Volt never quite made it to the repair place, but he did manage to fix the drips in two of the showers, attend an important meeting, and bring Magnolia one of her favorite dishes from the chefbot at home. She was recovering well, and in good spirits. It sounded like she might be coming home within the next few days.
He’d also found the time to do a little shopping and browse through some of the costuming options in the Prism basement.
He looked at the three outfits he’d hung in the otherwise empty wardrobe that now resided in the rose room, straightening them a little further on their hangers. He ran one finger down a silky sleeve and nodded to himself. Yes, Wallace was certain to like one of these options.
A warm burst of meaningless code from Angel interrupted him. He sent back a burst in return.
I heard back from my contacts. They’re ready for Jaya and her son as soon as we can pass the word along.
Volt shook his head, mentally switching gears. Jaya had only come back twice since her first visit, and there wasn’t any pattern to her visits. He worried about her, since she’d sported a different bruise the last time. Should we try to find her?
No. We keep her and everyone else safe when we stick to our job: monitoring the back door and passing the message along.
Volt nodded to himself, though it fought against his instincts. He wanted to do more.
At least when Mitchie had come to them, in the middle of that blizzard five years ago, he’d been able to offer him warm blankets in the guest bedroom and make sure he ate regularly for a few days. An anonymous doctor had come by, under the guise of utilizing Prism’s services, and given Mitchie a check-up and medicines to help him come down from his addiction more easily.
Mitchie had left in the hands of a volunteer nurse and a bodyguard who were taking him to a rehab facility in another state, the first step in putting his life back on track.
Volt hated that Jaya could be anywhere right now. The whole thing would have made him feel a lot sicker if he didn’t know that he was already doing the best thing that he could.
Alright. Do you want to give me the message now?
No. If I’m not available when she comes by again, I’ll send it to you then.
He sent a burst of agreement. That sounded safer for everyone. Not that Volt and Angel’s programming and communications couldn’t be hacked, but if secrecy was what would protect the small family, Volt could help that way, too.
Did you find the right clothing? Angel asked, abruptly switching topics.
I did , Volt replied, adding on a small burst of static to express his satisfaction. Three great choices, and he’ll look cute in all of them.
Remember, Angel warned, he’s not a pet. You don’t get to keep him .
I know, he agreed, trying not to let any emotions seep in. He’d been down this road many times before. He just needs so much .
They all do, Angel told him, chuckling in another burst. You know that you are allowed to date, don’t you?
Yes, Mother, he snarked. But not right now. Prism needs me. You need me. Wallace will get what he’s looking for and then move on. That was just the way it was. Maybe in a decade or so, when things have smoothed out, I’ll think about it .
Nobody’s asking you to be a martyr. You don’t have to stick around every night.
I don’t feel good leaving you alone with just the bots when people are putting rocks through our windows.
We could hire security?
As if they had the money for that. You’re my family, Volt replied. I want to be here. Did you get an update on Magnolia? Angel handled everything with her doctors.
Two days is the plan. I told her about your platypus this afternoon.
Volt rolled his eyes. He knew Magnolia would be pleased to hear that someone had caught his attention, and now he’d be getting it from her, too. I’m not telling you his pet names.
Oh? There’s more than one?
There are two . Volt grinned. Let Angel think about that.
Of course, Angel could easily peek at a tape from their appointments to figure it out, but he wouldn’t.
Mostly, Volt enjoyed the teasing. Everything felt so dismal most of the time, between having Magnolia in the hospital and the financial strain on the business. It was nice to joke around sometimes.
And speaking of your cupcake, Angel messaged, he’s here.
Volt didn’t dignify that with a reply. He was too busy closing the wardrobe and hurrying down to meet him.
This thing they had going wouldn’t last forever, but today Wallace was all his. And he needed his baby in his arms.
He checked the cameras as he rode the elevator, noticing that Wallace was a little crumpled today, the exhaustion showing on his face. His jacket was unbuttoned, and his hands were empty. His creampuff had had a hard day.
But his face lit up like the summer sun when he saw Volt.
They met just outside the elevator, where Wallace flowed into his arms. “Daddy! You’re wearing clothes!”
“Hello to you too, creampuff,” Volt whispered against his ear, making sure his voice didn’t carry to the microphones above. Angel certainly wasn’t above snooping for pet names in the lobby.
“Sorry.” Wallace pinked up adorably. “That sounded weird. I was just… I mean, you don’t usually wear clothes. You usually have the loincloth. So I was used to that. But you look good. Really, really good. I was just wondering if this was because you were going somewhere today, or if this was like, a costume, or part of, you know, what you said or… Oh, god. I’m going to shut up now.”
“Mmmm… There’s my little hamster.” Ready to work himself into a tizzy, but Volt was getting to know him better now. He needed an opportunity to just turn that overactive brain off sometimes. Volt dragged him into the elevator.
“Shoot me now,” Wallace complained, but he was still smiling.
Volt brought up his head for a kiss. “Not a chance. I have too many naughty things I want to do with you. Though if you’re actually curious, I did have some business in the outside world earlier, and I left the suit on because I thought you might like it.”
He’d actually gone to apply for a loan today, wearing his sharpest suit—and as someone who coordinated high-end sex parties, he had some pretty sharp ones. One of the things that had gotten him through all of the stress of the loan application was thinking about how Wallace would look, all plump and pink and naked over his knee, while he was still fully dressed.
The loan officer told him it was unlikely that Prism would be able to take out any more loans, and if they did, the rates would be astronomical. But Volt had already known that, and he was trying hard to avoid thinking about it until he heard back from them tomorrow. This is why he hadn’t told Angel, and why he’d been burying himself in the preparation for the scene tonight.
He needed to lose himself in his baby boy for a while.
“I do like it, Daddy,” Wallace told him. “I thought I hated men in expensive suits, but…” Wallace’s eyes traced over his precisely folded tie and crisp collar. “Maybe I was wrong.”
“Yeah?” Volt teased, though he filed that fact away. He should have considered that Wallace would have a complicated relationship with power suits, given his relationship with his father. But he didn’t seem to mind now. Maybe that was something they could work on, as Wallace’s confidence grew. “You like Daddy all dressed up for you?”
Wallace nodded, cheeks pink.
So pink Volt had to kiss them. “Ready for your treat?” Volt whispered against his ear.
Wallace looked up, giving him a beatific smile. “I’m ready to not think about work ever again. I’m ready for you .”
And wasn’t that just the best gift ever? This was what made everything worthwhile.
“Lucky me.” He snuggled Wallace against him as they made their way down the hall. “Maybe you’re my treat.”
Wallace blushed again beautifully, burying his face in Volt’s shoulder. “Not really.”
“Oh, but you are. And tonight I get to dress you up.” He guided them into their usual room, locking the door behind them.
“Daaaaddyyy!” Wallace protested against his shoulder, but it was the cutest, sweetest whine of pleased embarrassment, not really a complaint at all. Plus, he’d already agreed to it.
“Nope, that’s one of Daddy’s requests today. We’ve got three outfits to choose from, and I want to see you in one of them.”
He opened the wardrobe door just enough that he could reach his arm in without Wallace seeing anything. He knew he’d be pushing his boy tonight, but what was a Daddy for, if not to push his boy a little bit in the right direction?
He took out the first one, which he hoped would be the easiest and hooked the hanger over the wardrobe door. Wallace’s eyes followed the movement as he pressed into Volt’s side.
“This one is for a sweet, innocent boy who wants to snuggle in Daddy’s lap after a long day and let Daddy play with him.” It was a simple t-shirt and shorts, but the tight shirt had a ladybug on it and said Daddy’s cuddle bug . The shorts would be very, very short. It could be something an adult man would wear when he wanted to look cute, but it could also give Wallace an entry into age play if that was somewhere he found himself going.
Wallace had given it a hard no when they’d first discussed it, but kinks could change over time, and Wallace had already come a long way in understanding how kink worked and what he might want.
Volt wasn’t looking for a Little, necessarily, but he wouldn’t mind either. Intimacy was intimacy, and if Wallace discovered a desire to be vulnerable in that way, Volt would treasure it.
Even if it took them a while to get there, which wouldn’t be surprising from the tension he felt in Wallace’s body. So far, he seemed interested in the possibility.
He decided to let Wallace think about it and maybe they could circle back.
He went on to the next hanger: a leather chest harness with a metal O ring in the center, and a pair of black pleather briefs with a zipper down the front.
“This is for a sexy, naughty boy who knows how to drive Daddy crazy,” he announced.
“Not that one,” Wallace told him, which Volt had more or less expected. “Definitely not me.”
“Good boy,” he praised. “Thank you for telling me.” He’d included it to provide room for exploration. And maybe to push Wallace a little bit toward the first outfit not seeming so terrifying. Though it would have been hot.
Back onto the rod it went, and he could feel Wallace relax.
Now for the last one. Volt was pretty sure this would be a no as well, but you never knew. “This one’s for a pretty boy who wants to enchant Daddy with his beauty.” The colors were soft pinks and purples, a gauzy babydoll shirt over a pair of shimmery panties. A hair clip with the same fluttery gauze dangled from a bit of string, along with a single sequined garter.
Wallace was absolutely frozen, his fist clenched into Volt’s side. Was he horrified? Aroused?
Volt nudged him. “What do you think, creampuff? The pink would bring out the warmth of your skin.”
“I… I… Daddy ,” he whispered, sounding awed and terrified in equal measure. “I can’t .”
Volt fought back his own pulse of arousal because this was more than he’d ever expected. If Wallace hadn’t liked it, he already knew what a simple no would sound like.
This was a secret yes . Not an I’m not interested, but an I want it more than I can say, but I’ve been told my whole life that I shouldn’t.
Good god. How had he been lucky enough to stumble upon this?
“You can, baby. In fact, Daddy’s made his choice. You’ll look gorgeous in this.” It wasn’t the clothing itself, but the vulnerability of it. The magic of being there for the first time when Wallace got to claim something he’d clearly been repressing for a long time, or never knew he could consider at all.
The trust. The pure, raw need.
The opportunity to stand by his baby’s side while he explored something he’d probably been shamed and bullied away from ever attempting on his own. Volt wanted to grab that for him and offer it with two gentle hands.
“Daddy…” Wallace’s voice was muffled against Volt’s pec.
“Yes, baby?”
“Do I really have to?”
Damn, he was sweet. Frightened yet bold, ready to take on something that scared him and looking for Daddy to guide him through it.
“Yes, sweetheart.” Volt put some force behind his words. “Unless you need to safeword, Daddy wants to see his creampuff in these pretty things.”
“Can I, um, put them on in the bathroom?”
Volt considered that. “This time. But I’m giving you a time limit. After that, I’m coming in whether you’re ready or not.” The last thing he needed was Wallace fretting himself into a frenzy, afraid to come out.
“Yes, Daddy,” Wallace agreed meekly, but his eyes were bright, and his breath was rapid.
Volt gripped Wallace’s chin and brought their mouths together, owning Wallace’s tongue, his breath, until he was willing to let him go. “Five minutes,” he told him sternly. “Don’t worry about the mirror. The only one you need to look good for is me, and I already know you’ll be perfect.”
Wallace gave a little moan in response, looking dazed, and scampered toward the bathroom. Volt, amused, followed after him to hand him the hanger with the outfit.
Wallace made a little eep! and brought it into the bathroom with him before firmly closing the door.
Volt settled into the chair, listening to the rustle of clothing, the rush of water from the tap, and the quiet mumble of Wallace talking to himself.
So amazingly, adorably sweet. His little hamster was probably working himself up into a frenzy, but that was what this was all about—taking risks, flirting with the forbidden or scary, and coming out stronger by his Daddy’s side.
Volt tried to be patient for the requisite five minutes, but he was standing by the door a little past four. “How are you doing, sugar?”
He got a mumble in response, but when he ran the sound clip through an audio filter, he was able to make it out. “I look stupid. This is stupid,” is what Walter had said. And the current rustle of fabric suggested that Wallace might be taking things off instead of putting them on.
“In thirty seconds, I’m going to open this door, and I expect to see my sexy baby wearing my gifts.”
There was a quiet eep and then stunned silence.
Good. The reinforcement sounded like what Wallace needed.
At exactly five minutes, Volt tapped gently on the door. “Alright, sweetheart. Let me see.”
The doorknob turned. A sliver of light snuck through the narrow opening.
“Uh oh. I can hear the hamster wheels turning,” Volt joked. “But my cutie needs to relax and let Daddy take care of him. Maybe a spanking would be a good reminder?”
The door swung open. Wallace was already crossing his arms across his chest, trying to hide in the well-lit bathroom. “Uh, no, Daddy.”
Volt let his eyes do the talking, taking Wallace in from the bottom up. He was standing on the bathmat with one bare foot over the other. It had to be the sweetest pose ever. “Adorable,” Volt told him.
Wallace’s plump legs were lightly speckled with hair, leading up to his thick thighs, which gave just a hint of the satiny panties below the frill of lace. “Sexy,” Volt murmured. Damn, did he enjoy that intermingling of feminine softness over masculine hardness. He’d forgotten how much, in fact.
Especially when it was Wallace’s dick encased enticingly in silky pink panties. The filmy fabric was flowing and loose at his waist, allowing for tantalizing glimpses. Volt continued his survey, taking in Wallace’s arms crossed over his chest, fingers digging into his elbows. His poor, brave baby. “Gorgeous,” Volt told him.
His shoulders were nicely bared, letting Volt see the pink flush that spread well below his neck. He made his way up to Wallace’s face, to see that his baby still looked terrified.
“Come here, creampuff.” Volt pulled him out of the bathroom and into his arms.
Wallace folded into them willingly, burying his face in Volt’s pec. “I don’t look stupid?”
“You look perfect.”
“I’m all hairy. And fat.”
“Mmmm… you’re a delicious contrast, and you’re delightfully squeezable. But if you want to shave, we could do something about that. Would you let Daddy shave you?”
Wallace pressed in harder. “Daddy! You can’t just say things like that.”
“Sure I can. And we could do it, too. There’s another room with a bathtub. I could give you a warm bath, make sure you’re all clean, and then make you silky smooth everywhere.”
“Uh, I think that might be too much for me.”
Volt dropped a kiss on his head. His goal had been to distract Wallace for a moment, and it had worked. He was already more relaxed in Volt’s arms.
“So proud of you for telling me, creampuff.” He was proud. And honored. And turned the fuck on.
There was nothing, nothing sexier than a sub’s vulnerability and trust, and he was almost high on it right now.
He ran a hand through Wallace’s soft hair. “You forgot your hair ornament.”
“Was that what it was for?”
Volt nudged Wallace into walking backward far enough that he could grab it off the hanger.
“Yes, sweetheart. Look.” He tilted Wallace’s face upward and slid it into his bangs. “There. So sweet for me.” It softened Wallace’s face, giving him a gentle edge to contrast with his rough scruff. There was a smile poking out behind Wallace’s worry now. “I want to see you with a little eyeshadow some time. God, you’re sexy.”
“I’m really not. And I-I-I don’t know how to do that.”
“Mmmmmm. You absolutely are that sexy. Trust me. And I’d be happy to show you how.” He wished he’d thought to prepare some for today, but of course he’d had no idea that Wallace would actually pick the third outfit. “Daddy will paint your pretty pink lips as well.”
Wallace was falling under his spell now, his shoulders loosening. “You know how to do that?”
“I do,” Volt answered seriously. Even if he hadn’t, he could download a plug-in to cover the basic skills. “I’ve worn makeup myself and put it on other people. I think a little blue would be perfect for your eyes. Something subtle to make you glow.”
But Wallace’s mouth had fallen open. “ You’ve worn makeup?”
Volt chuckled. “Absolutely. I’ve worn lingerie, too. I can rock some heels.” It didn’t do much for him personally, but it would be hard to work at a place like Prism and not end up cross-dressing sooner or later.
“Oh,” Wallace said weakly. “I just… you’re so…”
“Stereotypically masculine looking?” Volt finished for him. “I was engineered that way, remember? Just like humans have their DNA. But that doesn’t tell you what’s inside. For me, a dress or a scrap of lace is fun to play with once in a while. You get to decide what it means for you.”
“I don’t… I don’t know yet,” Wallace admitted. “I still can’t believe that I’m actually doing this.” He looked awed now, instead of panicked.
“Mmmmm. Thank you for letting me share this moment with you. For gifting me with your delectable body.” He let his hands run down Wallace’s back, skimming over the filmy fabric.
Wallace squinted up at him. “I think you actually mean that,” he said.
“I do,” Volt agreed. “Let me show you how much.” His hands drifted down to Wallace’s ass, making them both shiver. Ugh, that perfect contrast of soft fabric over Wallace’s thick hips was just doing it for him. “Lay down, baby. I need to worship you.”
“You’re sure?” Wallace asked, though he was letting Volt guide him back toward the bed.
“Very, very sure.” So sure he was about to combust.
Though he wouldn’t. He was going to stretch this out to enjoy every minute of it. He got Wallace settled to his satisfaction, lounging on the pillows with soft pinks and purples fluttering around him. Volt kneeled over his hips.
Wallace looked up at him, eyes filled with such hope and longing, that his programs glitched.
It was only for a second, but that had only happened to him once before. With his first crush.
The two of them had nothing in common. Bobby was tall and gangly, while Wallace was shorter and plump. Bobby’s skin was tanned from days on the golf course and tropical vacations, while Wallace’s was a warm, peachy pink. Bobby had been passing fifty when they met, a well put together silver fox, while Wallace was just settling into his age and responsibility, his smooth, dark hair thick with youth. Bobby had loved sloughing off the responsibilities of owning a company to play trains and blocks and far less innocent games with Volt, while Wallace was just finding himself in the world.
But that expression was exactly the same. The way that Bobby had looked up at him with those begging eyes…
It was the first memory that Volt consciously had as a spark. The first time that he’d been aware of anyone else’s feelings or his own. The first time that he was himself a thinking, feeling individual, instead of a complex collection of mindless hardware and software.
He’d looked back into the midnight pools of longing in Bobby’s eyes and wanted to take care of him. To make him feel safe. To be his everything.
To truly be the Daddy that Bobby had been calling him over dozens of timestamped visits that he could access in his memories, living out his new identity before he’d even been aware.
He blinked his eyes.
He wasn’t going down that path again. This was just a glitch, and he was already a spark. Nothing had changed.
“Volt?” Wallace asked, looking nervous again. “Maybe we should…”
Volt pressed down into Wallace’s welcoming bulk, burying the memory. He didn’t miss Bobby any more as a person. In fact, they’d hardly known each other.
He just missed what he’d thought they’d had together, in those wondrous months before Volt had quietly announced that he was a spark and asked to make their relationship real. Bobby had freaked the fuck out that someone knew his “secret,” screamed at Volt for lying to him, and went so far as to move across the country, lest Volt ever try to contact him again.
No, Volt was never going down that path again.
Tonight, he would make his temporary sub feel like the most treasured jewel on the face of the planet. He would build him up, until he was confident and ready to shine. Then he would send him on to some lucky Dom who would be with him forever.
Volt had done it plenty of times before.
Usually it didn’t upset him like this, though. It had been over a year since he’d really thought about Bobby, so he didn’t know why he was thinking about him now.
Not when he had Wallace, sweet, courageous Wallace, there for the taking.
“Maybe you should let Daddy enjoy you,” he growled into Wallace’s shoulder. God, those thick, rounded shoulders were such a delicious contrast to the lacy straps. He nipped one with his teeth, then licked the salty path alongside it. “Let Daddy have his treat.”
“Oh!” Wallace squirmed up against him, already panting.
But he wanted his baby falling apart. He needed to taste every piece of him. Lose himself in Wallace’s pleasure.
He licked up Wallace’s neck and around his ear, before giving it a sharp squeeze with his teeth. He soothed it with his tongue. “Too rough?” he asked, before pulling back to check.
“No, it’s um…” Wallace’s fingers sunk into Volt’s back, tugging him closer, even as he struggled for words. His eyes were hazy with lust, his face flushed.
“It’s what, creampuff?” Volt growled against his other ear.
“It’s hot.”
“Mmmmm. So good for me.” Volt bit and licked his way down the other strap. “Tell me if it’s too much. I can be gentle.”
“No, Daddy,” Wallace almost wailed. “More!”
That Volt could easily do. “So pretty for me, sweet boy.” He licked down to Wallace’s nipple, wetting it through the fabric. Making Wallace whimper and writhe, while still pulling him closer.
“Or are you my sweet girl right now?” Volt cooed. “My pretty princess?”
Volt looked up, giving Wallace a moment to think, if he needed it.
His face was strained, twisted. “I’m not a girl,” he whispered.
Oh, sweetheart. “Thank you for telling me.” Volt rewarded him with a kiss to his lips. “That might change later, or you can just enjoy me calling you a girl, when you’re dressed up for me.”
Wallace’s whisper was barely audible. “I might… I mean, is it okay…?”
“Will you be Daddy’s little princess girl?” Volt asked him. “Just for tonight?”
Wallace’s shoulders were tight, but his eyes were radiant. “Okay, Daddy. I can do that. Uh… Maybe other times, too? If you want to.”
Making it about Daddy’s wishes gave him the permission he needed to shine. “Good girl. So sweet for me,” he crooned, kissing down the soft scruff of Wallace’s cheek.
“Does Daddy’s princess use any pronouns? He or she or they?”
“Ummm… Can I still use he ?” Wallace’s voice was coming back stronger. More confident.
“Of course. You can be my princess boy and my sweet girl. You don’t have to choose.”
“Yeah, um, that.”
“I think you mean, thank you, Daddy, I’ll be your pretty princess boy. ”
Wallace’s face flushed red, and he squeezed his eyes shut, turning away like he could hide in the pillow.
“Daddy! I can’t say that!” It was a protest, but nothing close to a safeword.
God, he was adorable. Intoxicating.
“Ohhhh? You want another spanking?” Volt ran his hands up Wallace’s bare arms, pinning them over head. Reminding him who was in charge.
“God, Daddy!” Wallace looked back up at him, eyes already hazy with the thrill of being bound. “You really want me to say that?”
“I do, creampuff. Go ahead.” Volt rutted against Wallace’s trapped cock, keeping him distracted.
Of all the damned days to wear a suit! He wanted to feel those delicate panties. He didn’t want anything between them but the clothes he’d picked for his sub.
“Th-thank you, Daddy. I’ll b-be your p-p-pretty princess b-boy.”
Volt crushed his lips to Wallace’s, putting all of his pride and delight into that kiss. He could get lost in the soft embrace of Wallace’s mouth. He could drown in those greedy, helpless whimpers.
“Keep your hands up there,” he commanded, before letting go.
“Yes, Daddy.” Wallace looked dazed. Lost in his submission and trembling for more.
Volt shifted his weight back, then ran his hands up Wallace’s belly to cup them over the bralette that hugged his chest. To feel the weight of his pecs, full and fleshy like breasts. “Are these for me, creampuff?” He flicked his thumbs over Wallace’s nipples, not soft, but roughly.
“Yes, Daddy!”
“Daddy needs his beautiful princess boy tonight. You’re just too pretty. I can’t stop.” It wasn’t true—he would stop at the slightest murmur of unhappiness—but Wallace clearly liked the fantasy, too. His smile was all desire and happiness now, his inhibitions pushed away.
Volt kneaded one boob and leaned down to mouth over the other nipple. “Can I touch you, baby?”
Wallace was nodding frantically in Volt’s peripheral vision.
“Let me unwrap my present.” It felt naughty now, decadent, to slip his fingers under the fabric. To pull it down until it stretched just below Wallace’s tight nipple so Volt could put it in his mouth.
Wallace moaned. “Daddy!”
“So delicious, darling. Daddy wants all of your cream.” His hands were already drifting down further. Sliding under the filmy fabric and over Wallace’s soft belly. “You’re so soft here,” he praised. “Such a tasty handful.”
He watched Wallace’s face as he said it, knowing how much his baby worried about his body shape. But Wallace was still lost in sensation and Volt’s words. Still happy. Already so much more confident with just a little praise.
Volt kissed his way down Wallace’s belly, letting the thin pink gauze drift beneath his lips.
“Mmmmmmm.” He played with the very edge of the lace over Wallace’s thighs, building up the anticipation. “What little treat do you have for me here?”
Wallace arched up, gasping and needy.
“Spread your legs for me, baby girl.” He gave the command, but he was already hooking his hands under Wallace’s knees so that he could kneel between them.
The shimmery panties were a thrilling contrast to the lush, dark hair of Wallace’s meaty thighs. “So pretty for Daddy. Is this for me, too?” he crooned, tracing one light finger over the ridge of Wallace’s dick.
“Y-yes, Daddy!”
There was really something about that strong, masculine cock straining against such delicate fabric.
Volt bent down to nuzzle. To inhale that heady aroma. To taste the growing dampness at the head.
He mentally added scents to the list of things he wanted to get for Wallace—maybe a body wash or perfume. A pretty princess should smell like something flowery and fragrant, to mingle with the earthy scents of flesh and cum.
He licked through the fabric, getting it wet.
“Daaaaaaddyyyyy!” Wallace wailed. His hands came down to clamp onto Volt’s shoulders. “I’m gonna…”
Volt sat up, narrowing his eyes and making his voice deep. “Where did Daddy tell you to keep those arms?”
Wallace visibly shivered as he returned his hands to where they were supposed to be.
“Hold one wrist with the other hand,” Volt commanded. “If you can’t remember, maybe some cuffs will help you.” He said it like a threat, but he was testing Wallace’s reactions. Giving him time to think about whether it was something he would like in the future.
But Wallace surprised him. “Yes, Daddy. I think that would help me.” He looked so innocent. So needy. “Help me, Daddy.” He stretched his arms higher, reaching for the bedframe.
Fuck. Volt was only a spark. How could he deny a plea like that?
He hadn’t planned for this at all, so there was nothing in the room. But it was the work of only a moment to find an off-duty bot, send it to the appropriate storage location, and have it waiting outside the door while he licked down Wallace’s belly.
Volt slid off Wallace’s voluptuous body with a final kiss. “Good girl. Stay right there.”
He opened the door, grabbed the cuffs, and locked it again with a thought.
“Thank you for your trust, beautiful boy,” he said as he placed a kiss on Wallace’s inner wrist and then closed the first fluffy, pink cuff around it. He gave the second wrist the same treatment, feeling tender and primal at the same time.
Now Wallace was his .
“How does that feel, creampuff?”
Wallace jerked on the chains, which rattled against the iron frame. “Good, Daddy.”
Volt stroked one hand down his face. “God, sweetheart. You amaze me. You’re so very, very good for me.”
Wallace’s eyes lit up. “I’m… your present?”
Volt could tell it was supposed to be a joke, or even an adorably awkward attempt at flirtation. His baby was not exactly suave.
But nothing could replace his earnestness. His joy. The cord of trust that ran between them, thinner than lace but stronger than steel. It turned Volt inside out.
“You are my present. And I’m going to gobble you up.” He slung his leg over Wallace’s and began kissing down his body all over again. His hands were everywhere. His mouth couldn’t get enough. Soft flesh and wiry hair. Delicate fabric and a hard cock for him to rut against.
Volt wanted to devour him. To wring every gasp and moan and whimper that he could out of that gorgeous, pliant body.
He didn’t remove a single scrap of clothing, instead sneaking his fingers beneath the edges or roughly pulling straps out of the way to access what was his.
Wallace was moaning and panting underneath him, knees bent so he could rock against Volt’s equally hard cock.
“Daddy!” Wallace yanked on the chains. “Please, Daddy!”
“Please what?” Volt rutted harder against him, grinding their cocks together. He was glad for the suit now. Glad to have something to slow him down, because otherwise he would surely explode, and he had so many more plans for tonight.
“Please, Daddy! Please, need you!” Wallace was wild and beautiful and free, gasping for breath and thrusting upward with all his strength.
Volt wasn’t ready to be done yet, but he could surely tease. He planted his knees between Wallace’s hips and his hands on the bed beside Wallace’s elbows, leaving less than an inch between them.
He slid up the length of Wallace’s body once, tormenting himself as much as Wallace. “Show Daddy how much you want it, princess.” Then he pulled back that fraction of an inch.
Wallace cried out in dismay, but that only motivated him to work harder. Thrusting his hips up. Teasing his Daddy back.
Until Volt had to collapse on top of him, taking Wallace’s mouth. Devour him.
Wallace was still squirming and grinding beneath him. Whimpering. Kissing through breathless pleas for air.
Volt thrust against him. Taking his pleasure. Owning his sweet sub.
And then Wallace was crying out, mouth open and head thrown back. Shaking with pleasure.
Volt took in the gorgeous sight. He hadn’t expected Wallace to come from rutting alone, but there he was. Achingly beautiful. Needy and keening.
“Yes, baby,” Volt growled into his neck. “So good for me.” Volt ground against Wallace’s still-pulsing cock, seeking his own completion. Thrusting. Needing. Yes, just a little more… and then the pleasure rose up over him and pulled him under.
He came, mouth wide open, remembering just in time to turn off the mechanism that would have otherwise released a load of spunk into his briefs.
He felt almost drunk as he floated back down, nuzzling into Wallace’s soft shoulder. He licked a line of sweat from his neck.
Wow. Volt hadn’t come like that in a while. Maybe since… Nope. Not going there.
Volt was just going to enjoy this moment. He dotted kisses along Wallace’s cheeks, easing back to take Wallace in, all flushed and cuddly and relaxed.
Volt kept their bodies together as he reached up to open the handcuffs. Wallace gave a little whimper of protest, but Volt kissed his wrists again, and Wallace just snuggled up against his side as soon as he was free.
He ran his fingers through Wallace’s hair, while the other hand drifted along Wallace’s back. This was nice. Really, really nice.
Kind of perfect.