Queen Takes Sunfires 2 (Their Vampire Queen) 25. Karmen 83%
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25. Karmen



I nside the walled perimeter, I paused for a moment, soaking in the peace. Tension uncoiled inside me, strain I hadn’t even been aware of because it’d been a part of my existence for so long. The freedom to laugh, yes, but also simply to feel. For the first time in memory, I could allow sensation to register in my body because it was completely pain-free. My survival here no longer depended on my ability to suppress my natural reactions.

The burns of Heliopolis etched into my skin were gone. Now, it was time to allow the rest of me to heal. This place was the beginning of healing. This safety.

With my eyes closed, I could see the blazing golden light rising from the ground around the buildings of House Sunna. Multiple buildings, not just the guest house. It wasn’t a perfect circle, but the blood boundary followed the natural rocky curve and cliffs of the island. Like a rolling map in my head, I could see the topography of House Sunna.

But more, I could sense the rejoicing of the land itself welcoming me home. Sparkling sunbeams, dazzling diamonds of molten light landing like dewdrops. Fresh green grasses pushing up spiky stalks against the long cold winter. Alpine flowers bloomed just to make me smile. Bushes and trees pushing out new leaves for moments of shade. A blessing I’d never been allowed in Heliopolis.

My Blood gleamed like golden stars on the island. My island.

Smiling so wide it hurt my face—in a good way—I opened my eyes to drink in more of the wonders of House Sunna. The white graveled path continued to meander through the walled garden ahead, though branches lead to the guesthouse on my left and a tall, narrow black structure that blended into the surrounding rocks and wall.

A woman with a series of complicated braids binding her light hair stood to the left, waiting until I looked at her. She wore a black flowing dress with a gold necklace around her throat. My eyes flinched away quickly before I acknowledged whatever symbol she wore.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty.” Her voice cracked with emotion. “We’re not as well-prepared as I would like for your visit. I didn’t have time to dress appropriately.”

Carefully, I looked back into her face. She was crying, and not with joy that I was back. Goddess. “Please don’t be concerned or upset. Everything is lovely.”

“This is Tonje ?vergaard,” Dagny said. “She manages all the people who live here.”

Tonje curtsied and kept her head low, holding the position so long my own knees ached in sympathy. “Please allow me to change into more suitable attire, Your Majesty.”

“Your clothing is perfectly fine. I have no expectations about how people should dress.”

“But I’ve offended you,” she whispered, keeping her head down. “I will change at once.”

She must have noted the way I hadn’t been able to look at her necklace. I’d already told her I wasn’t upset, so words wouldn’t be enough to convince her.

Gently, I folded my fingers around hers clutching the long skirt of her dress and pulled her upright. I kept her shaking hands in mine and smiled again, meeting her gaze directly. My face still felt stiff, so hopefully my smile didn’t appear fake. “I’m truly not offended, and I’m pleased to meet you, Tonje. My hesitation came from your necklace. In Heliopolis, the vizier used a golden pendant of the Eye of Ra to subjugate captured queens for Ra’s torture. That’s why I was afraid to look at yours. Can you tell me what it is before I look at it?”

She swallowed hard, tears still spilling from her eyes. “Oh, Your Majesty, I had no idea a necklace had been used to torment you, or I wouldn’t have worn it. The pendant is what we call the Sunna Sun. It’s been worn by generations of ?vergaards who’ve been honored to serve our queen.”

Sunna Sun. Something of Sól, then. It should be safe.

Though my fingers still trembled in hers, I allowed my gaze to glide down her face toward the necklace. The chain was delicate and feminine, not gaudy, chunky gold. I held my breath as I traced the fine chain to the pendant lying against her chest. A golden sun with burning rays flared out from the center circle. No glaring eye. No immediate blaze of painful light.

Slowly, I breathed out with relief. The circular symbol was much smaller than what the vizier had worn. I even dared to release her hands so I could touch the pendant, picking it up against my palm. It was warm with Tonje’s body heat but not enough to sear my flesh.

It was just a necklace. A symbol of my house.

Some of my blood smudged the golden sun. I’d forgotten about the punctures in my palm. Hopefully I hadn’t bled all over her dress too. I thought about wiping it away, but it felt right to leave the small smudge. Here, my blood had special power and meaning. I had a feeling that Tonje would treasure it all the more because of that droplet.

“It’s lovely.” I allowed the pendant to settle back against her chest. “Thank you.”

“I won’t?—”

“Please wear it always,” I broke in quickly. “I’m honored that your family is here. Seeing a symbol worn proudly will help me forget those dark days in Heliopolis.”

“The honor is ours, Your Majesty. Would you like a full tour of your island now, or would you prefer to retire to your suite?”

While it was tempting to indulge in sightseeing around my new home, all of the highs and lows of the last twenty-four hours had left me more exhausted than after I’d dealt with Sepdet. “I’d like to rest first.”

She inclined her head and gestured down the path. “Of course, Your Majesty. If you’ll just come this way, I’ll show you the main house.”

I followed her with Dagny falling into step beside me. “Oh, it’s not this house?”

“The main house is just a few minutes away, but if you’d like to rest first, we do have a queen’s suite in the guest house,” Tonje said. “The other building on our right is what we call the watchtower. It provides the best view of incoming traffic from the mainland or other islands and contains our surveillance equipment that’s been added over the years. It’s my understanding it used to serve as the Blood’s headquarters.”

“There are two human males inside,” Sunzi said.

Surprised at the tension in his voice, I glanced over my shoulder at him. :Do you want them to leave?:

:Let me assess their purpose first. They may be of use to us. However, I don’t like the thought of unknown people being inside your place of safety.:

“Mikkel’s the groundskeeper and maintenance person, and Oskar manages the technology systems. They both live in Nordland and come over by boat for the evening shifts. Would you like to meet them now?”

“I can go meet them and check out your security,” Detective Harris offered. “If you trust me to make an assessment.”

Sunzi nodded. “I do. Thank you.”

“Sure thing. I’ll call or text the phone I gave you if there are any problems.”

I wasn’t even sure that we’d brought the phone from my manor house. Though I shouldn’t have been worried for a second.

“I have the phone, Your Majesty,” Vlad assured me. “Though I believe it needs to be charged.”

:How do you know so much about modern technology?: Sunzi grumbled in the bond, though it had a lighter teasing tone indicating he wasn’t truly upset.

:I read. I pay attention.:

:Read what?: Kuros asked.


:You said that once before and I still don’t know how you managed to read in Heliopolis.:

Vlad gave a smug sort of nudge in the bond and didn’t say another word.

“If anyone doesn’t meet your expectations, we will terminate their employment immediately,” Tonje said. “Including myself.”

“Nonsense,” Dagny retorted fondly. “I’m sure Her Majesty will find everyone perfectly suitable. But, if you have any doubts whatsoever, you can easily remove their access from the blood circle. No one will be permitted inside unless fully vetted by Detective Harris and your Blood.”

I wasn’t sure how to accomplish that, but hopefully I wouldn’t need to exclude anyone before I could ask Shara in a week.

We passed several larger trees and curved around a rocky tumble of stone to see what had to be the most beautiful house in the world. Granted, I hadn’t seen too many structures on this side of Heliopolis, but I fell in love with the main house immediately. Two stories of caramel-honey woods and glass with just enough black metal to provide structure rose up over a rocky beach with a jagged mountain behind it. Sparkling waters stretched beyond the house, colored pinks and indigos with the setting sun.

“The house is perfectly positioned to enjoy views of the Norwegian Sea, the midnight sun—when the sun doesn’t set at all even throughout the night—as well as the aurora borealis to the north.” Tonje opened the door and gestured for me to pass her. “The ground floor is primarily for basic living activities like preparing food or receiving guests. The upper level is the queen’s suite with several smaller bedrooms for your Blood to use when off duty.”

Inside, the house was just as spectacular with light and dark woods, cream-colored flooring tiles, and black metal accents. The entire back wall of the house was glass with an area outside to sit and gaze at the stars. Another human stood to the right of the entryway in front of what must be the kitchen. I glimpsed gleaming silver and the same creamy flooring before shifting my focus to the woman who bowed repeatedly, beaming with pure joy as Tonje introduced her.

“This is Chef Kyung. She’s very eager to cook for you, Your Majesty. She’s weary of trying to expand my limited palate. Her family owns many restaurants around the globe, and she trained in both Tokyo and Switzerland.”

“Please allow me to prepare any foods you wish, Your Majesty,” Chef Kyung said. “The kitchen is always open, any time of day or night.”

“Whatever these are, they’re delicious,” Leonides said around a mouthful of something he shoved into his mouth.

“Hokkaido cheese tarts,” Chef Kyung replied. “One of my favorite staple desserts.”

“Sign me up for any dessert.” Kuros started to cross into the kitchen, but the diminutive chef whipped up her arm holding a wooden spoon, blocking his path. “What?”

“Blood are always welcome in my kitchen, but only I touch Her Majesty’s food.”

To my surprise, my haughty King of the Four Corners of the World inclined his head to her. “I would like to try the… What did you call it?”

“Hokkaido cheese tarts.”

“Yes, please.”

“Of course. Your Majesty, would you like to try one?”

“Not right now. I’d like to rest first.” She frowned, her shoulders dejected as she turned back toward her domain to get Kuros’ tart, so I added, “Perhaps I could eat in a couple of hours after I nap?”

She whirled around, grinning widely with a sparkle in her eyes that told me she’d known full well that a small display of regret might sway me. “Yes, yes, of course, Your Majesty. Do you have any special requests?”

I tried to remember foods I must have eaten before Heliopolis, but I’d been a child. Those memories had been burned out of me centuries ago. I searched back through my mind, trying to remember walking into Aunt Lynnea’s kitchen. The tiles had been a warm orangey brown and slightly uneven. A large wooden island sat in the center, slightly wobbling because of the tiles. Thick ceramic bowls and delicious smells rose from the massive stove built into the wall. Red fire. Inside the stove. Sweat trickling down my face because it was so warm.

I loved it when the flat circles came out of the oven, crackling hot and crusty, brushed with oil, sprinkled with herbs. Sometimes she’d even stuffed it with olives and some kind of little cubes of meat.

“When I was a child, I lived in Italy with Queen Lynnea. There was a kind of bread she made but I can’t remember what it was called.”

“Focaccia?” Chef Kyung asked.

“Yes! That’s it. Sometimes she stuffed it with olives. Is that a strange request?”

“Not at all, Your Majesty. Focaccia is a delicious and versatile bread. I made a mental note to start with some traditional Italian foods and see if that sparks any other memories.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I was just trying to remember what it was like to eat food.”

Her brow crinkled in confusion. “Of course I will eagerly make any dish at all, but especially memory food. Food is love, and your tongue will remember.”

Food is love. My eyes burned, my throat tightening. Such a small thing, but it was true. The taste of my childhood would take me back to those precious golden days of luncheon in the olive grove with Mama and Aunt Lynnea. When I’d known love. “Thank you.”

Lightly, Sunzi touched my back. :You will know nothing but love now and forever, my queen.:

I reached back and threaded my fingers with his. “I’m ready to retire for a few hours.”

Tonje stepped over to a stairway leading to the queen’s suite above. “Everything is ready for you, Your Majesty. If you’re too tired to come down for dinner, Chef Kyung will send a tray up to your room.”

“Thank you, everyone.” I gave each person a smile, hoping it wasn’t too sappy and emotional. My nerves were feeling frayed from all the feelings, even positive ones. “I can’t tell you how much it means to finally have a place of safety to call home.”

“We are at your service, Your Majesty,” Dagny said. “Tonje and I will be at the guest house. If you need anything, no matter how small, we’re at your disposal. Your Blood and Detective Harris have our numbers. We’re just a text away.”

There were so many things I needed to ask and learn about. The Sunna legacy. The other legacies she’d been so mysterious about. If there were any other queens in the area. Foods to try. So many new things to explore and see and do in this new home.

But all I wanted to do was undress my Blood, my alpha, and touch him again.

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