Reunion at Mistletoe Lodge (Sweet Colorado Romance #3) 13. CHAPTER 13 72%
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13. CHAPTER 13



“Well, that was a little frosty,” Paige said, frowning at her brother. “She didn’t even let me introduce myself.”

“I guess Barb was in a hurry to meet her new friend.” Zac’s eyes narrowed as she turned to see who Barb was walking to.

“Who is he?” Paige asked.

“Charlotte’s pediatrician,” Zac answered.

“Are you sure?” Paige asked. “Because he seems awfully friendly with your wife.”

“According to Barb, I’m her soon-to-be ex-husband,” Zac said through gritted teeth.

“Oh!” Paige’s eyes widened. “Are the papers she mentioned the divorce ones?”

“Yes,” Zack said, biting down his anger and jealousy as he watched Barb greet the little boy with the doctor. “Patrick was supposed to get them delayed.”

“Well, we all know that Patrick was a traitor.” Paige’s eyes darkened with anger.

“I think we’d all have acted like he had if they threatened our families,” Zac defended Patrick. “Professor Jackson is locating Patrick’s sister and niece. Once they’re safe, Patrick will help us get Sally and David Bradley.”

“I don’t want to talk about those horrible people,” Paige hissed. “It’s Christmas, and this year we’re going to spend it together.” She glanced at where Zac was staring. He saw her eyes widen as another two kids joined them. “Is that Oscar?”

“Yes.” Zac nodded .

“He looks just like…” Paige said in disbelief, glancing at her brother again. “Does he know you’re here?”

“He does now,” Zac told her with a sigh. “I think I just angered Barb more as I walked in on her explaining me being here to him.”

“What do you mean?” Paige looked at him curiously.

“I saw Oscar and Barb sitting at the table when I walked out from the bathroom on the way back to the limo.” Zac’s heart thudded against his rib cage, and his hands clenched at his side as he watched helplessly while Barb, Oscar, Rose, the other little boy, and the doctor turned and walked out of the lodge. “I just wanted to say hello. I didn’t realize Barb hadn’t yet had a chance to speak to Oscar about me, which is what I walked in on.”

“And at no point when you heard what she was telling Oscar did you think about aborting the mission and silently slinking away?” Paige’s voice resonated with annoyance as she glared at her brother. “Are you trying to make this operation as hard as possible for us?”

Zac shook his head. “When it comes to Barb and my kids…” He swallowed. “It seems my heart gets to rule over all other thoughts.”

“You seemed to be doing fine when you were pretending to be Liam,” Paige pointed out.

“Right up until I saw them again,” Zac admitted. “To be honest, when I went over to see Barb earlier before Liam came by to tell us his memories had returned, I was about to confess everything to her.”

“ Everything ?” Paige’s eyebrows rose. “Even about Oscar?”

Zac rubbed his face and blew out a breath. “ Everything !”

“Let’s keep the Oscar revelation to ourselves for now,” Paige advised, “and concentrate on winning back the love of your life before Doctor Hunk steals her away.”

“Thank you for making me feel so much better about my wife disappearing with the man,” Zac told Paige.

“That’s what I’m here for, big brother.” Paige grinned. “That, and to save you from yourself.” She pulled him. “Now come on, we’re going to Denver to give our statements against Patrick. I’ll introduce you to someone who could be an ace up our sleeve.”

“Since when do you use poker terms?” Zac glanced at his sister as she led the way out of the lodge.

As they were climbing into the limo to join Courtney and Liam, Priscilla appeared.

“Hello,” Priscilla greeted them. She had a large envelope in her hands. “I hear everything’s started to return to normal?”

“Almost everything,” Paige said before Zac could.

“That’s good to know,” Priscilla said and looked at Zac, then leaned into the limo to greet Liam. “Hello, Liam, welcome back. ”

“Thanks, Priscilla,” Liam greeted her back.

“Would you mind if I had a moment with Zac, please,” Priscilla asked.

“Sure,” Paige said, shrugging. “It’s not like we don’t have to be in Denver in a few hours to speak to the FBI or anything.”

“Don’t be sassy, young lady.” Priscilla raised an eyebrow. “Or I might retract my offer of Giles’s helicopter.”

“Helicopter?” Paige’s face went white. “No, we’re good getting to Denver late.” She slid into the limo.

“She doesn’t like flying,” Zac explained.

“I know.” Priscilla grinned, walking away from the waiting limo. “Patrick asked me to give this to you before he was hauled away by the FBI an hour ago.”

“What is it?” Zac asked, eyeing her curiously.

“Open it,” Pricilla ordered.

Zac pulled the documents from the envelope and looked at Priscilla in amazement. “How…”

“I guess he tried to make up for his betrayal in various ways,” Priscilla said. “He managed to intercept them when you were at the hospital. When he got back to the lodge, he gave them to me to look over as yours and your brother’s attorney.”

“And?” Zac looked at her curiously.

“It’s quite brutal,” Pricilla warned him. “And I know the attorney and she’s the best there is.”

“But you’re better,” Zac said with confidence, glancing over a few lines of the documents, feeling his heart drop to his feet. “I know you’re conflicted with this, but I need your help, Priscilla, please!”

“You’re lucky that I saw the way Oscar looked at you,” Priscilla told him. “I also saw the way you looked at both of them, and I’ve decided to help your family get you back together with Barb. ”

“Really?” Zac looked at her in disbelief. “I think your family is going to object to that.”

“Leave my family to me,” Priscilla told him, holding out her hand for the documents. “I’ll bury these for as long as I can.”

“Thank you,” Zac smiled at her, feeling hope seep into his heart as he handed the documents back to her. “Out of interest, how long do you think you can bury those documents?”

“A week, maybe two or three.” Priscilla shrugged. “As long as they don’t arrive, we can all enjoy the festive season without it hanging over our heads. So make the most of it.” She looked at him pointedly. “And try to avoid disastrous situations like the one in the living room a few minutes ago. If you want to spend time with your kids, make sure it’s about them and not about emotionally blackmailing their mother.”

“That was not my intention,” Zac assured Priscilla. “I really just wanted to see my son again.”

“Oh, speaking of that,” Priscilla said before reaching over and yanking out a few strands of his hair by the root.

“What the heck, Priscilla!” Zac hissed, rubbing his scalp. “Good grief. What was that for?”

“If Barb still wants to go forward with the divorce after Christmas, we need proof that both Charlotte and Oscar are your biological children!” Priscilla pulled a small bag from his pocket and dropped Zac's hair into it.

“What?” Zac spluttered, looking at her wide-eyed. “How did you…”

“Barb’s uncle gave me Trevor’s will to look over,” Pricilla surprised Zac even more by saying. “Before you ask, I didn’t know that Trevor was still alive, but Liam asked me to help Barb’s uncle by handling Trevor’s will. There was a letter addressed to me explaining the pact he and Barb had about having children. If Barb pursued their pact and the child ever needed his biological father for medical reasons, he explained what he and you had done.”

“I was young, and I never thought it would happen,” Zac defended his actions. “Then, when I realized Barb was pregnant…” He ran a hand through his hair. “At first, I thought maybe there was a chance it was actually Trevor’s…”

“So you left it,” Pricilla guessed. “Let Barb be comforted by knowing she had the love of her life’s child to console her after Trevor’s death.” She gave him a warm smile. “I’m not judging you, Zac. What you did was very noble. Not many people could do what you did. But you also owe Barb the truth—especially now you’re married and have a daughter together as well.”

“I’m beginning to think that while it’s noble of my family to want to help me win Barb back,” he sighed and rubbed his temples, “this is just one more huge lie and reason for her to hate me.”

“I doubt she hates you,” Priscilla assured him. “But Barb is hurt and feeling betrayed. While you’ll never be able to erase what you’ve done, you can start making up for it by cleaning the slate and starting again.”

“Which I want to do,” Zac told her and sighed again, glancing past her. “But I’m afraid she’s caught the attention of Doctor Charming. ”

“I call that incentive, dear boy,” Priscilla told him with a smile. “It will keep you on your toes, but just remember, play fair, and respect Barb’s boundaries.”

“Thanks, Priscilla,” Zac said. “I appreciate everything.”

“Don’t make me regret this,” Pricilla warned him, holding up the envelope. “Or I might just change sides.”

“Noted.” Zac laughed, glancing at his wristwatch. “We’d better get moving.”

“And you’d better give your brother's wristwatch back as well,” Pricilla reminded him. “It’s his pride and joy.”

“I was thinking of hanging onto it a bit longer.” Zac grinned. “It’s an awesome watch, and I figured he owes me it.”

“I’ll keep a tree and some decorations for you,” Priscilla offered .

“I would appreciate that,” Zac told her. “Are there rules to this competition? Can we buy our decorations as well?”

“You may, but they have to be donated to the children's hospital after the season for next year, and there’s a spending limit on them,” Pricilla answered. “I’ll message you the rules.”

“Great,” Zac said, starting to walk back toward the limo, his heart feeling a lot lighter as a few snowflakes began to fall.

Eight hours later, they were back at Mistletoe Lodge. Zac had wanted to stay in Denver for the night and get back the following day, but his sister insisted they get back to Frisco.

It was early evening, and the lodge was buzzing with activity. As they pulled up to the front of the main lodge, Zac saw Emily, Rose, Oscar, and the child who had been with Doctor Reece through the living room window. They were laughing and decorating a big tree that was now dominating the middle window.

“Looks like the fun has begun,” Paige commented as they piled out of the big car.

“I have a headache,” Liam admitted. “I think I’m going to go to the chalet, order some food, and go to bed.”

“I’ll come with you,” Courtney said.

They looked at Zac and Paige. “Let’s go offer to help,” Paige suggested to Zac with a sly grin. “You can start to mend bridges with the Carlisle family.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m the last person they want help from,” Zac pointed out.

“But we’re going anyway,” Paige stated, linking her arm through her brothers and looking at Liam. “We’ll see you later, other big brother.” She glanced at Courtney. “Take care of him.”

“Will do,” Courtney nodded.

“I’ll get all your parcels back to the lodge,” Herschel offered .

“That leaves you and me, Zac,” Paige grinned, dragging him into the lodge. “If nothing else, we can have dinner.”

“Do you ever not think about eating?” he asked his sister.

“Yes,” Paige nodded as they walked into the warm foyer. “When I’m working.”

“Figures,” Zac said with a sigh.

They walked into the living room and were surprised to find guests scattered throughout the room. They were making Christmas decorations.

“Hello, Zac, Paige,” Priscilla greeted them. “Have you come to join in and help make Christmas decorations?”

“Yes, we have,” Paige answered before Zac could. “Point us in the direction.” She shrugged off her coat.

“Okay, well, we need to paint the baubles.” Priscilla took them to the far side of the room.

Zac’s heart leaped in his chest when he saw Barb laughing as she instructed a group of women on how to mix colors.

“Uh…” Zac looked at Priscilla. “I think I should be helping with the lights on that huge tree outside.

“Oh, now,” Priscilla said with a knowing smile, “there are too many men working on that already. We need some men here to help with the artwork.” She walked forward. “Barb, I’ve found a new recruit for you.”

Barb’s smile froze on her face as she glanced around and saw Zac.

“We’ve got enough people, thank you, Priscilla,” Barb said rather frostily. “I’m sure Avery could use some help with stringing the popcorn.”

“Nonsense,” Priscilla tutted. “Zac, you can help Barb.” She linked her arm through Paiges. “And you, my dear, can come help me.” She lowered her voice. “We need to come up with a plan to help your brother. ”

“I agree,” Paige said, smiling at Barb as she and Priscilla turned to leave. “Good luck, big brother. Have fun.”

Zac watched them leave and turned to Barb. He took a breath and shrugged out of his coat, hanging it over the back of the chair directly in front of Barb. “How can I help?”

“By being somewhere else!” Barb suggested sweetly.

“Oh, Priscilla is calling us,” Julie, the one woman at the table, said. “There’s some sort of knitting emergency?” She looked at the other four women helping Barb. “I’m sorry, Barb, but we have to go. Are you going to be okay here?”

“What knitting emergency?” Barb frowned. “What is Priscilla knitting?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Apparently, we’re knitting wooly hats,” Julie read the text message. “She needs them in two days.”

“Great,” Barb said, nodding, her eyes catching Priscilla’s from across the room. She smiled at Barb before turning to instruct her staff on where to position a table for her new group of knitting recruits. “Did you set this up?”

“No,” Zac said, shaking his head, thinking that was not subtle of Priscilla at all. “I was drawn into this by my sister.”

“Sister?” Barb looked at him with a frown.

He turned and pointed to Paige, who was helping Priscilla organize the knitting group she’d just stolen from Barb. “Yes, she’s the one helping Priscilla steal your painting crew.”

He saw the surprise reflect in Barb’s eyes. “That’s your sister?” She pointed to Paige.

“Yes,” Zac said with a nod and grinned. “Can’t you see the family resemblance?”

He saw Barb look from Zac to Paige. “Not really.”

“We have the same color eyes and hair,” Zac pointed out, smiling .

“Why are you here, Zac?” Barb asked him, putting the bauble she was painting down.

“To help you paint baubles,” Zac told her, eyeing the ones that had already been done. “And by the look of it, you could use my help.” He picked up one. “I know Christmas decoration making is all about the fun…” He gave his head a shake. “But what on earth?” He turned the picture toward her. It was a purple blob with a bit of green sticking up from its center.

He saw a flash of amusement in Barb’s eyes before she schooled her emotions. “It’s a plum.”

Zac’s brows shot up, and he looked at the blob again. “Seriously?” He turned it around. “Oh! Right. So it’s abstract art, then?”

“I guess,” Barb said, biting her lip, trying not to smile. “The ladies were trying really hard.”

“Well, let’s hope they knit better than they paint!” Zac rolled his eyes, put the bauble down, rolled up his sleeves, chose a brush bauble, and started to paint. “What are you painting?”

“Just a reindeer,” Barb told him.

“Can I see?” Zac asked. Barb turned it to him. “Oh wow. I didn’t know you were so good with art.”

“There’s a lot we don’t know about each other,” Barb told him bitingly. “Are you and your family leaving now that Liam has regained his memory?”

Barb didn’t meet his eyes when she asked, and she stared at the bauble she was painting.

“No,” Zac told her, and Barb’s eyes flew to his. “My sister and brother want to stick around for the Christmas ball.”

“Why?” Barb asked, her face falling as she stared at him.

“We’ve already paid up to the first week of the new year,” Zac answered with a shrug, his eyes holding hers. “ And I would really like to get to know my daughter and spend some time with Oscar.”

“No!” Barb hissed, putting down the bauble and shoving her paintbrush into the jar of water. “No. That’s not going to happen.”

“Barb,” Zac said, “you and I need to talk about us and the kids.”

Her eyes widened as she stared at Zac in disbelief. “Us?” Barb’s words were laced with bitterness. “There is not us anymore, Zac. I don’t think it really ever was. We were two lonely people in the middle of Africa, and we just got carried away.”

“What?” Zac’s heart stopped for a few seconds as he held his breath while her words sank in. Is that really how Barb feels or what she thinks? “That is not what happened. I love you, Barb. More than anything in the world. You, Oscar, and Charlotte mean everything to me.”

Barb stared at him as if he’d grown two heads for a few seconds, and he noticed her cheeks were slightly flushed as her eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare talk about love to me!” Her eyes blazed with a mix of anger and hurt as she met Zac’s gaze. "If you really loved me, Zac, you would never have just ghosted us like that. You would have found a way to let me know what was happening. Instead, you left me, left Oscar, and never even bothered to check the messages I sent you. You didn’t even know I was carrying our child."

Zac winced at her words, the pain evident in his eyes. "Barb, I was protecting you and Oscar. I thought it was some of your uncle’s men who had tried to kill Liam. I couldn’t risk them knowing where you were. The safest thing I could do was stay away and keep you out of it. If they had found out about you, about Oscar, they would have used you to get to me."

Barb shook her head, her voice trembling with emotion. "But you didn’t protect us, Zac. You abandoned us. You know Oscar never gave up on you. Every night, he’d tell me that he’s sure Dad is on some secret mission that he can’t tell us about.” She shook her head. “You know, I didn’t even know you had a sister until we were on our way back from the hospital.” He saw her look across the room. “I saw a photo of her on your arm in a newspaper. Do you know what I thought when I saw that?”

“Barb…” Zac said, putting the bauble and paintbrush down.

“I don’t even know who your family is because you never bothered to tell me anything.” He heard the wobble in her voice. “I was your wife, Zac. I’m supposed to know who your family is.” She swallowed, and he could see her fighting for control. “I don’t even know who you are.”

Zac reached out, but Barb pulled back, creating a distance that felt like a chasm between them. "Barb, you know me better than anyone. It’s not about my life or the things I didn’t tell you.” His eyes searched her. “Barb, you know better than anyone because you know my heart.”

Tears welled up in Barb’s eyes as she looked at Zac, her voice breaking. "And you broke mine. You shattered it, Zac. I loved you, I trusted you, and you left me when I needed you the most.” She sniffed. “But even worse for me is that you broke my son’s heart and that I will never forgive you for.”

Zac’s face was a mask of regret as he whispered, "Barb, I…” He felt a lump that felt like barbed wire lodged in his throat. His voice grew hoarse. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think there was another way. I was miles from you and Oscar. If what happened to Liam was connected to your uncle and they found the two of you…”

Barb shook her head, standing up from the table, her voice thick with tears. "If you cared, you would have found a way to let me know, Zac. But you didn’t. You just let us think you’d disappeared.” She stared at him for a few minutes. “How did you think this was all going to end?” She glanced around. “When your brother got his memories back, and you found what you were looking for. What then?” She tilted her head slightly. “You just come back to us and expect everything to be okay?”

“Barb,” Zac started to say but slumped back in his chair. In truth, he hadn’t thought it through.

As soon as Liam got shot and his most trusted man killed, Zac’s first thought was that it was Jason Pook sending a message to Zac. He couldn’t let anyone know where Barb and Oscar were, so when Courtney suggested he become Liam… he’d done it without hesitation.

“I’m so sorry,” Zac’s voice dropped. “I was so afraid when Liam got shot. The only way I could see how to protect you, Oscar, and my brother was to assume the role of Liam.” He ran a hand through his hair. “All I wanted to do was protect my family.”

“No matter the cost.” Barb’s voice was low and filled with bitterness. “And what a heck of a cost it was.” She rubbed her temple, and her cheeks looked more flushed than before. “I have a headache. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

“Barb,” Zac said, grabbing her hand. “Please, can we talk? I know what I did may sound crazy to you, but to me…”

Barb snatched her hand away and stood. His eyes widened in alarm as she swayed and gripped the table before stabilizing.

“Are you okay?” Zac sprung to his feet.

“I’m fine,” Barb snapped. “I just got up too quickly. ”

“You look a little flushed,” Zac commented.

“Do you blame me?” Her eyes blazed at him.

Zac and Barb stared at each other for a few moments. Then, without another word, Barb turned and walked away, leaving Zac standing alone at the table, the weight of her words pressing down on him like a thousand stones. He watched her go, feeling helpless to stop her as she walked away with his splintering heart in her hands.

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