Rich Kid (The SPARK Files #3) Chapter 8 32%
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Chapter 8


Awareness returned in soft flashes of warmth and comfort. There were arms around him, a soft mechanical whirring where his cheek pressed against a firm chest, and fingers gently toying with his hair.

Mmmm. Daddy smelled so good.

It was such a good dream that Wallace snuggled in a little deeper, pressing into the muscular, naked thigh that was tangled between his legs. He nuzzled his face against that satiny, hairless chest… and was met with a pool of cold drool.

He jerked back with a start.

This wasn’t a dream.


He’d actually fallen asleep, and now he was just laying on Volt’s chest and drooling on him, when the man probably had a million things to do.

Like repeat all of this with his next client.

Wallace couldn’t bear to look at his face.

“Sorry,” he apologized. “I’m so, so, sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

A warm finger pressed against his lips.

And, like the pervert he was, he wanted to lick it, to hold it in his mouth and suckle, even though he was panicking and embarrassed beyond belief.

“Shhhh, baby boy. I wasn’t done holding you yet.”

Wallace’s ear burned, but he let Volt’s strong arms maneuver him back down.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” he said again, softer this time. It felt so good to be held like this. Better, almost, than the sex.

Well… not sex really. A spanking that had been so blisteringly hot that he’d come against Volt’s leg. Just the thought of it had him flushing in embarrassment for a whole different reason, though he already knew he’d replay it in his mind forever.

Volt nuzzled the top of his head, planting a kiss in his unkempt hair. “You were going to deny your Daddy his third request?”

Oh, right. Wallace had forgotten about that. “No, Daddy,” he replied sweetly. Just saying the words made him feel flushed with adoration, even as his cock started to rise. “How long was I asleep?” he asked anyway.

“Thirty-two minutes,” Volt answered easily, his fingers already back in Wallace’s hair.

It was such a spark answer. A human would have said half an hour or pulled out a phone to check, but clearly Volt experienced time differently, his internal clock always running.

Each memory he had must be timestamped, Wallace considered. Or maybe not? How did sparks form memories, anyway? Was it a cataloged infrastructure of video clips? Did they leave themself text files or diagrams with ideas? Or was it something more nebulous than that, a neural network of nodes that were each responsible only to the nodes before and behind them without memory actually held in any recognizable location?

Wallace had never wondered about that before. Well, he’d considered a lot of aspects of generative AI programming as a software engineer, but he’d never thought about it applying to a person.

He’d never been this close to a spark before.

Possible because he’d made a point of avoiding them. Well, he avoided androids, which included some sparks.

Volt was just different somehow. So sexy, but also caring and funny and sweet, that Wallace’s particular fear of bots never took root.

Only now he burned to know how Volt’s memories worked. He wanted to know everything about this man. Yet it still seemed either too intimate or too insensitive to ask. That wasn’t their relationship.

He figured there was one thing he could ask, though. “Why did you want me to take a nap?” It still seemed weird.

Volt chuckled. “Did you already forget your lesson?”

“No, Daddy.” He squirmed, feeling small and adored in the best possible way. “I’m supposed to take care of myself. But I could have napped at home.” He wasn’t sure why he was arguing about this. Well, not arguing, but he didn’t need to keep pushing it.

“Yes, you could have,” Volt agreed easily. “But I wanted you here.”

Wallace’s whole chest lit up. That was why he’d been pushing. Because he wanted to hear Daddy say that. To have someone want him, even if it was just for another half hour.

“A scene doesn’t end when the orgasms are over,” Volt told him, still stroking his hair. “Part of it, a very special part, is the aftercare. That’s where we connect and make sure that we’re both emotionally supported.”

“Both of us?” Wallace questioned. He couldn’t imagine what emotional support Volt needed. He probably did this all day.

“Both of us,” Volt replied firmly. “I enjoy having my little creampuff in my arms. It’s very relaxing for me. It’s like…” He paused, obviously searching for ideas. “It’s like the difference between putting a book down the moment the plot resolves, versus reading all the way through to the epilogue. It’s nice to find out that the hero wins, or the couple gets together or whatever, but the story’s not over yet. There’s still the homecoming. Easing back from the intensity of the experience and letting it settle in before you return to normal life.”

Oh. That made a lot of sense. They’d done that the last time, too, just sat together while Volt held him afterward. “I like this part,” he admitted.

“Me too.”

Wallace let himself relax a little further. He was still aroused, still amazed that someone so, so… well, everything. Gorgeous and charismatic, confident and kinky, just all the things… would enjoy holding someone like him so much.

But it felt really good.

“Is kink like this all the time?” he asked.

Volt shrugged, his shoulder lifting under Wallace’s cheek. “Kink is as different as everyone who participates in it. The only rules are the ones that you make together and stopping at a safeword. Otherwise, the only limit is your own imagination and finding someone who likes the same things that you do.”

“But I think,” Volt continued, squeezing Wallace’s hand where it rested on his chest, “that you need to do more reading and exploration. Figure out what you’re interested in.”

“I like this ,” Wallace told him. What he meant was he liked Volt . He was interested in kink in general, and he’d definitely do some reading. But he wanted to know about his Daddy.

He tried the question again, his voice a little smaller. “Is, um, is Daddy kink always like this?”

Volt chuckled. “I’m afraid the answer to that is still the same. It’s different between each Daddy and his boy. Is the Daddy stern or cuddly? Is the boy sweet or bratty? Does the kink stay in the bedroom, or does it shape the rest of their lives?”

Wallace hoped he was the sweet boy, and he figured Daddy was mostly the cuddly type, despite the lingering ache on his buttocks. He didn’t really care about how anybody else did it. “How can it shape the rest of their lives?” he asked eagerly.

Volt hummed, the rumble of it mixing with the drone of the tiny mechanisms that whirred in his chest. “There are some submissives who want to submit all the time. They find happiness in giving all of their autonomy and choices to their masters, maybe even where they work or if they work at all, and sometimes call themselves slaves. There are others who may submit in some smaller ways in various parts of their lives, or find little checkpoints for a Daddy-boy relationship throughout the day.”

Alright, being a slave sounded like it was too much—as much as Wallace hated everything about being an heir to Orbit industries some days, there was no way he could ever give it up—but the rest of it sounded like heaven.

“How do they do the checkpoints? What does it look like in the everyday way?”

“You like that idea, creampuff?” Volt asked indulgently, finally, finally making it about the two of them.

“Yes,” he agreed eagerly. He wanted to bottle this feeling up and carry it with them all the time.

“Well, for everyday things, it could be a boy sitting on his Daddy’s lap or kneeling at his feet while they watch a movie together. It could be a boy coming to his Daddy for advice, or even asking him to make some decisions or set some rules for him outside of their scenes.”

“So you were setting rules for me earlier,” Wallace told him, suddenly seeing everything in a new light. That was what all of this taking care of himself thing was. Daddy had been giving him rules .

The thought of it made him want to sing.

“I wouldn’t say they were rules,” Volt told him, dashing all his dreams. “My apologies if I overstepped. You’re obviously free to do whatever you want. It was just responding to what I saw in the moment and the dynamic of the situation.”

Of course. Because they weren’t actually in a relationship.

Wallace’s high came crashing down.

Volt was a sex bot and a skilled Dom. These weren’t real rules. The punishment had been made up on the spot because Wallace looked tired.

Suddenly, all of Wallace’s clothes felt itchy and too tight. Volt’s firm pecs felt hard and impersonal under his cheeks instead of warm and welcoming.

He’d let himself forget for a little while that this was a paid service. Wallace was the customer, and his “Daddy” was just doing his job.

He must have frozen up, or made some little sound, because suddenly Volt was rolling him over, until Wallace’s chubby body was trapped beneath that strong, firm one, and Wallace both hated it and loved it at the same time.

Nothing could feel better than being under Volt’s body, having their legs tangled together, hard cocks straining against each other, feeling small and trapped in the best possible way.

Even if it didn’t mean anything.

Even if Volt was nuzzling against his cheek and finding little places to press kisses against his neck.

Oh, god, it felt so good. Even if it meant nothing, Wallace was still crazy enough to want every second of it.

“Don’t go all tense on me, baby boy. I can see that beautiful brain of yours spinning too fast. But you don’t have to be afraid with me. This is a space where you can ask for what you want. There’s no judgment. It’s perfectly normal to like the idea of following someone else’s rules. It’s a side of yourself you may want to explore.”

Wallace almost wanted to cry again. Because Volt had read him so well, known exactly when he’d gotten too overwhelmed and stressed, and tried to fix it the best way he could.

Volt had just guessed incorrectly about what the problem was.

Wallace wasn’t shy, or at least not that shy, about admitting that the idea of following Daddy’s rules was hot. He just wanted this to be real.

And that was something that Volt couldn’t give him.

“Tell Daddy what you’re thinking,” Volt commanded.

How could he not? “I think I want the rules,” he said, miserably.

“Mmmm… So you’re learning something important about yourself. And you’re sharing it with your Daddy. That’s very brave of you.” He kissed down Wallace’s cheek, only to linger at his ear while he whispered, “Daddy’s so proud of his baby.”

Wallace shivered, wanting to melt again at the praise.

But it still wasn’t real, was it? Even if Volt, his “Daddy” was proud of him now, it wouldn’t mean anything tomorrow.

“Could you give me rules?” he found himself asking. Begging.

He knew it was probably too much, and the way that Volt pulled back, staring down at him, said the same.

“Sorry,” he quickly corrected. “So sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he whispered. What he wouldn’t give for a time machine right now, just to go back and correct the last few seconds.

He’d broken everything now. Burst this little bubble of happiness in a way that could never be put back together. Why did he have to be so greedy? Why couldn’t what he had ever be enough?

Volt was still frowning down at him, green eyes burning as if he was trying to take Wallace apart by the intensity of his gaze.

Wallace looked away, wishing he could leave the confusing comfort of his arms. Run away and never come back.

Finally, Volt sighed, then shifted his weight so that they were pressed together again, his face nuzzling against Wallace’s neck. “You are entirely too tempting, creampuff.”


Like, really. What?

“I don’t understand,” he said, miserably, trying not to enjoy the way that Volt was rubbing so distractingly against him. The way that Volt’s weight had him pinned to the bed, yet wasn’t too heavy that he felt uncomfortable.

“My baby wants to experiment with some rules, so it sounds like we should try some.”

“What?” This time Wallace said it out loud. Was Volt actually agreeing to this?

“Yes, I think we can do this, creampuff. We can try it, and you can see if it’s the right thing for you.”

Wallace frowned, looking up at Volt’s handsome face. “I don’t want to make you do this.”

Volt broke into a smile, his eyes soft. “Remember, sweetheart. This is my kink. I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want it. Believe me, I get offers for a lot of things every day that I happily decline.”

It made Wallace feel both weird and special, thinking about that. Of course, other people were making offers at Volt all the time. But his request, for rules of all things, was the one that had been granted.

But it was what Volt wanted.

Wallace was, as strange as it sounded, making Daddy happy by doing this.

“How would you know if I was following them?” Wallace asked.

“You would tell me when I saw you again. And I would expect my boy to be honest.”

It sounded amazing, and it sounded like a sham at the same time. There were no ties between them. No commitments except for Wallace’s choice to come back again.

He could do whatever he wanted, and then lie or tell the truth, depending on whether he wanted a spanking or praise.

That was what he was paying for.

But then Volt nuzzled him again, nibbling at his lips until he was floating in pleasure and Wallace made the mistake of looking up into Daddy’s eyes.

They gleamed with adoration. Wallace knew those gold flecks were just random assignments of chromatic data, but when Daddy looked at him like that, he felt like he would do anything for him.

If Volt wanted to give him rules, he would give him honest answers. That was what the kink was all about.

Even if Volt never knew how much it meant to him.

“So, my darling creampuff, will you make Daddy happy by following his rules?”

It was funny that Volt was asking him now, when he was the one who’d begged earlier. But it was a pretense that he wanted to believe. Especially when Volt’s voice went so low and rumbly.

He squeezed his eyes shut. “Yes, Daddy.”

Volt hummed in approval. “My very good boy.” He kissed Wallace all over his face. “I’m so proud of you, letting Daddy take care of you and asking for what you want.”

Wallace moaned in return, arching up toward his Daddy. This was the high he was chasing. This was exactly what he needed. Even if it was totally fake, he would absorb every instant of Volt’s praise like a sponge.

Volt shifted until his leg was pressed right at the V of Wallace’s legs, making Wallace’s brain go melty with the friction and need for more.

“Are you ready for my rules, sweet boy?” Volt asked.

“Yes, Daddy.” Wallace didn’t even care that he sounded breathless and needy. Anything that made Volt keep dropping those pet names on him.

“First, you’re going to start getting enough sleep. What time do you wake up?”

“Uh… seven?”

Volt’s thigh pressed against his straining dick. “Good boy. So you’ll be in bed by nine-thirty. Lights off by ten-thirty.”

“Nine-thirty?” Wallace asked, incredulous. That probably hadn’t been his bedtime when he was twelve.

“How many hours of sleep do you need?”

“Uh… eight? I mean, on the weekends I probably sleep for ten.”

“So my calculations are correct. In bed by nine-thirty. You can read or do something relaxing for an hour, and then lights out.”

Wallace pouted, but he was loving it at the same time. His life would be better if he went to sleep earlier. He’d have more energy.

“None of that,” Daddy told him. “Say, thank you, Daddy.”

Oh, god. Wallace could feel himself blushing because, well, because he did feel grateful. No one had ever cared enough about him to set rules like this, ones that were made to support him instead of tearing him down. He clutched Daddy’s shoulders, delighting in the feel of that muscular back. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“My second rule is that you’re going to leave your desk for at least fifteen minutes every day and take a walk somewhere relaxing. It can be inside or outside, but you’re not going to think about work for that fifteen minutes.”

“But Daaaaddyyy…” He heard himself whining, and he had no idea where that had come from. He never would have dared whine like that in front of his own father or any of his nannies growing up, not to mention that he was now an adult. Yet the petulant tones just kept pouring out of his mouth. “I can’t just leave my desk like that!”

Daddy ground against him a little harder. “You can and you will. I expect you to put it on your calendar. Fifteen minutes a day of relaxing, dedicated to your Daddy.”

Oh, fuck. When Daddy put it like that, and he could feel Daddy’s hard cock rutting against his belly… “Ok, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.”

“And I think one more rule, since three is our magic number.”

Wallace looked up eagerly. Was this one going to be sexy? Maybe he could touch himself and think of Daddy… though to be honest, he did that enough on his own.

“Tell me about your eating habits.”

Somehow, oddly, that was even better. “Um… I always grab something for breakfast. Like, I have things I can eat in the car, or I get something with my coffee. And by dinner I’m usually starving so I never forget that. Lunch is a little, uh, well, if it’s a busy day…”

“So that’s our magic three. You’re going to eat a healthy lunch every day.”

“Yeah?” he asked. By now he was fizzing with adoration and desire. Committing to eating lunch every day, which he knew he should really be doing anyway, was easy.

“Yes, baby. And you’re going to do it all for me.” Daddy shifted his body to the side, curling Wallace up exactly where he seemed to want him, while one broad hand trailed down to Wallace’s dick. “Say it.”

Wallace was trembling, pressing into Daddy’s waiting hand. “I’m going to follow your rules, Daddy.”

His hips jerked uncontrollably, until Daddy pinned him with one leg, setting up his own rough rhythm of long strokes and the perfect twist over the sensitive head. “Tell me what you’re going to do for me. When I believe that you’ve got them all, you can come.”

Oh, fuck. How could he even think, when every brain cell was floating in pleasure? How did Daddy know exactly how to touch him? How to give commands in that husky voice that just made Wallace want to give him everything, his whole beating heart served on a platter. “Uh…”

“What’s my first rule?” Daddy prompted, so rough and gentle at the same time.

“Uh, sleep? Uh, bedtime.”

“Good boy,” Daddy purred. “What time?”

Wallace was gasping now. “Nnnnnnine-thirty.”

“That’s right. And lights off in an hour. What’s the second rule?”

Wallace was thrashing now. Daddy’s hand was speeding up.


“That’s the third rule, but I’ll take it. What are you going to do for Daddy?” Daddy’s hand was going faster, his green eyes boring into Wallace’s own.

“Eeeeat… Eat a healthy lunch. Every daaaaaaay.”

“That’s right, creampuff. Let me hear you. Now what’s the last rule?” Somehow Daddy was doing something with his hand that shouldn’t have been possible. Nailing his sensitive frenulum and circling the head, all while still stroking.

“Hafta, hafta take a break.” Wallace wasn’t going to make it. He was going to explode. “Hafta take a walk. But what if I can’t remember Daddy? What if it’s too hard?” He was feeling flayed open. Needy.

“Then Daddy will help you. Whenever it’s too much, or you can’t figure it out, Daddy will help you. Now come for me.”

That was all it took. Daddy claimed his mouth, tongues tangling together. Then Wallace was flying, soaring through the clouds, his body claimed and mind full of Daddy, Daddy, Daddy .

Daddy caught his cum, the additional lubrication sending another wave of pleasure tumbling through him as Daddy stroked him through the last of his orgasm.

Now Wallace was well and truly wrecked. He was never going to move again.

He panted, trying to catch his breath. “Did you… did you really mean all that?”

Volt’s eyes were blown. His hair was still perfect, and Wallace realized, with disappointment, that his Daddy still hadn’t come. But somehow, he looked wrecked as well. “Every word.”

Wallace held those words to his heart like a promise.

“You’re going to be my good boy and follow my rules. When you come back, I’ll reward you for making Daddy proud for everything you’ve remembered, and punish you if you need a reminder that you’re important to Daddy and need to take care of yourself.”

Wallace wanted to just float off in that feeling.

“So it’s okay if I mess up?” His voice sounded small. He had to know.

“Of course. In fact, I expect you to mess up sometimes. Our agreement isn’t conditional on you being perfect. It’s conditional on you trying your best, being honest, and dedicating these three things to me, whether you succeed or fail.”

Wallace had never had a religious experience, but he thought this might be close. He wondered if people felt this much devotion when they prayed. “I’ll do my best, Daddy.” Did Volt realize how important this was to him? “I just… I wish I could show you. Like, so you would know I wasn’t lying.” It was probably dumb, but he didn’t like the idea of just reporting back where he could say anything that he wanted. Something still felt off about it.

“Ah,” Daddy surmised, snuggling him closer. “You want to be held accountable.”

“Yes?” Was that weird?

“In that case, I’m requiring three pictures from you each day. One for each rule. As evidence.”

“Like… I text them to you?” Volt couldn’t actually want to see pictures of, like, his lunch. That was dumb.

“I was thinking that you could store them up and show me when we met. I could see the timestamps. But we could do that, too.”

“Uh, isn’t that, like…?” Wouldn’t that be too much? Too imposing? They weren’t actually friends. They definitely weren’t boyfriends. Wouldn’t it be annoying for Wallace to be so boring and clingy, sending pictures of his stupid lunches in the Orbit cafeteria, or worse, at his desk? “How much should I pay you?” he blurted out.

Because now he was truly crazy. He could see how desperate he was. He was going to pay a sex worker to accept photos of his lunch.

He buried his face in Volt’s chest. God, he was such a loser.

He could feel Volt stiffen, and then blow out a breath. Even though sparks didn’t need to breathe. “Creampuff, there’s no charge for something like that. These are your rules . From your Daddy .”

“Oh, uh, are you sure?”

“For three little photos a day? Definitely. Or maybe the bedtime one should be a message. Text me to say goodnight.”

Wallace found himself nodding into Volt’s chest. Right. Okay. In the long run, it probably made financial sense for Volt to give that away for free, since it basically guaranteed that Wallace would be back at Prism all the time. Like an addict.

He wasn’t going to let himself float off in the euphoric hope that Volt just wanted to hear from him three times a day.

Oh god, he totally, totally was.

“Does that work for you?” Daddy asked. “Remember, as the sub, you’re the one who decides. We only do this if you want it.”

Wallace was glad his face was still hidden, because his voice came out strong. “I want it.”

“Good boy. And speaking of…” Volt chuckled, “if you want to be Daddy’s good boy tonight, you better head out soon.”

It took a moment for all of that to catch up in Wallace’s brain, though somehow, he never worried that Volt was laughing at him instead of with him. “What time is it?” he finally asked.


Holy shit. He’d been here for over three hours.

“We’ll make a little exception for tonight,” Daddy told him. “It should take you seventeen minutes for the drive, and then you’ll need to do your evening routine, but I think you can still have lights out by ten-thirty.”

How did…? Wallace almost voiced his thoughts out loud, but then he realized that he’d submitted his address with his application and credit card. And Volt was a spark so he could just access that data in real time.

It might have felt like a violation of his privacy, but it didn’t when Volt was taking care of him. It wasn’t any different from how Daddy was gently tucking his spent dick back into his boxers and zipping up his pants.

“Okay, Daddy.”

“One more kiss from my creampuff,” Daddy commanded.

Wallace moaned again at the touch of Daddy’s lips.

It was a very long kiss. Like neither of them could get enough.

But he still got home in time to be a good boy.

Good night, he sent to the new number, already saved to his phone under Daddy . Hopefully that was alright to send. Not overstepping. Following the rules.

Good night, baby boy. Sweet dreams.

Wallace was grinning as he drifted off to sleep.

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