Power Pucking Play (Chicago Blades) 25. Chapter 25 83%
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25. Chapter 25

Chapter 25


T he ice has always been my sanctuary. A place where everything else fades away, where the only thing that matters is the puck, the stick, and the goal.

But today? Today it feels more like a prison.

I skate harder, pushing myself until my lungs burn and my legs scream in protest. But no matter how fast I go, I can't outrun the memory of Lexi's face as she walked out of my life.

I thought I had it all figured out. I thought I could balance a relationship and my career, but when it came down to it, the choice was made for me.

I can't even blame her. She warned me from the beginning that this was how things would end up. But I was too selfish, too focused on my own desires to listen.

And now here I am, alone on the ice with nothing but my fucking thoughts and regrets.

"De Luca!" Coach's voice cuts through my haze. "Take five. You're gonna wear yourself out."

I nod, skating to the bench and grabbing my water bottle. As I catch my breath, I can't help but scan the stands. Empty, of course. But part of me still hopes to see a familiar blonde head, notebook in hand.

Fuck, I'm pathetic.

"Yo, Gio!" Plopping down beside me, Jacob's voice breaks through my brooding. "You planning on rejoining us mere mortals anytime soon?"

I force a grin. "Just focused on the game, man. Buffalo's not gonna be an easy win."

Jacob eyes me, taking his helmet off his sandy-brown hair. "Motherfucking BS. Seriously, dude, what's going on with you? You've been off ever since..."

He trails off, but I know what he's not saying. Ever since Lexi.

"I'm fine," I snap, harsher than I intended. "Just...leave it, okay?"

"Sure, shithead." He nudges me with his padded shoulder, blue eyes smiling before turning serious. "But you know you can talk to me, right? I'm not just the dude that saves your ass from on-the-ice rumbles. We've been down since second grade, man."

I grip my water bottle tighter, heart aching at his words. Jacob's right. We've been through everything together. He knows me better than anyone.

Except maybe Lexi now.

But that's not an option anymore.

"Yeah," I finally say, clearing my throat. "Thanks, Jake."

"Anytime." He claps me on the back before standing up and skating back to the ice.

I follow shortly after, knowing that talking is the last thing I want to do right now.

Practice drags on, each drill feeling more pointless than the last. I go through the motions, but my heart's not in it.

My fire, the passion that's driven me since I first laced up a pair of skates, feels...extinguished.

As we file into the locker room after practice, the guys are buzzing with excitement about the upcoming playoff game. But their chatter washes over me like white noise. I peel off my sweaty gear, barely registering the jokes and laughter around me.

"Hey man," Jacob says, pulling me aside as we head to the showers. "I know you're not feeling it today, but we need you out there on the ice tomorrow."

"I'll be ready," I say automatically, but we both know it's a lie.

He gives me a knowing look before clapping me on the shoulder. "I believe in you, dude."

"All right, listen up!" Coach's voice cuts through the chaos. "I want everyone rested and ready for tomorrow. No late nights, no partying. Got it?"

There's a chorus of agreement, and then everyone's dispersing, heading home to their families, their lives.

I linger, taking my time changing. The thought of going back to my empty apartment, surrounded by memories of Lexi, makes teeth grind in my mouth.

"Hey," Jacob says, appearing at my side. "A bunch of us are grabbing dinner. You in?"

"Nah, I'm good," I say, forcing a smile. "Think I'll just head home, get some rest."

Jacob sets his bag down on the bench beside me. "All right, that's enough." He points. "Outside. Now. We're talking."

Jacob—the asshole that he is—doesn't give me a choice, just waits for me to grab my bag and follows me out of the locker room.

The chilly evening air hits us as we step outside.

But Jacob just stands there, hands in his pockets, staring up at the stars.

"You gonna tell me what's going on? Or do I have to drag it out of you?" he finally asks.

I chew on my bottom lip, trying to come up with something that won't sound pathetic. "Just...having a tough time lately," I admit.

"About Lexi?"


"What the hell happened?"

I laugh, but there's no humor in it. "What didn't happen? Career conflicts, ethical dilemmas, fear...take your pick."

"And you're just...accepting that?" Jacob asks, incredulity coloring his tone.

"What choice do I have? She made her decision."

"Bullshit," Jacob says, surprising me with his vehemence. "The Gio I know doesn't just roll over and accept defeat. The Gio I know fights for what he wants."

"Yeah, well, maybe that Gio's gone," I mutter, turning away.

But Jacob grabs my arm, forcing me to face him. "No, he's not. He's just scared. And you know what? That's okay. Love is scary, man. It's terrifying. But it's also worth fighting for."

I stare at him, his words hitting me like a body check. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I've seen the way you look at Lexi. The way she looks at you. That kind of connection? It doesn't come around often. And when it does, you don't let it go without one hell of a fight. Remember what happened when me and Gabi first got together?"

I snort. "I sure as shit do."

"And you remember wanting to kill me for it?"


"Well, I knew all that. I knew the consequences. Knew it could ruin our friendship. But I fought for her anyway, because I knew she was worth it. And guess what? We're still together, happier than ever."

I shake my head, feeling a twinge of jealousy mixed with admiration for my best friend and his relationship.

"You deserve that too," he continues. He seems to wait for me to respond and when I don't, he keeps going. "What? You think you're too jaded, too much of a hard-ass to deserve love?"

"Nah. I just...have a hard time trusting that the people you want to count on won't eventually leave you," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey, if anyone understands that, it's me. Remember my dad?" Jacob says, his own voice softening.

I nod, remembering how his father had abandoned him as a kid when his mom died. He was just eight years old. He never liked to talk about it much, but I knew the pain was still there.

"But Gabi showed me that not everyone will leave. That some people will stay and fight for you no matter what. And that's what Lexi wants to do for you."

I look at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "You really think she'd try again after everything?"

"I know she would. And honestly, man, I think you should give her that chance," he says firmly. "You two have a connection that most people only dream of. Don't let it go to waste because you're too damn stubborn."

Sometimes we need a little push from our friends to see things clearly. They can offer a different perspective and help us realize what truly matters in life.

Lately, Jacob has been that voice of reason—a man willing to call me out on my BS and encourage me to take a chance.

But it won't be easy. Trust takes time to rebuild, and forgiveness is not something that comes easily for me.

However, if there's one thing I've learned from Jacob and his relationship with Gabi, it's that there's no big reward without big risk.

"For what it's worth," his voice cuts in, "you've spent your entire life fighting. Fighting on the ice, fighting for your place on the team, fighting against everyone's expectations. Why is this any different?"

Fuck yeah.

I've never backed down from a challenge in my life. Why should I start now? Especially when the stakes have never been higher?

"You're right," I say. "You're absolutely right."

Jacob grins, clapping me on the shoulder. "Of course I am. Now, what are you going to do about it?"

I pause, considering.

I could go to Lexi, try to talk to her directly. But she's already made up her mind. And she's stubborn as a toddler in the candy aisle.

No, if I'm going to do this, I need to go big. I need to show her—and everyone else—that I'm all in. That I'm willing to risk everything for her.

And suddenly, I know exactly what I need to do.

"I need to make a call," I say, reaching for my phone.

Jacob raises an eyebrow. "To Lexi?"

I shake my head, a plan quickly forming in my mind. "Nah. To someone else."

Understanding dawns on Jacob's face, followed quickly by concern. "Whoa. That's...a big move, man."

"I know," I say with determination. "But it's the only way. I need to make sure she knows how serious I am about this."

As I dial the number for Sports News Now , my heart is racing.

This could make shit worse for Lexi’s position right now, but it could also be the push she needs to see that I'm not just playing games.

The phone rings once, twice, three times. I'm about to hang up when suddenly...

"Charlie Holcomb speaking."

I take a deep breath. This is it. No turning back now.

"Mr. Holcomb? This is Giovanni De Luca." I swallow. Hard. "I'd like to you to talk about your employee, Alexandra Brookes."

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