I stroked my fingers through her wet pussy and brought my hand up to my mouth so I could lick my fingers clean. Making it clear Vlad wouldn’t be the only one eager to get a taste of her, anywhere, anytime. “Tastes like honey straight from the hive.”
Before he settled in for a feast, I shifted my knees deeper beneath her, and thrust into her in a slow, torturous glide until her perfect ass nestled against my groin. She sat in my lap, braced on my knees, while Vlad stretched out on his stomach before us. Keeping her thighs on his shoulders, he wrapped his arms around both of us and set his mouth on her.
Her breath caught on a ragged moan. “You don’t mind?”
Emphasizing exactly how little either of us minded anything whatsoever, he swirled his tongue deeper, licking around my cock and her flesh tight around me.
I nudged deeper, not thrusting exactly but rubbing inside her, straining to fill her completely. “How could I mind anything that makes you feel pleasure? Besides, it feels so good to be inside you, he could light me on fire, and I wouldn’t even notice.”
He sucked her flesh into his mouth, and she quivered between us. She jerked against his grip and heaved her hips upward—which only dragged her tight channel up and down, driving all of us higher. She moved and twisted and panted between us, and I’d never seen anything more beautiful in my life.
My queen. Taking her pleasure in our bodies. Pushing herself closer to another orgasm.
I didn’t like to remember the dark days of Heliopolis. Knowing she was suffering. In pain. Terrified. Trapped. We were all imprisoned against our will despite the “powers” we’d been gifted through the sunfires.
But then I realized one very important thing that helped me survive the endless torture.
War and Strife knew I was working silently with Sun Tzu. They knew we added the others one by one to our small band of resistance. Yet despite sharing a single consciousness with the sunfires carried by Aurelian Sol Invictus and Sepdet, our enemies never suspected we were plotting to break God’s Wife out of Heliopolis. Even if that meant we all died.
Even then, the sunfires knew Karmen was the key to their freedom too. She was the key to everything.
And now, beyond my wildest daydreams to survive the unending days, she was here. In my arms. The taste of her pleasure and blood lingering on my tongue.
“I want,” she gasped for breath. “You to bite. Feed.”
My cock surely grew another spear length at the thought. “When you climax again, I’ll feed on both your pleasure and your blood.”
“I never imagined.” She quivered, a breathless, strangled laugh escaping. “It would be possible. To feel so good, so many times.”
My heart crumpled into a hill of ashy dust as if she’d blasted me with all the might of her mighty Sun. Though her pussy clamped down harder, so I knew she was on the verge of climax again.
:I can feel your heartbeat on my tongue,: Vlad said in the bond.
His words sent her soaring over the edge, everything locking down hard. I sank my fangs into the side of her throat, determined to feed as she asked and still somehow not climax myself.
Though I knew this was a battle I could not win.
The rhythmic pulse of her pleasure was more than enough to make me boil toward climax. Add in the taste of her blood—with the heady punch of ecstasy sweetening the magical flood—and I couldn’t have held back a release if my very life depended on it. Her hips jerked, her thighs locking around Vlad’s head. His fingers dug into my waist in a vicious squeeze that only made my lust simmer hotter. In this position, I didn’t have much leverage to thrust, but the way she ground and jerked on me, it didn’t matter.
Her blood pumped through me, swelling me with power. Making me feel invincible, even as climax pulverized every muscle and bone in my body. Vlad came up for air, his eyes burning with a sinister, unholy edge. The kind of man who’d gleefully impale his enemies on spikes to make a vicious threat.
The kind of man I’d sacrifice myself to save, because he’d be able to get our queen to safety if I fell.
“Now it’s my fucking turn,” he growled out. “Though you can keep feeding if she wants it.”
When Sunzi guarded my back, I’d never felt safer. Though now I was finally understanding that it was no coincidence that he could touch me without causing a moment of fear or anxiety. With Marcus solid against my back, I felt almost as secure as with Sunzi. My alpha carried that little bit of extra special care because we had such a special bond, but Marcus and Vlad were a close second.
Even though Vlad looked at me like he wanted to devour me whole, I wasn’t afraid. How could I be? The man had been all too eager to lick between my thighs while another man fucked me, waiting for his turn without complaint.
I couldn’t deny there was a sharp edge in Vlad that was terrifying. It flashed in his eyes like jagged obsidian while flames climbed higher. A wild, feral look of shimmering violence. No one would be safe from the hell he unleashed if and when he lost control.
Except for me.
His fingers tangled in my hair, pulling slightly in his grip on my nape. A careless squeeze of his powerful hand would snap my neck like a twig.
“I’m a man of few limits, Your Majesty.” His voice roughened, taut with tension. “In my human life, I committed atrocious, inhuman war crimes against my enemies, and I don’t have a single regret. I walked the golden streets of Heliopolis like a man claiming his empire because I belonged in that hellscape. I’m incapable of forgiveness and mercy. I don’t give a fuck about anything but you. You are the limit I’ve never had. Only you can control me, and through your bond, any of your Blood.”
He paused, his eyes dark pits of agony. His lips a tight slash. “If you don’t trust me?—”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his.
With a low, vicious grunt of effort, he thrust up into me, hauling me tightly against him. Though he still managed to pause one trembling, quaking moment, so he could listen to my bond. Searching for a moment of distress or fear.
Hunger rose, flames licking through me in search of fuel. Blood. They’d bitten me, fed on me, stirring my need despite feeding on Sunzi just moments before. In fact, I’d never felt more ravenous. As if I could drink from them both and still not be satisfied.
:Drain me to oblivion,: Vlad growled in the bond.
I released his mouth so I could jam my fangs into his throat, hard enough it shocked me. Guilt twinged through me, afraid I’d hurt him.
Laughing, a rough, silky rumble of violence, he clamped his hands, one on my nape and the other on my thigh, anchoring me against him so he could rock up into me. “You could never hurt me.”
His blood poured into me, a burning fountain of molten sunfire energy. His spear, Suli?ǎ . True and fast, always finding its mark, a burning weapon hurled across the night sky to impale its target. It soared through me, searing in his blood. Mingling with mine. Swelling with power, the flaming spear expanded in my consciousness, shooting through the dark, empty hallways of my mind. Still expanding. As if determined to burn all the misery and scars away, even from memory.
He shuddered and rocked beneath me, his hands tightening. His breathing rose to a roar of release. Yet I kept my mouth locked to his throat, drinking him down as he toppled us to lie on the mattress. Pulling on his blood when the flow stopped. Sucking him dry.
The thought popped inside my head, and I immediately lifted my mouth and sat up. I didn’t want to cause him any permanent injury, let alone, goddess forbid, kill him with my hunger. The holes in his throat were large and dark, faintly oozing blood rather than dripping.
“Please drain me too.” Marcus shifted around before me, partially reclining on top of the other Blood, his upper body draped across mine. His throat exposed, head back, his bronzed skin beckoning.
I couldn’t have kept my fangs out of him if I’d wanted to.
He looped his forearm around my neck, helping me keep him close. His blood broke like the first rays of dawn after a particularly grim, long night. Two burning rays of hope, driving the darkness away. Burning away the fog. Distant howls and bays, the call of his sundogs. Always searching, noses in the air, tracking their target across dimensions and time and worlds.
Me. They would find me. Anywhere.
With Marcus right behind them.
:And me,: Sunzi whispered.
I tipped my head enough to see him, though I didn’t lift my mouth from Marcus’ throat. Lying on his side, Sunzi watched me with slumberous heat, coals glowing red, needing only a breath from me to explode into another raging bonfire. No jealousy. No consternation or hesitation. Only eagerness to step in as soon as I finished with Marcus.
:You need to eat first.:
Sunzi’s eyes tightened for a moment, though he didn’t refuse outright. He would never tell me no, though I knew what upset him.
:I’ll eat with you if someone brings a tray up.:
His lips flashed a quick smile. :The Scotsman’s already on his way up with a tray so heavy he can barely carry it.:
Marcus’ arm slipped away, his body soft and limp against me. Gently, I eased him over to lie across Vlad. Both of them lay still and heavy. I placed my hands over their chests, assuring myself their hearts still beat. Slow and heavy but alive. Their bonds wound through my mind but rather than glowing with solar energy, they were dark. Quiet.
Suns resting through the night—to break with the dawn once more.
Propping himself upright with pillows, Sunzi opened his arms to me, and I dived for him as eagerly as Vlad had jumped onto the bed earlier. I pressed my face against his throat and breathed deeply, letting my exhale sigh out loudly. “I could eat nothing but you and the rest of my Blood for all eternity.”
“That can be arranged, Karmen, my queen.”
A light knock sounded and then the Scotsman entered carrying a massive tray. With a mock groan, he set it across my lap as if it weighed more than him. “A light snack from Chef Kyung.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
For all eternity.