N oelle immediately regretted her laughter when the light in Cooper’s eyes dimmed slightly.
He had been excited to bring this to her, she realized. She had just been so caught off guard that she had reacted without thinking.
“I am so sorry, Cooper, but Christmas Eve is in six days! That will not even be possible.”
“I know it is quick and no, there will not be the usual reading of the banns, but Lord and Lady Burton are well known in this area and your father has connections as well. If we accompany them to appeal to the vicar, hopefully it should be enough to achieve Expediency on an Ordinary License. If we are allowed, I see no impediments.”
“No, but…”
“But you do not want to be married to me.”
When his face fell, she reached out and grabbed his forearms.
“Cooper. I agree with your suggestion that we marry, even though I am still concerned that you will regret this decision. It is just… soon. Although I must say, you have done your research on how to marry quickly.”
“I was told the scenario while educating myself about the nobility and most facts stay with me. I thought that if we marry now, we will face less scandal, and our story of you in my bed would be more believable.”
She stepped closer to him, drawn by the warmth in his body and the heat in his gaze.
“You think that we do not appear infatuated by one another?”
She inclined her head, gasping slightly at how close his face was to hers, how strong his jawline was, and how enticing his scent was.
This had started as a sham of an engagement, yes, but now she couldn’t help but remember what it had felt like to be surrounded by his body last night. She had been exhausted and on edge then, appreciating his thoughtfulness, but now… now she saw him in a different light.
She wanted to be close to him, and not just for his protection or the comfort he provided. She wanted what he could offer her as a man. As a husband.
She wasn’t sure if that should excite her or scare her.
He reached up, cupping her cheek, his palm rougher than most men she was acquainted with.
She liked it.
He stroked her cheek with his thumb, leaning in.
“I am becoming more enamored with you than I ever thought I would,” he said gently, causing Noelle’s pulse to quicken. “May I kiss you?”
“I suppose we are going to be married,” she said, even as she knew that she was the one at risk of becoming enamored.
He was beginning to reveal that he was the type of man she could fall in love with.
But falling in love with a man who was only interested in a marriage of convenience could be the most significant risk, for she saw only one destination – a broken heart.
Even so, she could still have a little fun… could she not?
He leaned down slowly, giving her plenty of time to pull away if she chose.
She chose not to.
Instead, she lifted her face and closed the distance between them.
They had kissed before, yes, but the first time, they had been strangers, and the last time, they had been in front of a gathered crowd to appease those who wanted to see proof of their relationship and were interested in a bit of Christmas fun.
This kiss was for no one but one another, which made all of the difference.
The only other man Noelle had ever kissed was one she would rather forget at this moment – which Cooper made it easy to do.
His lips were firm against hers as she wrapped her hands around his neck and increased her own pressure. His leathery-pine scent intoxicated her, causing her to forget all reason.
For a man so intensely hard, his mouth was soft as he proved that he had as much expertise in this as he did in everything else. Noelle couldn’t help but let out a moan when he plunged his tongue inside, a deep growl vibrating in his chest as his hands moved from her face to wrap around her waist and pull her up against him.
Last night, she had discovered just how hard and muscled he was.
Today was a reminder.
It was also a lesson that what Noelle had thought was a kiss in the past was not a proper kiss – not like this one. This was a true plundering, as he pressed her backward until she was standing against the house, the rough brick scratching the material of her jacket.
Cooper must have understood, for he slid his hands down beneath her bottom, taking a moment to greedily cup her before pulling her hips to his, and she nearly had to clench her legs together at the feel of him.
This was… not what she had ever expected. She knew some women desired their husbands while others put up with them.
This marriage might not be genuine in their feelings, but there was enough lust between them to make that part of it true.
He allowed no space between them, and their lips never separated or stopped moving. His kiss and his touch caused every inch of her skin to heat deliciously in contrast to the cold winter air.
Finally, he broke this kiss although he didn’t pull away from her, instead moving his lips to her ear. His voice was soft and low as he murmured, “Tell me again that you do not want to be married.”
“I—” She was at a loss for words.
“I most certainly do. I cannot wait until we are married. Have you ever considered there are more reasons I would like to do this quickly? Ever since we met, I have wanted you… thought about you. Last night, when you were in my bed, it was hard to keep my hands off you.”
“Cooper,” she groaned as she melted into him, clutching the edges of his cloak in her hands. If he wasn’t holding her upright, she might have fallen to the ground at his feet.
“Our marriage will be beneficial to both of us, Noelle. I promised you that I would not take any women to bed. I meant any other women. Do you understand?”
“I – yes, I think I do.”
He was going to take her to bed.
And she could hardly wait.
Cooper had allowed his passions to get away from him.
He had practically ravished Noelle at a murder scene, and now here he was, back outdoors, traipsing around an estate looking for a damn yule log.
When Lady Burton gathered them all and began explaining the activity, it was evident she was trying to hold herself and this Christmas party together. Her face was drawn, her husband supporting her with an arm behind her back as they had all stood in cloaks near the entrance.
This murder and subsequent investigation, however, had also brought them all, rather strangely, together. Everyone at the house party but Lady Jennifer was present for this, even though the chilled air had already begun to freeze Cooper’s toes, and he had a feeling that his boots were much thicker than those most of the others wore.
“We are looking for a large branch, hopefully one that is rather dry,” Lady Burton said. “Why do we not all split into groups of four and look in various areas of the estate? We can each select a tree as an option, and then Lord Burton will look at all the candidates and determine which one we will have our groundskeeper cut down for our selection.”
Groups of four so that no one else would be at risk of being murdered, Cooper thought wryly, although he didn’t dare to voice it aloud.
That was one thing he had quickly learned when working with nobles – nearly every thought that mattered remained unspoken.
“Shall we?” he asked Noelle, holding his arm out, and she nodded, pressing herself close against his side as she had earlier. He guessed that she was stealing his warmth, although he would give it to her gladly anytime. He hoped she also enjoyed his closeness, but he didn’t want to assume anything.
He was already becoming obsessed with her body. He couldn’t allow himself to become even more infatuated, or he would be in great trouble.
He was open to marrying her, yes—he even wanted it now. But he had seen lesser men fall in love and forget everything else in their lives, losing at business practices when they could no longer focus their attention on what was necessary.
He would not be that man.
“I have not forgotten my promise to you,” she said softly. “Is there anyone you need to spend time with?”
It seemed they would not have a choice as Lord John strode purposefully toward them, his generous eyebrows lowered over his eyes. “Shall we go together?”
“Why not?” Cooper said with a forced smile, for he knew that Lord John must have additional motives for wanting to spend time with him besides his company.
“Lady Hermione, would you like to join us?” Noelle asked. Cooper was grateful she hadn’t asked Hattie, for her red-rimmed eyes and quivering lip told him that she was distraught over Northbridge’s death, even though the man had never seemed overly affectionate toward the girl.
“I would love to,” Hermione said, practically bounding toward them. She was as energetic as her mother, although it appeared that Hattie had inherited the histrionics.
Cooper preferred this, even though they would receive an earful of chatter from what he had seen so far.
They better find this yule log fast.
They broke out into different sections of the estate, and Cooper shared a look with Noelle that she understood – one of the reasons he so appreciated her. She was to keep Hermione entertained while he and Lord John came to terms with whatever the man wanted from him.
“How is your family holding up?” Cooper heard Noelle ask, which was all that was required for Hermione to launch into a soliloquy that basically said her mother was trying to keep the house party together, her sister was distraught over her lack of prospects as she had been relying on Lord Northbridge, even though Hermione thought him a poor choice, and her father wanted to pretend that none of this had ever happened.
“Lord John,” Cooper said as he kept his eye on the path – and the trees – in front of them, “shall we dispense with the chatter? Was there a reason you wanted to keep me company or was it simply for my charming manner?”
Lord John snorted. “There is no need for the coroner’s inquiry. We both know that Northbridge was murdered.”
“Doesn’t seem to be many other explanations for a bullet hole through the chest at close range, now is there?”
“You’re the only one of this group that doesn’t fit. You know that?”
“I have been made aware,” Cooper said wryly. “I realize how opportune it would be for all of you if I was the one who killed him. But, unfortunately for you, it was not me, as my lovely soon-to-be bride can attest to. I would, however, be happy to help you find the true killer. It would clear my name and allow me to leave this estate without any stain upon my reputation.”
“You do know, Hartwell, that I will not allow that land to be yours.”
Cooper lifted his brows and chin as he took measure of the man, whose gaze remained ahead.
“You’ll have to elaborate.”
“Do not pretend not to know what I am referring to. You did away with Sanderson and are trying to build the railway yourself.”
“I had nothing to do with Sanderson’s disappearance. Why would I, when I had a great sum of my own money tied up in the thing? However, the need is still present. Why should I not be the man to provide it?”
“You are not the only one to feel this way.”
“So I hear.”
“I own some of the land that you would need, but I am not inclined to sell it to you.”
“Do tell me, Lord John, why I am such an inconvenient choice for you.”
“Because it was your fault that we all lost money in the first place.”
“Ah,” Cooper said, recognition finally dawning. “You were one of the investors who blamed me for the loss. Well, I am sorry to have to educate you on how investing works, but first, you should not invest money you do not have, for there is always the chance of losing it. Otherwise, it would not be an investment. Second, I lost money just as you did. Third, I did not convince anyone to invest. You all did that on your own.”
“When you invest, it is a sure thing.”
Cooper let out a bark of laughter, noting Noelle’s attention.
“You chose to follow my lead all on your own. You must understand that everyone makes mistakes,” Cooper said with a shrug. “I cannot be right every time, as much as I would like to be. That being said, why do you not come on board with me in this next venture? I can assure you that I would never lead an undertaking of this magnitude without certainty that it will all come to fruition.”
“I have already been approached.”
“By whom?”
“I cannot say.”
It was whoever Northbridge had been speaking to in the study that night; Cooper was sure of it. But he couldn’t say so now without revealing that he had been eavesdropping.
“I will leave the choice to you,” Cooper said. “But I might have an offer you cannot refuse.”
“I look forward to receiving it,” Lord John said as Cooper wondered whether the man could be capable of murder himself. Had he and Northbridge disagreed over the deal? And how was Cooper supposed to convince the man to allow him the land he required now? Lord John owned a critical piece. To go around it would cost more than the railroad was likely worth. He would have to determine his rival in this railroad venture.
It didn’t seem that Lord John was inclined to tell him.
He turned at Noelle’s voice to find her pointing excitedly along the path ahead. “Up there – could that not be used for the yule log?”
The tree was dying, its high branches dry and bare of any remaining leaves. If a few twigs were removed, it could make for a fine yule log.
At least, according to what Cooper had learned before they left the house. He had never actually seen a yule log before but had learned that it would need to burn through most of Christmastide. To have participated in such a custom before would have required a forest to be in front of him, which wasn’t exactly at his family’s disposal.
“That looks well enough to me,” said Lord John, who had as much interest in this yule log as Cooper did.
This was why he had come here – to spend time and better come to know gentlemen such as Lord John. And now that he was here, he wanted to leave Lord John and his pompous opinions behind and spend time with Noelle instead.
“Lord John, would you like to return to the house together?” Noelle asked, causing Cooper’s teeth to grind against each other. Why on earth would she not choose him for the return journey? Not only would he have to watch her with Lord John, but now this meant he would be subjected to Lady Hermione, the epitome of young ladies that he couldn’t stand.
He sighed until he caught the curve of Noelle’s smile and her wink. She had some idea in mind, although he couldn’t imagine it. Maybe she thought she could work some magic with Lord John, although from what he could tell, the man was beyond any attempts to ingratiate himself.
He had it out for him, and Lord Northbridge’s murder had only made matters all the worse.
He had to find who had done this – sooner rather than later, especially if he wanted to enjoy his wedded bliss with Noelle, which he fully intended to do.
In fact, he could hardly wait.