I kept my hand on the small of Mira’s back as we made our way to the Dungeon and checked in with her every few minutes.
“You’re sure about this?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Her face was streaked with dried tears, and still had a hollow, gaunt look to it, but there was a light in her eyes that hadn’t been there before and her jaw was set in resolution.
“You know a stress-relief spanking or a therapy spanking is much different than a punishment. You hold a great deal more control in these situations.”
Mira stopped walking, turned to me and grabbed my hands. “I don’t want control. I want to turn my brain off and not think. And then I want to sleep. God, I just want to sleep. Please.”
“I understand. I know you have a safe word, but let’s use the traffic-light safe words so you can slow things down without stopping if you need to. So your safe word doesn’t mean a hard stop. You can use yellow for a breather, a pause, to readjust or even to negotiate.”
“Yes, Ma’am. I understand. Thank you for reminding me. But truly, I just want to get there and do it.”
“Okay,” I answered with a soft chuckle and dropped her hands, wrapping my arm around her shoulder as I led her the rest of the way to the Dungeon.
When we got there and were let in by the Dungeon security guard on duty, I gave a small hiss as we entered. The Dungeon was packed and I belatedly realized that it was the first Friday of the month, the night that kicked off Visitors’ Weekend.
Beside me, Mira stopped in her tracks, staring out at the crowded room. “Is it always this busy?”
“No.” I sighed. “Do you want to try to reschedule for a later date?” If the crowd was too much for her, that was our only option. The private rooms were always booked solid on Visitors’ Weekends. If it had been Luna, I’d have suggested playing at my place or hers but I wasn’t going to do that with a student. This was our only option.
“There’s no other time.” Mira shook her head back and forth, no doubt remembering her impossible schedule.
“Okay.” I stepped up behind her, rubbing my hands on her shoulders. “How can I help make this easier for you?”
The truth was I was nervous about it myself. I usually played when I knew the Dungeon wouldn’t be busy. But I wanted to do this for Mira. I needed to.
“Maybe umm… maybe blindfold me? So I don’t have to see all the people? Would that be okay?”
“Of course sweetie. Whatever you need.”
Stepping up beside her, I grabbed her hand and led her across the room to one of the only available spanking benches not currently in use.
“Okay, are you wearing a thong like you were the day I spanked you?” At Mira’s nod, Maureen continued, “Then you need to strip down to your panties, but you can go ahead and leave your top on as well.” She was wearing a cropped tank top that wouldn’t get in my way, and her preference of high-cut thongs would make an effective spanking easy while still affording her modesty.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Her gaze darted nervously around the packed room, but she quickly removed her shoes and yoga pants, folding them neatly and placing them on a nearby stool.
“Okay as far as implements go, do you have any limits or preferences?”
Mira winced and I could see she hated having to make choices for herself but this kind of pre-scene communication was important. “I’ll make the final decisions, Mira, but if there is something you absolutely do not want me to use, I need to know, please.”
“Oh. Right. Okay. Um… no canes, I guess?” She looked near tears. “I don’t really know what the options are, so I don’t know what to say. I can always use my safe word if something isn’t right, right?”
“Yes, you can, and I’ll go ahead and pick out the implements I think I’ll use now and get your approval ahead of time.” Not wanting to waste any more time in this crowded, stress-inducing—at least for me—environment, I crossed to the nearby implement cabinet, and perused the choices after grabbing the requested blindfold. The last time I’d paddled Mira for punishment, I’d used a wooden paddle, and she’d taken it okay, and slept well afterward, so that was probably a good choice since a good night’s sleep was the goal this time too. I selected a long thin one made from maple and moved on to consider my other options. After a few minutes of deliberating, I selected a soft leather strap that would sting nicely, but also have a delicious sensation. At least I thought so. Luna seemed to enjoy it. If Mira felt differently, we could reassess. Trial and error.
Striding over to where Mira was sitting on the stool next to her discarded clothing, I held them up for her inspection. She nodded, looking relieved the decision was made.
“All right then. Let’s get started.”
Taking her hand, I led her to the bench and helped her into position, fixing her wrists and ankles into the available restraints. This would be therapeutic in taking away any semblance of control, which Mira seemed to want, but it would also ensure that she didn’t reach back and accidentally hurt herself.
“Are these comfortable?” I asked as I did the last one on her left wrist.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Her voice came out on a squeak and I knelt in front of her face. “Are you still wanting to do this? Last chance to back out.”
“No, Ma’am. I’m good. I mean, I don’t want to back out. I’m just a little nervous.”
“Nervous is normal. Okay, remember your safe words. Yellow to pause or slow down, and red to stop. You can use them anytime, no matter the reason. And remember, Mira, you are not in trouble. I’m doing this to hopefully help you deal with stress, and to wear out your body so you can sleep well tonight.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” She scrunched her eyes closed, and I took the hint to slide the satin eye mask on her.
With one last squeeze to her hand, and a pat on her shoulder, I stood and as I did, I brushed against a hard body walking by and almost lost my balance. Strong hands gripped my upper arms and held me upright. The scent—a cologne I couldn’t name—assaulted my nostrils, bringing up powerful memories of a date three years ago. I glanced up and my stomach sank as my gaze met Trent’s.
“Maureen.” His warm tone held a measure of obvious surprise and I saw his eyebrows rise as he glanced from me to my play partner. His lips turned up in a hint of a smile, and he leaned in close, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered. “We’ll have to meet up once we’re both done here.”
My mouth went dry. Stupid fantasies. He was the last thing I needed to be thinking about right now, I reminded myself as I resolved to keep all my attention on Mira.
“I need to…” I trailed off, licking my lips as I caught a glimpse of his play partner. A buxom blonde wearing next to nothing. I hadn’t seen her around, which meant she was probably here for Visitors’ Weekend, and was playing with Trent by the luck of the draw. I told myself it didn’t mean anything, but I couldn’t stop the stab of jealousy that pierced my gut. I was only human after all.
“Right. Me too,” Trent said, dropping my arm. He didn’t look away though. My heart pounded and my palms felt clammy. I fought the urge to wipe them on my pants as I turned to walk away. I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way back to Mira and picked up the wooden paddle. It didn’t help that the spanking benches all faced the same way, and were kind of staggered, so from where I stood I had a perfect view of his back and his partner’s pert ass.
Looking away, I focused all my attention on Mira. She needed this, and it would be good for her. I could help her in this way, and that was what I wanted to do.
“Mira?” I said her name so she would know I was ready to begin and rubbed a hand across her lower back for comfort. “We’re going to start slow and pick up the pace when I feel like you need it. I want you to focus yourself on letting the pain wash through you and help you let go of some of the stress you’re under, even if only for tonight.” I wasn’t going to expect more than that. Even that was a tall order, and as much as I believed in the therapy of a good spanking, Mira was in an impossible situation and a scene could only do so much to help.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Mira replied. Her voice was strained in a way that seemed to be saying, “Can we please get on with it?”
I did just that. Picking up the wooden paddle, I laid it across her thick globes, resting the wood there for just a moment before I pulled my arm back, and brought it forward, at half strength, watching it bounce across the center of her bottom, admiring the way the skin flattened, pinkened, and bounced back.
Mira let out a soft hiss. I repeated the action, three more times, in the exact same spot. Her body stayed tense, and I could see that we had a long way to go. Pondering her situation, and the similarities I saw between us, I thought about what I might want to hear if I was in her shoes.
“You’re a good daughter,” I told her, speaking clearly as the paddle fell once more, slightly lower than before. “You’re doing the best you can.” I spoke as I let the paddle fall again, flattening her bottom, and watched the skin redden.
This time I noticed the tension in her shoulders relax. Her spine seemed less rigid. Her hands, previously balled into tight fists, began to unfurl. Good, we were making progress. Her mindset was where I needed it to be. Now I could really get busy.
Exhaling a deep breath, I brought the paddle down hard across her globes, letting the swats fall one after another, with barely a chance for her to catch her breath between them.
I kept up a punishing pace, upping the amount of strength I used. After five swats I paused, taking note of her still-relaxed, but shaking shoulders and her nicely reddened butt. “You’re a good daughter. Your mom is lucky to have you. You’re working so hard, just so she can have the gift of getting to see your graduate, despite the struggles you’ve had in your relationship. You’re busting your butt to give her a beautiful gift. You’re a good daughter, Mira.”
Something in my words must have struck a chord because she let out a shuddering breath and a piercing wail. “I just… I just….”
Her breath came fast with a hint of panic in her voice, and I stepped closer, letting my hand rest on the warmed skin of her buttocks, before pushing it upward to rub circles on her lower back.
“That’s right. Let it out.”
“I’m working so hard. And I’m so tired, and most days it feels like she doesn’t even care. There’s always something I’m not doing right. Some new reason she’s convinced she can’t leave this earth in peace, because I’m too much of a screw-up.”
I blew out a low breath through my nostrils as her words hit a nerve deep inside me. My gut churned and my ire rose, not just for her, but for myself and for the lies I’d believed for so long. “Well, that is false, Mira. I think you know that. And I think you know the reason she says things like that is because she’s scared. Any fears she has, any guilt she needs to deal with or atone for, those are her problems. They’re not yours.”
“I knowwww,” Mira wailed. “Dee-eep down I know that, but it’s just so hard to remember when she starts on her rants.”
“Well, I know that.” I sighed. “Believe me, I do. I know that better than most. But next time she starts in on that, I want you to tune it out, think of this spanking, and tell yourself the truths you need to hear.”
“W-what if I can’t? I mean… I’ll try, Ma’am, but…”
Steeling my shoulders, I dragged my hand along her spine as I walked alongside her prone body, until I was standing near her shoulders, massaging the muscles there. Bending, I whispered in her ear. “We’re going to do our best to make sure the next time you hear those lies, your butt remembers these truths.”
I watched as the set of her jaw relaxed. I wiped the tears seeping from beneath her blindfold to fall down her face with the back of my knuckle and thought about the task ahead. I remembered how I’d always felt, how damaging my mother’s words had been and for how long. I would do everything I could to help Mira deal with the pain I knew too well.
Giving her shoulder one final squeeze, I resumed my position behind her. And as I did some deep breathing to focus myself, I caught a glimpse of Trent. His shirt was off, revealing his strong, muscular shoulders and back, and highlighting his toned ass in the fitted slacks he wore. His submissive for the night was restrained to the spanking bench, in the same position I had Mira in, her ass up and on display for the room. The difference was, of course, they weren’t teacher and student, and whoever this woman was, she’d come to the Ranch for the full experience. It looked like she was getting it.
My gut twisted as I noted the jeweled plug sticking out between her naked ass cheeks, her glistening sex on full display. She was topless too, completely nude, and while I knew that was common in these scenes, and may have been her preference rather than Trent’s, I still hated it.
Trent’s weapon of choice tonight was a strap, much like the one I’d picked to use on Mira, but with far less give and a longer tail. He pulled his arm back and let the leather fly through the air between them until it hit its intended target. Her body jerked, as much as it could while restrained, and I heard his low, even voice speak up across the room.
“What do you say, sub?”
“Thank you, Sir.”
Oh. God. My hands shook, and my pussy grew damp. Damn those stupid fantasies. I did not need this. At all, but especially right now. Narrowing my eyes, I internally scolded my traitorous body and turned my attention back to Mira. If this scene was going to have the effect I intended, I couldn’t afford to be distracted.
Closing the space between us, I looked at the paddle in my hand, and considered ditching it for the strap, but I didn’t think we were there yet.
“Mira!” I made my voice ring out sharply as I commanded her attention. In order for this healing to sink in, it needed to be a two-way discourse between us.
“When the next swat falls, I want you to yell out a truth. Something nice about yourself. Something that is in direct opposition to something your mother says.”
“Y-Yes, Ma’am.” Her voice wavered with uncertainty, but her response was loud and clear. I knew she’d be a good girl and do her best.
“Here we go,” I warned, only a second before I let the paddle fly again. This time, I lowered my aim to the lower part of her bottom, her sensitive sit spots. When the wood made contact with its target, I waited.
For a moment I thought I was going to have to reprimand her with a hard swat to her thighs, but just when I was about to, she cried, “I’m a good daughter!”
“Yes, yes that’s right. Yes, you are.”
I watched as her body relaxed once more, and when her shoulders fell slack, I brought back the paddle again, lining it up so it fell in exactly the same spot as before.
“I have worth!”
Oh god. The pain that stabbed my heart. The memories that invaded my subconscious. I lost my breath for a moment, and only found it in time to whisper, “Yes, baby. Yes, you do.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, then checked in with her. “You okay, Mira? What color are you?”
“Green, Ma’am,” she croaked. “Please keep going.”
So I did. I let the paddle fly again and again, pausing only long enough to hear Mira’s truths rent the air.
“I am good enough.”
“I don’t have to do it all.”
“I don’t have to be a perfect daughter.”
“I am good enough.”
That one came up more than once, but I didn’t mind the repetition. I figured it was the thing she most needed to hear.
My arm ached from the heft of the paddle, and I paused to rub my shoulder. “Color, Mira?” I called out.
“G-green, M-Ma’am.”
She was taking longer to answer and speaking through her sobs, so I decided another pause was in order. I gave her a minute to cry it out. The sobs didn’t worry me—they were the point. They were necessary to her release and to our end goal of her getting a solid night’s sleep. When her back stopped heaving with the weight of them, I laid the cool wood of the paddle against her backside and prepared to begin again. The truth was we’d both needed the break. This was more emotionally intense for me than I’d anticipated.
“Truths, Mira,” I prodded her a moment before I struck.
“Um… um… I’m not stupid. I’m smart enough to get top marks and graduate early while taking care of her.”
“Good girl.” My voice rang out with the words of affirmation at the same time Trent’s did, and I looked up to notice he’d also paused play and was rubbing his partner’s now very red ass.
My throat thickened. Was it from the straight shot to the gut Mira’s words had made, or the longing I felt deep inside? Both, maybe? I couldn’t be sure. I tore my gaze away from Trent and his partner and focused it back on Mira. She was weeping softly and her shoulders were pulled up, probably anticipating the next swat.
Shit. I really needed to focus.
And I did. I brought the paddle down again and again, sometimes waiting for her to call out an affirmation, sometimes calling it out for her. Hers broke me. The longer we went on, they got more varied and more specific, releasing what I could tell was years of hurt. Some of it mirrored my own to a tee, twisting my gut and bringing up my own bad memories.