Proposing Christmas Chapter 6 20%
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Chapter 6


“ W elcome, everyone, to our home and the beginning of what is sure to be the most fabulous Christmas party.”

Lord Burton was standing at the head of the table, pontificating about the Christmas season. It was all noise to Noelle, who couldn’t help sneaking a look next to her at Cooper, wondering what he thought of all this pomp. She was sure he disdained it as a man who was much more inclined to do everything with purpose, but then, he was the one who had desired integration in this life.

So here he was.

A small smile played on the edge of his lips. She was sure he was attempting to be friendly, but part of her also wondered whether he was silently mocking all of the circumstance.

The interaction with Lord Northbridge had been dreadful. Noelle had been embarrassed, not by Cooper but rather by the other guests, who were part of a group she was born into, even if she wasn’t always pleased with how they acted.

She had spoken up before she’d had time to think about what she was doing, but she was prepared to defend her words repeatedly if Lord Northbridge had anything more to say. At least Cooper had seemed appreciative. Maybe he would be inclined to drop the stipulations to their agreement that a business deal needed to come from her introductions. It was a ridiculous item, which she had told him.

He agreed to the upfront amount regardless of what happened, but the final amount would only come if the situation ended as he wanted.

Typical, she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she was annoyed by it anew, earning herself a nudge from his elbow.

“Something amiss?” he murmured in her ear, his voice low and throaty, strumming a wanting deep in her core.

“No,” she said, shaking her head and dropping her arms, telling herself not to wear her emotions so outwardly around a man who seemed to notice more than most. “All is well.”

“Tell me if it’s not,” he said, and she nodded as Lord Burton finally stopped talking and raised his wine glass in a toast. Not having been paying attention, Noelle had no idea to what they were toasting, but she assumed that it had something to do with the season.

“To Christmas together,” Cooper echoed the rest of the group, holding his glass up to Noelle. She was surprised, at first thinking he was referring to the two of them, before realizing it was the toast the entire party was engaging in.

“To Christmas together,” she murmured, only she wasn’t speaking of the house party.

She meant this Christmas, between her and Cooper. She wasn’t a fool. She knew that between a broken engagement and her father’s loss of everything he owned, her chances of ever finding a husband were small.

So perhaps, even though there was no substance to this betrothal, she would enjoy being one half of a partnership and pretend that this was true – for herself.

Cooper looked over at her, meeting her eyes, and she knew that he understood her meaning – even if he didn’t feel it himself.

The rest of the dinner was course after course of lavish dishes, which Noelle knew was partly for celebration and partly to show just how prosperous Lord and Lady Burton were. First came baked oysters, then turtle soup served with bread rolls. This was followed by roast beef as the meal's centerpiece, along with pheasant that was likely caught on this very estate. A whole roasted trout and sides of mashed potatoes, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, and the richest of gravies, sauces, and redcurrant jellies were also served.

Cooper was practically moaning beside her when the mince pies, fruits, and jellies were produced for desserts. He rolled his head to the side to look at her.

“How do you all possibly eat this much night after night?” he asked, to which she lightly laughed.

“I only eat a few bites each course,” she said. “Otherwise, I could never fit into my stays.”

Realizing she had just spoken to him about her undergarments, she clapped her hand over her mouth, but he didn’t seem to mind as he laughed easily, something he seemed to do often.

“I have learned my lesson. What did you most enjoy tonight?”

She blinked at him. No one had ever asked her that before. Come to think of it, no one had ever asked her much about what she cared for, liked, or disliked. Everyone always assumed that she liked what was placed in front of her. She didn’t have much other choice.

“Ah… I suppose the oranges and pears and jellies,” she said, her cheeks warming. “I have a bit of a sweet tooth.”

“The very best kind,” he said with a wide smile. He lifted a pear from his plate and placed it on hers. “There you are. One more of your favorites.”

“But you must try it!” she insisted. “They are so good.”

He ignored her protests as he leaned over, cut into the fruit with his fork, and lifted it to her lips.

“A bite,” he said, and she nodded, her eyes captured and lost in his navy depths as he stretched the fork toward her.

“Mmm,” she said, her eyes closing along with her lips over the pear. When she opened her eyes and met his stare, she was shocked at how they had darkened, his pupils widening as he stared at her.

“What is the matter?” she asked, and he blinked a few times before backing away.

“Nothing,” he muttered, suddenly quite concerned with his napkin as he pushed himself back slightly from the table and took a sip from the sherry that had been brought out with dessert.

She shrugged, accepting that she might never understand him.

And that was fine – because they were not meant to be together.

Cooper had nearly allowed himself to be captivated by his fake bride once again. What was it about the woman?

She should be like any other young lady, but he was beginning to learn that she was far from it. She had depth and substance. She was more.

Not long after the dessert course was cleared, the senior women at the table stood, followed by the rest of the young ladies.

“We will be retiring to the drawing room for a time,” Noelle said lowly to him, as though she wasn’t entirely sure whether he would know the customs, but he was well aware of this. “I shall see you after.”

“Not to worry,” he said, patting her hand. “I shall be just fine on my own.”

He placed a hand over his mouth to hide his chuckle as she followed the other women out of the room. He appreciated she was doing her best to look after him, but he had come far enough in this world alone. He could handle these gentlemen just fine without her.

Lord Walters was the first to sit beside him as the footman poured brandy and passed out cigars.

Northbridge and the little “Lord John,” as he must be called, seated themselves as far from him as possible, as though he might infect them with his inferiority.

“Burton always has the finest drinks and cigars,” Walters said conspiratorially. “Be sure to indulge.”

“I feel as though I’ve already done too much of that,” he said with a laugh.

Walters nodded ruefully, inhaling his cigar long before leaning back and taking a closer look at Cooper.

“We haven’t had much chance to talk, the two of us, have we?”

“No,” Cooper said cautiously, wondering where this was going.

“My daughter… she is a good girl. Smart. Headstrong, perhaps too much so, but she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. She and her mother were the same. Both of them took care of me.”

He sighed, sipping his drink, turning the glass between his fingertips before continuing.

“When her mother passed, we both took it hard, but Noelle recovered first, as she had promised her mother to look after me, and she took that promise seriously. Sometimes I worry as I don’t know who will look out for her. Not that I’ve done a very good job of it lately anyway.”

He lifted his head. “I need you to promise me that you will always take care of her no matter what happens. Be kind to her. Look out for her. Let her tell you what to do, as she will probably be right most of the time, but also be a guide.”

Cooper’s breath caught in his throat. He wanted to agree to what the man said, for he could tell how much it would mean to him to hear those words. But could he straight up lie to him? He would leave Noelle once this was all finished, and her father would know then that this was all a farce.

But he had promised Noelle that they would see this through, and this man had caused the debts that had put his daughter in this very position at having to do this.

“Yes, I will look after her,” he promised, realizing as he said it that he meant it. The two of them might not marry, but he would ensure she was well. They could stay in touch if they could be friends, and he could check in on her now and again.

Even the thought that she would likely be married to another by then caused a strange sensation of jealousy to rise within him, one that had no right to be present in his stomach.

By the time they rejoined the ladies, he had looked forward to seeing her again. As he approached Noelle at the far side of the room, their hostess called for a game of Blindman’s Bluff, and Cooper had to hide his eyes rolling.

A man in his position had no time to play games without purpose. Not when there were far more important games to be played. Games that meant keeping everyone fed and housed. But he had heard of such a game before, and it didn’t take much intelligence to play it.

“Do you know the rules?” Noelle asked him quietly, and he raised a brow.

“Yes, I think I can figure it out,” he said, as Lord John was named the blindman and a scarf was tied around his eyes.

“Would you rather we tour the house and escape this game?” she asked, sensing his chagrin.

“I would like that very much,” he said with such relief that she laughed. When it came time for them to hide from the blindman, she nodded toward the other side of the room, and he followed as they slipped out the door together.

Noelle seemed to know where she was going, having been here previously, and he once again marveled at the display of wealth present in each room.

His holdings were likely not far from these, yet he didn’t think he would ever feel such a need to display it as they did. He supposed it was because, for them, the reason to accumulate such riches was for the power it held, and part of that was prestige that must be flaunted to be respected.

He was glad he wasn’t held to the same standard.

It provided him with a much greater sense of freedom.

Freedom that he wasn’t willing to be rid of yet.

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