Hell, maybe Volt was making up a work call so he could leave. People did that, right? Wallace was sure he’d had past dates do that to him, though most of them were blunt enough to just say it wouldn’t work.
He shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up.
Then suddenly, Volt was sweeping him into his arms, tilting Wallace’s face up with his wide hands.
“You actually mean that, don’t you?” Volt asked, his emerald eyes warm and liquid. “I just… You actually want to be my boyfriend.” He seemed as stunned as Wallace was.
“Um… yeah?” Wallace replied. He wanted it. It was just mystifying to him why Volt would want the same thing. “I mean, yes.” He tried to make it more of a statement than a question. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to make Volt sound so pleased.
“The work probably won’t take too long. I mean, I hope. But if you wanted to, maybe you could come back with me, and we could spend some time together when I’m done? Or meet up later?” Volt asked earnestly, like he was just waiting for Wallace to turn him down.
It was such a different side of him from the confident Daddy Wallace usually saw, that he was stunned for a moment. Could Volt really be nervous about him ?
Even more, could Volt really want him so much that it was worth asking him to hang around so they could spend more time together?
He hadn’t expected Volt to actually take him up on it. He didn’t like unexpected changes. He didn’t like going where he wasn’t sure what would be expected of him.
But if his boyfriend was asking…
“Sure, I could come back with you,” he answered shakily. “I mean, if I won’t be in the way.”
“No, um, you won’t be in the way.” Volt pressed a lock of hair behind Wallace’s ear, making it a caress. “I’d, um, really like it if you joined me. I’ll try to handle everything quickly.”
“Oh, okay then.” That flying, euphoric feeling was back.
“Let me go take your tray back and get a bag for your lunch,” Volt told Wallace, before pressing a quick peck to his lips. “Did you drive or take the subway?” He asked over his shoulder, already heading toward the cafe.
“I drove,” Wallace told his retreating back, still feeling like he was three steps behind on everything. He hadn’t thought about trays or transportation or anything. He was going back to Prism. But not as a client. As Volt’s boyfriend. It was too overwhelming for words.
He let Volt handle everything, including carrying his lunch and bundling him into his own car once he pointed the way.
“Here, creampuff.” Volt handed his lunch back to him once they were settled in the car. “Do you want to eat while we drive? Or I can set you up in the kitchen once we get back.”
Prism had a kitchen? “Um…” He kind of didn’t want Volt to just sit there watching him eat. But he didn’t want to be in the way at, uh, Volt’s place of business. “Here is good.”
He took a sip of his smoothie, hoping the coolness would reduce the warmth in his cheeks as he unwrapped his sandwich and took the first bite.
But he looked up to find Volt watching him with a sappy grin on his face.
“You sent me all those pictures of your lunches,” Volt told him, voice a little husky, “but I never got to see you eat them.”
Wallace’s blush was definitely back. He had to choke down the mouthful, and he sipped his smoothie a little too fast to try to clear it away.
It was sexy and kind of amazing that Volt wanted to watch him eat, but that made it even more embarrassing.
“Uh, what’s the problem at work?” he asked, trying to change the subject.
Volt’s face fell, stress and exhaustion appearing in the wrinkles around his eyes. It almost made Wallace sorry he’d asked.
Volt opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head. “I don’t even know where to start. Um, I guess the problem right now is the HVAC system. It’s illegal to operate without constant air filtration, even if the temperature is within regulation limits, and we open in less than three hours.”
“Okay?” Wallace asked. “Is that something you can fix?” It hadn’t even occurred to him that the problem would be something so mundane. Or that it would stress Volt out so much.
“Maybe. I’ve bought a few mods over the years for plumbing and electrical stuff, so I can fix the basics. Well, sometimes.” He shrugged. “I guess I’m just not mechanically inclined. Mods are one of those things where sometimes you just load them and—” he popped his fingers open “—instant expertise. They just become a part of you. But sometimes you can feel them running, and it’s just wrong. Like this creepy split personality giving you directions that don’t make any sense, and you try to muddle through it, but you keep disagreeing with yourself and you don’t understand why.” He shivered. “I don’t like doing mechanical repairs.”
Wow. That was fascinating. Wallace had about a million more questions.
He also had a quick, uncomfortable twinge at how seriously he’d considered trying to force a relationship with the creepy app on that nickel disc, but he pushed the feeling away, vowing to break the thing in two later, but wanting to focus on his boyfriend right now.
“So I’ll probably have to call someone,” Volt concluded, still looking worried.
“It seems like there should be at least somebody available on a Sunday,” Wallace ventured, still not entirely sure why Volt looked so distressed about a problem that was, yeah, inconvenient, but ultimately, fixable.
Volt nodded. “Oh, there are. I’ve got a company we usually call. It’s just been… Maintaining a building is a lot of work. And money. We’ve had to do a lot of repairs and upgrades in the past few years. Heater. Water line. Roof. A few of the bots. It’s… it’s a lot.”
For a moment, his gaze locked onto the horizon, his fans whirring loudly. Then he shot Wallace a sheepish look and quirked up a lip.
“Sorry if that destroys your image of me. I’m total crap at most mechanical things. Spreadsheets go a little better.”
“No,” Wallace protested quickly. “No, this is all fascinating. I mean, sorry, that was probably rude. I never had a spark explain how mods feel, and of course I don’t expect you to be good at everything. Who is? But I’m sure you are good at spreadsheets! I mean, I didn’t, uh, know that you did any of that stuff.”
“Yeah,” Volt shrugged. “I’m Prism’s business manager. Angel runs the front of the house since he’s better with people. But we both just do anything that needs doing.”
Okay, now Wallace felt like an asshole. He’d really thought that Volt just strutted around in a loincloth all day, then danced in his room in his free time. He’d assumed that Volt didn’t have any real responsibilities. But that was stupid. Someone had to run the business.
Wallace had been congratulating himself just a few minutes ago for getting to know his boyfriend, but it was clear he didn’t know shit. Worse, it hadn’t even occurred to him to ask.
Clearly, Volt wasn’t just sitting around all day, waiting to be Wallace’s Daddy.
He was, well, he was a real person. With worries and responsibilities and things that he wasn’t good at, just like anyone else.
To be honest, it did kind of burst Wallace’s bubble. Like, Volt wasn’t acting very Daddy-ish right now. But maybe that was good? Volt wasn’t as perfect as he’d thought, his mythical dream Daddy, but that made him more approachable. More real.
His real, live boyfriend.
Just the thought brought a smile to his lips.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Wallace offered again.
He meant it honestly, but a sinking part of him cringed as soon as the words left his mouth. He’d all but convinced himself that Volt really meant it. That he really wasn’t asking Wallace to date him just for Wallace’s money. But then, just hours after they’d agreed to be boyfriends, Volt suddenly sprung a problem on him that, well, really just needed money to fix.
Wallace’s stomach cramped with disappointment. He’d played this scene out with enough girlfriends in college. He could still hear the echo of their whiny voices in his head. Oh, Wallace. My rich parents cut off my excessive allowance. How am I ever going to be able to shop for all the latest trends and go out partying now? If you loved me, you’d pay for just this little, little thing. And this one. And this one, too?
And he had paid for it, all of it, for a long time. Hoping to buy their affections. Wanting to be loved at any price.
In adulthood, it got more subtle. Women expected gifts. Expensive, constant gifts. But somehow, Wallace was just supposed to know that without them asking for it. The prize for any one of them would have been marrying him for his money. And then, he assumed, having affairs behind his back to satisfy their true desires.
Because Wallace, on his own, was no one’s prize.
But he still wanted to be loved.
And, he realized, he was still willing to pay for it. At least with Volt, he’d be paying for something useful. It wasn’t a big deal. Despite all of Volt’s sweet words, a part of him had kind of known it was coming anyway.
Which was why he was surprised when, instead of quoting him a repair price, Volt gave him a lascivious grin. “Mmmm… If that’s your offer, then yes. You can help.”
“How?” Wallace asked, his throat tight.
Volt cupped his chin, running his thumb over Wallace’s lips. “You can help Daddy relax.”
“Uh, I can?” Wallace’s heart started to pound. That meant, sex, right? Not money?
Just, uh… Wow. Uh, okay. He could do that.
He wanted to do that.
Though he wasn’t quite sure how. Maybe… a blow job?
Uncertainty crept in. Wallace still wanted to do it, more than anything… but doing it here in the car would be kind of crowded. And would Volt be upset if Wallace didn’t know what he was doing?
God, he was still holding the second half of his sandwich and his smoothie. Not a sexy look. He put the smoothie down in the cup holder.
Volt didn’t seem to care. He reached for the levers between their seats and turned them to be facing each other. It wasn’t something most people did in their cars—the older generation liked the illusion of control they had with a steering wheel and brakes in front of them, even if a computer was actually doing all the driving, but most people also didn’t do it because the space between the chairs was so small that your legs ended up bumping into each other.
Like Volt’s and Wallace’s were now. Only Volt was wrapping his legs around Wallace’s, making him feel small and deliciously caged in. Rubbing his knees. Watching him like he’d never seen anything more fascinating.
Wallace’s cock pulsed. At a single word, he would have climbed into Volt’s lap.
God, how could this man be so sexy every single second? And not just his looks. All sexbots were stupidly attractive. But looking at Volt handsome visage still made him feel like he couldn’t breathe sometimes.
“Take another bite,” Volt commanded, voice low and throaty.
“Uh, what?” Wallace wasn’t winning any points for conversation right now. Then he remembered the sandwich in his hand. “You can’t really want to see me eat.”
“Daddy wants to see everything that you do. You’ve been driving me crazy for weeks, sending me those pictures when I never got to join you for a meal.”
Wallace’s face was flaming, but he made himself take a teeny tiny bite.
For Daddy. Because Daddy wanted him to.
Volt’s hands traveled a little higher. Just a few inches. Stroking his thighs now.
Wallace’s heart raced. “I… I… can’t eat if you’re doing that.” He was about to combust. It was embarrassing, eating and being this turned on. Also, he wasn’t serving Daddy at all. He was just kind of sitting here and letting Volt touch him.
“Yes, you can,” Volt told him, fingers brushing a little higher. “For Daddy.”
Wallace moaned. He couldn’t help it. It was exactly what he’d been thinking, too.
And if this was what Daddy wanted from him… Desire washed over him like a wave. All he wanted was this. Not the sandwich, but to please his Daddy.
“Keep eating, baby boy.” Volt flicked something on the dashboard, making the car windows darken until no one could see in.
Wallace let his eyes flutter closed, taking small bites of his sandwich in between moans, as Daddy’s firm, wicked fingers showed him that his thighs were about a thousand times more sensitive than he’d ever realized.
He didn’t even open his eyes when Daddy started touching his chest. His belly.
This was everything he’d feared before—his unathletic body, his weight, his food consumption, even if it wasn’t anything more than skinny people ate—but with Daddy those fears weren’t just buried under his arousal. They were gone completely.
Daddy liked him. The real him. And that meant that… well, that Wallace could just let himself go.
If this wasn’t real, if, later, he found out he’d still been wrong about everything, he thought he might cry.
But if it was, and it really, really felt like it was right now… he was falling fast and hard.
Was the first date too soon to fall in love?
Only this wasn’t their first date, was it? Maybe their official one, but Wallace had been falling for weeks now.
He finished the last little bite in between moans, then started to lick his fingers… only to have Daddy take charge and stop him, lifting Wallace’s hands to his own mouth.
Wallace had to open his eyes then, and was rewarded by the sight of Daddy’s lust-filled expression. He looked like he wanted to eat Wallace all up.
The next second, Volt’s hands were on his zipper.
Wallace let out a little eep! because he’d forgotten until that moment what he was wearing underneath.
“Ah, fuck , baby girl.” Volt sounded awed at the sight of the shimmery black boyshorts, so soft and decadent that they even made Wallace feel sexy, and already straining and growing damp from his arousal.
Wallace couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. He’d wanted this. Hoped for it. Maybe teased himself with the idea that he could expect it when he’d slid them on that morning. It wasn’t quite the pink lace that he was starting to imagine himself in, but he’d had the courage to wear sexy underwear, and Daddy liked them.
“Mmmmm… is this all for me?” Daddy asked, running warm fingers over his most sensitive parts.
Wallace nodded. It was for himself, really, that he’d bought these things online a few days ago and dared himself to wear them to work, hidden beneath his clothes. He hadn’t looked in any mirrors, unwilling to see the sight it presented, but he loved the feel.
Doing it for Daddy was completely different. He wanted to look. He wanted Daddy to watch him.
He wanted Daddy to love him.
“I waxed, too,” he confessed, suddenly wanting to lay himself bare in every way possible. Waxing had been painful, but afterward he hadn’t been able to get enough of touching himself. Feeling how smooth he was.
Daddy growled, then lurched forward to give Wallace a lingering kiss… before bending further until his mouth closed over Wallace’s trapped dick.
“Daddy!” Wallace cried out, overcome, and Daddy pulled the boyshorts down, exposing him.
“I told myself I was going to wait until later,” Daddy told him, warm breath fanning his skin. “But you’re too tempting, princess.”
Wallace was shaking as Daddy licked a stripe up his cock, then tucked the satiny panties down below his balls.
“So smooth,” Daddy praised, sucking one and then the other into his mouth.
Wallace couldn’t respond in words. He was too far gone. Not just from the touch, but from the way Daddy so clearly wanted him. From the very idea that he could bring this perfect man to his knees.
Then Volt started sucking. No, sucking was too tame a word for it. He was twisting his tongue around, stroking and pulsing, finding every sensitive spot and exploiting it, until Wallace was drowning in pleasure.
Wallace wanted to make this last, but there was no way he could. “Daaaaaaddyyyyy!” he wailed. He clutched Daddy’s shoulders, wanting him even closer. Wanting to merge their bodies into one.
“Come for me,” Volt told him between hungry licks. “Give Daddy your cream.”
Wallace couldn’t resist the command. Bliss swept over him, sweeping from his cock out through every cell in his body. He spurted into Daddy’s mouth, trembling in the aftershocks as Daddy continued sucking until he was drained dry taking what was his and making Wallace feel owned and cared for and utterly blissful .
Finally, Daddy pulled his mouth away with a soft, satisfied sound, and Wallace slumped back, still floating.
“Mmmmmm…” Daddy hummed. “You’re too far away.” He lifted Wallace without another word, manhandling him into his lap.
Wallace let himself rest there, drowsy and sated, until Daddy pressed something thin and smooth against his lips.
“Drink, baby.”
Ah. His smoothie. Wallace took a sip, letting the flavors burst on this tongue. “Thank you, Daddy.” His voice was wrecked.
“Oh, you’re very welcome. Always so sweet for me.”
Wallace curled up into his chest. “Did that really help you relax, Daddy?”
Daddy kissed his forehead. “Like you wouldn’t believe, creampuff.”
“Even though I didn’t…” He gestured with his hand. He hadn’t touched Volt at all. Hadn’t made him come. “Don’t you want me to do anything for you?”
“Oh, I do want,” Daddy assured him. “I want your mouth all over me. I want your tight little hole.” He squeezed Wallace’s ample ass and Wallace squirmed in anticipation. “I want to be inside you, baby. I want to feel you come on my cock.”
Wallace shivered. He wanted that, too. Would they be doing it soon?
Not that he could even imagine coming again right now, but he still wanted that more than words. He wanted everything with Volt.
And for the first time, he actually let himself hope that he might actually get it.
Today just kept getting better, that warm feeling in his chest expanding until it was bigger than his body. And he almost, almost said something he shouldn’t. At least, not yet.
But if this wasn’t love, it was closer to it than he’d ever felt for anyone in his life, so… maybe he would say it. Eventually.
Maybe his Daddy would even say it back.
“We’ll be back at Prism in a few minutes,” Daddy whispered quietly. “So we’ll have to save anything else for later.”
He dropped a kiss on Wallace’s forehead.
Wallace nodded. He never wanted to move again. Everything he wanted was right here.
The car eased into a parking spot, then shut off. The windows were still tinted too dark to see out, but Wallace figured they’d arrived.
“I suppose we have to go in,” Wallace complained, still feeling lazy in the afterglow of his pleasure.
“You don’t have to,” Volt told him too quickly. “I mean, if you changed your mind.”
Wallace looked up at the hesitance that had slipped into Volt’s tone. “I didn’t. I’m ready.” He reached for his zipper, tucking himself away, and realized it was true.
He was ready for all of it. His new life—his real life, with a real boyfriend—was about to begin.
And he couldn’t fucking wait.
Because as long as Daddy wanted it too, there wasn’t anything standing in his way of having it all, now was there?
(Sorry, Wallace. There might, in fact, be a few things still in the way…)
Volt and Wallace’s story continues in
The SPARK Files, Book 4: Sexbot .