Chapter 23
T he arena is quiet when I arrive, the calm before the storm of tonight's game. I'm early.
Earlier than I've been in years. The ice might be the only thing that can temper the heat coursing through my veins.
I navigate through the tunnel toward the locker room, staring out at the crowded stands. I should be mentally preparing for the game—to figuring out how to be a player that the Blades will want to keep, but all I can think about is Lexi.
Her smile. Her laugh. The way she looks at me like no one ever has.
But that's just one ever has. Not in this way.
I've had plenty of flings and one-night stands, but never someone who makes me feel seen and understood like she does.
"Giovanni De Luca, don't you dare take another step."
I wince, turning to face the voice I know better than my own.
Gabi's standing there, arms crossed, looking every inch the formidable PR head she is. You'd never know my baby sis has two kids and a husband by how she runs this team.
In a designer wrap dress and heels, no less.
She steps forward, green gaze narrowed. But there's something else in her eyes.
Worry. Maybe even a hint of hurt.
"Uh hey, Gabs. What's up?"
She arches one dark eyebrow. "What's up? Really? That's what you're going with?"
"Look, if this is about the article…"
"Of course it's about the article!" Gabi explodes, her composure finally cracking. "Gio, what the hell were you thinking? Lexi? Really?"
And just like that, I'm done pretending. "Yeah, Lexi. Really."
Gabi's eyes widen, and I can see the moment it really hits her. "Oh my God. It's true, isn't it? You and Lexi..."
I nod, bracing myself for the explosion. But instead, Gabi just deflates, looking more tired than angry.
"How long?" she asks quietly.
"Not long," I admit. "It's new. We're still figuring it out."
Gabi shakes her head, a mix of disbelief and something that might be amusement on her face. "Unbelievable. My best friend and my brother. But you guys hate each other."
"Define 'hate’."
"You don't do relationships, Gio. And she's...well, she's Lexi. I don't believe this."
"Trust me, neither did we."
Gabi sighs, running a hand through her hair before looking back up at me. "You know this is going to cause a lot of drama, right? Lexi could very possibly lose her job."
"That won't happen. I won't let it happen."
Gabi looks at me incredulously. "Are you serious? You're willing to ruin Lexi's career for a fling?"
"It's not a fling," I reply firmly. "And it's not just about her. It's about finally finding someone who gets me."
Gabi gives me a sad smile. "I get that, Gio. I really do. But you need to do the right thing."
"I know," I say quietly, looking down at my hands. "But I can't keep living a lie just to please everyone else."
For a moment, we just stand there, the weight of the revelation hanging between us. Then Gabi sighs, her expression softening.
"Are you happy, Gio?"
The question catches me off guard. Am I happy? With Lexi, yeah. Happier than I've been in a long time.
But with everything else? The secrecy, the complications, the potential fallout?
"I am," I finally say. "And Lexi...she's worth it. Worth figuring it out."
Gabi studies me for a long moment, then nods. "Okay. Then I guess I'm happy for you. But Gio? Be careful. This could blow up in both your faces if you're not smart about it."
"I know. We're working on it."
"You'd better be working on not hurting my friend," Gabi warns, but there's a small smile playing on her lips.
"I would never hurt her," I promise sincerely.
"Good. And make sure she doesn't hurt you either. She may be tiny, but Lexi has a mean right hook."
"So, you're not mad?" I ask tentatively.
"Do you want me to be mad?"
"No, of course not. I just...I value your opinion."
Gabi's expression softens even more and she gives me a hug. "I may not agree with everything you do, but I'll always support you." She releases me with a laugh. "But if you hurt my girl, it's my right hook you'll need to worry about. Now go figure out how to make this work without getting traded or kicked off the team."
As Gabi walks away, I feel like a weight has been lifted.
No more lying. No more hiding.
At least not from the people who matter most.
In the locker room, I suit up with a newfound sense of purpose.
Tonight, I'm not just playing for the team or for the playoffs. I'm playing for Lex.
To show her—to show everyone—that I can be more than just the hothead jackass that everyone thinks I am.
I'll prove to her that I'm capable of being a good teammate, a loyal boyfriend, and maybe even...a better man.
As the game begins, my focus is solely on the ice.
Problem is, this game is intense from the first drop of the puck. The Buffalo team is out for blood, clearly seeing us as the team to beat.
But for once, I'm not taking the bait.
When their star defenseman, a mountain of a man named Kruger, slams me into the boards, I don't retaliate. When their enforcer slashes at my hand with his stick, I keep my cool.
I can see the confusion on Kruger's face, the frustration when I don't take the bait.
He tries again in the second period, a dirty slash to my ankles that the ref somehow misses. But instead of dropping gloves and showing this motherfucker what I'm made of, I skate away and keep my composure.
And it pays off. With less than a minute left in the second period, we're down by one goal. But then Kruger taunts as we line up for a face-off. "What's the matter, De Luca? Lost your edge? Or just scared?"
I meet his eyes, letting a slow smile spread across my face. "Nah, man. Just got better things to do than dance with you all night."
The look on his face is priceless.
We win the game 3-2, and I manage to rack up two assists without a single penalty. As the final buzzer sounds, I can't help but scan the crowd, looking for a familiar blonde head. But Lexi's nowhere to be seen.
Probably for the best, I tell myself. We need to be careful, after all.
And speaking of careful...
Avoiding the locker room reporters is harder than I thought.
The Lexi rumors. My restraint with Kruger. My sudden improvement on the ice.
They all want answers, but I give them nothing.
After a quick shower and change, I head out of the arena and immediately pull out my phone.
I shoot Lexi a quick text. "Game's over. Where are you?"
She replies almost instantly. "At your place. Waiting for you."
A smile pulls at my lips as I hop into my car and start driving.
By the time I make it home, I'm exhausted but wired. The adrenaline from the game is still pumping through my veins, mixed with a heady cocktail of hope and anxiety about Lexi.
I'm so lost in thought that I almost miss it. The faint trace of Lexi's perfume.
A grin spreads across my face as I push open the door. "You know, Brookes, breaking and entering is still illegal, even for star reporters."
But the smile dies on my lips when I see her face. Lexi's standing in the middle of the room, looking like she's facing a firing squad rather than her...whatever I am to her.
Dressed in a sleek black dress, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, she looks stunning.
But there's something in her eyes. A sadness that wasn't there before.
I close the door behind me and take a few steps towards her. "What's wrong?" I ask softly, reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face.
She sighs and leans into my touch. "Nothing," she says with a shrug, but I can tell she's lying.
"Come on, Lex. You know you can't hide anything from me."
She looks up at me and for a moment, it feels like we're the only two people in the world. Then her gaze flickers away and she takes a deep breath. "I, uh, wanted to tell you that you had a great game tonight. You were amazing out there."
I take a step toward her, frowning at the way she tenses. "Thanks. I was hoping you'd be there. I wanted to show you..."
"Gio," she cuts me off, and something in her tone makes my blood run cold. "We need to talk."
And just like that, I know. I know before she says another word that this isn't going to be the reunion I was hoping for.
"Lex," I start, reaching for her, but she takes a step back.
"Please," she says, and I can see the tears shining in her eyes. "Please don't make this harder than it already is."
"Make what harder?"
She takes a deep breath, squaring her shoulders like she's preparing for battle. "This. Us." She chews on her bottom lip, her gaze flickering up to meet mine. "It can't happen, Gio. It was a mistake. A beautiful, wonderful mistake, but a mistake nonetheless."
I feel like the air has been knocked out of me. My mind is reeling, trying to make sense of what she's saying. "What are you talking about?"
"I can't do this anymore," she says firmly, her voice steady now as if she's made up her mind.
"Do what? Be with me?"
She nods, tears finally spilling down her cheeks. "It's not fair to either of us. We both know why we never started anything in the first place."
"But that was years ago, Lex. We've both grown and changed."
"I know," she whispers, looking away again. "But some things never change. This could ruin both of us. Your career, my's not worth the risk."
"Not worth the risk?" I repeat, anger starting to bubble up beneath the hurt. "So that's all I am to you? A risk?"
"Of course not," she says, and I can see the pain in her eyes. "You''re everything to me, Gio. And that's the problem. That's why this has to end now before it goes any further. I can't be objective about you anymore. I can't do my job. Can't be the journalist I need to be, if I'm with you."
I want to argue. Want to tell her that we can make it work, that what the hell we began is worth fighting for. But the words stick in my throat.
Because deep down, I know she's right.
I'm a problem for her. A thorn in the side of her burgeoning career.
Thing is...
I assumed I was a thorn worth having.
A risk worth taking.
But she doesn't see it that way. And I fucking knew it.
I knew this would happen.
But knowing that doesn't make it hurt any less.
"So that's it?" I ask, hating the way my voice sounds weak and broken. "We just...pretend none of this ever happened?"
Lexi swallows hard, and I can see she's fighting back tears. "We finish the story. Professionally. And then...then we go our separate ways."
I clench my jaw, trying to hold back the anger and hurt that's threatening to consume me. "Fine. Let's just finish this damn story."
"Okay." She nods. "I'll be back in two days to get the rest of the notes and interviews. We can meet at the cafe down the street from your office."
I nod, not trusting myself to speak without yelling or breaking something.
Lexi walks to the door, her hand hovering over the handle before she turns back to me. "I'm sorry," she says softly, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I never wanted it to end this way."
"Me neither," I say, my voice barely audible as she closes the door behind her.
I sink onto the couch, feeling numb and empty inside. This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
But I guess life doesn't always go according to plan.
I thought I had found my happily ever after with Lexi, but now I'm left alone to pick up the pieces of a shattered future.
The truth is, I'm already in too deep. I'm already fallen for Lexi Brookes.
Hard and fast and completely.
And I have no idea how I'm supposed to let her go.