I wanted to check on Trent. I also didn’t. Worrying my lip, I watched my classroom fill with students. Maybe I could excuse myself and walk past his classroom, check that he was there. I looked down at my laptop. Could I email him? Was that weird?
What happened between us was… visceral, hot, tempting, and wrong. Wrong was what I needed to focus on though. My reaction to him hadn’t been a complete surprise. I’d had feelings for him before, but this was the first time I couldn’t control them. And the first time since he’d told me he was a Dom that I’d?—
I cut the thought off, shaking my head. I’d run when he told me, so this was new territory.
Why did he have to show up here? A small voice in my head suggested fate and I snorted, then covered it with a cough when a few students looked my way.
Jesus, get it together. I’ll send him a quick text, make sure he’s good and deal with the rest of my thoughts later, after several more cups of coffee and maybe a nip of something stronger.
Plan in place, I typed a quick message. And then Mira walked in and I forgot about my personal drama. She looked tired and… dull. It was the only way I could describe her. Normally a vibrant girl, full of interest and curiosity, she looked downright pale and gaunt. Worry made my stomach sink like a boulder.
While the rest of the students settled in, I rose and walked to her desk. My classroom could accommodate forty-five, but all the seats were never filled. She sat alone on the aisle closest to the outside wall, her bookbag on the desk beside her, effectively blocking anyone from sitting next to her. This was also unusual. She was a popular girl, often sitting in a small group with three other girls and one guy.
“Mira?” I spoke gently but she still looked startled when I did. “May I see you after class?”
She nodded woodenly but fear flickered across her gaunt features. “Uh, Professor Stahlbaum, did I miss an assignment?”
I wanted to reach out, touch her arm, reassure her but I didn’t. “No, Mira, no need to worry. I’d just like to talk. Make sure things are going well with your new schedule.”
“Oh.” She smiled. “Everything is good. No need to take up your time with me.”
I firmed my expression, my brow arching in warning. “I’d like to see you after class.” I left no room for refusal.
Back at my desk, I noticed Trent had replied to my text. My stomach dipped.
Worried about me? I’m fine, Reenie. Up for another run tonight? Maybe one that doesn’t involve a swim? The orgasm is optional.
I shivered, then realized my class was waiting on me.
After class, I spoke with Mira. Our conversation left me unsettled to say the least, her confession hitting a little too close to home. I needed to talk to Trent, so I shot him a text as I headed back to my apartment to change.
Maureen: Yes, to the run. Talked to Mira. Tell you everything later. Bench at six o’clock.
Trent: Is that a no to the orgasm? Winky face.
I licked my lips, staring at his reply. On one hand, the Mira business was sad, but on the other, I needed this. The fun, flirty banter with a sexy man. One who wasn’t being pushy about his Dominant status like he had been three years ago.
Maureen: Are you going to throw yourself in the lake to make me feel sorry for you again? Clearly that was your plan all along yesterday.
I chewed my lip, my reply more thrilling than I expected.
Trent: If I have to (Devil emoji.) Leave the panties at home.
Maureen: LOL. Yes, sir.
I swallowed hard with that one. Flirting with him was fun, and didn’t really feel like being controlled, not in a bad way anyway. It was playful, sexy, and natural.
Back at home, I threw on my most flattering sports bra and yoga pants and filled my water bottles.
How had I been in the community this long and never noticed that it wasn’t always so… serious?
Then again, maybe this wasn’t what Trent was offering. Maybe this was just a way to lower my guard.
Just before I left the apartment, I ran back to my room and grabbed a loose-fitting tank top. Throwing it on, I walked out to meet Trent.
He was waiting at the bench.
Eager much, pal?
“Hey, you look ready for this.” He said this as he scanned my face, so I knew it had nothing to do with my running clothes.
“You have a towel?” I gave him a half-smile. “Just in case?”
His narrowed eyes held mine. “Are you planning on pushing me in?”
I laughed, then shrugged, looking more seriously at him. “You never know.”
His deep, sexy chuckle sent flutters through me, and admittedly I felt a bit bratty and liked it.
He started stretching his hamstrings and I, my triceps.
“So, what did you learn about Mira?” he asked with a small grunt as he pulled the heel of his shoe to his ass.
“With the extra classes, this semester is her last one. Graduating by the end of this semester is her goal. And I knew that. What I didn’t know was that her mother is in hospice. Mira’s dividing her time here and at the care home, burning the candle at both ends.”
“Oh shit.” He frowned. “That poor girl.”
“Their relationship is complicated, and Mira feels guilty about it. She wants to graduate before her mother passes because she wants to make her proud.”
I could relate, having had a mother who’d never been proud of me no matter what I did. And even though Mira’s situation wasn’t quite the same, I wanted to help her. I needed a resolution for her as if it would heal me too.
As if he’d read my mind, he said, “Let’s help her succeed in every way we can.”
“Thank you. That’s exactly how I feel.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Maureen. It’s the right thing to do.”
I rubbed my hands on my thighs the feel of the material against my palm calming. “You’re right, it is the right thing to do, but not everyone would care. Trust me.”
His brow rose and I looked away, staring at the mountains in the distance.
“Let’s go before we lose light.”
I turned to start and he grabbed my arm. “I can tell this is bothering you more than just concern for a student, or friend. This goes deeper than that, doesn’t it?”
I looked his handsome face over, noting to myself how sexy he looked without his glasses. Not that he didn’t look just as fucking steamy with them. He just looked a different sort of sensual. It was a battle, sexy professor vs. sexy athlete. Brains vs. brawn—both were hot separately but together, god, he was downright combustible.
“Reenie, let me help.”
His words broke through my lusty thoughts and I blinked at him. “I don’t need help. I can relate to Mira, yes, but I’m not dragging a trunk’s worth of baggage everywhere with me, Trent. Let’s keep our focus on Mira. And for now, go for this run, yeah?”
He studied me. “A trunk’s worth?”
I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”
“It’s not my place to push you, but sometimes sharing burdens, even burdens of the past, helps.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, considering ending our running arrangement, but then he spoke again.
“It’s an offer of friendship, Reenie, nothing else.” And with that, he took off. This time he set the pace, pushing me to my limits, and damn it if it wasn’t just what I needed.
I almost quit a half mile from the bench, but he turned, ran backward and egged me on.
“Come on, lady, I know you’ve got it in you. We sprinted this stretch last time, and you kicked my ass. Or maybe you can’t do it again? Was it a fluke last time?”
I huffed a growl and picked up my pace. He continued backward until I caught up.
“Cocky bastard.”
“Truer words have never been spoken, sweetheart. Now show me what you got.”
And I did. He was right behind me the whole time, but I still reached the bench first. And I knew him well enough to know he didn’t let me win this time.
We spent the next several minutes walking slowly around the bench to catch our breath.
His shirt had a V of sweat down his chest and his skin was slick with it. The run didn’t dampen my urges for this man, but it also didn’t ease the turmoil his words had given me.
“Thanks for pushing me.”
He shot me a crooked grin. “Who said I was pushing you?”
Again I rolled my eyes. “You were and we both know it. You may know how to hold back when it comes to being pushy about my emotions, but physically you’re an ass.”
“I held back last time.”
“I know, so why didn’t you today?”
“We’re friends now. And friends know when friends need a little kick in the booty.”
I plopped down on the bench, not bothering with the rest of my stretches even knowing I’d regret it the next day and sighed.
“Fine. My mother was a controlling bitch who dismissed everything I wanted and made every one of my decisions for me and berated me when I disagreed or tried to make any myself. I was never enough, my ideas were stupid, she was ashamed of my appearance, my effort in school, I talked too much, I talked too little, my makeup was a disgrace, my hair must have come from my father because it was unmanageable just like the rest of me.”
I let out a long shaky breath, emotions like a swat team ready to break through my walls. “But I didn’t let her break me.” I straightened my shoulders, and held my chin high, turning to look at the gorgeous man beside me. “No one will ever break me.”
“You’re amazing.”
My brows furrowed.
“That is some seriously fucked-up maternal carnage, but you didn’t let it hold you back and you’re not letting it keep you from helping Mira, despite what it likely brings to the surface.”
I snort-huffed because the alternative was to break down and bawl like a baby.
“That woman needed to tear you down to feel good about herself and that’s all kinds of fucked-up.” He rose from his spot on the bench. “But, Reenie, I hope you know no one wants to break you here.”
I swallowed a dry patch in my throat, not daring to look at him. But his hand came into view in front of my downturned face.
“Come on. Let’s figure out the best way to help Mira. And do it from the hot tub, because I’m pretty sure I’ll need crutches tomorrow after this run.”
He smiled and it was contagious. Or maybe I was just so relieved at spilling my guts about my mother that returning a smile was easy.