Rating the Book Boyfriend (Book Boyfriend Builders) 23. Libby 80%
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23. Libby



R iggs rolls on top of me, and I cradle his hips with my thighs as he holds up his weight on his elbows. With gentle lips, he sucks at my mouth as the round head of his erection finds my center.

“I’m not even inside you yet, and I can already tell you’re going to blow my mind,” he whispers. Then he reaches over and flicks on the bedside lamp. “I want to watch your face the first time I take you raw.”

My arousal, which had been perfectly satisfied only moments ago, rears its needy head.

“You are so beautiful,” I tell him, cupping his face as he rotates his hips and grinds against my clit.

His smile takes my breath away. “There you go stealing my lines again, Libby-girl.”

We both gasp when his tip breaches my entrance, and the muscles of his jaw clench into steel as he pushes in a little further. His cock is hot and smooth, stretching my swollen tissues as he bores into me with unhurried precision.

I close my eyes and wrap my arms around him until our bodies are flush. “Riggs, it’s… god, so good. Better than I expected.”

He drops kisses on my eyelids and then my lips. “Open your eyes for me, sweetheart.”

I do and find him looking down at me, his blue eyes a muted cobalt. Then he takes the rest of me until our bodies are flush. And he holds himself still. I’m lost in the moment, in his tender gaze.

This intense stare down we’re having should feel uncomfortable, but it doesn’t. It seems like the most natural thing in the world, being studied by this incredible man. His eyes hold mine hostage as he pulls out and slides back in with aching slowness.

“You’re like silk around me, Liberty. I think this is the most perfect moment of my life.”

I’ve never cried during sex. Never felt such a pervasive draw to another person that liquid feels compelled to escape my tear ducts. But it happens now. A single droplet spills over my eyelid and makes a track down my temple. Before it can reach my hairline, Riggs’s lips kiss it away.

“I know, baby,” Riggs whispers. “I feel it too.”

With our eyes locked together, we begin to move as one. Our bodies are in perfect sync, hips rolling sensuously as our torsos maintain constant contact. His hands cradle my face, thumbs caressing my cheeks like I’m some kind of treasure.

Our lovemaking is slow and sweet, completely different from our usual frantic fucking, and Riggs seems as lost in the moment as I am. Gone are his filthy utterances, instead replaced by tender affirmations of how beautiful he thinks I am, how perfectly we fit together.

His kisses are the same, loving and leisurely, as we rock against each other. Our tongues meet with gentle strokes and licks that have me wrapping my legs around his waist to hold him more tightly to me.

I’m mesmerized by him, not even thinking about orgasms, but as soon as Riggs wedges a hand beneath my butt and pulls me tightly against him, the new angle shoves pleasure to the forefront of my mind.

“Riggs,” I gasp, “come with me.”

“Liberty, I think I’m… I’m falling…”

I’m not even able to fully process his words and what they might mean because Riggs reaches the depths of me in one smooth roll of his hips. We cling together and ride the waves of satisfaction as our mutual moans fill each other’s mouths.

Maybe it’s the slow pace, but our climaxes seem to drag on forever as Riggs thrusts in and out of me, emptying himself as my fingernails dig half-moons into the damp flesh of his back.

He kisses across my face and down my neck, soft pecks and gentle sucks, and I revel in his undivided attention. Tugging my arms until I unwind them, Riggs links our fingers together above my head as he returns his mouth to mine.

With lazy sweeps of his tongue, he worships me, holds my hands to the bed, and steals my entire heart.

“I can’t believe I’m meeting you in person,” the woman gushes. She’s short and curvy, with an adorable spiky haircut.

Riggs flashes her his sexy smile and signs the three books she’s brought with her. His handsome face graces the cover of each one.

Then he places a bookmark—one of my bookmarks—on top of the stack before handing it back. “Thank you for stopping by. I want you to make sure to check out this book by Libby Cox,” he tells her with a wink. “It’s so hot, it even made me blush.”

“I will,” she says, nodding fervently.

I use the woman’s phone to snap a picture of them together, and she drops a ten-dollar bill into the donation jar I set up on the table. The next woman in line approaches.

“Hi, Riggs.”

And he starts the whole thing over again. He’s been doing this all day long… handing out my bookmarks to every person who has stopped by his table. He’s fucking promoting my books , and I want to kiss the hell out of him each time he does it.

“Where did you get those bookmarks?” I ask when there’s a slight lull.

He gives me a chagrined smile and shrugs. “I got one of each of your bookmarks from your stash at your house and had a local printer make some for me this week. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Mind? Heck no, I don’t mind, but I certainly didn’t expect you to do that.”

“It’s the least I could do since you agreed to come with me.” He strokes a hand down my arm and wraps his pinky around mine. “How much have we gotten in donations today?”

“Over three thousand dollars,” I tell him excitedly. “I can barely zip the locking money bag.”

“That was such a good idea, babe. What about the silent auctions?”

I giggle as I check the sign-up sheet on the table. “The highest bids are almost two thousand on each one.”

He rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe women are willing to pay that much to remove my tie and unbutton my shirt.”

“If you’d agree to let them take off your pants, we could quadruple the bids,” I point out.

Riggs levels me with a flat stare. “You’re pushing it, woman. And how did I let you talk me into the second one?”

“My irresistible sexual prowess?”

The event coordinator, Kat Bancroft, approaches with a smile. “How’s it going, Mr. Romero?” she asks.

“Very well, Kat. Thanks for agreeing to let us do this.”

“Oh, we’re more than happy to. The room is buzzing about it.” She checks the time on her phone. “I’ll send the photographer over, and you can get started.”

Twenty minutes later, a crowd surrounds us as they await the announcement. Riggs smiles and addresses them. “First of all, thank you to everyone who has donated money for the children’s home. The kids will be moved to a new house very soon, and every donation you’ve made will go directly to helping with that. You are truly making their lives better.”

Everyone applauds, and he gestures at me. “The gorgeous Libby Cox will be accepting any last minute donations. She can take cash, credit cards, or PayPal.”

Kat, the coordinator, steps forward and takes over. “Okay, let’s move on to the main events. First of all, who gets to undress Riggs Romero?”

The crowd of mostly women cheers loudly.

I hand Kat the silent auction sheet, and she glances at the name at the bottom. “It looks like the highest bidder is… Greg Waller.”

Riggs’s eyes widen for a second, and then he laughs in that good-natured way he has.

A thin man who appears to be in his late twenties shoves his way through the crowd and literally sprints to Riggs, pure excitement brimming his brown eyes.

Riggs grins cheerfully and removes his jacket before spreading his arms open wide. “Do your worst, Mr. Waller.”

I turn on some burlesque music, and the crowd hoots and hollers as Greg unties Riggs’s red tie and swings it over his head like a lasso. Then he wraps it around his forehead like a headband before his fingers unbutton the crisp white shirt Riggs is wearing. Everyone claps and yells as the photographer snaps a ton of pictures.

Riggs poses for a few more photos with Greg, both men grinning widely before Greg walks over to give me his credit card. “That was so much fun,” he chirps. “Well worth the eighteen hundred dollars.”

I run his card quickly through the Square reader so I don’t miss the next event, which I think was a genius idea on my part. Last time I checked, the bid was a little over two-thousand dollars, but I’ve seen a few more women write down bids since then.

Kat picks up the next auction sheet and raises her voice to be heard over the buzz of chatter. “All right, everyone. It’s time for our final event. Who gets to spray oil on our handsome model?”

The crowd grows raucous, whistling and catcalling as Riggs removes his shirt. Dear god! The man looks like a sculpture with his navy pants and bare torso.

“I think every person in the room is standing in a puddle of their own drool,” Greg tells me, checking out Riggs’s hard, chiseled pecs and abs.

“We need a cleanup on aisle two,” I jokingly intone in my best grocery store announcer voice.

Kat looks down at the sheet. “The highest bid is—wow—three thousand dollars!” There’s a collective gasp in the room and then more cheering. When everyone finally quiets, she says, with much fanfare, “The lucky lady who gets to spray oil all over Riggs Romero is… Melinda Pratt.”

“That’s me.” The crowd parts, and a tiny woman with dark skin and a curly white hairdo marches to the front with a huge smile on her face. She’s got to be at least eighty years old.

Riggs bends to say something to her, and she laughs before taking the spray bottle filled with oil. To much delight from the crowd, she sprays him down and then rubs the oil all over his torso. She’s quite… thorough.

Once Melinda is done, my handsome boyfriend bends and places a sweet kiss on her cheek, and the lady’s face flushes. God, I adore him. He’s such a good sport.

After cleaning her hands with a towel provided by Kat, Melinda walks over to me and whips out her credit card.

“Thank you so much, Ms. Pratt,” I tell her as I punch in the amount. “Did you have fun?”

She has a bit of a midwestern accent when she replies, “Honey, I haven’t had that much fun since the pigs ate my sister.” We share a laugh, and her face turns serious. “I grew up in one of those homes. The folks that worked there did their best, but the place was obviously lacking in funds.”

I hand her card back to her. “Well, I think it’s lovely that you’re in a position to give back.”

Melinda’s shoulders straighten and her chin lifts. “I was adopted by a wonderful family when I was thirteen and then went on to become a pediatrician. Practiced for almost forty years.”

My eyes fill with tears. “So you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps.”

“That I did, missy,” she says before glancing over her shoulder at Riggs, who was chatting amiably with some fans. “Is he your boyfriend?”

“He is,” I confirm.

Melinda turns back to me with a sly grin. “You’re a lucky woman. He seems like a fine man.”

I press my lips together and nod, overwhelmed with emotion as Riggs meets my eyes and gives me a wink. “He sure is.”

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