Redeem Me (Beckett Brothers #2) 25. Ivy 50%
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25. Ivy

Chapter Twenty-Five


The click of my door handle startles me awake. I lurch up in bed, clutching the bed clothes to my chest, half expecting to see one of the kids in the doorway, but it’s their utterly delectable-looking father. He’s wearing a navy fitted suit that sculpts his body like it was made for it and a white shirt, open at the neck. A chunky silver watch on his left wrist glints in the dim, early morning light.

‘What is it?’ I squint, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. ‘Are the kids okay?

We put them to bed together last night after the movie and Caelon excused himself to pack for his business trip while I opted for a long Epsom-salted soak in the clawfoot tub, half hoping he’d join me.

Sadly, he didn’t.

He stalks towards me with a predatory look and my stomach flips.

My boss looks every bit the billionaire CEO of an international chain of boutique hotels. Even without the designer suits and six-figure watch, he drips dominance. His sheer presence sucks the oxygen out of my lungs .

‘I spent the night fighting the urge to creep down the corridor to your room,’ he hisses. ‘Now I have a jet waiting to take me to Monaco for four days and I’m wondering why.’

‘Right. And there was me thinking something serious was up.’ I fling back the duvet in an unspoken invitation. I’m wearing the Victoria’s Secret nightie again, the one he couldn’t take his eyes off in the kitchen last week. I’m still sore from yesterday, but not as sore as I’ll feel if he leaves without getting us both off again.

‘So. Fucking. Sexy,’ he hisses, wrapping his strong hands around my slender ankles. I bite back a squeal as he yanks me down the bed until my ass is on the edge. My silk slip ruffles around my midriff, leaving me exposed.

He’s on his knees between my thighs before I’ve even properly opened my eyes. Hot palms press my knees wider apart and he buries his tongue in my centre.

‘Fuck.’ I arch off the bed, zinging sensations cascading in every direction.

‘Yes, we’re going to do that, too.’ I hear the smile in his voice. ‘But only when you’ve come on my fingers and face first.’

‘You should have done this to all the nannies,’ I pant, drowning in my pleasure. ‘None of them would have left. Fuck it. I’d work for you for free, even if you are a broody bastard.’

His low chuckle reverberates over my sex, eliciting another moan from my big mouth. ‘The other nannies didn’t drive me demented with lust.’

His lips roll over my clit as he sinks two fingers inside of me. He pumps and sucks and savours me like I’m his favourite snack. My legs tremble as my release looms like a skyscraper in the distance, big and bright and powerful. Everything pales in comparison. It’s all I can see. That, and the God-like creature on his knees for me .

Hot pleasure claims every inch of my body. Blood pounds through my ears and my breath comes in ragged gasps as he continues the assault with his mouth and tongue and fingers.

‘Come for me, Tranquil,’ he demands. ‘I want to turn your world upside down, the way you’ve done to mine.’

When he adds a third finger, I’m gone. My core clenches, pulsating as hot waves crash over me. My legs jerk and jolt, fingers scraping through his thick cropped hair as he pushes me all the way to my own self-indulgent heaven.

‘Good girl,’ he murmurs when he finally finishes lapping at my core. ‘But I’m nowhere near finished with you yet. On your knees.’ He stands, unbuckling his belt as he crosses the room towards the balcony.

‘Where are you going?’ I flip on to my front like he demanded and raise my ass in the air, giving it an inviting wiggle.

‘Opening the curtains.’ As he yanks back the lilac velvet drapes, sunlight spills across the plush carpet. ‘I want to watch as I slam my cock into you.’ He slides open the glass doors and the scent of freshly cut grass floods the room.

He stalks towards me, discards his jacket on the floor and unbuttons his trousers, freeing himself. My mouth waters at the sight of his erection with its bulging veins. It’s powerful, demanding and fucking delectable.

‘You’re right. Everything is not okay.’ I lick my lips in anticipation. ‘You’ve wasted weeks working from home. Now you’ve finally remembered what your dick is for, you’re leaving the country.’

He shoots me a wicked smile, placing his hands on my hips, nudging his rock-solid cock against my slit. ‘Don’t worry, baby girl. Daddy will be home soon. If you’re good while I’m away, I might even bring you back a present.’ He drives himself deep inside of me, filling me, consuming me. His thick fingers grip my hips tightly enough to leave marks .

I arch my back to meet his relentless thrusts. ‘The only present I want is your penis.’

‘And you will have it,’ he promises, pummelling into me, before dragging himself out to the very tip and railing in hard again, hitting a sensitive spot deep inside my centre again and again. The angle is flawless, so deep, so decadent.

Another orgasm builds, this one even more debilitating than the first. There’s something so carnal about him driving into me from behind.

When his fingers dance over my skin to my stomach and skirt down over that sensitive bundle of nerves, I don’t stand a chance. The cry that leaves my lips is animalistic, and loud enough to wake the neighbours over a kilometre away.

My core clenches his thick length in a vice-like grip, dragging him into oblivion with me. He calls my name like a fucking curse as his hot release mingles with mine.

‘That should do it,’ he says, peppering tiny delicate kisses over the back of my shoulder.

‘Do what?’ I gasp, glancing over my shoulder at his smug smirk.

His head whips towards the open balcony doors. Jared is standing with his mouth open, staring up at us like he’s just witnessed the second coming, which, technically, he did.

My face falls into my hands as Caelon slides himself out of me. ‘You knew he was watching!’

Caelon shrugs, tucking his shirt into his trousers. ‘What kind of man would I be if I didn’t mark my territory?’

‘A shameless one.’ I don’t know if I’m horrified or horny again.

‘Short of tattooing my name on your pretty pussy, it was the best I could do.’ He shrugs as he shoots me a wolfish smile. ‘If he so much as looks at you while I’m away, I won’t just fire him. I’ll fire a twelve-gauge gun at his balls.’

His possessiveness should be disturbing. Should be, but I’ve been dreaming about him claiming me since the first night he slipped his fingers in me.

I rise from the bed, smoothing down my hair. Caelon yanks me into his arms, hot lips capturing mine, and I melt into his embrace. His tongue invades my mouth, hands sliding over the small of my back, pressing me further into him. When he finally breaks away, a tiny mew slides from my mouth.

‘I should wash you down, but I like the thought of leaving my mark all over you.’ his dark eyes bore into mine and he cups my chin, tilting my face upwards. ‘Be good while I’m away. Remember, no one touches what’s mine. Not even you.’

‘Safe travels.’ I brush the tips of my fingers over his sharp jawline.

‘I’ll call you later,’ he promises before spinning on his heels.

I collapse back onto the bed. A quick glance at my watch shows it’s not quite five thirty. The kids won’t be awake for another hour at least. My eyelids flutter shut, the image of Caelon burned into the back of them forever more.

When I wake, it’s almost seven. I shower, dress, and get the kids up and ready for the day. I shove Owen’s bedsheets in the wash and grab a coffee while Liz makes the kids pancakes for breakfast. She hums a chirpy tune under her breath. She’s in a good mood this morning. Mind you, after multiple orgasms, she’s not the only one. Maybe she’s getting railed by some hot daddy, too. It’s always the quiet ones, well, apart from me.

Samuel strides in with a smirk on his lips.

‘What’s so funny?’ I demand as he hovers at the back door.

‘Nothing.’ He straightens his impeccable suit, and puts a finger to the Bluetooth in his ear. ‘I just came in to see if you need a ride this morning.’ He emphasises the word ride.

Heat stains my cheeks. He couldn’t know, could he?

‘Yes, actually, we do, if you don’t mind. The kids asked to go into the city this morning, so if you feel like accompanying us, I won’t say no.’ Finding a parking space anywhere is Dublin is like finding a four-leaf clover in a dessert.

‘How was your day off yesterday?’ His lips lift into another smirk.

‘Very satisfactory, thank you,’ I snap, and he actually laughs.

‘I thought as much.’ He waggles his thick, bushy eyebrows.

I close my eyes and will the world to disappear.

‘Mr Beckett isn’t the only one with access to the security system.’

‘Oh. My. God.’

‘Don’t worry, Mr Beckett runs a tight ship. Everyone who works here is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so your secret is safe.’ He taps the side of his nose.

‘I’m going to kill him,’ I hiss.

Samuel guffaws. ‘Actually, I think you’re going to bring him back to life.’

‘Huh.’ I flick my hair from my shoulders in a nonchalant gesture, trying and failing to ignore the warm fuzzy feeling swelling in my stomach.

I drain my coffee. ‘We leave in ten minutes, guys,’ I say to everyone and no one. The need to escape Samuel’s scrutiny, however playful, is overwhelming. I’m not shy by any means, but even I find it hard to wrap my head around the entire house watching the home movie Caelon and I shot yesterday.

Seven minutes later, Owen sits at the bottom of the stairs in the hallway, struggling to get his shoes on. I bend over to help him, smoothing a hand over the back of my dress so I don’t give the staff an eyeful. Although, it’s a bit late for that.

My phone vibrates in my pocket with a text.


I open it to find ten fire emojis in a neat little line.

I want to be pissed off with him for not taking me somewhere private yesterday, yet I can’t bring myself to regret it.

Another messages pings on my phone.

Caelon: Bend over again. This time don’t smooth your hand over your ass. I want to see you.

I shake my head and swallow my huff.

Your children are here. Have you no shame?

Caelon: None.

I gathered that when Samuel came in with a smirk on his face ten minutes ago.

Caelon: Relax. I limited access to the indoor cameras yesterday afternoon. They didn’t actually see anything, which says enough in itself.

I sigh with relief.

Caelon: They’re my security team. I need them to know you’re important to me. That way they’ll take the best care of you while I’m away.

You sound like my brother. I’m not fragile.

Speaking of my big brother, I’ve had two missed calls from him already this morning. If I don’t call him back in the next half an hour, he’ll have a SWAT team here and my face plastered over every milk bottle in the country.

Caelon: Oh, believe me, there’s nothing brotherly about my plans for you.

Butterflies whirl through my stomach as I shove my phone in my pocket and return my attention to the kids.

‘Can we do the open-top bus tour?’ Orla asks, hopping over the lines in the floor tiling.

‘Can we go to the Lego store?’ Owen pleads.

‘I’ll do you a deal, buddy.’ I eye the teddy under his arm. ‘If you let me put Patches in the wash, I’ll take you to the Lego Store.’

Owen eyes his favourite stuffed animal like he’s a forty-carat diamond.

‘I’ll even sew him on a new eye afterwards.’ I brush Owen’s hair from his forehead. He’s a miniature Caelon, gorgeous, stubborn and determined.

He shakes his head. ‘I don’t need any more Lego.’

My heart melts.

‘How about we wash Patches in the sink together?’ I’ll get laundry detergent on that thing one way or another.

Owen’s head snaps up. ‘If I say yes, then can we go to the Lego Store?’

Orla rolls her eyes. ‘But it’ll take ages for him to dry and everything will be closed before we get there,’ she complains.

‘We’ll dry him with a hairdryer. That can be your job, Orla. We can pretend it’s a salon.’

Orla perks up. Playing salon is one of her favourite games. It usually involves her dragging a brush through my hair hard enough to rip it from the roots, but it keeps her happy.

‘Fine, you have a deal.’ Owen sticks his hand out to shake on it. Oh yes, he’s a mini-Caelon alright.

‘While Orla is drying him, I’ll stitch his eye on.’

My phone buzzes again.

Caelon: You have a habit of getting your way with Beckett boys. Impressive.

Stop spying on me.

Caelon: It’s my favourite pastime.

Get some work done so you can come home.

Caelon: And there was me thinking I was your boss, but I like your thinking. Call you later. X

That single kiss sets a fresh bout of butterflies swooping through my stomach. Fuck’s sake, I’m like a schoolgirl with a crush.

I wink at the camera. When another text doesn’t immediately ping in, I gather Caelon’s getting on with his day. And I need to get on with mine. Easier said than done when every time I move a muscle, it feels like I’ve run a marathon.

I know I promised no one would touch me but him, but with yesterday on repeat on my brain, it will be easier said than done.

Besides, I quite like the idea of seeing how he’ll punish me.

How much could it really hurt?

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