“Carson?” My voice is barely above a whisper as I stare into his eyes in complete shock.
How is he here?
Am I imagining this?
It can’t be real.
But when his grip on my arm tightens, I know it is real.
“Surprised to see me?” He smirks, his tone laced with amusement as he releases his grip on me, adjusting the tie of his designer suit, not a single thread out of place.
“What are you doing here?” I take a small step back.
“I’m in Tahoe for a meeting and thought I’d use the opportunity to pick up the car you stole.”
I open my mouth to remind him it was a gift, but he cuts me off.
Much like he often did during our relationship.
“I’ve heard good things about this beer, so I decided to stop in. Imagine my surprise when I saw you working here. What are the chances?” Based on the conniving grin curling on his lips, he knew I’d be here. That I’ve been working here.
“I need to get back to work.” I attempt to push past him, but he blocks my path.
“Hasn’t this gone on long enough?”
“What are you talking about?”
“This little temper tantrum. I get it. You’re pissed. You want me to grovel? Fine.” He places his hands together, pretending to be remorseful. “I made a mistake and it won’t happen again. Please forgive me.” His words come out rushed and devoid of any regret.
“Forgive you?” I throw my head back and laugh. “You fucked my best friend, Carson. Ten minutes before we were supposed to get married. When I broke things off, you canceled all my cards and reported the car you gave me as stolen.”
“Stop being so dramatic. I apologized, so let’s move on and try again.”
“Try again?” I repeat. He’s more delusional than I thought.
Or narcissistic.
“Do you really want to work in a bar? I can provide for you.”
“You should be happy I ran out on you. Now you’re free to stick your dick in anyone you want without ramifications.”
“It’s not that easy,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Sure it is,” I say nonchalantly. “Insert peg A into slot B. Would you like me to draw you a picture?”
“Enough with the jokes, Abbey…”
Jaw ticking, he grabs my arm, his nostrils flaring with barely contained frustration. This time his grip on me is harsh, causing me to wince.
“You royally fucked me when you ran out on our wedding. I’m losing clients, since some of them prefer to work with advisors with certain…values.”
“Such as not having an affair with a subordinate co-worker?” I ask, attempting to pull my arm free.
But he only grips me tighter.
“You need me, Abbey.” His words are low and threatening. “I’m all you have. I’m the only one who’s ever cared, and you’re acting like a spoiled brat. So if I were you?—”
“You’re wrong.”
At the sound of the deep, gravelly voice, Carson drops his hold on me and spins around.
I snap my head to my right as Jude moves in beside me, Finn standing just off to the side, not letting Carson out of his sight.
“She’s not alone.” Jude’s intense gaze bores into Carson with pure hatred and disgust, his presence oddly comforting, despite the past several days. “And she sure as hell doesn’t need you.”
Carson straightens, his smug expression faltering for a moment. “Who the hell are you?”
Jude doesn’t flinch, his voice calm but laced with danger. “I’m the guy who’s telling you to leave her alone. Now.”
“We’re having a civil conversation.”
“From where I was standing, it didn’t look all that civil to me. No one comes into my place of business and assaults my employees.”
“I didn’t?—”
“Don’t fucking lie to me. I know what I saw.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest and widens his stance, showcasing his rather impressive muscles. Finn does the same, the two Lawrence brothers a force to be reckoned with. “I’ll give you one more chance to walk out of those doors. Otherwise, you’ll be escorted out of them in handcuffs for trespassing.”
“I’m not trespassing. This is a public establishment. I’m still drinking my beer.”
A surge of defiance rises within me, and I grab his glass off the table. Tilting it, I dump the contents over his head, watching with delight as it soaks his perfect suit.
“Beer’s gone,” I taunt.
He stares at me, mouth agape, his face turning red with fury. “You fucking bitch. You?—”
Jude positions himself in front of me once more, his posture stiff, expression unwavering. “Last chance. Leave. Now . Otherwise, a little beer on your suit will be the least of your worries.”
For a moment, it feels like time freezes. The air between the men crackles with tension, and I can sense the impending fight. It wouldn’t even be a contest. Jude could easily overpower Carson if he wanted to. Throw Finn into the mix and it’s a no-brainer. Carson doesn’t stand a chance.
Probably sensing this, he huffs, deliberately bumping into Jude as he storms out of the taproom, his wet clothes sloshing around him.
As soon as he disappears, Jude turns to me, his eyes awash with concern. It’s so different from the harsh, unforgiving stares I’ve grown used to lately. Now, he looks like the Jude he was before it all went to shit.
“Are you okay?” He rakes his gaze over my frame, searching for any bruising or marks.
“I…” I shake my head, struggling to find the right words. “That felt really fucking good.” A laugh escapes my lips, releasing the tension that’s been building inside of me.
“Good,” he exhales in relief.
Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. Surprised by his affectionate gesture, I stiffen, reeling from his embrace. But as I inhale his familiar scent, I melt into him, savoring in his warmth, regardless of how fleeting it most likely is.
Too soon, he drops his hold on me and steps away, as if I have some contagious disease.
As if remembering he’s supposed to hate me.
“Come get me when your shift is over. I’ll walk you home.”
“You don’t?—”
He holds a hand up, cutting me off and narrowing his gaze at me. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you walk by yourself after what just happened. Don’t fight me on this.” He lowers his voice to a level I haven’t heard in nearly two weeks. “Please.”
It’s impossible to deny him when he asks like that, even though all rationale tells me that’s exactly what I should do.
“Okay,” I finally concede.
“Okay.” A small smile teases his lips, but it disappears just as quickly.
“See.” Dylan nudges me as I watch him disappear into the brewhouse with Finn. “I told you he’d eventually come around.”
I roll my eyes, pretending not to care. “Don’t hold your breath.”