Rich Kid (The SPARK Files #3) Chapter 12 48%
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Chapter 12


It had only been two days since Wallace had seen Volt dance. He’d told himself, sternly, that he was only allowed three visits per week, and he’d already had two. He didn’t want to gorge himself on Volt, so he needed to parcel his visits out.

Or more accurately, he didn’t want to become clingy and obnoxious.

Watching one dance wasn’t the same as an invitation to something more. He’d been burned often enough in the past, thinking that someone wanted to do something special with him , when in fact they just wanted to do the thing and he happened to be around. There had been too many mornings when he’d shown up for school or work, thinking that he’d found a friend during a shared experience, only to be rebuffed.

So he was going to be chill. He was going to wait till the weekend to go back. He would content himself with the sweet message Volt had sent him in response to the picture of his chicken Caesar wrap at lunch. He would hold out for the tender wishes of a good night before he fell asleep.

He believed himself up until the moment he was in his car. The map was already showing up on the dashboard, his car having learned his new after-work patterns.

He was totally going to Prism.

Even if it was just meaningless sex to Volt, it was far from meaningless to him. It was everything.

He didn’t book an appointment, though. Today, he was just going to show up. If Volt was busy, well… That would be a good reminder. A warning not to get too attached.

On the drive over, he thumbed through websites with more sculptures. More art. Tickets to dance performances. Seeing that room, the way that Volt moved… It felt like he’d been given a window into Volt’s soul.

But then, just because Wallace had gotten a peek inside, it didn’t mean that Volt wanted him to stay there. It had been a one-off.

Nothing had changed in their texts.

Wallace definitely shouldn’t be buying him any more presents. Or at least not for a while.

Wallace didn’t want to be a sugar daddy. Volt was the Daddy.

But there was still something welling up inside Wallace’s chest. This desire to… to give.

He’d never had that feeling before, that he was just so grateful to have someone in his life that he would do anything to make them happy.

It infected all of his waking moments. He was constantly looking at the world and thinking, Volt would like that. I could get it for him. I could bring him here. He had virtual shopping carts full on a dozen websites. He’d stopped himself several times from going into stores when something in the window caught his eye.

And then there were the naughtier thoughts.

He’d been reading more about kink. About what it meant to be a submissive boy and have a Daddy. Reading and, um, er, reading . And watching.

Porn had never done much for him when he’d tried to trick himself into getting off while watching some woman moan on the screen. He’d tried a little too hard in the past to ignore the man in any scene, and it had all just left him cold.

But now that he’d opened the door to his fantasies, he was wondering if that gratitude he felt for Volt was maybe a desire for something more.

What would it be like to serve his Daddy? Maybe to just fetch little things that he asked for. Or… would Volt want him to suck his cock? Would Daddy want to use Wallace’s hole to please himself? Would he make Wallace crawl on the floor and beg to taste him?

They hadn’t done anything like that yet. Most of Volt’s three requests each week were about Wallace revealing more and more of his body for Volt to play with. He got a little thrill out of it each time, but to think of it as service …

It made him want to bare everything. To do anything Daddy asked of him.

He spent far too many hours imagining Volt’s voice telling him dirty things. About having the courage to tell Volt that he was ready to take things up a notch. To just… give over all of his trust and let Daddy make the decisions for him.

God, it was a rush just thinking about it.

In Wallace’s wildest dreams, he imagined coming home to Volt each evening. Volt would kiss him senseless, then push him down on his knees, and Wallace would, well, he’d do anything that Daddy told him to. Anything .

It wasn’t only that, though. Wallace dreamed of waking up together on lazy weekend mornings. Or giving Volt a lingering kiss goodbye before he rushed off to work.

If Wallace had that in his life, he knew that nothing else would ever faze him.

Wallace brought himself back to the present, looking at the crushed velvet curtains of the Prism windows.

He knew he couldn’t have all that. It was a dream. A fantasy.

And since he couldn’t have that…

Well, he would take what he could get. Even if it was just an extra evening at Prism.

His car neatly parked at the curb a block away, and he realized suddenly that he should have made an appointment.

He really didn’t want to get in there and discover that Volt was busy with another customer. He knew intellectually that it was Volt’s job. And he supported it. Really. Mostly.

It was just all so confusing since he wasn’t just coming here for sex with an emotionless bot. Volt had taken Wallace upstairs to watch him dance. Volt sent him sweet texts three times a day. What the hell did that mean?

Friendship? A paid transaction with a little dance performance on the side?

No matter how many times Volt said it, Wallace still couldn’t believe that Volt thought he was attractive.

But oh, how he wished that it could be true. That Volt could actually want him. And not just want him, but want him more than anybody else.

He was being stupid.

Nobody could want him like that.

But he could have the illusion of it. For the hours while he was here, his money could guarantee him the fantasy of his dreams. And he was far too weak to deny himself.

Volt would never need to know how pathetically besotted he already was.

Wallace looked up and down the street. The Prism door was closed, with no one going in or out. Maybe it was early enough in the evening that Volt wouldn’t be, um, already occupied.

It wasn’t even the sex stuff—he knew Volt did that with other people—but it was the texts. The cute nicknames. He wanted to be Volt’s only boy.

That was really what it was.

Wallace made himself stand and get out of the car. He told himself that he could handle waiting. Whatever Volt was busy with… He wouldn’t have to know, would he?

He walked down the street, trying to make it look like he wasn’t in a hurry. Like he didn’t have any cares in the world.

He’d spent a lot of time trying to perfect that look, and he knew he couldn’t completely pull it off. Too many bullies in his past had seen right through him.

Angel opened the door before Wallace had even made it past the first window of the building. He tilted his head back, gesturing inside, with a little smile.

It was weird, because Angel was usually warm and welcoming, the perfect host, and now he was just watching Wallace as he walked, his expression thoughtful.

What the hell was he thinking about? Wallace gave an awkward little wave, his hand mostly by his side, and then felt even stupider when Angel just gave another nod.

Embarrassment city.

Now he wasn’t even worried about Volt because he was worried about Angel. Was Angel judging him? Did Angel think he was the dweebiest dweeb ever? What would Angel tell Volt later? They were friends, right?

Wallace couldn’t exactly turn around and go back now, though, so he kept walking straight ahead.

Angel opened the door wider as he reached it, his smile growing, but his eyes distant like he was laughing about something someone else had said. He jerked his head back again. “Volt’s waiting for you by the elevators.”

Was that what all that nodding had meant? Was Angel talking with Volt right now? About him?

It would make sense if Angel had zoned out a bit while he was having a conversation, but what was he saying?

Wallace really wanted to know… but then he caught sight of Volt, and it was like his brain went offline.

Each time he saw the spark, it was like he had to remember all over again just how overwhelmingly sexy he was. His familiar loincloth, white with gold stitching today, stretched and clung over his very impressive package. His muscular chest gleamed, those enticing nipples making Wallace’s mouth water.

And god, the way he smiled… Volt would have been handsome with any look, but when he grinned at Wallace like the best part of his day was walking toward him, Wallace had no defenses.

He knew it wasn’t love, but it had to be something close.

Euphoria. Desire.

He hardly noticed how he crossed the lounge, feeling like he was floating.

Volt stood by the open elevator, crowding Wallace inside as soon as he arrived. Wallace was pinned against the wall, the metal bar pressing into his chubby back, as Volt’s entire, delicious body pressed against him while Volt claimed his mouth.

“Daddy,” he murmured, as soon as he was able to breathe.

Volt kissed him harder.

Wallace’s arms drifted up automatically, Volt’s warm muscles filling his hands. He never wanted to be anywhere else.

He looked up, dazed, when the elevator chimed. Volt guided him out, one arm around his waist, like he couldn’t get them close enough.

Their usual room was just down the hall, and the second they were inside, Volt had him pinned to the wall again.

This had to be real, didn’t it?

It felt like Volt needed him. Or wanted him, at least.

Wallace knew he was paying for sex, but was he paying for Volt to devour him in the elevator? To kiss him breathless before they’d even had a chance to speak?

Volt left off kissing him only to drag his tongue up Wallace’s cheek to his ear. “I didn’t think you were coming over tonight, creampuff.”

Wallace answered with some sort of moan. He couldn’t even think when Volt was whispering against his ear, sending all of his nerves tingling.

“Did you miss me?” Volt added seductively.

Wallace nodded before he could think about it. He hadn’t just missed Volt; he’d thought about him every minute of every day.

But he wasn’t sure he should be telling him that.

“Do you call anyone else creampuff ?” he asked. He hadn’t meant to ask—to sound so needy—but it slipped out.

Volt pulled back just enough that Wallace could see Volt’s frown and the concern in those emerald eyes. “Of course not, baby. I would never call anyone else that.”

Wallace nodded. Okay, that was good. Very good.

Not that Volt couldn’t have other nicknames for other people but… Oh, god. He wasn’t going to ask about that. He really didn’t want to know the answer.

Volt was scrutinizing his face. “It sounds like that hamster wheel in your brain is spinning too fast.”

“Yeah,” Wallace admitted. “Sorry.”

“Sorry who ,” Volt teased.

“Sorry, Daddy,” Wallace answered, a grin rising to his lips despite himself. It didn’t matter, really, what else Volt did, as long as he was still Wallace’s Daddy when it counted.

“Good boy,” Volt told him, sealing it with another kiss. “I saw that you’ve been very good for Daddy this week. Thank you for taking good care of my little hamster.”

Wallace felt himself puffing up at the acknowledgment.

“So, do I get my three requests today?” Volt asked the question against Wallace’s neck, his agile fingers already undoing the top button of Wallace’s shirt and loosening his tie.

“Yes, Daddy,” he agreed immediately. It almost didn’t matter what they were, because he knew he would agree.

“Well first, I need to get my baby out of some of these clothes.” Volt pushed Wallace’s suit jacket off his shoulders, and Wallace let it drop to the floor, ignoring the thump that was probably his phone.

He wasn’t sure if that was one of the three requests or not, but it didn’t matter. He’d never wanted to be naked with anyone before, but he was almost ready to tear his own clothes off, just to be closer.

To let Volt, maybe, see him in all of his unattractive glory.

But there was something he wanted even more.

“Ummm…” Wallace gathered up his courage. “CanIdosomethingforyou?”

Volt chuckled and drew back, looking down at Wallace adoringly. “Want to try that again, sweetheart? My ears can’t hear that fast.”

Daddy was teasing, but somehow it was nice teasing.

Wallace had only seen that in movies before.

“Uh, I was hoping that I could, uh, do something for you. This time.”

Volt raised one eyebrow, which was unfairly sexy. “Everything you do is for me.”

And now Wallace was just dying of happy submissiveness. But it still wasn’t what he wanted. “I meant… Could you ask me to do something for you?”

“Like what?” Volt squeezed him closer, thrusting a knee between Wallace’s legs and squeezing Wallace’s ass until Wallace was rubbing unconsciously against Daddy’s hard cock. “What’s going on in that sexy brain of yours today?”

Wallace buried his head in Volt’s chest. This was embarrassing. He didn’t want to have to put it into words. He wanted Daddy to just know .

Although the embarrassment was somehow making him even hornier.

“Mmmm… tell Daddy what you’re thinking, creampuff.” Volt nibbled at his neck, the place that was already tender from his mouth. “What does my needy baby need?”

It was easier to say it while he was hiding. “I want to try, uh, serving you, Daddy. Servicing you?” Was that word even right? It was what he had read.

When Volt still seemed to still be waiting, Wallace forced the next words out at a whisper. “I want to suck your cock, Daddy.”

“Oh, that would please me, sweet boy.”

And now Wallace was all embarrassed and aroused and definitely, very, very gay and submissive, because he felt like he could fly.

“Come over here, creampuff. Daddy needs to use your mouth.”

God, hearing that from Volt’s lips was even sexier than what he’d imagined.

Volt pushed him backward until he had no choice but to sit down onto the bed, then Volt kept pushing, arranging Wallace exactly where he wanted him, like he weighed nothing.

It was overwhelming. Amazing. Perfect. Volt eased Wallace down until he was fully laid out on the mattress, with Daddy above him.

They kissed again, and how had Wallace not known how many kinds of kisses there were? It wasn’t just devouring, open- mouthed kisses, but there were also silly little pecks at the side of his mouth, brushes of Volt’s face against Wallace’s cheek and nose, like he was trying to map out Wallace’s face before returning to sweet, sucking kisses at his lips.

“These lips are gonna feel so good around my cock,” Volt told him.

Wallace nodded, though he was still a little confused. Not that he was complaining, with all of Daddy’s glorious weight on him, but if Wallace was laying on his back, how would they…?

Volt crawled up the bed, his hips spread wide over Wallace’s body, until he was sitting lightly on Wallace’s chest. The loincloth fluttered over Wallace’s chin.

Oh… fuck .

That was how.

Daddy’s cock was right there .

If Wallace even tilted his face up, he’d be able to touch it.

Taste it.

He wanted it more than his next breath.

Which meant he was probably going to screw this up. “Uh, I’ve never done this before.”

“I know, sweet boy. That just means I get to be your first.”

Wow. Wallace hadn’t thought of it that way. Like they were making a memory together instead of fumbling through his inexperience.

“And you don’t have to worry about getting anything right. Just do what Daddy tells you. This is Daddy’s first wish.”

That squirmy, delicious feeling was back. He didn’t have to worry about anything because Daddy would take care of everything.

“Now, open your mouth.”

Wallace parted his lips obediently. This was it. This was the big moment.

He let his eyes drift closed. He could smell Volt, that clean, fresh scent layered with a complex musk that he would recognize anywhere. The heat of Volt’s body across his chest.

Something impossibly soft brushed against Wallace’s lower lip and he moaned despite himself. That was Daddy’s cock. Touching his mouth.

He wanted to raise his head, to hold out his tongue and taste.

But even more, he wanted Daddy to be in charge. To use him.

The silken skin brushed across his lower lip again, driving him crazy with need.

“Look at me, baby boy.”

Wallace’s eyes flew open. Volt was peering down at him, his emerald eyes thirsty with need, and yet tender as their gazes met.

Somehow, unimaginably, it was Wallace who had brought that look to his face.

A shrill sound pierced the space between them, and at first Wallace couldn’t even make sense of it.

Was that a fire alarm?

It took a long, horrible moment to realize that it was an alarm, but not for a fire. It was coming from his phone.

No, no, no!

He squeezed his eyes shut, berating himself for not turning it off.

For not having an entirely different life.

Because this wasn’t just a calendar alert, he realized after a dazed second, but the alarm he’d set in case something went wrong at work. He tried to cling to the moment, but the blaring sound smashed through his bliss like a jackhammer.

“Do you need to get that?” Volt asked, his eyes still wide with desire as he rocked slowly against Wallace’s chest.

Wallace shook his head, willing it all to go away.

He was just going to ignore it. He’d given everything to Orbit Industries, and he’d be damned if they were going to take this from him, too.

The moment was ruined for him, and it had barely even begun.

He shook his head, resolute. He could ignore it.

The phone’s tone changed, becoming more shrill and urgent. Fuck. That meant something was really wrong.

“Baby?” Daddy asked.

Anger grew in Wallace’s belly, but he was not going to stop. Orbit could go fuck itself.

His Daddy wanted him.

Not for his fortune or his last name. But because of who he was.

Couldn’t Wallace get even a little break? He needed this. He needed to see his Daddy fall apart. He needed to have this moment of joy last for just a little longer.

It was the only time he felt truly like himself.

He grasped Daddy’s hips, willing the ecstasy of the moment to return, even as his blood boiled in his veins.

“Sweetheart.” Daddy moved off him, then pulled him up, like he weighed nothing, and sat him on the edge of the bed. “It’s bothering you. Let me at least bring it to you to turn it off.”

Wallace held his hand out. Volt, glorious Volt, magnificent in his near nakedness like a god descended from the heavens, fished the phone out of Wallace’s pants pocket and handed it over.

Wallace read the screen, willing it to be something he could deal with tomorrow. Or even in a few hours.

But no. The visuals hit him before the text. Fire. The fucking factory was on fucking fire.

Jesus Christ.

He wanted to shut off his phone. To will all of it all to go away. To say that it was somebody else’s damned problem.

But he thumbed through the alert anyway, then over to the monitoring site he’d set up to save company records to an offsite server.

It was all there. Right before the fire, there was a huge spike in processor usage, building up for half an hour, then going off the charts. Memory was overloaded, nothing getting through. It was the middle of the fucking night, which meant only one thing.

Ben was behind this. Ben and his Maxamillion project. Hiding a secret and dangerous spark.

Wallace’s brain felt fragmented and jerky, his heartbeat slamming in time to the shrill beeps still coming through his phone.

The company would be half his one day, and he had a responsibility to it. To his legacy as a Wollencroft.

Even if his father thought he was worthless, Wallace had poured his life into this company. Were his father or brother going to leave their pretentious parties or expensive dates to check on their employees?

No, they fucking weren’t. Orbit was Wallace’s to save. Everyone else was too blinded by Ben’s charm to see how he was going to bring the company down, like a toddler with a stick of dynamite.

Wallace was onto the dickwad and his illegal spark, and he was going to prove it.

And then, some secret part of him whispered, maybe his father would be proud of him.

Volt stroked his arm, the sudden contact startling him. “Tell Daddy what you need.”

The juxtaposition was dizzying. Wallace’s chest hurt.

He wanted to give everything over to Volt. To tell him what he needed and fall into his arms. To let Daddy take care of everything.

But that was just a fantasy. Their actual relationship was based on visits that he paid for by the hour, and a pre-set agreement of three texts a day. Volt could be his Daddy for cute photos on his phone and mind-blowing sex, but actual problems?

He was on his fucking own.

“I have to go,” Wallace blurted out.

“Alright, my sweet baby boy. You do what you need to do.”

Wallace shook his own head. He couldn’t hear those words right now. Not if he wanted to keep his sanity. The two worlds colliding was too much. “Don’t call me that.”

The words came out harsher than he’d intended, and he could see the moment of shock on Volt’s face before he replaced it with something else. “Alright, Wallace.”

That was worse. Like everything between them was just gone. Poof.

Wallace nodded. His stomach felt hollow.

What did you say, anyway, when you spent all your time dreaming of a guy who might see you as just another customer? What words did you use to apologize for not returning the favor, when you’d been the one aching to touch a real cock for the first time? Volt had probably had thousands of lovers who were more experienced. Less weird.

Volt handed Wallace his jacket, stepping back while he dragged it onto his too-large and too-clumsy body. His bow tie was still hanging loose, but Wallace couldn’t be bothered to tie it again. He pulled it out of his collar and shoved it into his pocket.

He felt dirty, and not in a good way. Dirty and angry and sad.

He looked down and Volt wasn’t even hard anymore, his cock limp under his loincloth.

Volt had turned off his erection like someone turning off a light. With a sickening lurch in his stomach, Wallace realized that he could probably produce an erection just as easily. He was a sexbot, for god’s sake.

All of this was a mirage anyway. His Daddy was an illusion.

And it made sense. Even when Wallace was giving everything to this fucking company, he still couldn’t measure up. He wasn’t real boyfriend material. He was paying for sex.

Why would Volt want anything to do with him?

Volt adjusted his loincloth, smoothing it over his softened dick like nothing had happened between them. Ready for the next customer.

Wallace wanted to cry. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, voice barely audible.

He’d fucked this all up. As usual.

He’d been completely wrong when he said that. And he’d been unforgivably rude. Talked back. His father would have slapped him for taking that tone with him.

He turned to go.

And suddenly he was enveloped in Daddy’s arms again. It was the best feeling in the world, not even sexual, but warm and safe and… everything.

“It’s alright, Wallace,” Volt murmured, already running his hands over him, squeezing him close. “It can be a lot, transitioning in and out of the scene. We didn’t get to end it well. There should have been aftercare.”

Wallace shook his head, even though he was sure it was true. Maybe he was weak and pathetic, but he couldn’t take hearing his real name from his Daddy’s lips when it should have been one of those dozens of nicknames instead. He couldn’t have two things going wrong right now. “I’m really sorry, though. Really. I didn’t mean it, Daddy.”

He wanted to wail. He wanted to break down and cry, like he had during the spanking. He didn’t even know why he wanted this, since crying was horrible, but he wanted it all the same.

Volt tilted Wallace head up and ran a thumb over his cheek. “You’re forgiven. You’re Daddy’s special creampuff.”

Wallace sniffled. How could it be so easy? Where had this forgiveness and care been his whole life?”

The phone shrieked again, but Wallace shut it off viciously.

God, he hated his life.

His two worlds had collided, but he wanted to pick this one. He’d live here forever if he could.

Which made it that much harder to pull himself out of Daddy’s arms.

He made himself do it anyway. He was only half an hour from Orbit, and he was going to catch Ben in the act. Tomorrow morning, if not fucking sooner, he was going to reveal everything to his father. Maybe he could be the hero for a change instead of Rick.

“Call me if you need me,” Volt told him. Sweet. Almost believably sincere.

Wallace made himself turn and walk out of the room.

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