W hen Cooper fell asleep that night, he was wrapped in a warm glow as he basked in his time with Noelle. Knowing that he had comforted and helped her in a moment of need meant more than he would have thought possible – especially to a man who, until this moment, would have considered this matter so trivial.
In the moments when they were together – whether it was singing as one voice or falling on his ass while skating or kissing her under the mistletoe – he forgot that this was a temporary arrangement, that they had an end date.
Part of him was wondering whether he still wanted this to end.
Was it possible that they could continue this past Christmastide? He had been confident in his bachelor status for so long, not interested in being tied down to anyone, and yet the more time he spent with her, the more he was tempted to reconsider his intentions.
He wasn't entirely sure whether she felt the same, but when she looked at him, the warm desire in her eyes had matched his own.
He might have fallen asleep with a smile, but he woke suddenly in the middle of the night, sitting upright in bed, confused.
He swiveled his head from one side of the dark room to the other, wondering what had woken him, when he heard another pop outside his window. He jumped from his bed, running to the noise.
He threw open the sash window, allowing in the frigid night air, but as he leaned out to see what was below, he could hardly make out anything in the dim light of the moon, which had increased ever so slightly since the night he and Noelle had walked together.
“Is anyone there?” he called out, and he heard shuffling below before footsteps running away.
That had been a gunshot. He was sure of it. He’d heard enough in his time.
He threw on his wrapper and grabbed his gun before opening the door of his room, relief flooding through him when the door across the hall opened at the same time and Noelle stood there, her own wrapper clutched around her, her unbound hair falling in curly waves around her face, nearly making him forget the situation at hand.
“What’s happening?” she asked, eyes wide. “I heard what sounded like… well, a shot. Could that be possible?”
“I think so,” he said grimly. “There was action outside my window. I am going out to check.”
“You can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “What if someone is still out there with a weapon? You could be in danger.”
He reached into the side of his wrapper, pulling out the pistol.
“I’m prepared,” he said grimly. He had grown up in neighborhoods where he’d had no choice but to defend himself when the situation arose. He wasn’t afraid of a nobleman who had fancied himself a brigadier for the night. “Stay in your room and lock the door.”
“I should come with you.”
“Absolutely not,” he said. “If you come, I will be too worried about keeping you safe.”
“Very well,” she agreed, reminding him of her common sense. “But please come see me when you return.”
“Worried about me, are you?” he said with a wink before hurrying through the corridor, down the grand entry staircase, and out the front door.
He shivered when he stepped out into the cold night air, orienting himself to the direction of his bedroom window and where the shot had come from.
He hurried along the ground floor, wondering if anyone else had heard the commotion, when he heard the front door open behind him and a shout ring out.
“You there – stop!”
He turned, lifting his hands. “I came to investigate myself,” he called out, continuing on, not wanting to be slowed down by whichever staff or house guests had followed as well.
Cooper peered into the darkness. He was so focused on searching out anyone hiding in the shadows as a potential threat that he wasn’t looking in front of him, and suddenly, he was stumbling, falling over a mound on the ground.
“What the…” he mumbled as he turned over just as more men approached, one of them holding a lantern out before him.
He cursed when he saw what – or rather, who – he had fallen over.
A very bloody, very motionless Lord Northbridge.
Noelle knew Cooper needed her to stay upstairs, safe, but she was going crazy with worry, waiting alone, not knowing what was happening. She peeked her head out into the corridor as she heard multiple footsteps running outside and shouts from somewhere beyond the window and the house itself.
Realizing the commotion was coming from the opposite side of the wing, she slipped into the corridor and pushed open the door of Cooper’s bedroom. The rush of cold air sweeping through it told her that his window was still open. She hurried toward it, peeking out to see a group of men below, approaching with a lantern casting light through the darkness.
Light on Cooper, who was sprawled on the ground – next to the motionless figure of what appeared to be Lord Northbridge.
Her breath caught in her throat when she saw that both men were covered in blood, and she put the facts together to realize that Lord Northbridge must have been shot.
And now Cooper had been found with him.
“Hartwell!”Lord Burton was leading the charge. “What have you done?”
“Absolutely nothing,” Cooper said confidently as he rose. “I came out to investigate, just as you did. The shot sounded right below my window.”
He pointed upward, and Noelle scrambled back, although she could have sworn that she saw Cooper’s look of recognition as he caught her stare.
“I came out and stumbled right over top of him.”
Lord Burton looked him up and down. “You are covered in blood.”
“Yes,” Cooper said with more patience than Noelle would have had. “Because I fell on him. It was too dark to see without a lantern.
“Is he dead?”
“Appears to be.”
“There’s nothing to be done now but to call the coroner.”
That sounded like Lord John.
“True,” Lord Burton said with a sigh. “I will send one of the footmen.” He groaned aloud. “Lady Burton is not going to be happy about this.”
Noelle snorted to herself. Lord Burton was so scared of his wife that it would have been humorous in different circumstances.
At least she could tell the coroner or whoever came to investigate that she knew Cooper was in his bedroom – that she had seen him open the door. She supposed it could be said that he would have had time to return to his bedroom after the shot, but she would bet her life that he had nothing to do with this.
Even if the victim was Lord Northbridge.
It seemed the entire house party was gathering outside. It had initially just been gentlemen, but when Noelle heard a scream pierce the night air, she knew it had to be Lady Burton, horrified that someone had dared to ruin her Christmastide house party.
It seemed an appropriate time to join the group below. Another Christmas gathering – this time a much grimmer one.
“Noelle, what is happening?”
Noelle emerged from Cooper’s bedroom, hurrying down the corridor until she reached the stairs, where Hattie and Hermione were standing at the top. Lucy, her mother, and Lady Brighton and her mother were hurrying out from their bedrooms on the manor’s opposite wing.
“It seems there has been an… incident,” Noelle said hesitantly, not sure that she should be the one to break the news to the ladies. Hattie had shown some interest in Lord Northbridge, although she hadn’t been as eager lately. However, it could still mean a change for her future, and it was shocking to have it occur in the same house where one was sleeping.
Then there was Hermione, who Noelle suspected had relations of her own with the man.
Hattie frowned, but after hearing another scream from her mother, she rushed out of the house, Noelle following. The ladies emerged into the night just in time to see Lady Burton faint into her husband’s arms.
“Oh, Mother!” Hattie cried. “Father, what has happened?”
“I think we should convene in the drawing room,” he said to the guests, who were now gathered together at the bottom of the stairs, most of them shivering from the cold, their breath visible in the air. “Hattie, call Mrs. Smith and have her take your mother to her bedroom. She is overwhelmed.”
“But what?—”
“I will tell everyone all that has occurred shortly.”
Noelle listened to their conversation half-heartedly as she pushed through the guests, driven by her need to reach Cooper. When she caught sight of him through the window, she was taken aback by his expression. For a man usually so self-assured, he looked… concerned. She had a feeling she knew exactly why.
To be found covered in blood next to the very man he had met in an altercation the previous night? It was not a good look.
“Cooper!” she called out, nearing him, and he lifted his face, his eyes meeting hers – only his were filled with grief and desperation that she couldn’t quite place.
“Stay back, Noelle,” he said, but still, she pushed forward until a hand wrapped around her arm, and she turned to find her father holding onto her.
“He’s right, Noelle,” he said grimly. “You have to keep your distance.”
“I will not,” she said, her lips fusing together as she prevented herself from snapping out in annoyance as everyone tried to tell her what to do. “Cooper, are you all right?”
Before he could answer, Lord Burton’s voice echoed throughout the night.
“One of the footmen has left to try to find the constable. He should be here soon enough, and in the meantime, we will wait in the foyer.”
They were all primarily silent besides the odd murmurings between those close to one another as they filtered inside and waited — which luckily wasn’t that long until Lord Burton announced the constable was coming up the drive. They all hurried outside to meet him.
A tall, broad-shouldered man strode up the side of the building, his steps as efficient as he must have been at his job.
“Everyone inside,” he instructed. “Leave the lantern. The coroner and physician will arrive tomorrow. In the meantime, I will take down everyone’s names and will examine the body, then guard it through the night.”
Noelle stepped backward but didn’t follow the rest of the guests inside yet. She had to wait and see what might happen to Cooper.
“Were you with him when he died?” the constable asked as he held the lantern up to inspect his clothing.
“No,” Cooper said, his voice unwavering. “I heard the shot from my window and immediately ran outside to assess what was happening. In haste, I forgot a lantern and stumbled over the body.”
“Very well,” the constable said. “Well, it is not for me to do the questioning. That will come later. The coroner will have much more to ask you tomorrow, so don’t go anywhere.”
Cooper began walking toward Noelle, although both slowed when they saw Lord Burton leaning over the constable conspiratorially.
“As I am sure you are aware, Constable, we are in the middle of a Christmas house party, and this discovery has been distressing for my wife. I would appreciate it if we could keep this quiet. Do you understand? Perhaps this was a hunting accident?”
The man stopped examining the body, lifting the lantern to Lord Burton’s face.
“Are you asking us to pretend this never happened? The murder could not be much more obvious.”
“Of course not!” Lord Burton exclaimed. “Simply to use discretion in this death. We do not need everyone in England to hear about this, or we will never host another party. Our reputation will be ruined.”
“As sorry as I am to hear of your potential loss of hosting duties, m’lord, it is not up to me. You’ll have to take that up with the coroner, too. I’m only here to make sure no one touches the body. If you could send out a sheet of linen, I’ll cover ’im for the night to preserve his dignity.”
“Very well,” Lord Burton finally relented as Cooper urged Noelle inside with a hand on her back.
All eyes were on them as they joined the rest of the guests in the drawing room. Suddenly, the festive greenery and mistletoe appeared out of place, as if it were a scene from another set – or, at least, another time.
“Mr. Hartwell, are you injured?” Noelle’s father asked kindly, and Cooper shook his head.
“No. This is all from Lord Northbridge, I’m afraid.”
“Lord Northbridge?” Lady Jennifer jumped up from her place on the sofa, her face pale. It was so odd to see all the guests, usually so properly dressed and covered in their finest, clothed only in their nightclothes and wrappers. “What has happened?”
Lord Burton shot Cooper a look, telling him he didn’t appreciate him interjecting with the news. Lord Burton adjusted his features into their usual smoothness before he explained.
“Lord Northbridge is, unfortunately, no longer with us. From what we can tell, he was shot.”
“Shot!” Voices rang out around the room as everyone began talking at once, the violence of his death just as shocking as the fact it had occurred. Lucy placed her arm around Jennifer and lowered her back down to the sofa.
It was Lord John’s voice, however, that was loudest as he yelled out accusingly.
“That’s why Hartwell is covered in blood – it was you! You shot him!”
The eyes turned back their way. Cooper said nothing, although Noelle could feel his chest rise and fall slowly, as though he was taking a deep breath to calm himself before answering the accusations. What was he to do? He could deny them, yes, but that wouldn’t mean anything to these men.
Noelle’s jaw clenched, every fiber of her being on edge, knowing what she had to do.
Cooper had no part in this. He had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and had only been trying to help. Instead, he was going to become a very convenient scapegoat. Not only was he already unwanted here, but there were also business dealings that the other gentlemen were trying to push him away from, and it seemed that he had ruffled some feathers by being engaged to her.
She was the only one who could save him.
“Mr. Hartwell had nothing to do with Lord Northbridge’s death,” she said, stepping forward, her voice ringing loudly and clearly, everyone else returning to silence at her words.
“How would you know?” Lord John called out, his expression accusatory and disbelieving.
“Because,” she said, lifting her chin. “I was with him when it happened.”