Suspicious, I raised an eyebrow. “What else could you possibly want?”
Cat pushed me back, closing her legs and hopping off the countertop. Instead of putting her jeans back on, still in a puddle on the floor, Cat grabbed my hand to the center of the living room and pulled me down to the floor.
She laid on her back and winked at me.
Before I got on top of her, I let my loose linen pants fall to the floor. I didn’t bother leaving my bikini-cut panties on, sending them to the hardwood too.
“You can read my mind,” Cat smirked as she watched me move.
Lowering myself onto her center, still warm from my touch, I felt her hips thrust into me. “Fuck.” I moaned as I settled onto my knees.
It was moments like this that our history became so clear, even now we knew exactly what the other wanted. I knew exactly how to please her. Placing her hands on my waist, Cat gently bounced me along with the gentle pulses of their hips.
I felt the air between us shrink and expand with each thrust, the feeling making my clit throb as if her hands were massaging the hard bead. The hair around her center tickled my slit as I rubbed against it, letting my slit rub along hers.
“Oh god.” Cat’s eyes closed as she rested her head on the bare floor.
Rocking my hips, I felt my pleasure begin to drip down and mix with hers. The feelings made me whimper as I put my hand up in my hair. Lifting my shirt over my shoulders, I peeled off my shirt and threw it across the room.
Without a bra in her way, Cat reached her hands up and grabbed the rounded flesh. She put the hardened nipple between her fingers and pinched them lightly. A wave of pleasure shot down from my breasts to my clit.
“You’re so fucking hot.” I groaned as the rhythm between us picked up. Cat’s thrusts grew stronger, letting me bounce on her center even more.
Having already gotten myself worked up by touching her, I wasn’t going to last long. I looked down at her green eyes and moaned. I knew I’d never seen anyone as beautiful as she was, especially covered in sweat.
Grunting from the exertion, Cat asked, “Do you want my fingers?”
I shook my head. “I just want you to fuck me like this.” Each time my hips landed on her center, I rocked them against the solid bone of her pelvis. With each rub, my clit grew harder and more sensitive.
Soon, I pinned my hips down and put all of my energy into pressing against her thrusts. Even without her inside me, I felt like I could feel the pressure building in my channel.
My legs trembled as I peaked, letting myself lose all control. A scream ripped through my throat as I gave myself to Cat entirely.
“Yes, god, yes.” Cat panted as she pressed into me harder, chasing down my clit with her center.
Seizing, my body tensed against her before releasing. As soon as the moment passed, I fell to her. My palms slammed into the wood behind Cat’s head as I planted a kiss on her full lips.
Catching my breath, I looked down at her with a grin I couldn’t contain. “Living this close to you is going to be incredibly dangerous for my productivity.”
After Cat and I got dressed and chatted about how she planned to lay out the new place, we went our separate ways. Despite how much I loved spending time with her, she was too distracting to get anything done.
And I’d finally hit a good pace with my writing. Instead of getting hung up on plotting, I was letting the story unfold before me. Of course it would need more drafts but I was just happy to be back at my keyboard.
I lifted my hands from the laptop to check my phone. It was a message from Bri:
Made the playoff schedule. Trying to put your professional ass team up against the strongest teams to make it as fair as possible.
Looking at the brackets, it made a lot of sense. Most of the more casual teams were set to face off early on to see who was a rising star. From there, they would start working through the more serious groups.
Our team had agreed that we’d only let Cat pitch one inning per game until the Championships. After all, the whole point was to have fun.
And from what Cat said, the fundraising scheme was going well. They’d put up posters around town and a bunch of people had come into the bookstore and told me they’d come watch the game.
Mom seemed to have been right, letting Cat in was helpful. And every day she kept proving just how important to my life she was.
My eyes widened at the dates on Bri’s brackets. No way the playoffs are next weekend.
But they were. The league stacked all of the playoff games on one weekend to not stretch the season too late into the fall. We never knew when the first snow would come each year but it was better to not risk it.
A loud buzz sounded from downstairs. Standing from my desk, I crossed my apartment to the intercom. “Hello?”
“Delivery.” A voice sounded from the other side.
My face lit up as I realized what it was. Rushing downstairs, I grabbed the package from the driver. “Thank you!”
He nodded as he disappeared back to his truck. Turning on my heels, I took the heavy box back upstairs and slammed my front door.
Giddy, I grabbed a pair of scissors from the kitchen and sliced at the clear tape. Under a layer of packing paper, dozens of multi-colored shirts were neatly stacked inside. Reaching for my phone, I typed out a text back to Bri:
Perfect, thanks. Good timing.
I attached the photo of the opened box and hit send, a whoosh sounding from my computer.
It was all getting so real. And my nerves were growing at the thought of Cat’s big performance. Soon enough, we would know whether she still had a professional career or if she was really done.
But I had faith. I’d never seen a player improve the way she had.
And if I had grown to believe in her, who wouldn’t?