Reunion at Mistletoe Lodge (Sweet Colorado Romance #3) 1. CHAPTER 1 6%
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Reunion at Mistletoe Lodge (Sweet Colorado Romance #3)

Reunion at Mistletoe Lodge (Sweet Colorado Romance #3)

By Amy Rafferty
© lokepub




18 Months Ago - Maji Safi, Central Africa

Barb Gardener stood at the edge of the village, the sun casting its golden rays across the breathtaking landscape of Central Africa. She took a deep breath, letting the warm, humid air fill her lungs, and tried to steady the excitement bubbling inside her. Today, she would become Barb Shields, wife to Zac, the man who had changed her life in ways she could never have imagined.

The village of Maji Safi had come alive in celebration. The locals had worked tirelessly to prepare for the wedding, transforming the heart of the village into a vibrant, colorful display of African culture. The air was thick with the sounds of drums, laughter, and the scent of spice wafting from the cooking fires where the feast was being prepared.

Barb’s heart swelled as she glanced around at the people who had come to mean so much to her. The villagers, with their radiant smiles and unwavering kindness, had welcomed her and Zac as their own. King Bahati, a man of great wisdom and stature, had even offered to give her away. It was an honor beyond words, one she had accepted with deep gratitude.

She looked down at the dress she wore, a beautiful blend of Western elegance and African tradition, a gift from the women of the village. The fabric was soft against her skin, adorned with intricate beadwork that told the story of Maji Safi’s rich heritage. She felt a gentle squeeze on her hand and looked down to see her son, Oscar, standing beside her. At nine years old, he looked so grown up in his little suit, holding the ring bearer’s pillow with pride.

“You ready, Mom?” Oscar asked, his big brown eyes wide with excitement .

Barb bent to his level, brushing a stray curl away from his forehead. “More than ready, sweetheart. You look so handsome.” She kissed his rosy cheek.

Oscar smiled and adjusted the pillow with the rings on it. “Let’s do this.”

“Let’s do this,” Barb repeated, straightening, her voice thick with emotion.

Oscar grinned, and Barb couldn’t help but smile back, her nerves settling as she looked into her son’s eyes. It wasn’t just her life that was changing today. Oscar had been through so much with her over the years. He never knew his real father, Trevor Gardener, who had been an FBI agent and died in the line of duty when she was two months pregnant with Oscar.

Her boss, Giles Holland, had been a role model for Oscar, but Zac had become a father to her son in the past six months they’d been working on the Maji Safi Clean Water Dam Project. Today, they were officially becoming a family!

Heather, Giles’s wife and Barb's maid of honor, called out from behind her. “It’s time, Barb.”

Barb turned to see her best friend with her thick, deep red hair glinting in the son, also dressed in traditional African wear and looking as stunning as ever, approached. Heather's eyes sparkled with excitement as she dipped and kissed Oscar on the cheek. “Hey Oscar, don’t you look handsome.”

“Thank you, Heather,” Oscar replied, straightening his shoulders and standing proudly. “You look gorgeous.”

“Why thank you, young man,” Heather replied with a warm smile before turning toward Barb. “You look radiant.” She hugged Barb. “Are you ready to get married to that handsome FBI cowboy of yours?”

“I am.” Barb nodded, feeling her heartbeat accelerate as she thought of Zac. “Is King Bahati ready?”

“Oh, yes, and he’s looking kingly!” Heather laughed and drew in a nervous breath. “I don’t know why I’m nervous.” She shook out her hands and picked up the bouquets, handing the larger of the two to Barb. “I’ll go get the king.”

She held out her hand for Oscar. “Come on, handsome. Let's go take our places.”

Oscar put his hand in Heather’s and turned to Barb. “I’ll see you on the other side, Mom.” He blew her a kiss as they left the small rondavel that had been done up to be her bridal hut.

Barb took a few minutes to gather herself before taking a deep breath and stepping out of the hut where King Bahati waited for her. His tall, regal figure, proudly wearing his traditional robes, exuded authority and a sense of calm as he held out his hand to Barb.

“You look lovely, Barb,” King Bahati complimented her, smiling warmly. “You honor us today by allowing us to host and witness this union.”

“The honor is mine, Your Majesty,” Barb replied, her voice trembling with emotions as she placed her hand in his .

Together, they walked toward the ceremonial platform where Zac was waiting. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. Zac looked every bit the rugged cowboy she had fallen in love with, yet there was something more in his eyes today—something that made her feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

Zac’s best man, Giles, stood beside him, looking sharp in his suit. Barb and Giles’s eyes met for a brief moment as he smiled warmly at her and gave her an encouraging wink. Giles was revered in this small village as he’d saved the project and ensured that it happened. He’d also been the one who’d splashed out to give Barb, Zac, and Oscar this special day.

Barb smiled back at Giles before her eyes moved to meet Zac’s intense amber ones, and her breath caught in her throat— I’m really about to get married ! The thought hit her in her heart, and tears stung the back of her eyes.

King Bahati led Barb to Zac, and as they reached the edge of the ceremonial platform, he turned to Barb. “Barb Gardener, I present you to Zac Shields. May your union be blessed with joy and harmony. ”

Barb felt a rush of emotion as she handed her bouquet to Heather, who took the flowers with a beaming smile, her eyes misting over. Barb’s gaze fell on Oscar, who was standing proudly beside King Bahati with the rings. His little suit was impeccably neat, and he looked every bit the important ring bearer he was meant to be.

Turning back to Zac, Barb locked eyes with him. The world seemed to narrow down to just the two of them. Zac’s gaze was filled with a mixture of love and anticipation, grounding her as the ceremony began. Barb’s heart fluttered, the weight of the moment settling over her like a gentle embrace.

The ceremony was beautiful and simple yet deeply meaningful, as Judge Makahli from one of the larger nearby cities officiated. Zac’s voice resonated through her making her eyes well with tears that spilled over as Oscar stepped up to hand them the rings.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss!” Judge Makahli pronounced.

Zac pulled Barb to him and crushed her lips with his to the pounding drums and the roar of applause from the villagers and their friends. Suddenly, the world sped up into a blur of afternoon choruses of congratulations and celebrations. The villagers prepared a magnificent feast with dishes made from local ingredients rich in flavor and traditions. The tables were adorned with flowers, and the air was alive with music and laughter as the village celebrated the newlyweds.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the night rolled out, its inky carpet adorned with billions of glittering stars, the night creatures started another symphony as they serenaded in the evening.

“Are you ready to get changed?” Heather found Barb standing, staring out over the dark landscape lit by the silver glow of the giant moon.

Barb turned and smiled at Heather. “I guess!”

“I’m sorry we’re muscling in on your honeymoon,” Heather said. “But Giles and I wanted to give you and Zac some time on your own while we took Oscar all over the place. ”

“Oh, no, please,” Barb said. “I’m just in awe at the present Giles and you have given us—this honeymoon.” She smiled. “I’ve been to Cape Town with Giles twice, but I never really got to enjoy the place as it was always just business.”

“Well…” Heather looked sheepish. “We have another big surprise for you when we get there.”

Barb's eyes narrowed. “What have you done?”

“I can’t say.” Heather pretended to zip her lips and lock them. “Now, let's go get ready.”

Twenty minutes later, amidst farewells, Barb, Zac, Oscar, Heather, and Giles climbed into Giles’s private jet that was waiting on a makeshift runway just outside the village. As they stepped onto the plane, Barb took one last look at the beautiful village of Maji Safi, grateful for the memories of this day made possible by the incredible villagers and her good friends.

As she settled beside Zac with Oscar across from them with Giles and Heather, Zac put his arm around her.

“I love you, Mrs. Shields, and I’m looking forward to our life together,” Zac whispered before capturing her lips as the plane lifted off the ground and soared into the sky.

“I love you too, Mr. Shields, and I can’t begin to explain how happy I am,” Barb replied as the kiss ended.

Barb rested her head on Zac’s shoulder, feeling a sense of exhilaration as the plane ascended, leaving Maji Safi's familiar beauty behind. It was as though she were not merely ascending into the clouds but into a future brimming with promise and new beginnings. Each moment of the day—the love she felt, the joy of the ceremony, the warmth of the village—mingled with the anticipation of what lay ahead.

She closed her eyes and let the sensation of soaring wash over her, embracing the hope and excitement of their new life together.

Eleven Months Ago - Maji Safi, Central Africa

The connection was spotty as Barb and Zac tried to speak through the crackling static of the video call. Barb sat in her small makeshift office at the edge of the village, surrounded by blueprints and the Maji Safi Clean Water Dam Project updates. The room, though modest, filled its purpose and offered a cool respite from the blazing African sun outside.

“The project is coming along nicely. With the way we’re going, we’ll be done in nine to ten months,” Barb told Zac, hitting the screen as his face froze before looking like a disjointed puzzle. “Zac?”

“Barb?” Zac’s voice crackled through the screen as the pieces of his face started to fall back into place. “Can you hear me?”

“I can hear you now,” Barb replied. “You broke up a bit for a while. I was telling you about the progress of the project. While the work makes the days go quicker, Oscar and I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, my love, and would much rather be there with you and Oscar,” Zac assured her before his brows creased with concern. “Are you okay? You don’t look like your usual sprightly self.”

“It’s nothing,” Barb lied, not sure if she wanted to say anything to him about her news just yet. “Just a bit tired. It’s the heat, and I’ve been pushing hard to keep the project on track.” She gave him a forced smile. “You know how these things go.”

Zac nodded, though he still looked worried. “I can’t wait to get back and should be there in a couple of weeks. I just have to help Liam out with a problem he’s having.”

“Oh!” Barb’s brows rose. “Is he okay?” She had met Liam a few times many years ago, but that was before she and Zac fell in love. It was when she was still engaged to Trevor and in witsec.

“I’m not sure.” Zac’s brow creased some more. “But it shouldn’t take too long to wrap up.” His face relaxed, and he smiled. “Then I’ll be back in Africa with you.”

“I can’t wait!” Barb sighed, her heart hammering in her chest at the thought of feeling his arms around her again .

“At least now, when the project is done, you and Oscar are free to come home to the States without having to worry about your family stalking you,” Zac reminded her. “That must be such a relief for you.”

“You have no idea,” Barb told him. “I have no idea how to ever thank the FBI for all the support they’ve given Oscar and me.”

“The FBI are the ones that need to thank you,” Zac pointed out. “You lost so much helping us put one of the most violent crime families away.” He stopped and looked at her apologetically. “Sorry, I know they were your family…”

“No!” Barb shook her head. “They were never my family. My mother did her best to keep them away from me.” She swallowed as a lump lodged in her throat, thinking about how brutally her parents were killed in front of her because they gave evidence against her mother's father.

“Well, now we can move on from all of it, Barb,” Zac told her. “We can live wherever we want.”

“I thought we would have to stay in California because of your job with the FBI?” Barb said.

“About that…” Zac said with a grin. “I’m seriously thinking about taking Giles up on his offer to be the head of security for the Holland Corporation.”

Barb’s eyes widened with amazement, and her heart thudded excitedly. “Seriously?” This time, she didn’t have to force a smile. “So we’ll be staying in Denver? Close to Frisco and all our friends? ”

“Yes.” Zac nodded. “I was going to wait until I got back to tell you, but it looks like you could use some good news to cheer you up.”

“That’s amazing news, Zac.” Barb leaned forward as her excitement grew, and she made up her mind to share some more exciting news with him. “Zac, I have something else to tell you…” The calls connection began to falter.

“Barb… I…” Zac’s voice was distorted, and his image froze on the screen.

“Zac?” Barb’s voice filled with impatience as she reached out toward the screen, desperately trying to hold onto the connection. “Zac? Can you hear me?”

The screen went blank, abruptly ending the call and making Barb’s heart sink as she sat in silence, staring at the black screen. She didn’t have a chance to wallow in her misery too long as a wave of nausea hit, and Barb had to rush to the bathroom, where she was violently sick.

A few minutes later, she staggered out of the bathroom to find Heather sitting behind the desk, going over the project documents.

“I brought you some ginger ale made by Nana Amara.” Heather pushed the tall glass of ginger ale made for her by the village healer.

“Thanks,” Barb said, taking a seat in front of Heather and sipping the cool drink. “It really does settle my stomach.”

“How did your call with Zac go?” Heather looked at Barb .

“We got cut off,” Barb answered. “The good news is that Zac is thinking of taking Giles up on his offer to be the head of security for the Holland Corporation.”

“That’s awesome,” Heather said, genuinely pleased before her eyes narrowed. “Why do I feel there's a but in there somewhere?”

“Zac is helping his brother Liam with something, so he can only get back in two weeks.” Barb sighed, drinking a bit more ginger ale. “I miss him so much.”

“I can only imagine,” Heather replied. “We miss him too.” She frowned. “Did you tell him the news?”

“I was about to, but the connection dropped.” Barb shook her head.

Heather’s hand reached over the desk and took Barb’s, giving it a supportive squeeze. “Maybe it’s best to tell him in person when he’s here in two weeks.”

“Yeah,” Barb agreed, her heart lifting, thinking of him getting back in two weeks. “I agree. ”

“It will be a wonderful welcome back surprise,” Heather encouraged and looked at her wristwatch. “We’d better start locking up. It’s nearly dinner time.”

Barb nodded, and ten minutes later, the Jeep bounced along the uneven gravel road toward the large house they shared in the village. Hours later, when Barb settled into bed, she rechecked her phone, waiting for the familiar goodnight message from Zac, but it didn’t come. She fell into a restless sleep, unable to shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

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