Chapter Forty-Seven
‘What?’ I don’t recognise the strangled voice that leaves my mouth. ‘But I saw him this morning. He was fine.’
Shock seeps under my skin, chilling me to the bone until I’m shaking uncontrollably.
‘He went to talk to Danny Bourke, but it seems he was expecting the visit. Danny was armed with two blades hidden beneath the sheets.’ Damon exhales a pained breath. ‘I blame myself.’
The blood drains from my face. ‘Where is he? Can I see him?’
‘In surgery. The doctor will let us know when they’ve finished operating.’ Damon leads me through a door to a family waiting area. It’s equally white, bright and clinical as the corridor, but twice as suffocating.
‘Where was he stabbed?’ An image of Alexander Beckett’s scarred cheek fills my mind.
‘His stomach. He has a lot of internal bleeding. I’m sorry.’ Damon takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. ‘James was luckier,’ he adds as an afterthought .
‘James?’ I squawk as the door bursts open.
Scarlett’s hair hangs wildly over her silver eyes. Her complexion is as white as the walls. ‘What’s going on? I want to speak to a doctor.’
‘Oh, Scarlett.’ I run to her and we collapse into each other’s arms. Three security guards linger in the doorway. James clearly doesn’t take any chances with his fiancée’s protection.
‘The doctors will be along as soon as they can. James’s wounds aren’t critical.’
Scarlett shakes her head. ‘I can’t believe this could happen. Where is Danny Bourke now?’ Her eyes narrow.
Damon clears his throat. ‘I believe Killian is dealing with him.’ His gaze falls to the floor. ‘I offered to take care of it, but the Beckett brothers like to deal with some matters personally.’
‘Caelon will be okay. He’s a fighter. They all are.’ Scarlett takes my hand which I hadn’t noticed was shaking until she stills it.
‘What if he’s not? What if he doesn’t make it?’ The prospect of a world without Caelon makes my stomach bottom out. I blink back the tears. I swear to God if anything happens to Caelon, if he doesn’t make it, I’ll find Danny Bourke and kill him slowly and painfully myself.
Finally, I can appreciate how Caelon felt for the past two years. The rage, the horror, the devastation of having someone you love ripped from your life.
Finally, I understand his motivation for coming here in the first place.
Fucking ironic.
Hysterical laughter bursts from my chest and once it starts, I can’t stop, the sounds echoing round the room like a wild animal. Scarlett and the security guys watch on warily. I open my mouth to tell them what’s so funny, but I can’t get the words out. I pray to fuck I get to say them to Caelon one day. To tell him I understand.
My laughter morphs into huge hiccupping sobs that rack my ribcage. I crumple forwards in a heap, rocking back and forth in a rhythm that does nothing to soothe me.
Random thoughts drip into my brain like a tap.
What if Owen and Orla lose another parent?
How can one family who supposedly has it all experience so much pain?
A clock on the wall ticks in the background. Time stops for no one, but each minute feels like an hour.
A doctor appears in the door, and both Scarlett and I jump to our feet expectantly.
He’s wearing dark green scrubs and a serious expression. ‘Scarlett?’ his jade-hued eyes dart between us.
‘That’s me,’ she whispers, gripping my arm, her finger digging tightly into my skin.
‘James is out of surgery. He’s going to be fine. A few scars, but his wounds are superficial. He’s asking for you.’
‘Oh, thank God.’ Her shoulders sag and the breath rushes from her mouth with a whoosh.
‘And Caelon?’ I swallow thickly.
The doctor’s expression turns darker. ‘He’s still in surgery. I’ll give you an update as soon as I know more.’
‘Will you be okay?’ Scarlett asks.
‘I’ll take care of her,’ Damon declares, stepping forwards and ushering Scarlett out the room.
‘Go to him.’ I swat Scarlett away as the envy eats my insides alive. I wish it was my man asking for me.
I retake my seat, resting my head in my hands.
Damon slides into the chair next to me. ‘He couldn’t do it, you know. ’
I tilt my face to meet his eyes. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Caelon. He wasn’t going to hurt Danny. He got the answers he needed with minimal force. Sean told me he urged James not to hurt Danny, either. Said they should all choose the future over the past. I thought you should know.’
I cradle my head in my hands. He chose me. He got his answers, and he chose me. But look at the price he’s paying for it. If I hadn’t had intervened, opened my big mouth, maybe it would be Danny in surgery and not the man I’m in love with.
What have I done?
Three hours later, Alexander and Vivienne Beckett burst through the doors with stricken faces. Alexander’s scar is another reminder of just how much the Becketts have been through.
‘Any update?’ Vivienne rushes to me, fingers clasping her diamond necklace. She’s aged ten years since I saw her in Portugal.
‘Not yet.’
Alexander beckons Damon into the corridor and I catch scraps from their heated, hushed words.
Cole is responsible.
Who the fuck is Cole?
It’s impossible to hear anything over Vivienne’s nervous chatter. The woman could talk for Ireland. ‘Where are the children? Where is Samuel? How many security staff are at the house?’
I do my best to answer while trying to eavesdrop.
Heavy footsteps thud along the corridor. My head snaps up expectantly. Please let this be the doctor with good news. Please .
But it’s not the doctor.
‘Dermot.’ I jump up and rush towards him. His familiar cologne wraps around me like a security blanket.
‘Ivy.’ he pulls me against his chest. ‘Any news?’
‘Not yet.’
He steps back to scan me, probably searches for injuries, but all my hurt is on the inside.
Dermot exhales heavily. ‘‘Rian called me,’ he explains. He greets Vivienne with a peck on the cheek and murmurs a few words of comfort.
‘I wouldn’t have thought you’d care if he lives or dies,’ I say.
‘Of course I care. I love Caelon like a brother,’ he snorts indignantly. ‘I just didn’t expect him to actually become my brother.’
‘I hope he lives to get the chance.’ I pinch the bridge of my nose.
‘He will.’ Dermot drapes his arm over my shoulders and pulls my head towards him. ‘He has to. Because I will never forgive myself for being so damn hard on him about you if he doesn’t. I just want what’s best for you.’
‘Caelon is what’s best for me. I know you want me to have a high-flying career and do something with my life, but there’s only one thing I’ve ever really wanted.’
‘And that is?’ Dermot lowers his face to mine.
‘To be a mother.’ I bite my lip. ‘I want a family of my own. A husband who loves me. I know it’s old-fashioned, and those women who burned their bras will be turning in their graves, but it’s what I want. And I want all of that with Caelon, Orla and Owen.’
‘Are you sure? You’ve always gravitated towards the most unsuitable, broken men, as if you could single-handedly fix them. Is that what this is?’
‘No! And I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I want Caelon, whatever he’s done. I just need him to live long enough for me to tell him.’
More footsteps approach. I leap to my feet, expectantly. ‘Doctor,’ I hear Alexander say. ‘What’s happening?’
‘I have an update,’ he says, but his tone doesn’t leave a lot of room for hope. ‘Where’s Ivy?’