Chapter Twenty
Where Caelon is dark and tortured, Rian is a ray of sunshine. His easy banter and blatant flirtations are a balm to my soul, but they don’t set it alight the way that Caelon does. The second I met Caelon, something inside of him sparked something inside of me, and it hasn’t stopped burning since. Living in his house, I’m almost as tortured as he is, knowing he’s so physically near, yet so out of reach.
‘We’ll take a bottle of the 1971 Dom Perignon Plenitude, please,’ Rian tells the waiter, without bothering to ask me what I’d like.
I glance around the restaurant, an opulent Thai where it’s notoriously difficult to make a reservation. It’s frequently mentioned in the society pages and the trashier gossip blogs. There’s always some celebrity being papped here.
Everything is pristine white, so much so it’s almost blinding. The cutlery gleams. The crystal glasses send rainbow colours cascading in every direction. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook the St. Stephens Green below. I watch as people stroll through the lavish grounds, tilting their faces up towards the sun, revelling in the rays. My feet itch to be outside. This is lovely, but yesterday was so much better.
I squirm in my seat as the memory of this morning shoots through my brain like a torpedo.
‘So, Ivy, tell me about yourself,’ Rian says, his huge oval eyes flick over every inch of my face before darting to my chest then back again. I picked out a simple summer dress which is probably way too casual for a restaurant like this, but I’m comfortable and it’s cute.
Each of the Beckett brothers is drop-dead gorgeous, but while they all share the same shocking dark hair, enviable bone structure and strong physique, they’re all unique in their own subtle ways. Rian has a playfulness to him that the others lack. Mischief dances in his dark irises, lighting him up from the inside out.
‘What do you want to know?’ I skim my finger over my fork for something to do with my fidgety hands. We spent the morning driving through the Wicklow countryside making small talk about the scenery before heading into the city for lunch. The weight of his full attention is making me question what I’m doing here.
Although, deep down, I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m giving Caelon–Can-Make–You–Come-Hard–Enough–To–See–Stars the proverbial middle finger. Which probably isn’t fair on Rian, though I’m pretty sure when it comes to the opposite sex, he doesn’t play fair either.
‘Favourite sexual position,’ he smirks.
I shake my head with a snigger. ‘So you want to play this game, do you?’
‘I always find it’s better to cut to the chase.’ He shrugs. ‘Saves a lot of messing around.’
‘Okay, well, in that case, let me cut to the chase. My favourite sexual position is irrelevant because you won’t get past first base.’ I mimic his playful tone, although I’m deadly serious.
‘Never say never, Ivy. You’re not my nanny, or my best friend’s sister. If you looked at me the way you looked at Caelon yesterday, I’d have pinned you to the sand and taken your panties off then and there.’ He arches his eyebrows. ‘But he didn’t… and you’re pissed because you’re into him, which is why you called me,’ he surmises.
‘You’re not just a pretty face,’ I admit, raising my palms in the air. ‘But you still came on a date with me. Why?’
‘I have my own reasons.’ He taps the side of his nose.
‘Firstly, it’s fun pissing Caelon off. It’s too easy. He used to be so relaxed and easy-going. Nothing riled him. Now, he’s like a nuclear weapon waiting to go off.’ Rian sits back as the waiter returns with the champagne and pours two glasses.
‘And secondly?’
I take the crystal flute the waiter hands me. I’d have preferred a whiskey but alcohol is alcohol and I could do with a little.
‘Secondly, you’re not the only one pining for someone they can’t have,’ he sighs, tapping his fingers on the table.
I scoff. ‘I’m pretty sure there isn’t a woman in the world who’d turn you down.’ I raise the glass to my lips and pause, ‘Well, apart from me.’ I grin.
‘You’d be surprised. It’s a long story. One for another day.’ His thick eyelashes blink hard. ‘Let’s get back to the fun questions. Best shag you’ve ever had?’ He winks.
Laughter bursts from my throat, echoing around the restaurant loudly enough to attract attention.
‘The right answer, in case you’re wondering,’ he grins at me across the table, ‘is that it hasn’t happened yet, but to ask you again in a couple of hours. ’
‘You’ve just told me you’re into someone else. And I didn’t deny being into your brother!’
‘Yep, and as neither is happening, we could always get our kicks with each other in the meantime.’ He runs a thumb over his baby smooth jawline, and I have no idea if he’s serious or joking. ‘Tell me, what did my brother do to you on that desk, Ivy? I bet I could top it. I bet I could make you scream.’
A dark shadow appears from nowhere, clouding the sunlight streaming in the window. ‘The only person screaming will be you, little brother, if you continue to flirt with what’s mine.’ Caelon booms thunderously and slides into the seat beside me.
I swallow hard, not sure if I’m elated he’s here or exasperated. Judging by the heat pooling in my core, it’s the former.
‘Yours, is she?’ Rian sits forward, interlacing his fingers on the table. His glee is apparent with every fleeting micro facial expression.
‘She was this morning when she came on my face, and she will be again later,’ Caelon says casually.
Heat flushes my cheeks. I pick up my drink and knock it back. ‘Is nothing sacred?’
Caelon shrugs, then signals to the waiter. ‘Whiskey. Beckett’s Gold,’ he barks.
‘Hitting the hard stuff early?’ Rian folds his arms.
‘It’s not for me. It’s for Ivy.’
He has been paying attention. Beckett’s Gold is my favourite. I take another mouthful of champagne, just for something to do.
‘You swallow fantastically,’ Rian teases, and I almost spray the liquid through my teeth.
‘You’ll never find out,’ Caelon growls. ‘Fuck this. Come on Ivy, let’s get out of here. ’
‘Oh, what!’ Rian exclaims. ‘Things were just getting interesting!’
‘Not nearly as interesting as they will be when I get Ivy home.’ Caelon pushes his chair back with his legs.
‘I’m not going anywhere with you,’ I say defiantly. Although it’s hot as fuck that he’s come in here all alpha and possessive , I have more respect for myself than that. His hot/cold behaviour is giving me whiplash. I thought this morning, I’d finally cracked his hard outer shell, first outside, then in my bedroom, but he couldn’t even bring himself to kiss me on the mouth.
‘What?’ Caelon’s eyes flit to mine. ‘You wanted my attention, you got it.’
‘I want to be wanted all the time, not just when you feel threatened by someone else wanting me.’
‘Ivy,’ he mutters, ‘you have my attention all the damn time, whether I want to give it to you or not. You steal it every time you’re in the vicinity. And when you’re not, I find myself watching you on the cameras. You’ve ploughed into my house, and into my head and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.’
‘You watch me on the cameras?’ It should be creepy, but I’m oddly flattered.
‘Every damn day.’ He shrugs again, accepting the whiskey from the waiter and passing it to me.
‘How do I know you’re not just saying that to get me away from my date?’ I take the glass from his hand. ‘I refuse to be some little fuck-toy you like to wind up and walk away from. I want to touch you. I want you to kiss me.’
Rian watches our exchange like he’s watching a tennis ball pinging back and forth. All he’s missing is a punnet of strawberries and some clotted cream.
‘You want to touch me?’ Caelon slides back into his seat and tucks his legs under the table. ‘Feel this.’ He grabs my hand and places it on his crotch. Thank God for the tablecloth covering his lap because there’s no missing the thick length pressing against his dress shorts. Fuck. My mouth waters. But it doesn’t escape my notice that his lips didn’t seek out mine.
It’s Rian’s turn to stand. ‘My job here is done. As much as I wouldn’t mind seeing Ivy get eaten out on the table, there’s not a hope in hell I want to see your hairy cock.’
‘You orchestrated this on purpose?’ Caelon glares at Rian without releasing my hand.
‘You looked like you needed a nudge.’ He shrugs. ‘If you need another one, I’m happy to take Ivy out any time.’ He presses a gentle kiss to my cheek and stalks towards the exit.
‘Now what?’ I press my thighs together.
‘Now, I guess I’ll have to take you on a real date,’ Caelon says.