Property Of Chrissy (Savage Knights MC #6) Chapter 6 46%
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Chapter 6



M y eyes land right on Chrissy as soon as I enter Trigger’s. Fuck, she looks good. She’s wearing a tight red tank top which is showing off that sexy cleavage of hers. She’s got those legs on full display, too. They’re barely covered by the tiniest pair of denim shorts I’ve ever seen. And to top off her country girl look, she’s got on a pair of tan cowgirl boots, reminding me of one of her favorite sexual positions. She used to ride my cock hard and fast. Like she was in the Kentucky fucking Derby.

Fuck. Not only do I have a hard-on now, but I have an incredible urge to go over and wrap her in my leather cut to cover up that tight body of hers. Just knowing all the guys in this place are getting to feast their eyes on her is making my blood fucking boil. Why the fuck I’m feeling possessive over a girl who cheated on me, I don’t have a clue, but the thought pisses me off. Now, more than ever, my mission to get Chrissy the fuck out of my town is in full throttle.

Sleep never came last night. My head was spinning with all thoughts of my nemesis. And this morning, it felt like I was run over by that damn emotional Mack truck again. I hadn’t even had a drink, but that isn’t what triggered it. Regret over sleeping with Roxy is what hit me hard, and that only angers me further because I have nothing to feel guilty over. I’m single. I’m not committed to anyone. And Rox knows my game and is happy to keep playing with me. But my fucking heart felt like I’d betrayed it. Again, it’s just another reason why I need this girl out of my life.

I take another glance at the one I despise and see Chrissy’s demeanor change. Her body stiffens and her smile slips from her beautiful face. She’s taking an order from a bunch of rich-looking pricks. I’m actually surprised by her reaction. Figured she’d be trying to snag herself another meal ticket out of this place, but she’s not. She looks like she’s uncomfortable, and that makes me fucking uncomfortable.

My feet take me closer so I can get within earshot. I don’t care who the girl is. If there are some dickwads in here harassing any of the waitresses or anyone else for that matter, I’m going to toss their asses out. But since it’s Chrissy, I’m even more on edge. Which, again, is the wrong feeling to have toward the girl who was fucking another man behind my back. But my knuckles are white, and when I see the fucker reach out and put his hand on the back of her thigh, way too close to the damn curve of her ass, I want to throw punches.

“Like I said, I’m not interested, and I’m not on the menu. Now, is there anything I can get you to drink, or should I just come back later?”

There’s a stutter in Chrissy’s voice. She’s clearly rattled, and I definitely don’t like it. She pulls the guy’s hand off her thigh and takes a step back from the table. But the fucker looks like he’s not going to take no for an answer. I step right up behind Chrissy, and her body tenses even more. She turns with a look of fear in her eyes, but as soon as she sees it’s me, her body almost slumps against my chest in relief. I like the way she finds comfort in my presence way too much. Which is another issue I’m going to have to deal with later. Right now, I have this fucker to deal with.

“Do you have permission to touch our property?” I ask, narrowing my glare on the one who took liberties with my girl.Fuck. I need to not be calling her that. Once upon a long fucking time ago, she was mine. Now, she’s a past I’m trying to shake. But I’m doing a hell of a piss poor job of that as I wrap my arm tighter around her waist.

The stupid shit’s eyes get huge as he takes in my size and the leather cut I’m wearing. It’s not like people aren’t aware of who we are. We’re famous in this town, and people definitely know not to fuck with the Savage Knights or what’s ours. And since he’s in Trigger’s bar, he should know the girls are off-limits. But given how he didn’t take Chrissy’s big fucking hint that she wasn’t interested, I’m guessing this guy is an egotistical fuckwad who thinks he can lay claim to whatever he wants. Not in my fucking town, he can’t.

“Not only did you not have permission to touch her,” I continue. “But she made it pretty damn clear she wasn’t offering, and yet you still put your hand on her. Now, you’re going to give my girl the apology she deserves for putting your grubby fingers on her, and then you’re going to get the fuck out of this bar. And don’t ever think about stepping foot in here again or else you’ll be dealing with me. Understood?”

The guy’s fucking lucky I’m not beating the shit out of him right now. If it weren’t for my fucked-up mind fighting between defending Chrissy and pushing her away, I probably would send the guy off with a goodbye message he won’t ever forget. Instead, he’s getting let off easy.

The arrogant shits all nod profusely and throw apologies in Chrissy’s direction as they stand. I want to laugh as they run out the door, looking like they’re about to wet themselves, but the girl who’s still wrapped in my arms and feels all too good against me, is tempering my humor. She turns and looks up at me.

“Thank you, Sean.”

My chest grows tight. The look in her eyes is one I’m all too familiar with. I don’t like what I’m feeling. I need to remind myself of who the fuck she is to me and what the fuck she did. She is nothing. She destroyed me. And if I don’t get her the fuck out of here, she’s liable to do it again.

I release my arm and step away from her, putting space between me and the flame that is liable to burn me alive. But the few feet of distance isn’t enough to release the pressure in my chest. I need there to be hundreds of miles between us.

“No thanks needed,” I state, my tone cold and indifferent, which is how I wish my heart would be. “Everyone knows not to touch any of the waitresses in here. This is Savage Knight property; that includes our girls.”

“Well, I appreciate it, nonetheless.” She offers a sweet smile. And Fuck. There goes my rapidly beating heart again. Her body is trembling. It’s obvious she’s nervous. The weakness in me wants to pull her back into my arms and soothe her worries away, but I won’t fall prey to it.

“You know, if you don’t want guys assuming they can touch you, maybe you shouldn’t wear clothes that beg for that kind of attention.”

What the hell am I saying? A girl should be able to dress however the fuck she wants and not get groped by some dickhead. Fuck. This is another reason I need her gone. I’m now saying shit I don’t mean. I’m now acting like a complete asshole. Like one of those damn shits I just ran out of here.

“I…um…yeah. I guess you’re right. Um…if you’ll excuse me, Sean, I need to go check on my other tables.”

I watch as she rushes off toward the back instead of getting back to her tables, and I actually have to fight the war inside not to chase after her ass and apologize. Fuck. I need her gone by the end of the night. So, whatever I have to do to make that happen, I intend on doing it.

Finally, I make my way to my table and sit my ass down with the guys. We shoot the shit and catch up on what’s been going on while I was away. Ten minutes pass with no sign of Chrissy returning, and my hackles are up. I excuse myself to the bathroom and head toward the back of the bar. There’s no sign of her in the bathroom or the back room, so I head straight out the back door.And there she is.

She’s leaning against the brick wall with her damn eyes closed. What the fuck? Dressed the way she is, out here, alone, at night, she’s a goddamn temptation and any drunk fucker could hurt her.

“Why the fuck are you out here by yourself?”

She startles at the sound of my sharp voice, and her eyes snap open. The fear I see in them has me wishing I’d made my presence known first, instead of catching her off guard. But the notion there could have been another fucker out here, cornering her outside the back of the bar where no one else can see, has me raging inside.

“I’m on my break, Sean,” she answers like it’s no big deal, which only enrages me further.

“I asked why the fuck you’re out here by yourself? There are a lot of drunk assholes that wouldn’t think twice about taking advantage of a girl like you. From now on, you take your breaks inside.”

My words come seething from my mouth as I close in. I want to show her exactly what some punk could do to her in this situation. I want to teach her a lesson so she’ll never think about making this mistake again. I brace my arms on the wall and have her fully caged in. Blocked in with nowhere to escape.

“You think you’d be able to get out of a situation like this? Do you think with all the noise flooding out the front of the bar anyone would hear you cry for help?” I place my hand over her mouth, covering her lips. “Do you think anyone could hear you now?”

She shakes her head because obviously no words are slipping past my grip. Good. At least I made that point, but I’m still not done. She still needs to be shown exactly what could happen. So, I trail my fingers down the side of her neck and across the crease of her tits. She sucks in an audible breath and her skin prickles with goose bumps under my touch. Interesting. Her body is still affected by me. And fuck, so is my damn cock, which is now straining forward in my damn pants to get a touch of his own.

“Do you think you’d be able to stop someone from touching these tits? Why don’t you show me how you’d get away?”

I give her breast a squeeze and a moan slips from her mouth. Her eyes flutter closed and I’m well aware she won’t be fighting me on anything. She’s putty in my hands, and I can touch and tease as much as I want. I should step back. Walk away now. Now that I’ve proven how easy it would be for someone to trap her and take whatever the fuck they wanted from her I should go back inside. But I’m not done getting my point across, nor am I done playing with her.

I pull and pluck on her tight nipple, which is poking right through her shirt. Her head falls back against the wall. Her back arches, pushing her breast further into my hand. I may be playing a game right now, may be trying to prove a point, but I’m not going to deny how damn good she feels. Her nipples always liked my attention. They’re sensitive and don’t just like it soft and sweet, they like it hard and rough. Just like her little pussy. I pinch the peak to send that zing of pleasure I know she’s craving right through her, and when it hits its target, she calls out my name. “Sean!”

Her sexy cry has me ready to tear her fucking shorts down and slam my cock into her. Fuck. I can’t do that. I have to teach her a lesson. A lesson that will send her packing. I have to remember my end goal, and it isn’t giving her an orgasm. Although, there’s no denying that’s exactly what we both want right now.

I run my fingers down her leg and slowly back up her inner thigh. “You’d be a real fucking easy target dressed in these little shorts. They wouldn’t protect you. Any fucker could touch you in this private little spot of yours.” My fingers slide under the material and right to the place I’m referring to, my cock loving the little whimpers she releases.

“What the fuck would you do about it? Huh? Show me how the fuck you’d keep them from touching you here.” I fight back a groan. Her panties are soaked and they’re glued to her pussy lips, which are plump and swollen. Damn, she hasn’t changed. Her cunt feels so damn good. Even better than I remember.

I massage over her clit, waiting for her protest, but I’m positive it’s never going to come. Her body isn’t fighting me. She wants it. She wants me to touch her and play with her sweet little pussy. I slip my fingers right under her panties and get coated in her juices. She’s in a desperate state of need right now. Well, too fucking bad. I’m going to tease her into a frenzy, taunt her to a near combustion, and then… I’m going to take it all away. If she thinks she’s ever going to have me or my dick again, she’s dead wrong.

I pump my fingers inside her tight body. Somehow it feels even tighter than it was when we were together. “Any fucker could sink their fingers inside you, just like this. Anyone could fuck your juicy cunt.” And damn is it juicy. Her arousal is running right down my wrist. “How the fuck would you stop them? Huh? How would you get away?”

Her moans are getting louder. Her walls are tightening around my two thick digits, which are hooked right on the inside of her hot pussy. Right where her G-spot is. A few more strokes and I’ll have her coming all over me, but that’s not going to happen. I savor one last slow, deep thrust and remove my hand. I take a step away from her, putting distance between us so I don’t dive back in and finish what I started. God knows my dick wants to see her come.

Her eyes are clouded with lust, and the longing I see has me wanting to slam her up against the wall and fuck her senseless. Shit. I need to get my message across now. The one I came here tonight with. Otherwise, I’ll end up sending her the wrong message. I’ll end up pushing my cock into her instead of pushing her away.

“It’s obvious you wouldn’t be able to do shit to stop anyone from hurting you. Now, this is my brother’s bar, and if anything happens on his property, that shit would be on him. I don’t give a fuck about you, but I will not let you bring a brother down. You take a break, you go sit at the fucking bar or in the back room. Understood?”

Tears fill her eyes, and once again, I want to punch my own lights out for making such an asinine comment. Of course, I don’t want her to get hurt. Of course, I care what happens to her. But that’s the damn problem. I care too much for someone who didn’t give a shit about me and had no problem ripping my heart out.

She turns without saying another word and rushes inside. I want to go after her. But again, I don’t. It should thrill me that my attack landed directly on target, but it doesn’t. She slips into the bathroom, no doubt going to cry her eyes out because of the horrid things I just said. The need to follow right in after her has me going and taking my seat with the guys instead. Damn, I wish I was still drinking because I’d be chugging down an entire bottle of scotch right now and numbing this damn pain. Fuck.

Needing to get my thoughts back on track, I try and focus on what the guys are saying. I catch something about Hailey setting her brother up on a date, but I miss half the conversation. My mind is back on Chrissy and my eyes are plastered in the direction of the bathrooms. What the fuck is taking her so long? Shouldn’t her break be over by now? You fucking told her you couldn’t care less if she got hurt, you asshole. Of course, she’s in there nursing her wounds. Fuck, I’m such a dick.

Finally, she returns and gets right back to work, checking on her tables. Her face looking perfect. But because I know the girl, I can tell she’s been crying. To anyone else, I doubt they’d notice. They’d see the smile on her face and think it’s real, but I know it’s fake as shit. I also see the dullness in her eyes. Fuck. I truly am a bastard.

The apology plays out in my mind. All the words I want to tell her. My retraction for all my shitty remarks. I’m about to rise from my seat, ready to go grab her and make amends, when Officer Bentley steps up to our table.

“Gentlemen,” he greets, sounding like he’s still on duty. He’s dressed in his uniform, so he’s either just stopping by or he just got off work.

“Hey, man. You ready to meet your future wife?” Grit teases, and Bentley narrows his eyes at his best friend/brother-in-law.

I used to think Bentley was a dick, but he’s changed his tune. Now, he’s practically a damn member of the club. I even consider him a brother. He may be an officer of the law, but he’s not crooked like the ones back in my old town. There was one deputy in particular who was a nasty son of a bitch. A fucker who abused his power every chance he got.

“Not you too?” Bentley shakes his head at Grit. “My sister already has the fucking invitations picked out and I haven’t even met the girl yet.”

Bentley tugs at his collar. It’s clear he’s uncomfortable. All I picked up from the conversation the guys were having is that Hailey is setting him up on a date, but it sounds like she’s planning his damn wedding. I never see the officer nervous. Not even under pressure when he’s dealing with criminals in the line of duty. The guy’s usually cool as a cucumber. But right now, he looks anxious as fuck.

“Dude, relax. She’s a sweetheart, and she’s hot as shit. Just look at her,” Grit assures, gesturing toward the bar. My eyes travel in the same direction, and when they land on Chrissy, my anxiety kicks up a notch. “See her in the red tank?”

“Well, damn. Maybe my sister got it right on this one. She’s a fucking knockout.” Bentley nods, appreciating the view. What’s not to fucking appreciate?

No. Fucking. Way. This shit is not happening. There is no way I’m going to sit here and watch Bentley move in on my girl. Fuck. She’s not my fucking girl, so why the hell do I care? I was just trying to figure out how to get rid of her ass. So why the fuck is jealousy sitting in my stomach like a lead weight?

Bentley starts walking to her like he’s being lured by a siren, and I’m about to lose my shit. I watch him approach. Chrissy turns in his direction, and I see a genuine smile form on her mouth. Whatever he just said, she liked. She holds out her hand for him to shake. He takes it then pulls her in for a hug. What the hell? Why the fuck is he already touching her? Who the fuck does he think he is? And why the hell is she now giggling at whatever the fuck he’s saying? And not fake giggling. She’s truly amused. Just a minute ago her light was dim, and now it’s like he’s flipped a switch on. Like he’s hung the fucking moon.

I’m out of my seat, moving towards them before this goes any further. I’m trying to tell myself I’m only looking out for my brother here, but I know the truth. There’s no way I’m watching her date someone. The thought of someone else making her smile and lighting her up makes my chest physically hurt. And I sure as shit wouldn’t survive seeing her fall in love and moving on. That would kill me and I’m already nearly a dead man from when she broke my heart.

“Hey, man.” I approach from the side, and Bentley and Chrissy both turn in my direction. Her smile dropping the moment she sees me. Seeing my effect on her hits me so damn hard in the gut that now I’m more determined than ever to get this girl out of my life once and for all. “Just thought I should give you a heads-up, Bentley. You shouldn’t waste your time with this girl. She’s not someone you want to get tangled up with or you’ll end up living to regret it.”

Bentley’s smile drops from his face. “What the fuck, man?” His angered tone is directed at me, but he should really be pointing his anger in her direction.

“Don’t shoot the messenger, brother.” I hold my hands up. “I’m just giving you the warning I wish someone would have given me years ago. You being a man of the law and all, figured you’d want a partner who’s honest. This one doesn’t know the meaning of the word.”

I never would have stopped to help her with her tire that day had I known where I’d end up. Chrissy’s soft gasp has my eyes snapping to hers. Hers once again filling with big damn tears.

“I’m sorry, Sean,” she quietly whispers, her voice so thick with remorse. A pain in the left of my chest begins to throb. “I’m so sorry for what happened. I’m sorry for not telling you the truth. I’m sorry about all of it. If I could go back, there are so many things I would have done differently. I should have told you. I hate myself for what I did. I hate that I…”

I can’t listen to this. Her apology doesn’t mean squat to me. All it does is make me want things I can’t have. Make me want to forgive her and put the past behind us. But I know if I do, I’ll only get burned again.

“Save your fucking apology for someone who cares, Christina.” Her gasp lets me know I’ve landed my strike. And fuck does it suck to be me right now. Because seeing the pain I’m causing her rips me to pieces. I need her gone. I can’t do this anymore. I physically hate myself for what I’m doing to her. “If you really are sorry for that shit, then you’ll leave this town. You’ll quit this job right now and never come back. You’ll get the fuck out of my life once and for all. And you’ll make sure you stay out of it.”

The tears finally slip down her cheeks, and I fight the clawing urge to reach for her and wipe them away.

“Dude, what the fuck is going on with you, man? Why the hell are you being such a dick?”

I turn toward Bentley and explain exactly why he should stay the fuck away. “Because I thought I was going to marry her. She was the fucking love of my goddamn life. But it turned out I was just the guy from the wrong side of the tracks who she was having some fun with. Meanwhile, she was setting up her fancy life with some rich prick. Found out she was engaged to the guy the day before I was going to propose to her myself. That’s why, Bentley. You deserve better, man. Not a girl who’ll string you along while she finds herself Mr. Moneybags to set up shop with, and then shred your fucking heart apart.”

“Sean, what are you saying? Wait…I…you…” Chrissy’s stuttered whispers have me turning my attention back. A thousand different emotions are crossing her face. None of them pleasant ones. The most prominent one being utter confusion. “Is that what you believe? Is that what you think happened?”

Her question pisses me off further. “What the hell does that mean? What I believe? I saw it with my own damn eyes. You were there, Christina. You still had my cum dripping from your cunt while you were sitting at your damn engagement dinner, drinking champagne and showing off that huge fucking ring on your finger. There was no mistaking the truth. Why would I believe anything different? I know what fucking happened.” I fucking lived it.

Her gasp cuts through the noise of the bar. “Didn’t you get my texts and voicemails? Oh my God. I left you so many messages. Did they not go through? Did my dad somehow block them from getting to you?”

The panic in her voice and the pure look of horror resonating on her face has me doing a double take. But again, I’m not falling for her lies a second time around.

“I didn’t need to listen to any more lies or excuses. I saw it with my own two eyes, Christina. You were all cozied up next to your fiancé. What the fuck could you have said to that? And if you were trying to give an apology for betraying me, I had no need for it. It was too little too fucking late. I knew what a rich girl like you wanted. I realized exactly why you didn’t want me to meet your family. Why you always wanted to spend time in my neck of the woods. It was so you wouldn’t be seen with me. I may have been poor, but I wasn’t a dumb shit, Christina. So, to answer your question, yeah, I got the messages, but I deleted every single one right as it came in. Then I blocked your number when I realized they weren’t going to stop coming.”

She sucks in an audible breath and her entire demeanor deflates. The expression on her face can only be described with one word: devastation. Chrissy looks devastated by what I’ve just said.

“So, is that why you left? Or did my father threaten you?”

Why the hell is she asking me that? Threatened? By that asshole? No fucking way would I feel threatened by a man like that. I don’t care how much money he has. No one was or will ever take me down or make me feel like less of a man. I may have had a shit upbringing, but I fought my way out of hell and came out victorious and strong. Even back then, when I was barely getting by, men with money did not intimidate me. Is that what she thought? I would’ve felt threatened by her family so she chose some rich prick over me?

“No. I never felt threatened by your dear old dad. Not a chance in hell would I cower to a man like that. I took off because I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing your lying face again.”

Her eyes reveal such a massive amount of pain, I’m nearly brought to my knees. I want to reach for her, but I stop myself. I can’t let her sink her claws in again.

“Brother, you need to take this to my office.” Trigger’s voice manages to cut through the chaotic storm whirling around my mind. He’s standing by my side. The tables around us have grown awfully quiet and we now have an audience. I turn back toward Chrissy, ready to take her out back so we can finish this conversation in private and she can move the fuck out of my life, but the look on her face has me halting in place.

“You didn’t… He never… You left because… Oh God.”

Chrissy stumbles into Bentley, trying to back away from me. He catches her. His arms steadying her and remaining locked around her waist. Fuck. I want to punch him for touching my girl. “Chrissy, are you okay?”

She looks up at him and apologizes. “I need to go. I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” With her panicked words lingering in the air, she turns and runs from the bar.

“What the hell, Shiv?”

I don’t have time to answer Bentley’s question. I have questions of my own that I need Chrissy to answer. I go to charge after my girl but Bentley steps right in front of my path. His lethal glare pointed at me. It’s the one he must use on his most despised criminals.

“You need to step out of my way, Bentley, so I can go deal with my girl.” The words seethe from my mouth. It’s taking everything I have to keep my fists clenched to my side and not shove him out of my way, or worse, break his fucking nose. He may be a friend, but he can still arrest my ass for attacking an officer of the law.

“You better make damn sure you never treat her like that again, or I swear, I’ll be moving in and claiming her for myself. You got me, Shiv?”

I nod. Not that there’d ever be a chance in hell I’d let him have her, but I just need him out of my way so I can get to her before she takes off.

He steps to the side, and I storm out the door. By the time I get outside, her car is already gone. Fuck. This conversation isn’t fucking over. I’m going after her to find out exactly why she’s the one looking like I just broke her heart when she’s the one who ripped mine out all those years ago. I hop on my bike. Only problem is, I don’t know where she’s headed or where she lives to even find her. But Trigger does. He’ll have her address on file.

I take out my phone and dial his cell.

“What in the actual fuck is wrong with you, Shiv?”

He’s obviously Chrissy’s number one fucking fan, but I don’t fucking care if he’s pissed. I just need answers.

“Need to know where she lives, Trigger.”

“Not a chance in hell am I telling you shit so you can go there and harass that girl more than you already fucking have.”

Fuck. He can’t be serious right now.

“Trigger, I need to talk to her. Both of us are hurting. We both need closure. I swear I’m not going to hurt her. I just want to fucking understand why she did it.”

His sigh gives me hope. My brother knows, after all our nights together lost in our pasts, he knows exactly what I went through and how I felt. I’m hoping like hell he can understand why I need this.

“Fine. All I know is that she’s staying at a motel. Don’t have a room number though.”

Well, that’s easy. There are only two motels in town. And one of those is on the wrong side of the tracks where Chrissy would never be caught dead in, so I know exactly where to go.

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