“ S o, how’d you break free, babe?” I brush the hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. “How’d you finally get away from your dad?” God, she’s breathtaking. I could stare at her for hours on end.
“My dad finally decided he was done with me. ‘I was turning into an ugly hag’ were his exact words. He made one final arrangement, trying to squeeze one final deal out of me. Before we went to dinner, he told me that this guy was going to keep me. He said he was cutting me off and I’d be left without a penny to my name, so I should be grateful the man was willing to take me as his wife and support me.”
Motherfucker. The fact that he could use his own kid like that proves what a devil he is.
“I didn’t care if I ended up under a bridge. There was no way I was marrying that man. His final threat woke me up, and I packed a bag of clothes, told my sister I loved her more than anything, and walked out on foot. I’d been saving money on the side. Pulling from my account every chance I got. At first, I’d been doing it so you and I could have a little nest egg to start our lives with. But after you left, I did it to buy my freedom. I had enough money to get me an apartment and set myself up while I looked for a job.”
I look around the room. This isn’t an apartment. It’s a fucking fleabag motel. And as soon as we’re done talking, I’m getting her out of it.
“I was working as a waitress and life was pretty good,” she continues. “But I missed my sister. So, I went and bought Jess a burner phone. Then I drove into town one day and snuck it to her. We would talk each night when everyone was asleep. God, it was so good to hear her voice and know she was safe. I figured she would be. She was always my father’s favorite. His perfect little princess. Me—I was the one who reminded him of the cheating whore who left us all for some Frenchman.”
I used to think her mother was a bitch for abandoning her daughters and never looking back. Now, I’m starting to think, she was running. She didn’t want to be involved with a monster and found a man who saved her. Can’t fault her for that. But I will fault her for not taking her daughters with her. For not saving them, too.
“When my sister turned eighteen six months ago, I decided to sneak into town and surprise her for her birthday. But I was spotted. Deputy Fink pulled me over and gave me a warning that if I ever made contact with Jess again, he’d haul me to jail. Then he issued me a citation for speeding, which showed exactly what kind of false charges he could get away with. He followed me out of town, and I was worried he’d tell my dad where I was living. So, I paid out the rest of my lease and then kept driving. That’s how I ended up here. This motel sucks, but they take cash, don’t care that I gave them a fake name, and is not a place my dad or the deputy would ever think to look for me. I took precautions just in case my dad wanted to seek revenge for me leaving and not marrying the man he promised me to.”
Fuck. My girl has had her life ripped away from her. Her only family taken from her, and has been living in shit to ensure she’s safe. I should’ve fucking been there for her. She shouldn’t have been going through this alone. Well, I’m here now, and I’m not going to let the deputy, or her dad touch her. The Savage Knights will make sure of it.
“Everything’s going to change, angel. I meant what I said. Those men are going to pay. And I’m going to make it to where you and Jessica are together again. You’re moving in with me, babe. We’ll live at the clubhouse until the coast is clear and those bastards have been handled. And then once they’ve been dealt with, we’ll build our dream home.”
Her cheeks light right up, and it gives me a good kick in the chest. She leans in and presses her lips to mine, kissing me sweetly. I will never again take this for granted. And I will never ever let it go.
“Thank you, Sean. I love you so much.”
Not as much as I love her.