Poinsettia Lane Chapter Eighteen 60%
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Chapter Eighteen


ASIM TEXTS HER periodically over the next few days, checking in and sending Everly sweet little notes. They set up a time and date to donate the poinsettias during the upcoming week, and Everly compiles a list of places she would like to donate them to. In the meantime, she’s overdue for some quality friend time with Frankie.

Snagging her phone off the bathroom counter, Everly hits the video call as she wanders into her walk-in closet and waits for them to pick up. She’s back home from work at the hotel after an aggravating day involving two of their longest-standing repeat clients somehow double-booking the same luxury suite and it was an absolute nightmare to sort out. She debates whether to take a bubble bath now, or wait until she’s done talking with her friend, but Frankie picks up before she can decide. Their sparkly, hazel brown eyes light up her screen, shelves lining the coffee house stockroom behind them.

“Hello, this is Frankie, who am I speaking with?”

Everly snorts a laugh.

“Yeah, yeah, hilarious.” She deadpans, rolling her eyes into the camera.

Frankie laughs and props the phone up on a box as she unpacks and shelves supplies.

“So, tell me about your daaaate!” Frankie sings the last word and wiggles their eyebrows at her suggestively. “I heard through the grapevine that you two were, and I quote, “just so darn cute together” end quote.”

“Wait, what?! You heard from who?!” Everly does not like the relentless gossip mill in this town, and she normally stays out of it.

“Oh, you know. Just Nancy, doing her thing. She said she ran into you both as you were finding a table. Told me all about it when she was ordering her coffee this morning. Said she offered for you to sit with them just to pull your leg and see what you’d do.” They roll their eyes at this. “Old lady jokes, am I right?”

“So that’s what her name was. Nancy.” She narrows her eyes. “Such an old lady name too.”

Frankie snorts. “Okay, okay. Enough about Nancy. How was it?”

“It. Was. Amazing.” Everly flops dramatically onto her bed, hair splaying out around her. She hasn’t stopped thinking about her date with Asim since the moment it ended. “Also humiliating, but mostly amazing.” Everly tells Frankie everything, all the dirty details they’ve been wanting for weeks, finally feeling in a secure enough place emotionally to share it, and Frankie is eating it up like it’s the latest reality tv show.

“Okay yeah, definitely a keeper,” they say. “I can’t believe you had a full on panic attack though, and on the boat? Why?”

“I have no idea. I mean, my emotions were up and down all day leading up to it, and I had been feeling nervous, so maybe it was a combination of everything? I don’t know. I’m going to ask Carrie about it next session. I just hope it doesn't happen again," she says, sitting up and crossing her legs, sighing in resignation at the fact that it likely will, as that wasn’t the first one in the last few weeks.

Frankie looks at her thoughtfully.

“It sounds like even if you do have another one, if Asim’s around he can help you through it. From what you said, it doesn’t seem like it even phased him, and based on that kiss… yeah. Girl, you’re fine.” They state this as though their word is law and there is no question about it.

Everly laughs, acknowledging Frankie’s words are likely the truth. They spend some time catching up on both of their lives, and Everly putters around the house taking care of minor household chores she’s been putting off. As they finally end the call over an hour later, Everly is smiling and humming to herself, putting the last of the clean dishes away in the kitchen.

She heads up the stairs to bed, deciding she doesn’t need that bubble bath after all, and feels lighter than she has in years. Joyful to have a friend she can share everything with who won’t judge her for her flaws, and eager to spend more time with Asim in the next couple days.


Asim backs the delivery truck up to the front porch steps, in the same spot he had it when he first dropped off the plants for the holiday party so many weeks ago. Everly is already waiting on the porch with the front door open, grin stretching her cheeks and hugging a cheerful red poinsettia in her arms, ready to be loaded.

As he jumps down and closes the truck door behind him, Asim sees her and grins back. Everly lifts one of her hands from the pot, clasping her forearm with the other, and gives him a small wave before wrapping it around the pot and holding it tightly to her front again.

“Ready to get right to work, I see.”

“I’m excited!” Everly says, bouncing on her toes. She feels good about this decision, bringing a bit of joy and life to those in her community.

Asim skips up the steps and strides right over to her like he owns the place, sliding his hand to the nape of her neck as his lips take hers in a searing kiss above the poinsettia’s flowers tickling her chin. Before Everly can so much as try to return it, he’s pulling away and turning to open up the back of the truck. Everly rocks up onto her toes, a blissful feeling lighting up her chest.

They both start grabbing the potted poinsettias from inside and loading them into the truck. Once they get a few in, Asim suggests she hop in the back and start organizing them while he hauls the rest out to her.

Before she can finish saying “sure,” his hands are around her waist and he’s lifting her up into the bed of the truck. Everly gasps, the combination of his touch, his hands nearly encircling her waist, and the ease with which he lifts her sending her mind into a buzzing frenzy.

She shakes her head quickly, not letting herself get sucked into the distraction that is Asim right now. They are on a schedule today and she won’t be sidetracked from it. Everly shuffles into the truck’s depths, scooting and sliding the potted plants around so they’re secure and will be easy to unload when they get to their new homes.

Asim easily carries out four at a time with two in each hand, somehow gripping the lips of the pots together and dropping them into the truck for her to arrange. After only a few more trips, the house is cleared out and the truck is loaded.

“Well that was way easier and faster than if I had tried to do this all myself," Everly says, hands on her hips and her voice wry as she looks down at Asim from her vantage point in the back of the truck. Asim chuckles and waves her forward. She sits down at the edge with her legs dangling off, intending to reach for his hand, but he has other ideas. Once again, his hands circle her waist, and hers go to his shoulders as he lifts her down, setting her feet on the ground in front of him.

“That’s way too easy for you.” Everly’s breath hitches in her lungs and she struggles to keep her eyes locked on his when what they really want to do is admire the tattooed biceps that are being lovingly hugged by his short shirt sleeves.

“Because of my monster arms?”

Asim’s grin is playful as he crowds her space, reminding her of the way her mouth ran away without her permission the first time they met. Her eyes flare as he reaches up over her, and her mind blanks. Everly has no idea what’s happening now, other than that she’s surrounded by him. His broad chest is pressing into hers, her nose is at the base of his throat with his masculine, earthy scent invading her lungs, and his arms are raised on either side of her. She’s ready to climb him like some sort of rabid spider monkey, when he abruptly pulls down the roller door to the back of the truck. Everly squeaks in alarm, nearly crashing her nose into his chin when she instinctively jumps away from the loud sound, inadvertently launching herself at him .

Asim throws the latch behind her before leaning back and meeting her gaze again. His eyes are twinkling with mischief and she narrows hers, pinning him with a glare as she wills her heart to slow. He knew exactly what he was doing and how it would affect her. Everly unclenches her fists from his shirt and lightly smacks a very hard pec in retaliation. She’s pretty sure her palm stings more than his chest.

Asim’s smile oozes male smugness. Everly whirls around, whipping him in the chest with her long, dark hair, and strides toward the passenger door of the truck. She hears his amused chuckle behind her, and acknowledges it with a secret smile of her own. She likes playful Asim.

A moment later, he climbs in next to her, his corded forearm flexing as he turns the key in the ignition.

“Where to first?”

“I was thinking that apartment complex for 55 and older, the one over on Elmwood?”

“I know the one.” Asim nods and shifts the truck into gear, driving carefully down the driveway and turning out onto her street in the direction she indicated. Everly cracks her window open so she can feel the cool morning breeze on her cheeks as the neighbors’ houses slide by outside the window.

“You don’t think this is silly, do you?” Everly is having second thoughts, wondering if people won’t want poinsettias in February.

“I think it’s a really thoughtful idea, Ever. If I didn’t think people would like it, I would have told you so.” Asim has always been honest with her, and she has no reason to doubt him. Everly relaxes back into the seat.

They arrive a few minutes later and walk up to the resident services building. To her surprise, an older man, who she assumes must be the leasing office or building manager, walks right up to Asim with a warm smile on his wrinkled face and his hand stretched out. Asim meets him halfway, warmth lighting his face in return as they greet each other while Everly stalls behind him.

“Mr. Williams,” Asim says, “great to see you again.”

“You as well, young man," Mr. Williams says. “How are you? How’s that old truck holding up? ”

“Sturdy as ever, just as you promised.” Asim grins, nodding his chin toward the truck behind him.

“Well, I’m just glad to see she’s still chugging along. Happy she’s in good hands, you know," he says, and Everly surmises the delivery truck must have been Mr. Williams’ at some point.

“What brings you two youngin’s over here today, then?” Mr. Williams asks, and Asim turns slightly, snagging Everly’s hand and tugging her in front of him, then placing both hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently in reassurance.

“This is Everly, she has some poinsettia plants she wants to share around town and this is one of the stops on her list.”

Asim is beaming, she can hear it in his voice and she swears she can feel it lighting up the air around them. Is this what it feels like for someone to approve of her? She’s afraid to let herself think that it might even be pride, because somehow that feels bigger and scarier than any other possibility.

Mr. Williams greets her with the same warmth he had for Asim, even though they don’t yet know each other.

“Hi Mr. Williams, it’s nice to meet you. Do you think any of the residents would be interested in a free plant?” Everly asks, biting her lip to stop herself from rambling about poinsettias.

“Oh that sounds just lovely, my dear.” Mr. Williams readily agrees and she breathes a sigh of relief.

He helps them unload some of the potted plants and set them up outside the leasing office, then returns to his work inside, leaving the two of them alone in the lobby area. As they are working, a fair number of seniors walk by and Everly greets each one, offering them a plant with a smile on her face.

Some are interested, others offer a polite no thank you. There’s one sweet older lady who eyes the plants, but she’s using a walker and ultimately declines. Asim notices her looking at them though, and offers to carry one back to her apartment. Her face lights up, and she tells him what a sweet young man he is. Everly’s smile grows wider watching him interact with her. He grabs a couple of the nicest looking ones and pulls them to the front for her to inspect, asking which one calls to her. She spends a moment looking them over, and even reaches down to touch the petals of one, which she quickly declares the winner.

Asim snags it, then holds out an arm, gesturing for her to proceed him toward the main hallway. She pats his arm before returning her hands to her walker, and they shuffle away together. Everly hears a happy “thank you, dear” as Asim gives her a sideways grin over his shoulder on his way out the door.

He returns only a few minutes later and they close up the truck, leaving a few in the lobby and deciding to take the next batch downtown to offer to the other local businesses. Everly saves a couple of her favorites for the hotel lobby, plus a funky looking one for Frankie at Roasted, and they distribute the rest. Almost everyone looks surprised to see Everly, which makes sense given her lack of sociability with others in the community despite having lived all thirty years of her life in this town. On the other hand, Everly is surprised to see how many people know Asim. He’s greeted left and right, with people inquiring after Moose and the greenhouse and his family.

He says hello to Alex, who she learns is the genius in the back kitchen of the bakery, greets José who is pulling up weeds along the sidewalk and she assumes works for the parks and recreation department but doesn’t get a chance to clarify, and stops for a chat with Luís, who is apparently a cashier Asim knows from the hardware store. Alex and Luís each take a poinsettia, but José declines, stating he has enough plants at home already. Everly had no idea Asim was so well known around town, and she side eyes him as they walk to the next shop.

“How do you know so many people?” she asks.

Asim shrugs, and his shirt tugs up underneath the pot of the plant resting above his hip, revealing a strip of smooth, golden brown skin. Everly wants to lick it. She yanks her eyes away before her thoughts continue down that path, focusing on the sidewalk in front of her as Asim replies. “When I first moved here, I missed that sense of community and family I had before. So I went out and introduced myself to some of the other business owners; tried to foster that sense of home I was missing.”

“Did it work?”

“Sort of.” Asim looks down at the poinsettia, his eyes tracing over the red veins, before glancing her way again. “I do feel a similar sense of community here, but there’s still a hole. Something missing. That feeling of belonging, of family. Being unconditionally loved and accepted and known.” He looks away, a red tint to his cheeks and his eyes latch on to the door ahead of them. He quickens his next couple strides and snags the handle, pulling it open and stepping aside for her to walk in ahead of him.

Everly wants to ask more, but clearly he isn’t very comfortable talking about it right now. She lets it go and they focus on finding new homes for the last few plants.

Finally, they make it to Roasted Coffee House with the last one she picked for Frankie. Frankie’s head swings around from behind the counter as they open the door and step inside, and when they see Everly, they drop the checkered hand-towel they were using and walk around the counter toward the two of them.

“Oh hey, I know you!” Frankie says, striding up to them and holding out their hand to Asim.

“You do?” Everly asks, looking between Frankie and Asim.

“Well, in passing. You stop in for coffee every now and then, right? Chaga, if I’m not mistaken," Frankie answers Everly and then turns to Asim for confirmation.

“You have a good memory.” He smiles and shakes their hand. “Nice to officially meet you, I’m Asim.”

“Frankie," they reply. “So what’s up?” Frankie turns back to Everly and raises their eyebrows expectantly.

“I brought you a plant!” Everly holds it out in front of her with both hands, smiling as she thrusts it into Frankie’s arms.

“Oh! Okay, cool.” Frankie glances at Asim as they accept it, then looks back to Everly, their face carefully neutral. “Um, why?”

“I’m donating all the ones from the party. Asim is helping.” Everly waves a hand in his direction, her words spilling over each other. “I saved this one for you though, thought you’d like it. It’s kinda weird.”

One side of Frankie’s mouth tips up. “You thought I’d like the weirdo plant, huh?” They extend their arms, holding it in front of them as they twist and turn the pot to inspect it further. “It is a little misshapen, kinda short on one side and scraggly on the other.”

Everly shifts her weight from one foot to the other, Asim’s hand coasts lightly along her back.

“Yeah, it’ll do," Frankie declares, her eyes meeting Everly’s again as they grin at her. “Here we go.”

Frankie slips around Everly to get to the front window where there’s a wide ledge holding knick knacks and a couple other plants. Moving around a few of the items, they make space and shove the potted poinsettia into the mix, re-shuffling a few of the smaller things and then stepping back to assess their work.

“Looks good," Asim says.

“Looks perfect .” Frankie beams at them and bounces over.

“Thanks for thinking of me," they say, enveloping Everly in one of their signature over-the-top engulfing hugs. She squeezes her friend back, her heart happy and a grin taking over her face.

“So, you two want to stick around? Tea and Chaga,” they point to each of them respectively as they name their preferred drinks, “on the house.”

Everly glances up at Asim, a question in her eyes. She’d love to stay and for them to get to know each other a little more, but she isn’t sure what his plans look like for the rest of the day.

“Sounds good, I’d love to," Asim says, and Everly bites her bottom lip in an attempt to hold in what feels like a very silly, very giddy smile.

They spend some time hanging out, the three of them talking about their day and getting acquainted with each other. Frankie asks where else they’ve stopped by with flowers, which is when Everly realizes that both Frankie and Asim are huge town gossips. Frankie learned long ago that Everly couldn’t care less, and they gave up trying to talk to her about any of the goings-on in town, but to her consternation, Asim knows nearly as much about everyone’s business as Frankie .

They swap stories, Frankie leaning forward with their elbows on their knees while Asim animatedly speaks with his hands, and Everly relaxes back into the soft leather seat, sipping her tea and eyeing them with amusement.

Sooner than she’d like, Frankie has to get back to work, so Everly and Asim stand up to leave, thanking them for the drinks and exchanging hugs. Asim holds the door open for her, then slips his hand around hers as they walk back to the parking lot. Everly swings their hands a little, her heart dancing when he glances down and winks at her, a cozy half smile tilting his lips.

With the truck now empty, Everly has a new sense of accomplishment, with a hefty dose of contentment curling around her heart as well. It fills her chest to bursting, but not in a scary way like the anxiety does. She feels proud of what they’ve done, and more fulfilled than she has in years. Part of her is tempted to minimize this experience, to say it wasn’t that much and isn’t really a big deal. The other part of her, the part that has been breaking out of its shell, the part that hears Carrie's voice on her shoulder, tells her to embrace it and that it was a purposeful step forward. That it’s okay to feel good, to be proud, and to acknowledge that today has been meaningful for her.

Everly holds her shoulders back and tips her face into the sun, closing her eyes with a smile and letting the wind whip through her hair on the drive back to her house.

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