Zoey gently guided Lux to a fallen tree. “You need to rest.”

Lux shook her head. “We need to keep moving. What if the fire spreads?”

“The wind’s blowing the other way.” Zoey crouched in front of her til they were eye to eye. “We have some time.”

Lux hesitated, her gaze shifting toward the distant plume of smoke from the crash site. Zoey could tell she was still fighting the urge to push on despite her obvious pain. But when Lux finally sat on the tree trunk, Zoey could see the relief in her eyes.

Zoey knelt and unlaced Lux’s boot, her fingers moving with care. The leather was stained with dirt and soot, the laces frayed from wear. She eased the boot off slowly, mindful of Lux’s sharp intake of breath. Underneath, Lux’s sock was soaked with blood, the fabric sticking to her skin.

“You should have said something sooner.” Zoey frowned as she inspected the injury. “This looks bad.”

“It’s just a scratch. I’ve had worse.”

Zoey wasn’t convinced. She peeled the sock back, revealing a deep gash running along the side of Lux’s foot that continued up to her leg. The skin was raw and inflamed, the edges of the cut jagged where the metal had bitten into her flesh. Zoey felt a surge of anger at the sight, though she wasn’t sure who it was directed at—herself for not noticing sooner or the universe for putting them in this situation.

“This isn’t just a scratch,” Zoey said, her tone firm. “We need to take care of this.”

Lux leaned back and closed her eyes. “We don’t have much in the way of medical supplies.”

“I’ll make do.”

She tore a strip from the hem of her shirt, using it to bind the wound as best she could. The fabric was rough, but it was better than nothing. Lux winced as Zoey tied the makeshift bandage, but she didn’t complain.

When Zoey finished, she sat next to Lux on the log. Zoey could see the exhaustion in her posture, the way her shoulders slumped and her breath came in shallow gasps.

“We can’t go far like this,” Zoey said. “You need to rest.”

“We need to get to higher ground,” Lux said, opening her eyes. “It’s safer uphill.”

Zoey glanced at the slope ahead of them. The ground was covered in a thick layer of underbrush. The trees were dense and their branches cast long shadows in the fading light. It was the logical choice—they’d have a better view of the area, and it would be harder for the fire to reach them. But Zoey could also see how difficult the climb would be, especially for Lux in her current state.

“You can’t make it up there right now,” Zoey said. “Not with that leg.”

Lux’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, Zoey thought she was going to argue, but Lux sighed..

“I hate this,” Lux said. “I hate feeling so helpless.”

“You’re not helpless.” Zoey reached out to squeeze her hand. “You’re hurt, and we need to be smart about this.”

Lux looked down at their joined hands, and she brushed her thumb over Zoey’s knuckles. “I just...I don’t want to be a burden.”

“You’re not. We’re in this together. We’ll figure it out. Let’s just rest for a few minutes and think.”

Lux nodded, though she still looked uncertain. Zoey could see the conflict in her eyes—the desire to push forward battling with the reality of her injuries. It was a struggle Zoey knew all too well, the instinct to keep moving even when every part of her body screamed to stop.

They fell into a comfortable silence with the only sounds rustling leaves and fire crackling. The stress of their situation weighed heavily on Zoey, but she pushed those thoughts aside.

“Lux,” Zoey said after a while, “we need to talk about what we’re going to do next.”

Lux opened her eyes and met Zoey’s gaze. “I know.”

“I don’t think you’re in any shape to climb that hill. We’re better off staying here and waiting for rescue.”

“But what if no one comes?” Lux said, her voice tinged with fear. “What if we’re stuck here?”

“We’re not going to think like that,” Zoey said. “We have to believe that help is on the way.”

Lux looked away; her brow furrowed. “I don’t want to stay here. It feels too exposed.”

“I know,” Zoey said. “But we need to be realistic. We’re close to the crash site, which means any rescue team will start looking for us there. And we’ll be easier to find if we stay put.”

Lux was silent for a moment, her eyes distant as she considered Zoey’s words. Zoey could see the fear and uncertainty in her expression, the way her fingers twisted in the hem of her shirt.

“What if the fire spreads?” Lux asked.

“Then we’ll move. But right now, it’s our best option.”

Lux’s shoulders slumped as she exhaled. “I just hate sitting here doing nothing.”

Zoey reached out, placing a hand on her arm. “You’re not doing nothing. You’re recovering your strength. And that’s just as important.”

Lux looked at her, her eyes searching Zoey’s face. Zoey held her gaze, hoping to convey the strength and reassurance she didn’t entirely feel.

“Okay,” Lux agreed. “We’ll stay here.”

Zoey felt a small surge of relief, though she knew their situation was still precarious. The wreckage was a stark reminder of the danger they were in, the charred metal and twisted debris scattered across the ground like a graveyard of their hopes.

“Let’s make a plan.” Zoey stood and brushed off her hands. “We need to set up a safe area, away from the fire and make some sort of shelter.”

Lux nodded, following Zoey’s lead. Zoey could see the effort it took for her to move, the pain etched into her features with each step, but Lux never complained.

They found a small, sheltered area on the edge of the clearing, far enough from the fire to feel safe. The ground was soft and covered in pine needles, and the trees provided a natural barrier from the wind. Zoey cleared away some of the debris, making a space for them to sit.

“This will do.” Zoey motioned for Lux to sit.

Lux lowered herself to the ground with a sigh and leaned against a tree trunk. “It’s not exactly the Ritz.”

Zoey managed a small smile. “It’s not, but it’s better than nothing.”

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation settling over them like a heavy blanket. Zoey could feel the exhaustion tugging at her, the adrenaline that had kept her going now fading away. But she forced herself to stay alert because she knew they couldn’t afford to let their guard down.

“We should gather some supplies.” Zoey glanced back toward the crash site. “Anything we can use to make this more comfortable.”

Lux nodded, though she didn’t move. “I’ll stay here.”

“I’ll be quick,” Zoey said, getting to her feet. “Just sit tight.”

Zoey made her way back to the wreckage, her eyes scanning the debris for anything useful. The sight of the destroyed chopper was a sobering reminder of how close they had come to death. The fuselage was crumpled, and the propellers had snapped like twigs. The engine, now a twisted heap of metal, lay smoking in the distance.

Zoey found a few items—a blanket, first-aid kit, satellite phone, bottle of water—scattered among the wreckage. She gathered them and moved quickly as the heat from the wreckage subsided.

Zoey watched Lux closely as they settled into their makeshift camp. Despite the pain and exhaustion, Lux maintained a calm demeanor.

Lux’s composure under pressure was something Zoey admired. It was reassuring in the midst of all the chaos, and it made Zoey feel stronger, like she could handle whatever came next because Lux was there beside her.

She handed Lux the bottle of water she’d found, and Lux took it with a small nod of thanks. Zoey sat next to her, close enough that their shoulders brushed.

She could feel the warmth of Lux’s skin even through their clothing, and it sent a subtle thrill through her. The chemistry between them, which had been there since they met, seemed to hum more intensely now.

“Phoenix Ridge,” Lux said after taking a sip of water. “Do you think anyone saw the chopper go down? They’d send a team, right?”

Zoey nodded. “They should have. The fire crews are always on alert for things like this. If they saw the smoke, they’d start moving.”

Lux looked thoughtful. “Phoenix Ridge has the best fire department, they know the terrain and know how to get in and out of the forest safely.”

“I’ve heard that,” Zoey said.

“Phoenix Ridge is a tight-knit community,” Lux said, a hint of a smile touching her lips. “They take care of their own. And anyone who’s lost out here becomes one of theirs until they’re found.”

Zoey felt a warmth in her chest at the thought. “That’s good to know.”

Lux turned her gaze to Zoey, studying her face. “What about Forest Vale? What was that like?”

Zoey felt a tightness in her throat, an instinctual reaction to the question. She didn’t want to talk about her previous station. The memories were too raw, too complicated. She looked away, pretending to focus on a nearby tree. “It’s not important. What matters is that we’re here now.”

Lux’s eyes lingered on her for a moment longer, sensing the unspoken tension. But she didn’t press. “You’re right. We’re here, and we’ll get through this.”

Zoey was grateful for the change in topic. “We will,” she said and met Lux’s eyes again. “We’ll stay put, keep ourselves safe, and wait for rescue.”

“And if the fire gets too close, we move.”

Zoey felt her heart swell at Lux’s words. “Exactly. We’re in this together.”

They fell into a comfortable silence, the connection between them growing stronger with each shared glance, each reassuring word.

Zoey could feel it in the way Lux looked at her, the way their hands occasionally brushed against each other as they shifted positions.

She had just one thought now. Stay alive. Every other one shouldn’t matter—or so she hoped.

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