“Such a good boy.”
Wallace let his eyes fall shut, his whole focus on the sensuous, heavy feeling of Volt’s thumb on his tongue.
It was the single sexiest moment of his life, and he still couldn’t believe it was happening to him.
Volt’s wide palm cupped his jaw, making him feel precious. Tiny. Adored.
He knew it was all in his head, some magical sexbot talent that Volt must have for figuring out exactly what Wallace hadn’t even known he wanted, then somehow giving it to him.
Well, not magical obviously. More like algorithmically refined for maximum efficiency in reading and responding to human cues. Or maybe it was a skill that Volt had honed in his line of work.
But even knowing that it wasn’t real, Wallace was pathetic enough to want it anyway.
It just felt so good . He could feel Volt’s thick thighs beneath his own. Volt’s naked, muscular arm around his back. And god, that glorious chest. He felt like he could feel every muscle through his thin collared shirt.
And a little lower down… there was definitely something stiff and full pressing against his hip, making him want to whimper with need.
Wallace’s mind played tricks on him. Was Volt truly aroused, or just programmed to appear that way? Could the ridiculously handsome spark actually feel arousal? For Wallace?
It was so tempting to imagine that the bulge was just for him. That all of Volt’s pretty words were true, and that Wallace had pleased him just by sucking on that thick, wonderful thumb that was filling up his mouth.
Volt’s fingers feathered through Wallace’s hair, sending shivers all through his body.
And worse, a moan that slipped past Wallace’s lips.
His eyes flew open even as he cringed.
They’d literally done nothing sexual, and Wallace was moaning like he was getting a blowjob. Of course Volt wouldn’t be getting a stiffy over something stupid like this.
But all he could see in Volt’s eyes was kindness and a little concern. “What happened, baby boy?”
It shouldn’t have happened, but Wallace’s heart fluttered. There was just something about those two words together. Baby sounded sexy and boyfriend-y and boy made him feel small and cute. When you put them both together, it was like they multiplied those things and then added this extra layer that made him feel tiny and adored all over again.
Wallace knew it was stupid, but he was already greedy to hear it again.
And he realized he hadn’t answered the question.
But Volt didn’t seem bothered by this. Maybe the thumb in his mouth meant he didn’t have to speak?
Volt started talking, his voice at a low rumble. “Let me share some of my thoughts, and you can tell me if they make sense for you.”
Wallace nodded. That was so much better than having to put words to all of his tangled up twisted feelings.
“You’re doubting whether anything that you’re experiencing now is real. Maybe because you’re paying to be here, and maybe because I’m a sexbot, even though I’m a spark.”
Wallace tried to apologize with his eyes, but he still nodded. How the hell had Volt known that?
“It’s a fairly common reaction,” Volt continued, proving that he was an actual mind reader. “Some people like to think of coming here as similar to getting a manicure or a massage. They’re paying for a service that makes them feel pampered. It’s a little taste of luxury.”
Wallace could understand that, but it still felt so much colder than what he wanted to imagine.
“Some people come here to meet a physical need. Some, because they’re looking for something that they can’t get elsewhere in their lives. Some just because it’s fun.”
Wallace knew which one he was—too pathetic to have an actual relationship and wishing he could simulate it here.
“Some come here looking for an emotional connection as well as a physical one. Those are some of the trickiest to navigate, but also some of the most beautiful.”
Wallace blinked. Was that even possible?
“Any connection we have will always be limited. Something that stays within these four walls. But there are ways to have a deep and meaningful connection within those constraints, whether it’s sexual, conversational, or kinky.”
Wallace could feel his eyes widening. He was still wary of handcuffs and whips, but the promise of what could be at the other end…
Volt chuckled, but it was a gentle sound, one meant to include Wallace. “I see that idea has your interest. Have you ever done anything kinky?”
Wallace shook his head, but slowly, so as not to dislodge Volt’s thick thumb that was… oh, god, kind of stroking his tongue.
There was no way it should have felt that good.
“Do you think you’d like to try it, sweet boy?”
Wallace didn’t know what to answer. Yes? If it felt like this? If it meant Volt would keep holding him and calling him all of those beautiful pet names?
Volt hummed his approval. “Let me tell you a little bit about it. A lot of people think that kink is all about pain and control. And those can definitely be part of it. Maybe even a large part for some people. But I see it as being about trust. Exploring things that might embarrass or scare you, while knowing that you’ll be safe the entire time.”
That sounded amazing.
And like a good description of what was happening right now. Wallace was downright fucking terrified of the fact that he was sitting in another man’s lap, sucking on his thumb of all things.
But it felt safe and quiet and sweet, too. Like when he was ready, he could let himself relax here. Like Volt would keep him safe.
“Is that what you like?” he asked, the words coming out garbled around that wide thumb that was still stroking his tongue.
He knew it shouldn’t matter—he was paying for this experience—but it did.
If Volt didn’t want this, if he didn’t mean it, there was no way Wallace could go through with it.
“I relish it,” Volt told him. “As you might have guessed, I’m a Dom.”
Wallace snorted. Yes, he’d pretty much figured that out.
“Mmmmm.” Volt hummed again. He seemed to do that when he was pleased, this deep purr of approval that promised dirty things. “There you go, baby boy. You’re getting bolder.”
Wallace wasn’t getting bolder at all! He was still terrified.
But… maybe a little less now. It kept surprising him that Volt seemed to be pleased with him.
“Sorry,” Wallace apologized, as well as he could with his mouth still full. “I just didn’t realize that…”
“That I had my own preferences? I do. There are things that I’m interested in, and some things that I’m not. And since I’m a spark and not a mindless sexbot, there are some things that I won’t do. But if you were interested in exploring anything that’s a hard limit for me, I could suggest you to another bot that would.”
Wallace felt a little stupid now. He’d kind of figured that since he was paying for sex—or paying for an hour of Volt’s time, which he swore was all that he’d been planning on—that, well, he was kind of in control as the customer. And maybe he would have been if he’d chosen a bot.
But he’d somehow got all of his plans turned around and asked for a spark. A thinking, feeling person .
“I’ve tried quite a few things,” Volt explained in that deep, hypnotic voice. “But the center of kink for me is that a sub is willing to make himself vulnerable to me. To let me push his limits, confident that I’m going to catch him every time he falls, and put him back together every time I break him apart. That I will be there, taking care of him, making him the center of my world, every step of the way.”
Something wet swelled up and sparkled in the corner of Wallace’s eyes, but he ignored it, sucking harder on Volt’s thumb. That sounded… God, it sounded like everything he’d ever wanted in his whole life and didn’t know he could have.
Wallace knew he wasn’t relationship material, but if he could have that for just a few hours, pre-negotiated and guaranteed, just by making a reservation…
It might not fulfill all of his fantasies of having someone to come home to—of one day proposing marriage to someone who would leap for joy at the thought of being his and not just because marrying a Wollencroft would make them instantly rich—but it was a hell of a lot closer than anything else he was likely to get.
“The other main aspect of kink,” Volt continued, fingers still lightly tangled in Wallace’s hair, “is the Dom-sub dynamic.”
Wallace tensed. This sounded like the floggers and kneeling-on-the-floor part, and he wasn’t sure how much he’d enjoy any of those.
Well, maybe the kneeling part. If it were Volt and if it felt kind of like this. But not the rest of it.
Would it be worth it, though, if this was his reward afterward? What would he endure for the heady sensation of Volt’s arms around him, just like this?
Volt just kept stroking his hair, his voice soothing and warm. “Whatever you’re thinking, that’s probably not it. Kink is a dance between the partners. A sub might want to please his Dom and obey his commands, but to get there, the sub first outlines the commands that he’d be willing to follow. And the sub always has the power to stop a scene if something doesn’t feel right. Does that sound like something you’d enjoy?”
This time, it sounded like Volt really did expect an answer. Only Wallace, as usual, didn’t have one ready.
“Take your time,” Volt encouraged. “I want you to think about this, and ask questions if you need to.”
How did Volt always know what to say? He seriously had to be psychic.
Well, more likely he was programmed to read biological reactions like heart rate increases and body temp and pupil dilation… But it still worked, didn’t it? Volt was innately good at all of those little human things that Wallace always screwed up.
And it left Wallace calmer than he ever would have expected to be. Did he want to please Volt? Yes. Absolutely. Did he want to obey him? Well, as long as Volt was only asking him to do things he liked… Then yes to that, too.
It seemed heavenly.
In fact, he was pretty sure he’d been waiting his whole life for someone to take the burden of decisions away from him, but still respect and care for him while it was happening.
That just left one more thing, and he pulled back enough that Volt’s thumb left his mouth. “What are the things I would have to agree to?”
Volt’s eyes crinkled with his smile, like he was truly delighted, so Wallace hurried to add, “I mean, I probably wouldn’t like a lot of stuff.”
He hadn’t been living under a rock. He’d seen the staggering list of kinks that Ben Curran had included in his proposal, and the ones Wallace might be willing to do were barely a handful. Volt, with all of his experience, had likely tried all of them.
Which probably made Wallace vanilla. He knew just enough about kink to know what that meant—and that it probably described him perfectly.
He was already a failure at this. Volt would be disappointed.
But Volt just smiled, returning his thumb to Wallace’s mouth and stroking his cheek. “It’s not about how many things you can check off on a list. It’s a mindset.”
Then he looked at Wallace so deeply that he thought he would get lost in those emerald eyes. They both had little gold flecks in them, more on the right, but really it was the expression of care and desire that had Wallace practically floating.
He finally opened his mouth, his words garbled around Volt’s thumb. “Do you think I’m submissive?”
To his father, that would have been the worst thing imaginable. To not just be chubby, awkward, and gay, but to be the submissive one. To take it from another man.
Imagining his father’s reaction made him feel almost physically sick.
Volt cupped his head, cradling the back of his neck. “That’s for you to decide. But if this feels right to you, then you might be. You’ve already shown me so much trust and vulnerability. Not many men would have the courage and honesty to do what you’re doing. And you do it so well, baby boy. That’s sexy.”
Wallace wanted to both melt under the praise and completely disagree. Volt was pouring on all of these words about trust and courage and… there was no fucking way that was true. Not about Wallace . He was just sitting there, doing nothing, teetering between embarrassment, fear, and raging arousal.
Though if he turned it over in his head… He’d shown more vulnerability and trust to Volt than to anyone in his life, and he didn’t even know how that had happened.
It didn’t seem like any of that should be sexy—more like pathetic—but maybe to a Dom, all of those traits that he hated about himself were actually good things? It seemed too fantastical to be true.
But god, there was no denying that a part of him he usually tried to pretend didn’t exist desperately wanted it to be.
“How about this?” Volt asked, stroking his thumb over Wallace’s his bottom lip. “I’ll name three things for today, and you tell me if you’re interested, unsure but willing to try it, or completely uninterested. That’s all we need to worry about right now. If you come back again, I’ll ask about three more things.”
Ah, that sounded very manageable. He liked that there was a number, making it predictable and safe. And if Volt was already mentioning him coming back… Oh, he already knew he would.
“Alright,” he agreed, glad that his voice came out strong. He was still nervous about what the things would be, but his excitement was starting to overtake the nerves. With Volt, all of the kinky possibilities that had seemed so terrifying when he’d been, uh, researching Ben’s project seemed safer, somehow.
Volt smiled at him. “Perfect. Here’s number one. I’d like to touch your body.”
Wallace raised his eyebrows. Not because he wasn’t dying to have Volt do exactly that, but because of the way he said it. He hadn’t just asked for permission. Volt said he would like to touch Wallace’s body. It was unfathomable.
And he suddenly wanted it more than air. “Um, yes. Okay.”
Wallace’s cheeks burned. “Y-Y-Yeah.”
Volt gave him another smile. One that looked sincere. Sweet. Proud .
“Good boy. You’re doing so well already, not because you agreed but because you’re thinking about what you want and telling me. And if you say no to something, that’s just as good as saying yes. Understood?”
“Yes.” Hell, Volt just made it so easy . Maybe Wallace wouldn’t have such a hard time sharing his thoughts and preferences in the rest of his life if they were always accepted and valued.
“Then here’s number two. I’d like to see you naked.”
Wallace scrunched his eyes until they were almost closed. “Um, maybe? Like, I don’t…” I don’t want you to see how fat I am. I don’t want you to see all the red lines where my clothes dig into my skin. I don’t want you to laugh at me.
Volt pressed a fingertip to Wallace’s lips. “Good boy. That’s called a soft limit. You don’t have to explain it to me unless you want to. We can work up to it, and I’ll know that moving toward that requires a lot of trust and vulnerability on your part. It will please me when you’re ready to try it, but I won’t be disappointed if you don’t.”
Wallace felt himself slowly relax. He could… kind of see how that would work. It wasn’t really about his body. It was about doing something he wasn’t quite sure about because Volt wanted it.
That was heady stuff.
“Ready for number three?” At Wallace’s nod, Volt went on. “I’d like to make you come.”
“That’s not kinky at all!” Wallace was so shocked that he’d shouted, and then covered his mouth.
Volt gave that rumbling chuckle that somehow expressed how cute and funny he seemed to find Wallace instead of making him feel bad. “It’s absolutely still kinky. Because I would be in charge, and you would obey me.”
“Ohhhh…” Somehow he hadn’t put that all together. Of course. A hot flush went through his body. “Er, so what should I…”
Volt dragged his thumb over Wallace’s lips, answering the question Wallace hadn’t been able to get out. Understanding him perfectly, even when Wallace wasn’t sure he understood himself.
“You should be a good boy and do what I tell you.”
The words, that tingling touch… It was like electricity shooting through him. Volt was hardly even touching him, and he already felt like he might explode from pure, unexpected pleasure.
“Okay,” he said shyly.
Volt used his wide hands to turn Wallace’s head and Wallace just… let himself be turned. Allowed himself to be manhandled and positioned where Volt wanted him. It was hot as fuck, and freeing in a way sex never was for him.
Volt pressed Wallace’s face to his chest. Wallace could smell something sweet and musky, a scented oil maybe, that still registered in his mind as masculine and human. Was it embedded in Volt’s skin? Something he applied each day? Either way, it was something he wanted to pull into himself and memorize. Maybe even drown in.
And then, there was the texture of his chest. Warmth that mingled with the heady scent. Soft skin over hard muscles. Hairless, but lightly textured. Somehow both completely human-feeling, completely real , but also… more.
Then Volt pressed Wallace’s lips right up to his nipple.
Oh, god, that nipple .
He hadn’t even known that he had a thing for nipples, but it was just so… masculine. And yet pert. Thick. Enticing. Beautiful.
And just begging for him to…
Wallace bit back a moan. God, yes. He wanted that more than anything. The chance to touch this exquisitely handsome man. The opportunity to, perhaps, bring him pleasure. To please him by obeying.
He parted his lips and feasted with his tongue, circling the raised nub and wetting it with his mouth.
His eyes fluttered closed. It was better than he’d even imagined. Nothing at all like a woman’s soft boobs. No, Volt was all hard muscle, but with this luxuriously full male nipple that Wallace couldn’t get enough of.
Volt groaned, the sound so deep in his chest that Wallace could feel as well as hear it.
“That’s right,” Volt urged, his voice deepening. “Sweet boys who worry too much need to keep their mouths busy.”
Wallace let the words wash over him. He was a sweet boy. He didn’t need to worry. He was pleasing his… Dom. Yeah, his Dom. Volt was his Dom, and he was pleasing him. He knew he was, because Volt told him so.
For the longest time, Volt just stroked his hair and held him, making little grunts and hums when Wallace did something different with his tongue.
Wallace hardly noticed when Volt’s hands drifted from his head to his back, then from his back to his belly.
Or rather, his whole body was attuned to everywhere that Volt was touching him, but for some reason, he didn’t feel the usual anxiety and shame that accompanied his past forays into sex. He somehow felt both calm and aroused at the very same time.
He started to hum and moan himself when Volt massaged his shoulders or scratched down his back with his fingernails. He panted when Volt ran feather-light fingers over his shirt.
He wished that he could feel everything. That his shirt wasn’t between them.
Not that he was bold enough to take it off. But he thought that, maybe, if Volt opened his buttons and then slid it off his shoulders, he wouldn’t object at all.
Volt had his own ideas, though, gently tugging Wallace’s shirt out from his slacks until it was rucked up around his waist.
Volt’s hand slid up under his shirt, and it was glorious… but Wallace still made a noise of protest. What would someone as perfect as Volt think of his saggy, out-of-shape belly?
But Volt just pressed Wallace’s face closer to his chest. “Shhhh, little creampuff. You promised to let me touch you. And I really want to enjoy you right now. Do you want me to stop?”
No, he really didn’t.
And he was starting to like the name creampuff , since Volt said it with such adoration. Like his squishy belly was something to savor and enjoy.
Wallace shook his head just a little, and concentrated on sucking. Licking. Pulling the warm, pebbled flesh as deep into his mouth as he could and feasting on it.
“Thank you, sweet boy.” Volt’s hands traveled up and down his belly, caressing and squeezing. “You’re doing so good. You please me very much.”
Wallace whimpered. He was contributing almost nothing. Not sexually. But knowing that he was pleasing Volt was still more arousing than all the rest of his previous experiences put together.
Volt’s hand drifted lower, skimming over Wallace’s cock. “Let’s see what little treat you have for me here…”
Wallace’s hips bucked up. Oh god. The touch was so light it was barely there… and it had him ready to explode.
Some distant part of his mind wondered about the word little, like he should take offense at the implication about the size of his dick. Which was kind of small, actually. But he already knew that Volt didn’t mean it that way.
Even better, it felt like if Volt had been commenting on his dick size, it wouldn’t have been derogatory.
Volt was simply treasuring him and enjoying him. Wallace’s cock was “a little treat” because in this beautiful world Volt was building around him, Wallace was small and cute and adored.
Volt finally slid his zipper down, and Wallace gasped against the nipple in his mouth, lust racing through him so fast it had his cock jerking against Volt’s fingers.
Volt chuckled, sounding pleased, and teased him further, brushing fingertips over his straining erection over the top of his boxers before finally sliding his warm hand through the gap.
Wallace whimpered, squeezing his eyes closed as his hands clenched, clinging on to Volt wherever he could reach. His warm shoulders. His solid waist. His acres and acres of smooth, beautiful skin.
“Mmmm… Do you like that baby boy?” Volt murmured, stroking languidly while Wallace was in a very real danger of coming right away.
Still, Wallace nodded eagerly. He didn’t just like it. He loved it. He hadn’t known sex could be this good.
One thumb rubbed over his slit, and then the hand withdrew.
He looked up—mouth still fastened to Volt’s chest—to figure out what had happened.
Why was Volt stopping? Were they done? Had Wallace done something wrong?
But… no. Volt was licking his own thumb, his expression glowing with apparent satisfaction. “Delicious,” he murmured. His face was flushed pink, his pupils wide with desire. “I knew you’d have the best cream.”
Wallace could feel himself blushing. It was a terribly corny line. But at the same time, happiness bubbled inside him. It was getting harder and harder to remember that this was a transaction for money when Volt was so visibly enjoying himself.
Volt didn’t have to taste Wallace’s pre-cum. He could have gotten Wallace off a dozen other ways without that. This truly felt like something Volt wanted .
And it broke something open inside him.
Wallace didn’t care about Orbit right now, or researching submissiveness to fulfill his father’s dictate. He simply wanted to give himself over to this experience. Truly give himself over to it. Because real or fake, it felt like Volt actually wanted him… and for once, he didn’t feel like second-guessing that.
Here, for now, in the safety of Volt’s lap, he was going to just allow himself to believe it was true.
“Volt…” he murmured, testing out the shape of the word against Volt’s warm skim as he relaxed against him.
“Mmmm… that’s right, darling boy. I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you.” His wide hand returned to Wallace’s cock and set up a slow rhythm, miraculously slick. “Gonna take such good care of you.”
Wallace felt his hips straining, rising and falling to capture more touch. Where the lube came from was immaterial. All he wanted was less thinking, more feeling. Less doubt, more pleasure. Just… more .
And Volt gave it to him. “So good,” he cooed. “That’s it. Show me what you want.”
“Want you,” Wallace managed to gasp out, pleasure rising so hot and fast inside him that he could barely think.
“Lucky me.” Volt’s voice throbbed with something deep and authentic, as if he were as close to the edge as Wallace felt. “Gonna make you come now.”
Wallace could only nod his head, too lost in sensation for words.
Volt started stroking his cock in earnest, taking him apart with a firm, commanding touch and owning him completely. Murmuring throaty encouragement and letting out soft, whispery grunts as he worked him over, and… and Wallace was certain that the spark was shifting his own hips upward to rub against Wallace’s ass, too.
That was what finally tipped him over the edge. Not just Volt’s hand expertly gliding over his shaft with that perfect, mind blowing twist at the top, but the knowledge that he, pudgy, shy Wallace Wollencroft, had made someone like Volt so aroused that he would rub off against him.
Maybe one day Volt would want to be inside him…
Wallace came with a shout, cum spouting from his dick as his orgasm sparkled through him, zipping out to his fingers and toes. “Volt!” he cried out, the intensity of the pleasure making him lose all inhibition as he fucked himself upward again, and again, and again .
Volt’s hard shaft thrust against the side of his ass, and the pleasure unfurled inside and all around him, until he was left panting and boneless, mind floating in an endless sea of bliss.
Volt rocked a few more times beneath him, releasing his own grunts and groans.
Wallace flickered his eyes open, wanting to glimpse that impossibly gorgeous face again. Had Volt come?
Wallace couldn’t tell, but Volt did look satisfyingly fucked out, his cheeks flushed and his lips parted. He was smiling down at Wallace, like he was everything that he wanted.
Wallace let himself smile back, suddenly feeling very shy.
Now would be the awkward part.
What did you say to a sex worker spark who’d just given you the orgasm of your life and called you his sweet boy… but was now going to kick you out the door so he could move on to his next customer?
Wallace’s stomach curdled. He didn’t want to think of Volt with anyone else.
He’d wanted to believe he was special, but he really wasn’t. Volt’s kindness may have been real, but the rest was all just an illusion.
He moved to slide off Volt’s lap, shame at his own desperate neediness swamping him, but Volt just gripped him tighter.
“Not yet, baby boy.” Soft lips pressed against his forehead. “I’m not done holding you yet.”
Wallace buried his face in Volt’s shoulder. He craved this intimacy more than he could say, but he couldn’t bear for Volt to see him. It seemed too vulnerable, even after all they’d done.
“There we go, creampuff,” Volt murmured, petting him softly until his body instinctively melted against him again. “Just let me hold you.”
Tears leaked down Wallace’s cheeks. He’d long since learned how to cry silently. It was ingrained in him, even though he was all too aware that Volt could feel the twitch of his shoulders and the wetness of Wallace’s tears against his bare skin.
But Volt didn’t ridicule him for it. He only cuddled him closer, running gentle hands over his back in a soothing rhythm that settled his body down like it had been drugged.
Then he tipped Wallace’s head up and tasted his tears, gently kissing them from his cheeks like they were something to be treasured instead of symbols of his shame.
“My perfect baby boy,” Volt whispered, lips moving softly against his face. “So beautiful.”
And despite everything, Wallace felt, just for a moment, like Volt actually meant it.
That, impossibly, it might actually be true.