W arm. It felt so warm and nice and comfortable, something I rarely felt when sleeping, until very recently after Adam had taken me in.
Snuggling even closer and nestling my face against the hardness that was Adam’s body beside me, I opened my eyes.
I liked looking at Adam’s face, marveling at the defined line of his features—straight nose, high cheekbones, firm lips, and strong jawline. Adam was simply striking.
I reached my hand out and gently touched him, lightly stroking his face so as not to wake him. But alas, he opened his eyes and then flashed me a smile that made my heart swell with delight.
“Hello,” he said. “Feeling better after a good night’s sleep?”
I licked my lip and then nodded, resting my hand on top of his bare chest. Apparently, Adam liked to sleep without a shirt on. Wouldn’t he get cold at night though? Or maybe it was just me who was used to sleeping in the cold dorm or out on the street and would need at least a sweater on to keep warm. In winter, it’d be a thick jacket to keep the freezing temperatures at bay.
“Good,” he said, ruffling my hair. Then he touched my chin and nudged my face to turn slightly to the right to check my post-surgical wound behind my left ear, or rather the bandage. “It hasn’t come off while you were sleeping. Good.” He got off the bed then, and I watched him as he walked over to the en suite.
His gait looked so graceful and sexy, like an alpha wolf.
Alpha wolf. Adam was an alpha wolf, wasn’t he? I knew now that he had to be. I was very sure it was him I had seen in my mind’s eye, the man with wolf ears and tail. But what was that blue glowing smoky thing coming out of his mouth? And why had he transferred it into me? I mean, I knew for certain now it wasn’t a dream or my imagination. I knew at some point it had happened for real.
It must have been after the beating and I must have been more severely injured than I had thought, and Adam did something to make me better. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to move so soon after or healed so fast. Yes, Chase’s medications helped, too, but…
I heard the shower running.
I closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I started wondering what Adam would look like naked under the shower. Water must be running down his face and toned, muscular body, kissing his skin. I imagined him raising his face toward the sprinkling water and opening his mouth as if drinking it, and…
I imagined that mouth of his coming toward me and the sensual lips kissing me. I imagined his tongue invading my mouth and playing havoc with my own. Then I imagined him leaving a trail of little kisses down my throat toward my chest, and once there, he popped my nipple into his mouth and he started teasing me mercilessly.
I groaned, feeling hot and bothered suddenly.
Ah, shit, why was I imagining that sort of thing about Adam?
I heard the shower stop, and a moment later, Adam came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I could only stare at him, feeling like my heart was about to burst inside my chest.
Adam was damn hot and sexy with his hair wet and his muscular body covered with beads of water droplets. I felt dazed as he came over to the bed. Smiling at me, he reached out and petted me on the head, like I was his cat or something, which I didn’t mind. I liked him petting me, touching and kissing me. These were the sorts of things I usually hated other men doing to me. But with Adam, it was different. With Adam, I wanted him to do all those things to me, and more.
He picked up his smartphone sitting on the bedside table. He tapped on the screen, scrolled for a second, and then said, “Chase’s coming over. ”
I licked my lip and asked, “To check on me?”
“That, and more.” He winked at me, which made my heart skip.
More? What’s more?
As he put the phone down on the bedside table again, I drifted my gaze over his body, marveling at how beautiful he was—tanned skin with scars crisscrossing here and there, muscles toned and defined. When he turned on his heel and headed toward the walk-in closet, I felt the urge to reach out and pull the towel away from him. I wanted to see him naked. I suddenly felt this unexplainable desire to touch him, caress and kiss him.
My hands shook and my cock became hard, and I groaned softly. Ah, shit! What the heck was wrong with me? I had never wanted to touch another man before. The thought of touching another man or him touching me had felt revolting, but now…
Now, I wanted to touch Adam, so much so that I felt like my heart was about to break if I couldn’t. Fuck, what the hell was wrong with me? Why these weird feelings and emotions?
I flicked my gaze to the other side of the room and saw Adam pulling away his towel, and his firm butt greeted me. In full view of his naked glory, I felt my body growing even hotter and my cock hardened even more. When Adam turned around and flashed me a gorgeous smile, it was game over for me.
My cock twitched and I felt myself squirming. Breathless, I said, “I’m going to shower now.” I got off the bed and rushed out the door into my own room. There, I went straight into the en suite, and after shutting the door, I slid down to sit on the floor. My heart was still racing and my cock, obviously, still hard.
My cock got hard. I didn’t usually get hard unless I was given the aphrodisiac drug, especially when with a client. So why was I hard now, so naturally like this? I mean sure, I had a wet dream when I hit puberty, but to get this hard and without the drug, that never happened before.
Fuck, I had to deal with this quick.
I pulled down the hospital pajama pants, and my cock sprang out, sticking out like it was so damn proud or something. It wasn’t big. In fact, compared to Adam’s, mine was puny. And it was hairless. I didn’t have any genital hair, and I didn’t know why. Was it because I had been bred that way? I had no clue, but the officers at the institute did mention I was rare, a special breed made for pleasing men. Fact was, I didn’t want to be rare or special. I wanted to be normal so I could be treated normally. To be treated special in the institute meant torture and trauma. It meant you got a lot of attention from the higher-ups—unwanted, unpleasant attention.
I took in a deep breath and was about to wrap my hand around my cock to start with the masturbation when I heard Adam’s voice.
My heart skipped, and I swore internally. Working on calming myself down, I said, my voice hoarse, “Yeah?”
“You okay in there?” he asked.
I furiously nodded my head even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
So he’d believe me, I hastily got up as I took off my hospital pajama shirt at the same time. Then I rushed over to the shower, turned it on, and worked on taking off the pants. I was in such a rush that as the pants came off, my legs got entangled with them and I slipped and fell on my side with a thud .
“Shiro!” Adam’s urgent voice came loudly, following by the door bursting open.
Here, my intention was for him to leave me alone, and I had worked hard on that, but apparently, I fucked up and it backfired. Adam was already inside the en suite, while I was still sprawled on the floor of the shower—stark naked and with a pair of hospital pajama pants wrapped around my ankles, a sprinkling of water running down on me.
Pain was coursing through my body like a raging inferno while I was working on clearing my head. Then I felt Adam beside me, pulling the pants from my legs. My face flushing hot, I turned to look at him. Thank goodness he had an impassive expression on his face. If he were to laugh, I just knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it. The situation was so fucking embarrassing, after all.
He scooped me into his arms and then lifted me up. “You aren’t well yet. You shouldn’t be rushing around doing anything,” he said.
Licking my lip, I said, “It’s okay. I’m fine.” Though one of my wrists was damn sore, and I knew I had sprained it. “You can put me down,” I requested, since I didn’t want to feel so helpless, especially in front of him, though being in his arms made my heart swell with delight .
Adam would have none of it, however, and carried me out the door and back into the bedroom. He put me on the bed, and the bright morning sunlight streaming through the vast windows did nothing to hide my nakedness and my stupid hard dick from Adam’s eyes.
I brought my knees up and hugged myself, so Adam wouldn’t notice too much, but of course, he had already glimpsed my dick, and he said, “You were taking care of that, weren’t you?”
Cheeks hot, I said, “I don’t usually get it.”
“Get what?” he asked.
“Hard,” I said.
He chuckled. “You’re a grown boy. It just means you’re healthy.” He caught my forearm and inspected my wrist. “I knew it. You’ve sprained it.”
“I’m clumsy,” I said, thinking how stupid I was.
“I’ll get an ice pack,” he said. Then he got up and left the room. I took the opportunity to get up and head into the walk-in closet. I retrieved a pair of underwear and track pants and, with one hand—the one that wasn’t sprained—pulled them on. I was just putting the t-shirt on when Adam returned. The moment he saw me out of bed, he gave out an exasperated sight. “Shiro.”
Damn, he sounded like an annoyed guardian, which made me feel all warm and cozy inside. Feeling slightly giddy, I said, “I needed to get dressed.”
“Come here,” he said, which I obliged.
Standing in front of him, he stroked my fox ear, and I groaned softly. When he moved his hand back, he said, “Sit.” He indicated the bed. I did, and he placed the ice pack on my wrist .
“Thanks,” I said.
He chuckled as he sat next to me. “You’re pretty helpless, aren’t you? I wonder how you survived before I met you.”
I pouted. “I certainly wasn’t this helpless before I met you.”
“Mm-hmm.” He wrapped his arm around my waist, which drew my attention to him.
Huh? What was he doing?
“Now then, let’s deal with this cock of yours.”
I widened my eyes and my heart started racing.
Deal? My cock? What could he possibly mean?
When he pulled me onto his lap, I gasped and then I knew exactly what he had in mind.
“No,” I said, my voice shaky. “It’s okay. I can deal with it myself. I swear it’ll go back down in a second.”
“And how are you going to deal with it with your wrist sprained?” he asked. “It’s your right one, too. Unless you’re left-handed, which from what I observed, you’re not?”
“I…” I licked my lip nervously. “It’ll go back down. No, seriously, it will go back down by itself.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he said. “It looks damn hard.” He glanced at the bulge beneath my pants. “It’s still sticking out.” He ruffled my hair then. “But if you’re uncomfortable with me, I understand.”
I shook my head. “No… That’s not it…”
Ah, fuck. I wasn’t making any sense, was I? The reason I got hard was because of Adam, and now that Adam wanted to help because I had sprained my wrist, I was refusing him? How ridiculous .
But of course, I was scared.
Scared. I wanted to laugh at the word. Scared of what? I had been through hell in the bedroom with other men, clients. So why should I be scared of Adam when I knew he’d never do anything to hurt me? When he had gone out of his way to help me and showed me so much affection and care.
No, Adam would never hurt me, and I certainly wasn’t uncomfortable with him. I wanted him to touch me and caress me and kiss me and so much more. These wants and desires and feelings and emotions, I had never experienced them before, not until Adam came into my life.
I loved Adam, I knew that, and that love grew stronger as the days passed, even though we hadn’t known each other that long. But I guessed love was love, right? Maybe one didn’t need to know the other person for that long to fall in love. When you fell in love, you just fell in love.
“You’re not uncomfortable with me?” he asked.
“No,” I said. “I’m… very comfortable with you, Adam,” I said. “I wouldn’t fall asleep in just any man’s arms if I’m not comfortable with him, if I don’t trust him.”
I felt Adam tighten his arms around me and he planted a kiss on my forehead, which made me sigh in wonder.
He said, “I’m glad you trust me, Shiro. Trust me enough to fall asleep in my arms.” He chuckled in amusement. “Now that we’re clear you’re not uncomfortable with me, let’s get this over and done with. Chase will be here soon.”
“But doesn’t he have work?” I asked, stalling for time and working on diverting his attention away from my hard cock. “I’m sure he’s super busy. He didn’t have to—”
“Saturday,” Adam said bluntly, pulling down my pants. “He’ll have another doctor look after the clinic.”
I gasped the moment he pulled my pants down my butt. I tried not to look at his face, but I found myself doing it anyway because I was desperately curious, wanting to see his reaction when he saw my hairless cock.
“Oh,” he said, his eyes wide in pleasant surprise. “That’s new.”
I felt my face flushing hot with embarrassment. “I know, it’s not normal.”
“It’s cute,” he said.
Cute? My hairless cock was cute? And wasn’t he paying it a bit too much attention, staring at like it was a very interesting object like that.
“Stop… looking at it,” I muttered softly.
He chuckled. “I’ve never seen a cock like yours before. Not that I’ve seen many.”
Of course, he wouldn’t have seen any cock like mine. But the way he looked at it like that, his eyes dark, it made my body tremble weakly.
“Adam!” I snapped.
“Hmm?” he responded, shifting his gaze to me now.
We stared at each other, and I felt my face going hot. Then he wrapped his hand around my cock, and I sucked in my breath, feeling pleasure coursing through my body as I shuddered. I leaned in close to him and buried my face against his chest as he started stroking me. I shut my eyes, feeling so damn dazed.
As he continued to slowly and gently rub me, I inhaled his scent, loving it, and it made my head swim in this wonderful paradise I had never felt before.
“Adam…” I groaned out his name softly. “Adam…”
“Hmm?” he answered. “Tell me if I’m doing it too hard and it’s hurting you.”
I opened my eyes then and saw him still watching me, his face hard and his eyes dark. Had he been watching me this whole time? I swore it had been at least five minutes since he had started stroking me. I felt my heart skip a beat and then race. Oh, fuck, he looked so handsome.
I nestled my face against his neck and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, leaving the ice pack there on the bed, not caring that my right wrist was sprained and still sore. I just wanted him closer to me. I wanted to feel his hard body against me.
“No,” I mumbled. “You’re not hurting me.”
He was so gentle in stroking me, in fact, that I wanted to cry. Other men, the clients and those street gangs, they didn’t give a fuck about my feelings, whether they hurt me or not. In fact, they loved it that they hurt me. They enjoyed seeing the pain etched on my face. But Adam was different. Adam cared about me. He cared about my feelings, and I felt like my heart could burst with joy.
I didn’t know how long we sat there, with Adam gently stroking my cock and cradling me in his arms and me feeling the slow burn of pleasure coursing through my body, the likes of which I had never felt before, but I loved it, enjoyed it, and never wanted it to end. I wanted Adam to go on forever doing this to me, but then it had to end soon, because Chase was coming and my cock felt like it was about to burst.
I tensed as I tightened my arms around Adam’s neck, and then I came, ecstasy washing over me long and slow, again and again. I was shuddering and squirming in Adam’s arms, breathing heavily as my head blanked out. I was still shaking when I felt Adam’s lips on my forehead.
“Feeling better?” he asked a moment later, once I managed to open my eyes.
Breathless, I nodded. “Mm-hmm.”
I couldn’t believe I came so hard. I never came that hard, even with a high dose of the aphrodisiac drug.
Adam lifted me off his lap then and put me on the bed. He said, “Let’s get some breakfast. Join me when you’re ready.” After ruffling my hair, he walked out the door.
Alone, I brought my knees up and hugged myself tightly, my head in a daze and my face hot. My heart was still racing.
I fell onto my side and just lay there, staring into space. Fuck, I couldn’t believe Adam had just given me a hand job. I couldn’t believe Adam touched me and he had been so gentle.
Again, I felt my heart aching in that emotional way, and this sense of hope and joy and warmth once again washed over me.
I love Adam, the words echoed in my head, a smile on my lips.