I sat by the window so I’d be able to see her coming, hoping she hadn’t changed her mind. Her demeanor had changed before she left the party and there was a good possibility she’d stand me up.
Maureen Stahlbaum was exactly my type, and also, not my type at all. I thought she was gorgeous of course, how could I not? But there was a confidence about her that I found both sexy and unnerving. I loved a woman who knew what she wanted, but I was attracted to women who took on a submissive role by choice.
Maureen had an air about her that was reminiscent of some of the Dommes I met in clubs. Although sexy, they weren’t who I was attracted to. I needed a submissive woman, or at least one who was submissive in the bedroom. That was non-negotiable. I’d experimented with other dynamics, and I had the self-awareness to know that they didn’t work for me, no matter how amazing the woman had been. Been there. Done That. Bought the t-shirt. Never going back.
No more vanilla women, no more women with the reins held steadfast in their grip, that’s what I’d promised myself. So I probably shouldn’t have asked Maureen out. But that kiss…
Swirling my nearly empty glass of single malt, the ice clinking against the tumbler, I thought more about why I had asked her out. The answer was clear. She was worth the chance of being wrong.
Because an opportunity to be with a woman like Maureen, the kind you didn’t want to mess around or play games with, had to be appreciated and not squandered.
And if she wasn’t for me, if there was the possibility of incompatibility down the road… it would be better to find out now. Maybe not the best topic for a first date, but I needed to be upfront, because if I was lucky enough to get a real chance with Maureen, to get to know her, and touch her and take her, well, losing her would kill me.
I knew that instinctively. So I wouldn’t get close. Not until I knew we could fulfill each other’s needs. But if she could love me for who I was, and be the kind of woman I needed, and I, in turn, what she needed… I was all in.
I took the last sip of my whiskey and turned my head in time to catch a glimpse of Maureen heading toward the front door of the restaurant. Even her profile took my breath away.
She walked with confidence, her shoulders back, her stride purposeful and her gaze straight ahead. Long auburn curls fell halfway down her back, fanning out across her red peacoat. I could almost hear her designer heels clicking on the pavement.
After a few brief words with the hostess, she turned in my direction and I stood. When she saw me, there was a flicker of hesitation. But as quickly as it was there, it was gone, replaced by a dazzling smile. She made her way to our table with a brisk pace and took off her coat before I even had a chance to offer to help.
Too independent for her own good, surely. But too independent for me? That was what I was here to find out.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” she said with a glance at her watch and a furrow of her brow.
“No, not long at all,” I lied. Though she wasn’t late, I’d been there at least a half hour already.
“Okay good,” she replied, glancing at my empty glass. Her smile was tight as if she didn’t quite believe me.
Were we already off to a bad start?
This time I caught her before she sat and pulled out her chair. She nodded with a crisp thank you and I raised a hand for the waitress before I sat down.
“Good holiday so far?”
“Not bad,” I replied, noticing how stiff she was. “Yours?”
Before she could answer, our waitress arrived, and she quickly ordered a Pinot Grigio. I ordered another whiskey on the rocks.
“Your holiday?” I reminded her.
This is where I saw a visible change in her. Her shoulders lowered, her jaw relaxed and her mouth formed a genuine smile. “First few days I spent grading papers, but I’ve finally settled into the break. It takes me days to relax.”
“So now that the papers are done, what’s been occupying your time? Shopping, bubble baths and romcoms?” It was the last thing I could picture her doing.
“I was taught things like that were frivolous and a waste of time.” Her words were succinct, and her tone serious.
“So what do you do for fun then?”
“Go shopping, take bubble baths and watch romcoms.”
I grinned. “No seriously.”
“I’ve been listening to smutty audiobooks and crocheting hats and mittens for the homeless. That way I’m being both productive and frivolous.”
“Admirable. Especially the smutty books,” I replied, winking at her.
“How about you? What’s keeping you busy?”
“Family stuff. I’ve got four younger half-sisters, who all invite me to their place for Christmas dinner. They each have two kids, all under ten. So shopping is monopolizing my time right now. Any clue what to buy for a three-year-old-girl?”
“Are Easy-Bake ovens still a thing?”
I grinned. “No nieces or nephews then. Got it.”
“Your parents?”
“Gone. My dad died when I was three and my mom remarried five years later. Her new husband was in the military and every time he came home on leave, she got pregnant. After the fourth, he stopped coming home. Mom passed when Ella, the oldest of my younger sisters, was still in high school. I raised them after that. Now my sisters fuss over me like I sacrificed my life for them and that’s why I’m not married with kids of my own.” I rolled my eyes.
“So is that why?”
“Not at all. Haven’t found anyone worthy yet.” I winked, watching her roll her gray eyes. It was a cocky thing to say but it was part of my slightly over-the-top persona.
The waitress dropped off our drinks and asked if we were ready, but we hadn’t even picked up our menus. There was a minute or two of silence as we both looked it over quickly, and made our choices known.
“Do you have siblings, Maureen?”
The ice in my glass clinked as I took a swallow. She picked up her wine and took a delicate sip, her lips leaving a smear of red on the glass’s rim.
“Only child. Single mother.”
“So this is why you’re such a strong woman,” I said, offering my observation. The corner of her lip folded in between her teeth and she swallowed.
“Something like that.” Turning her head to the side, she assessed me. “And your situation is why you relate so well to your students―why you have a ‘cool dad’ vibe.”
“A ‘cool dad’ vibe?” I questioned with a chuckle. Inwardly, my gut tightened. It was a perfect opening for the discussion I wanted to have but I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to stay hopeful a little longer―enjoy lowering Maureen’s guard.
“Yes, it’s quite intriguing to watch.”
My brows rose. “What is?”
“You interacting with your students.”
“Are you stalking me, Maureen?”
“Of course not. I’m just observant.”
That I knew to be true. She watched everything, was cautious, always thought before she spoke, and seemed to be constantly aware of her surroundings. I’d wondered on more than one occasion what made her this way. Was there trauma in her past? I shook my head. No, she wasn’t jumpy and didn’t scare easily. But there was definitely something. And I’d figure it out.
“Are you looking for a relationship, Reenie?” I tipped my tumbler, twirling the ice in my glass, watching her eyes widen a fraction at the directness of my question, and maybe the unexpected nickname. I couldn’t help myself. Maureen didn’t quite fit her outside of the campus. She recovered quickly, took a sip of her wine all the while holding my gaze.
“I’m not. I wasn’t.”
“So what is it we’re doing?”
She leaned back, uncrossing and recrossing her opposite leg. “For once in my life, I’m really not sure.”
It was an unguarded answer and, for some reason, it made me feel a bit like I’d won a prize.
“I like you,” she continued, “but you’re not my usual type. You feel a little dangerous to be honest.”
This made me smile widely. “I like being called dangerous. Hopefully you mean that in a good way.”
Our food arrived and I cursed the waitress under my breath for her timing.
Maureen picked up her fork and her lashes fluttered up until she locked eyes with me again.
“I’ll let you know.” Her smile was cheeky, and as she lowered her eyes to spear tortellini, warmth spread through my chest.
I stabbed a piece of my steak, trying to decide if it was time to push, or if I wanted to hold on to this a little longer.
“What about you? Are you looking for a relationship, Trent?”
I chewed, staring at the blue flecks in her gray eyes, and swallowed. There was an inaudible hum between us―some connection I felt deeply but yet couldn’t fully understand. It was unnerving. “I think I am.”
“And even though I’m not sure, you still want to try?” She assessed me a moment before looking down at her food.
“I do. But there’s something I need you to know.”
Her eyes flitted up to mine again as she slipped a button mushroom past her lips. “Hm?”