Primal Bonds, 1 (Tales of Beastkin #1) 4. Adam 14%
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4. Adam



S tupid! Now, why the hell did he have to go and do that? Washing the boy’s hair and even offering to clean his body? Was he a pervert or what?

Adam hadn’t a clue why he was acting so irrational, or so damn caring. It wasn’t like him.

He went into the kitchen to begin making dinner. Pasta it was tonight—easy, hearty, and filling.

He took out the ingredients and began chopping the garlic, onion, tomato, and some herbs. He was about to start boiling the water for the pasta when he saw a slender figure via his peripheral vision.

He turned, eyeing Shiro—a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist—just standing there patiently, waiting. He looked nervous as hell.

“Let’s treat those wounds,” he said, and the boy nodded.

With his body cleaned, Adam noted that the bruises and scratches on Shiro’s fair skin were much more marked than he had thought. After applying ointment on the bruises and then treating the scratches and bandaging those, he said, “That’s all I can do, unfortunately. I’ll take you to see a doctor tomorrow to get a thorough checkup and proper treatment.”

Shiro widened his eyes and shook his head furiously. “No… This is enough. No doctor, please.”

“Relax, he’s a friend,” Adam said. “He won’t report you.”

“But I can’t afford to see a doctor,” Shiro said. “I don’t have any money. This is enough. Your kindness and…”

Adam stood. He ruffled the boy’s hair as he said, “Let’s find you something to wear. My clothes will be a bit large for you, but we’ll have to make do.” He left the room and headed into the master bedroom across the hallway.

“No money, eh?” he said under his breath as he browsed through his clothing in the walk-in closet.

He returned to the living area a few moments later, folded clothing in his arms. He laid them on the coffee table in front of Shiro and said, “Put these on.” Then he turned on his heel and walked into the kitchen.

He continued with the cooking, boiling the water for the pasta. He was just turning to get the frying pan to make the sauce when he caught sight of Shiro, which stopped him in his tracks.

The boy looked like he was drowning in those pajama pants and shirt. But fuck, he was a sight to behold—two small fox ears sticking out, soft white hair framing a beautiful face that any female would be envious of, almond-shaped azure-blue eyes, and sensual lips. He didn’t have any doubt men wanted the boy.

He felt something inside him stir, yet again , and he swiftly shifted his gaze away. Clearing his throat, he said, “Dinner will be ready soon.”

“It smells really good already,” Shiro said.

He bet anything that was food would smell good to Shiro. The boy was starving, after all.

Twenty minutes later, Adam laid the fare out on the coffee table—two plates of pasta and two mugs of hot coffee. He’d usually eat at the dining table but making Shiro move around too much wasn’t nice for his injured body.

“Dig in,” he said.

Shiro eagerly took the mug of coffee, sipping the hot drink like it was the best thing he had ever had in ages. The boy sighed, looking both sad and happy at the same time. An odd mix of emotions, for sure.

Adam sat down on the armchair opposite the boy and then started his dinner. The pasta tasted good. He shifted his gaze to Shiro and noted the boy was enjoying his meal, too, eating silently and quickly. Was it because he was starving or was it out of habit? He didn’t miss tears brewing in those beautiful eyes either. Was he so grateful for the food that he must cry?

Adam felt something warm tugging at his heartstrings.

“Want some more?” he asked when Shiro’s plate was emptied.

The boy raised his head, his eyes large. “Can I?”

Adam stood, retrieved Shiro’s empty plate, and then headed into the kitchen. When he returned, he handed Shiro his plate filled with seconds.

Shiro eagerly took the offer and ate the delicious fare, this time looking as though he was savoring the moment by taking it slow. When he was done, he finished sipping the rest of his coffee.

Foxkin youth did have big appetites, huh? Adam thought in amusement.

“That was… delicious,” the boy said softly, an appreciative smile on his lips. “Thank you.”

“No worries,” Adam said as he picked up his mug of coffee. He took a sip as he eyed the boy, who was busy looking around the room. “There’s a spare bedroom across the hallway.”

That drew Shiro’s attention to him, and Adam saw the surprised look in the boy’s eyes. So, he expected to be kicked out, did he?

“I can stay the night?” he asked tentatively.

Of course, he could stay the night. Why else would he have given him a pair of pajamas?

“Didn’t I say I’d take you to see a doctor friend of mine?”

The boy nodded. “Yeah, but I won’t be able to pay for it and stuff.”

“Don’t worry,” Adam said. “He’s pretty charitable. Not the type to walk away from helping out when he can.”

“Like you?” Shiro asked.

Adam raised a brow. He snorted. “What makes you think I’m charitable?”

“You helped me when no one would,” Shiro said .

His face impassive, Adam said, “I’m far from being the benevolent person you think I am, Shiro. You don’t know me so don’t assume.”

Crimson color creeped across Shiro’s cheeks, and Adam felt the urge to lean forward and caress them with the backs of his fingers. Just as that impulse came, he frowned darkly.


“You’re right,” the boy said. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t assume. I don’t know you. We’re strangers.”

“Why do you have to be sorry?” Adam asked, the dark frown on his face even more severe now.

Shiro bit his lip and kept quiet, looking freaked out as hell.

Fuck! Was his tone too firm and demanding just now? Adam thought. Or was it because of his scowl. He was told often enough he had a fearsome look on his face when he was displeased.

Having no clue what to do to rectify the situation, the man finished his meal and then picked up the plates and mugs and headed into the kitchen. As he was cleaning, he said over his shoulder, “Why don’t you go to bed?” He added, “Don’t worry, I won’t call the police or report you to the institute while you’re sleeping. I’m not such a scum.”

“Okay,” he heard Shiro say softly. “Thanks, Adam.”

He faintly heard movements after that, which meant Shiro had left the living room. After cleaning up, he loosened his tie and then headed over to the sofa and collapsed on it.

It had been a busy day, for sure .

Crossing one leg over the other, he took out his phone and went into the contact list. He clicked on the name Chase and made a call. It was picked up within seconds, followed by a deep, gruff voice saying, “Idiot! Don’t bother me. I’m busy.”

Adam laughed in amusement. “Who’s the idiot one answering the phone when he’s busy?”

“What do you want?” Chase demanded. “Fuck! You haven’t gone and gotten yourself stabbed or shot again, have you?”

Adam snorted. “If I were stabbed or shot, would I be speaking to you normally, or even laugh for that matter? Besides, you know I’m retired from that shit.”

A snort came from Chase. “Retired, my ass. Yeah, you keep deluding yourself into thinking that, Adam. The fact is reality is a different story. We know you can’t just walk away from that life. And where you’re concerned, it’s difficult to differentiate since you’re the idiot who laughs when there’s a knife sticking in your gut.” He sighed. “So, what is it? I told you I’m busy.”

“With what?”

“None of your business,” came the reply. “Fuck!” He let out a deep groan.

Adam narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Yeah? So, what? My dick is in a willing mouth and it’s fucking amazing. Now I’m going to enjoy my time. I’m ending the call.”

Adam burst out chuckling. “So you are busy, you bastard.”

There was another deep groan. “For fuck’s sake, Adam, state your business before I come, and you have to hear it. Fucking hell if I’d let my best friend hear me moaning in pure ecstasy.”

Adam raised a brow. “Like hell I’d want to hear that.” More seriously, he asked, “You free tomorrow? I want you to look at a boy for me.”

“A patient?” Chase asked.

“Yep, foxkin, eighteen, underweight, malnourished. He was severely beaten with bruises, scratches, and who knows what else. I don’t think there are any broken bones though. Check his ass please; that’s important.”

Chase chuckled. “Sure thing. Ah, another foxkin, eh? I have one right here doing pleasurable things to me because I saved his friend’s life. A redhead. Fucking beautiful. Fuck, he heard me.”

Adam was amused. He heard me? Of course, the foxkin would hear him because he was right there, wasn’t he, sucking Chase’s dick off.

“So it’s a he?” Adam asked.

But of course, it didn’t seem like Chase was paying Adam any attention. “Don’t stop, you’re doing a great job. Good boy, do that, yeah…”

Good boy, eh?

Another deep groan came over the line, which made Adam shake his head with a smirk on his face.

“Chase? Are you back on earth yet?”

Chase cleared his throat and said, “Yeah, kind of. And, of course, it’s a boy. You know I’m fucking gay, and I’m coming over there to check out the patient at six. Make me dinner. That’s your payment. ”

“Deal. I’ll leave you to your little fun time then. See you tomorrow,” Adam said and then ended the call.

Appointment for Shiro made, he got up and headed into his bedroom, not bothering with switching on the light.

Fuck, he was tired. It was well past midnight, after all.

He shouldn’t have caved into the office peer pressure and gone out drinking on a weekday with work colleagues. Well, they had been persistent, and the constant invitations were beginning to irritate him. Of course, he couldn’t very well demand the men to shut the fuck up and not bother him with his fearsome, dark scowl, one he usually used on his own men back at the Sullivan headquarters, but…

Ah, maybe working in an office wasn’t for him after all. Well, he couldn’t complain there, since it had been his choice to go on a ‘sabbatical leave’ as his men put it, and nonchalantly walk into that sort of job—the normal type, sitting in an office and staring at computer screens and shuffling papers and running numbers. Such a boring job, being an office administrator, a far cry from his previous position as the boss of the Sullivan mafia clan.

He headed into the en suite, switched on the light, and then shut the door. After brushing his teeth, he stripped himself naked and then headed into the shower.

As the warm water pounded down on him, he stared at his cock. Damn, Chase must be having a fine time right now, the lucky bastard. A redheaded foxkin, eh? Suddenly, Shiro’s beautiful face and sensual lips appeared in his mind’s eyes, and Adam swore under his breath.

He dismissed the thought of the boy from his mind and cleaned himself thoroughly. About ten minutes later, he was done and headed out, dried himself with a fluffy white towel, and walked out the door, stark naked. He was in the middle of his room when he stopped short, staring at the lumpy cocoon of a body in his luxurious king-sized bed, a mop of white hair on one of his pillows.

What the fuck? Shiro? In his bed?

The boy must have gotten the wrong room. Well, it was his fault, Adam admitted, for not showing Shiro where the spare bedroom was, so of course the boy would get into the wrong room. This one was closer to the living area, after all.

Too tired to even want to do anything, let alone lifting the boy up and carrying him to the other room, Adam simply walked to the bed, pulled back the duvet, and got in between the sheets. After making himself comfortable on his side, he shut his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

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