ASIM GAVE HER a hint about their date when she asked earlier, telling her to dress nicely for being outside in the evening, and that only serves to increase Everly’s excitement. She chooses to wear her favorite red heels—they make her calves look stunningly toned—and she pairs them with a classic Little Black Dress. Sleeveless with ruching along one side of her waist that accentuates her curves, it hits just below mid-thigh. The weather is warmer than usual today, so Everly isn’t too worried about getting chilled once the sun goes down. Her hair is curled and pinned up on one side leaving her neck bared on the other, and she got her nails done earlier in the day with french tips.
Everly loves how fancy she feels.
She normally dresses up for work, but that’s more of a professional business vibe. The only other time she’s dressed up like this in recent years has been the annual holiday party, and she’s never been able to enjoy it. This experience is completely different. She’s had an afternoon of pampering, partly because it’s fun, but also because her anxiety demanded some self care to calm her nerves before their date. Now Everly feels amazing, looks amazing, and is ready to have an incredible night.
Asim pulls up right on time, the delivery truck rumbling into her driveway, and Everly is floored when he hops down from the cab. He looks absolutely bite-able wearing impeccably fitted charcoal pants and a deep green button down that makes his eyes pop. With the sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off corded forearms, Everly reminds herself not to drool, or stare, or beg him to skip the date and come inside where she can rip those fine clothes right off.
He takes long strides toward the porch, loosely carrying a bouquet of wildflowers wrapped in brown paper with a twine bow around them in one hand. Her heart melts, and her heels click across the floor as she rushes to open the front door for him.
As soon as she pulls it open, Asim sucks in a sharp breath, his eyes devouring her. His heated gaze travels from her dark hair pulled up and exposing one side of her neck, along the curve of her body to her hips, down her bare legs to show-stopping red shoes. His throat bobs as he swallows hard. Blinking twice, Asim quickly reattaches his eyes to hers, the stain of a blush darkening his cheeks.
Her heart flutters, then turns over with a heavy thud in her chest.
“Sorry.” His voice is rough and gravely, and a muscle ticks in his jaw. “I normally have better manners than that but wow, Everly. You look… you’re stunning.”
She preens with his compliment and smiles at his embarrassment, thinking it’s cute that for once she’s thrown him off instead of the other way around. He thrusts the flowers out in front of him, clearing his throat.
“These are for you, obviously," he says, passing them to her and then rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. She thanks him, gesturing to him to follow her inside while she puts them in water. A soft groan sounds from behind her when she turns, followed by a low grumble; she’s pretty sure he’s scolding himself to “get a grip.” Everly smirks, but doesn’t call him out on it. She’s rather pleased to have affected him so strongly.
Asim confirms he’s ready to go once the flowers are in a vase, and then apologizes for the ride.
“I would have brought the bike, but considering I told you to dress up I figured that probably wasn’t the best idea.”
“That’s okay, I don’t mind the truck. You might have to help me get in though.” Everly gives a nervous laugh as she eyes the step leading up to the truck’s front cab. It wouldn’t normally be a problem, but between her three inch heels and the length of her dress, she’d rather play it safe than sorry.
“Of course," Asim replies, holding out his hand and opening the door for her.
Everly places her hand in his, loving how it encompasses hers completely. His fingers and palm are rough with calluses, and she wonders what they would feel like on other parts of her body. Everly gives herself a little shake as he closes the door and rounds to the drivers side, recentering herself in the present moment. Now is not the time for daydreams.
Pulling into the parking lot for the local river boat that runs river cruises for the tourists, Everly smoothes her hands along her thighs. She’s never been on it before, never really even considered it as she always assumed it was a tourist trap. Before she can ask, Asim tells her to stay put, then hops out on his side and rounds the front again, opening her door and holding out his hand to help her down. She smiles at him as she steps out, and he answers her unspoken question.
“We are taking a sunset dinner cruise. Have you been?”
“I haven’t. I didn’t even know they did that to be honest.” Everly raises her eyebrows in curiosity as she looks around, noticing a few other couples who are also making their way across the parking lot.
Asim passes over two tickets to the staff waiting on the dock, then ushers her onto the boat. “Where would you like to sit?” he asks.
“I have no idea. Where do you think would be best?” Everly is happy to take his lead on this.
“How about up top? I imagine it will have the best view for the sunset.” Asim places his hand on the small of her back, but isn’t forceful or pushy as he does so. He simply rests it there, as if he doesn’t want to lose her, or maybe he simply wants the physical connection. Everly likes it.
They’re crossing the second of three levels on the massive river boat when they run into another couple she vaguely recognizes from around town. Asim greets them warmly, exchanging smiles and handshakes, and she thinks he even knows their names. Everly, on the other hand, does not.
She has never been comfortable in these types of social situations; Everly hates random small talk and never knows what to say outside of expected encounters. She pastes a smile on her face as the couple chatters happily at Everly and Asim, asking him about his business and in return he asks about someone named Claire. They end up inviting Everly and Asim to join their table, but thankfully Asim handles it as smoothly as ever, politely declining their offer before excusing them to head up to the next deck. Everly takes a few deep breaths to calm the spike of adrenaline brought on by the unexpected socializing, and focuses on Asim’s thumb rubbing slow circles on her lower back. It feels smooth through the fabric of her dress and is pleasantly soothing.
They find a table along the front side of the boat and order dinner and drinks as it starts to slowly meander down the river. Everly might hate small talk with others, but with Asim it isn’t a problem. She finds herself happily chatting away, answering his questions and asking some of her own. He asks more about her therapy journey, and she shares her goal of taking risks to be more of her authentic self, and of course worrying less.
“It sounds silly, but I was so convinced it was an impossible task.” Everly laughs at herself and Asim tilts his head in question. “This idea of overcoming my fear of… I don’t know, myself? I guess? It feels like I’ve worn a mask and been a people pleaser for so long that it’s scary to think about being who I really am on the inside.”
“It makes sense, though," Asim replies. “We’re all raised with certain expectations, of course they’re quite different based on culture and gender and identity and whatnot, but still. I can relate to the idea of taking off a mask. I’ve gotten so used to wearing my professional persona all the time, that letting my guard down around you has been a bit intimidating, if I’m being honest.”
“Wait, you found me intimidating?!” Everly’s eyes pop wide and Asim chuckles in reply.
“Only because I wanted to make a good impression.” He pauses, seeming to debate what to say next. “I admire your courage, Everly. In facing your emotions in that way. I know from personal experience it’s often easier to ignore or avoid uncomfortable situations, but you’ve done the opposite.”
“It’s a new thing.” Everly shrugs. “I’m usually an expert avoider.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? With any of it, your self-expression, the anxiety you mentioned before?”
Everly’s heart threatens to explode and she takes a slow breath to keep herself grounded in the moment.
“Asim…” She shakes her head. “You’ve done so much for me already, I don’t think you even realize. Most people in my past would make fun or judge me when I do something weird or awkward or embarrassing, but you haven’t been like that. And just… Like how you take control in uncomfortable situations and make it seem so smooth and effortless. I don’t get it, I don’t know how you do it, but it’s made things so much better. It’s made being around you so easy.”
Everly averts her eyes, looking down at her napkin instead of him. That was a lot. It feels like she just flayed her heart open and laid it in front of him.
“Good. That’s what I want," Asim says, reaching across the table and opening his palm for her hand. Everly looks at it for a moment before settling hers there, relishing the warmth he brings to her cool fingers.
Asim, it turns out, is familiar with anxiety. His brother struggles with it as well, and as their parents have never been very open about mental health, his brother turned to him as someone to talk to about it. There’s a warm, floaty feeling in her chest as he talks about learning from his brother, one that expands into a fierce sense of pride. She’s proud of herself for opening up again and she’s proud of Asim for not only being supportive of his brother, but going further by making an effort to learn more about what his brother dealt with and how to help.
They’ve finished eating and are slowly sipping their drinks as the sun sets on the horizon, turning the arid landscape a molten gold. The setting sun strikes a path of glowing orange across the river, and the cloudless sky is transforming to pastel shades of purple and pink above them. Everly admires how it burnishes Asim’s skin and highlights his eyes, bringing out the color and making them shine a brighter green than usual. He looks ethereal, as though his skin is glowing and his eyes carry magic.
Everly wants to get lost in him, but she’s been on edge about going on a date to begin with, plus a little nervous about one thing this whole evening. She’s at the point where she’s had just enough liquid courage to finally brave it and ask him. She looks over her glass at Asim, scanning his face in an attempt to gauge what his reaction might be. He lifts his eyebrows at her inquisitive stare, setting his drink down and leaning his forearms against the table between them. His full attention is intimidating and gratifying at the same time.
“I had an idea…” Everly begins, but then pauses as her nerves start to flare up again.
“I like ideas.” Asim encourages her with a small nod and his lips hitch up on one side in a half smile. She takes a fortifying sip of her drink, then continues.
“Well, remember when we were talking about the poinsettias?” She’s having trouble holding eye contact and her gaze keeps bouncing around the boat, down to her hands, the river, the landscape around them, only glancing at him for brief moments in between.
Asim looks momentarily taken aback, but nods, replying, “I do, yes.”
“I thought, maybe I could donate them to others around town. Maybe the retirement apartments or nursing home, or some of the other local businesses, if they’d like.” Everly stumbles over her words, and forces herself to take a breath before continuing.
Why is asking for help so hard?
Logically, she knows this isn’t a huge deal, but emotionally she’s terrified. Everly straightens her shoulders and glances up at the sky, then quickly back down, locking eyes with him.
“Will you help me?” she asks.
Asim cocks his head at her. “You’d like me to help you donate the poinsettias?”
“Yes, well, I mean I don’t know how else I would, since they wouldn’t fit in my car. Or well, they might or I could make a few trips, but you have the truck so I figured, oh but that’s not the only reason!” Everly’s eyes flare with panic when she realizes it sounds like she just wants to use him for the delivery truck. “I want to spend time with you too! I thought it could be fun to do together, like a date, well not a date really, but you know—”
Asim reaches across the table and swipes his thumb along her lower lip, stopping her rambling in its tracks. “Hush darling, I’d love to help you.”
Everly’s lips part and she desperately fights herself not to kiss his finger, or lick it, or suck it into her mouth and swirl her tongue around it. He’s effectively snapped her out of one thought spiral, and sent her straight into a different one. Thoughts of him, his touch, his lips, her lips…
Asim slowly pulls his hand away, eyes flicking to her lips as she licks them, tasting the remnants of the salt from his skin. Her eyes follow that finger until it disappears beneath the table, then they seek out his gaze again. She realizes they haven’t spoken for long moments, and it almost feels like they’re under a spell. Like they’re the only two people on this boat, sailing down an enchanted river with the world a blurry, glowing gold around them.
The spell is broken when the waiter stops by their table, butting in and startling her back to reality, asking how they’re doing and if they’d like dessert. Everly’s emotions take another tumble, slamming back into the realm of anxiety, because what was that , and now she’s expected to order dessert?! She didn’t even know they offered dessert.
Her heart starts to thump in her chest as the waiter stares at her, reverberating through her body and tightening her lungs. She hears Asim request a few more minutes, and then the sound of his chair scraping across the deck as he stands.
He kneels down next to her, taking her shaking fingers into his hands and clasping them lightly between his as his eyes scan her face. Everly’s eyes are downcast, focusing on their hands and her breathing as she frantically tries to suck in air. She is acutely aware of the fact they are on a boat, surrounded by people and water, and there is no escape. Everly has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nowhere to be alone. She’s unsure why, in this moment of all moments, her anxiety has decided to flare, but it’s here now and it won’t be ignored.
Asim grasps her hands tighter in his, pulling her attention to him. He’s just below her eye level, where he crouches in a half kneel, allowing her to look down at him while blocking out most everything else around them. She can see his lips moving, but only hears the blood rushing in her ears. All Everly can do at this moment is shake her head at him, unable to respond to whatever he’s trying to tell her.
One of his hands glides up her arm, though she hardly feels it, and then his fingers trace along the side of her face. She barely notices that either, until his entire palm flattens against her lower jaw and neck as he cups her head in his hand. He massages the back of her neck with strong fingers, and she leans into it, increasing the pressure until it pushes the other sensations back. Her hearing starts to return, and her blurry eyes focus on his startlingly intense, green gaze.
“Everly? Can you hear me?” His voice isn’t loud, but it is firm, concerned. She nods, but isn’t able to speak.
“Breathe with me," he says, releasing her neck and placing one of her hands flat against his chest. Everly sees his shoulders rise with his inhale, feels his lungs expand under her palm, and she tries her best to follow along with him. Her breath stutters as she inhales, catching in her throat, but she manages to hold it for a second as he does before slowly forcing it back out.
“Again," he demands, and she doesn’t have to think about it. Her body listens, responding to his authoritative tone and trusting him instinctively. They breathe together, in and out, over and over, and it gets easier with each breath. Asim’s steady gaze is her lifeline, and he doesn’t look away from her once.
When her blood has stopped pounding through her and her breathing has evened out, she’s able to move on her own again and her thoughts come rushing back in. Mortified, Everly slumps down behind his massive body, using him as a shield as she searches the other tables on the top deck, hoping against hope that no one noticed her breakdown .
“Everly, look at me.” Asim’s gentle but unyielding voice commands her distraught gaze to return to his. “You’re okay. No one noticed, we were quiet, and they’ve been enjoying their meals and the sunset. It’s okay.” Slow and calm, his low voice soothes her agitated nerves.
“Okay. It’s okay," she whispers the words, clinging to his gaze and his hand.
“It’s okay. You’re okay," he reaffirms, nodding. He takes another deep breath, pressing her hand more firmly to his chest, and she follows his lead again.
“Thank you," she says quietly, pulling her hands from his and clenching her napkin in her lap. “I don’t know what happened, and I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Jumped straight into the river, probably.”
“You’re welcome. If you want to talk about it, I’m happy to listen," he says. “Are you ready for me to get up? I can stay here, if you need.” His eyes search hers, flicking back and forth, earnest and piercing.
Everly shakes her head, taking another deep breath on her own and looking back at him with a small smile. “I’m good now, you can get up.”
Asim gently squeezes her arm in that comforting way of his, then stands and smoothly slides back into his seat. “Now, would you like some dessert? You don’t have to, I’m happy either way, but if you’d like a suggestion I hear their chocolate mousse is fantastic.”
Everly looks around, realizing what felt like hours was actually only minutes, and takes a moment to assess her body. She’s feeling drained from the panic attack, and doesn’t think a rich dessert would sit well with her at this point. “No, I don’t think I’ll have any. Please get some if you’d like though, I don’t mind.”
Asim simply smiles, and when the waiter comes back around, he declines dessert, requesting fresh water for them both and a hot green tea for Everly. She looks at him in surprise, wondering if it was a lucky guess or if he somehow knows she likes green tea.
“You mentioned it once,” he says, “when talking about your friend. You said Frankie always makes you green tea, that it’s your go-to comfort drink.”
Everly’s heart thumps in her chest for an entirely different reason now.
She doesn’t know what she did to deserve this man showing up in her life, but she’s becoming more grateful every day for the opportunity to get to know him.