Primal Bonds, 1 (Tales of Beastkin #1) 11. Adam 38%
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11. Adam



A dam licked his lips, still feeling that sense of heat from Shiro’s flesh there, and he cursed under his breath. Fuck, he couldn’t believe he had gone and kissed the boy. But he hadn’t been able to help himself. The sight of Shiro looking so bliss was such a turn-on, and the moment the boy looked at him, it was game over.

He finished the last bit of the coffee and then, after cleaning up, headed into the en suite and took a cold shower. He needed one to cool the sexual heat burning hot within him, heat he knew would undoubtedly rear its head again the moment he saw Shiro in the morning. That, of course, did not sit well with him. Fuck, he didn’t want to scare the boy. Hadn’t he told Shiro only that evening the boy didn’t need to be afraid of him and that he’d never do anything to hurt the boy? Now what?

Naked and standing there under the shower, he sighed. “Shiro.” He said the boy’s name softly under his breath .

When he was done a moment later, he pulled on sleeping pants and then got into bed. Lying there awake, he stared up at the ceiling, his mind on Shiro.

Once again, because he damn well couldn’t help himself, he stroked his fingertips against his lips, cherishing how soft and warm it had felt when his flesh had touched Shiro’s, just like that first time he had planted his lips on the boy to save his life.

T he parking lot was dark and deserted this late at night, and after he had laid the foxkin boy in the back seat, Adam got into his car and then shut the door. The boy looked damn pale and his breathing was so brief and labored that Adam instinctively knew his life was in danger.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath. He leaned forward and touched the back of his hand to the boy’s forehead.

Hot. His skin was burning with a fever. Taking the boy to Chase’s clinic would take at least forty-five minutes, and by then, it’d be too late. Every second counted when saving a life, especially one this severely beaten up, with bones broken and internal organs severely damaged. He could feel the boy’s heart beating weakly, and the chance that it’d stop completely was high.

Those fucking bastards. They had gone too far.

“Fuck,” he said again under his breath. But of course, he wasn’t about to let this boy die under his watch. Not when the boy had worked so hard on gaining his attention and begging for his help, knowing the odds were so against him.

As a beastkin, the probability of receiving any attention and help from the public was next to zero. But this boy, Adam had to admit, was persistent. His survival instinct was strong, and for that, he had gained Adam’s admiration.

Adam sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. It looked like he had no choice but to use a bit of his supernatural power. After all, he wasn’t about to let such a beautiful beastkin boy die, especially one who had managed to make his heart race at first sight, which had never happened before.

He took off his suit jacket, then removed his tie. His waistcoat and sleek white work shirt came off next. Torso naked, Adam closed his eyes, concentrating, and a flick of a moment later, his alpha form emerged. His body was larger and more buff than before, with toned, ripped muscles and abs. He was also sporting a pair of wolf ears and a large tail, which managed to protrude out from the waist of his pants. His whole being was glowing a light blue and white hue as he concentrated on gathering his supernatural power within him.

He leaned closer to the boy, who looked like he was about to stop breathing any moment now. Fuck, he had to act fast.

Their faces inches apart, Adam said softly, “Sorry if I’m doing this without your consent, but it’s to save your life, little one.” Then he planted his lips on the boy as he released his life essence into the boy’s mouth .

Work! Adam thought as he deepened the kiss. Come on! Work!

Suddenly, he felt the boy suck in his breath, and Adam felt relief sweep through him. He released more of his life essence, and slowly, the boy’s hot skin eased and so too did his heavy breathing as his body glowed a light blue and white like Adam’s. When the boy groaned and then opened his eyes, Adam released the boy’s lips, and they gazed at each other.

Fuck, this kid was beautiful. Those azure-blue eyes were mesmerizing. Adam felt something warm deep inside him stir.

“Thank you…” the boy said softly.

“You’re welcome,” Adam said as he lazily drifted his gaze down the boy’s exquisite face to those sensual lips. He leaned down again and took those irresistible lips, tasting the sweetness of the flesh as he continued to release more of his life essence.

The boy groaned softly as he closed his eyes, Adam’s life essence coursing through his body, slowly healing his broken bones and damaged organs. By the time Adam moved his head back moments later, the boy had lost consciousness again, which was expected.

Now that the boy’s life was no longer in danger, Adam licked his own lips as he gazed down at the boy, and he knew then that he was fucked where his heart was concerned.

“ F uck,” Adam said softly under his breath; the thought of that night when he had saved Shiro still played strong in his mind. He couldn’t believe he had used his life essence to save Shiro, something no other alphas had ever done before.

Yes, an alpha could use his essence to save a life, just as a vampire could by biting and turning a human into a vampire, as urban legend goes. However, the difference was that with alpha beastkin, using one’s life essence to save another meant their own would be reduced, and Adam suspected his had been depleted quite dramatically. The half-dead Shiro required quite a large amount due to the broken bones and damaged organs. One thing was for certain; the moment his life essence was reduced, the other alphas would soon find out, because information in their world spread faster than the wind, and that meant danger to his clan and those living within the territory. He wouldn’t be surprised if either Luka or Shane barged right in and demanded a duel with him. If he refused, then a war between the clans would undoubtedly follow.

He turned over onto his side and sighed, closing his eyes.

Fuck! He had to rejuvenate his life essence as soon as possible, and that meant going around sucking other alphas’ life essences, a course of action Adam loathed with a passion, because it meant either beating them over a duel or murder. No, there had to be another way. Dueling to test strengths, to show who was more superior was fine. It was expected in their world where alphas were concerned. But to steal life essence was a crime. Worst was to murder for life essence, of which Adam refused to even consider. Surely, Nolan would only be too willing to do some research for him and figure out a method or two if he asked. There had to be another way. There was always a way.

He finally dozed off, and it felt like only moments later when he snapped his eyes open again at the sound of that god-awful, sickening, loud cry. It was the cry of horror and terror. The cry for help.

In a split second, Adam was out of his bed and in Shiro’s room, and the moment he saw the boy lying there panting and crying, he felt his stomach churn.

He went to sit on the side of the bed and leaned down, his hands cupping the boy’s face. “Shiro,” he said softly. “Shh… It’s all right. It’s only a dream.”

Shiro continued to cry and whimper, tossing and turning.

“Shiro…” Adam called out softly again. “Shiro…”

The boy finally came awake, tears in his eyes, and the moment he saw Adam, he whimpered, his body shaking severely. “Adam…” he said softly. “Adam…”

Adam nodded. “It’s me.”

As if he couldn’t help himself, Shiro burst out crying then and buried his face against the man’s naked chest. Adam wrapped his powerful arms around the boy. “Shh…”

They stayed like that for a long moment, Shiro crying his heart out and his slender body shaking while Adam continued to soothe the boy by stroking his head gently. When Shiro finally managed to calm down and moved back, he begged, “Please don’t leave.”

Adam nodded. “Mm-hmm. I won’t leave.”

The boy looked at him gratefully, if somewhat embarrassed, his face flushing and eyes red from the crying. When he shifted over, Adam knew it was an invitation, and the man took it without question.

Once he was in between the sheets with his head resting on the pillow, Shiro eagerly moved into his arms again, his face snuggling against his chest. “You’re so warm, Adam,” the boy said softly. “Like Mom. You remind me of Mom. You’re warm, like the sun.”

Ah, so he reminded the boy of his mother, eh? And he was warm, like the sun, which wasn’t a bad thing, he supposed.

It wasn’t long before Shiro’s breathing became even once again, and Adam knew the boy had fallen asleep.

Adam gazed long and hard at the boy, marveling at the graceful face that never ceased to make his heart race. He leaned down and kissed the boy’s forehead, and Shiro moaned softly. Adam chuckled, and with his arms tight around the boy, he, too, closed his eyes, and soon, fell into a slumber.

When he next woke up, he could feel fingertips light as a feather touching his face, and he opened his eyes. Shiro gasped and hastily pulled his hand back, which Adam caught on time.

“Morning,” he said.

Shiro licked his lip and then stammered softly, “Morning.” He worked on retrieving his hand from Adam’s grasp, but the man wouldn’t let him go. “Adam…” the boy said, his face flushing hot. “My hand.”

“You like my face?” Adam couldn’t help but ask.

Shiro hesitantly nodded. “It’s very beautiful, your face.”

“You’re very beautiful, too,” Adam said.

That blush on the cheeks grew more crimson, and Shiro said, “What are we? Lovers? Talking this nonsense in bed and stuff?”

Adam finally let go of the boy’s hand and chuckled. “We are a bit like lovers, aren’t we? Sleeping in the same bed.”

“Adam, I’m sorry about last night,” Shiro said. “I ruined your night.”

Adam ruffled the boy’s hair. “What are you going on about? I haven’t shared a bed with anyone overnight for as long as I can remember. It’s a nice change.”

Shiro flicked his gaze to the man then and said, “But still…”

“Shiro,” Adam said. “Do you have nightmares often?”

The boy hesitantly nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

Past trauma, Adam had no doubt, played a major role in that.

“Usually, every time I sleep, I’d have nightmare,” he said. “So I don’t usually get much sleep. Then again, sleeping in the street and stuff, you don’t get much anyway, but recently…”

“Recently?” Adam prompted.

Shiro frowned. “Recently, I feel… safe and I can sleep quite well. I slept all day throughout yesterday and…”

“Isn’t it good then?” Adam said .

The boy nodded. “Yeah.”

Adam sighed. Having Shiro in his arms felt so fucking pleasant, but alas, he had work to get to and that meant he had to get moving. For the first time since he had started working at the age of fifteen, Adam felt the urge to not go to work .

He reluctantly shifted, and Shiro said, “Is it all right if I make breakfast for you while you get ready? I mean, I’m kind of responsible for taking up your time.” He licked his lip nervously. “I’m no good at cooking, but I can do some basic stuff. Mom used to teach us to cook for ourselves because she was always working.”

Shiro cooking breakfast for him? That sounded marvelous.

Adam nodded. “Sure. You do that.”

The boy smiled brightly, and it did more than cause his heart to flutter. Adam decided then that he loved Shiro’s bright smile, the one that made his eyes light up with delight. It was a sight to behold for sure. That other smile, the one when he found the situation amusing, the one he had given Chase last night over dinner, and that had messed with his heart, too, Adam had to admit, which had been the reason why he had dropped the plate.

“Thanks,” he said. “I’m looking forward to whatever you’re preparing for breakfast.” He ruffled the boy’s hair and then got out of bed. Just as he was leaving, he thought to add, “No pressure,” which made the boy widen his eyes.

He was teasing, of course, but oh well, that shocked look just now was quite interesting .

Adam made quick work of his shower, and after donning his powerful suit, he headed toward the living room. He was walking in through the door when he smelled something burning.

Uh-oh, looked like breakfast wasn’t going well after all. Was it the pressure?

Standing there in the middle of the kitchen looking as flustered as hell was Shiro, one hand holding on to the handle of the frying pan while the other held a spatula, vigorously sautéing lumps of something dark brown. Adam was sure that was once scrambled eggs.

Chuckling, he came over and asked, “Need any help?”

“Huh?” Shiro turned to look at him then, his eyes teary and his cheeks red. Fuck! Just what was that expression? But Shiro looked so fucking cute and vulnerable, and this overwhelming urge to both protect and tease stirred hot inside him.

Adam burst out laughing. He couldn’t help himself.

Shiro looked mortified and said, “Don’t laugh!” He sighed. “I’ve ruined breakfast.”

Adam ruffled the boy’s hair and, without himself even knowing it, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on the boy’s forehead. Just as he had done that, he said softly under his breath. “Fuck!”

Shiro stood there, frozen, gazing up at him, his eyes large. He looked, not so surprisingly, shocked at receiving that nonchalant kiss, the gentle, loving type.

Adam cleared his throat and took the frying pan and spatula from the boy’s hands. He said, “Why don’t you go get cleaned up. I’ll get breakfast ready. ”

Flustered, Shiro stammered, “Sorry, I haven’t cooked since I was ten.”

Of course, they didn’t teach beastkin children how to cook at the institute.

Adam said, “It’s fine.”

While Shiro rushed off to shower, Adam expertly prepared their breakfast. He had always loved cooking and would spend time in the kitchen of the Sullivan Mansion whenever he had the chance.

When Shiro returned, now looking fresh and wearing a pair of jeans and another hoodie, this one black, breakfast was done.

“Wow!” the boy said. “You’re really good at cooking, Adam. You’ll have to teach me. Mom used to teach us, but that was a long time ago and I have forgotten most of it.”

Leaning forward and resting an elbow on the countertop, he asked, “Then why did you offer to cook?”

Face blushing hot, the boy said, “Because I thought it’d be a nice gesture. I mean, you have done so much for me, and I just have to return the favors.”

Adam chuckled. “You’re good boy, Shiro.”

They continued eating in silence for a few moments, then Shiro asked, “Adam, about the medical bill, how expensive is it?”

Adam raised a brow. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I heard medical bills are very expensive and you have to have like health insurance and stuff.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Adam said. “It’s all taken care of. And speaking of which, shouldn’t you be taking your medications Chase prescribed for you?”

“Oh!” The boy gasped. “Right. I forgot.” He got off the bar stool and rushed out the door.

That was fast, Adam thought. Shiro had moved swiftly and smoothly. Did the boy even know he was doing it? Didn’t that mean his vitality was already back to normal?

Beastkin did have great healing and regenerative abilities, ones which the institute would do whatever it took to suppress. More so, with the healing and regenerative ability of an alpha, Adam had no doubt his life essence had played the part well in healing Shiro. And of course, he had no doubt Chase knew he had given Shiro some of his life essence, which explained the rhetorical, teasing tone last night.

Shiro returned, and once he was seated, he continued with his meal.

Adam asked, “How are your wounds?”

Shiro looked at him for a moment and then said, “It doesn’t hurt as much anymore. That first day was bad and yesterday was still sore, but today, it’s better. I can move without feeling too much pain. Chase gave me painkillers so that must be why.” He chuckled. “I’ve never had the luxury of having painkillers when I was living in the streets. After a beating, it’d usually take me a few weeks or so to heal.”

Adam reached out and stroked the boy’s hair, careful not to touch those sensitive ears. He said, “Having a good rest is what any patient needs, and you especially, Shiro. ”

Shiro licked his lip and said, “Adam, thank you. I… You’ve done so much for me and I don’t know how to thank you.”

“If you do want to thank me, then take a good rest and get better. It’ll make me happy.”

Shiro nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

“By the way, I’ll leave you some cash so you can get pizza or whatever you want for lunch,” he said. “Just get it delivered.” He chuckled. “You can’t cook to save your life, and I’m not about to let you burn down the penthouse.”

Shiro blushed hot on the face. “I can eat raw fruits and vegetables. There are plenty in the fridge.”

Adam burst out laughing. “What are you? A pet rabbit? Even rabbitkin still eat normal food, idiot. You’re not an animal.”

Shiro nodded and then smiled. “You’re right. Thanks, Adam.”

“Good boy,” he said. “You’re learning.”

Ten minutes later, Adam left, and once he was in his car, he knew Shiro wasn’t going to stay put. No foxkin would be able to stay still when he could move that swiftly like Shiro had done.

He took out his phone and chose Nolan’s number from the contact list. The brother picked up after the first ring and, he greeted Adam by saying, “Your office is spick-and-span and ready for your return.”

Adam snorted. “Not the time for that, Nolan.”

“Okay, but I’m just telling you it’s ready for you anytime you decide to return,” Nolan said .

Being blunt like usual, Adam said, “I want Lan keeping an eye on Shiro.”

“Huh? Lan is my bodyguard,” Nolan said. “He’s busy keeping me safe.”

“I’m sure you can keep your grown-ass self safe,” Adam said. “We both know you just want Lan to yourself. I want Lan guarding Shiro.”

Nolan said, “You do realize I do not have supernatural strength and agility like you, right? My only supernatural power as an alpha wolf is hypnotism and memory manipulation, so I need my cute bodyguard with me at all times. Who knows, I might be assassinated at any moment now.”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” Adam said. “Just put Lan on Shiro’s case.”

Nolan sighed. “Fine. But you owe me one.”

“Yeah,” Adam said. “As much as I hate to admit it, I owe you one.”

Nolan snorted. “It seems like you’d do anything for that boy,” he said. “Why won’t you do this one tiny thing for your little brother and come back and—”

“I’ve done a ton of shit for you, Nolan,” Adam said, chuckling. “Including saving your ass numerous times during business operations, besides the fact that you are no longer little.”

Nolan burst out laughing. “You’re right, I’m no longer little. And by the way, you better not mention the fact that I don’t need Lan as my bodyguard. It’ll dent his fluffy ego. He’s so proud he thinks he’s the only one who can protect me. ”

Adam snorted. “I can’t believe I have a brother with a screw loose in his head.”

“And I can’t believe I have a brother whose about to bring down a massive corporation.”

That got Adam frowning darkly. “Nolan…”

“Yes, I figured it out, finally. It’s not like you to just walk out on us,” Nolan said. “It’s going to triple our profits if you pull it off, Adam, so don’t screw up.”

“Have I ever screwed anything up?” Adam asked sarcastically.

“Nope, but still, be careful,” Nolan said. “Fuck, I’m sorry for breathing down your neck and continually pestering you to come back when you’re fucking busy with your big plans that’d kill half the institute’s revenue.”

“Idiot,” Adam said.

It took Nolan long enough to figure this one out. Usually, it’d be within days, but Adam supposed this time was different. This time, he was the one doing the work instead of the men, which had probably thrown Nolan off.

“By the way,” he said. “I have a job for you.”

“Oh, what’s that?” Nolan sounded intrigue.

“Find a way to increase an alpha’s life essence,” Adam said.

“That’s easy,” Nolan said. “Just beat the crap out of another alpha and suck it out of him. Or murder.”

Adam sighed. “You know I hate that shit. Find another way.”

“Ugh! Fine,” Nolan said. “This will take up a shitload of my time because the info is not going to be easy to find.”

“I know,” Adam said. “But it’s important.”

There was a pause from the other side, and then, “Adam, you didn’t.”

Adam knew Nolan had figured out he had used his life essence on Shiro. He didn’t answer and said instead, “Call me when you’ve found a way.”

Nolan sighed. “I can’t believe you went and did that. I thought I was an idiot, but you’re more of an idiot than I am.”

Adam shrugged. “What can I say? We’re brothers. You know what to do, right-hand man.”

Nolan chuckled in an aggravated manner. “Yeah, I know.”

“And don’t forget to contact me.”

“Yes, yes, big boss.”

The call ended, and Adam slid the phone back into his trouser pocket. “Okay, off to work then,” he said, starting the engine and driving out.

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