Ride With Me Chapter 4 9%
Library Sign in

Chapter 4



Sam is setting the table when I open my eyes, glass plates clinking against the hardwood. The man really likes oak. Explains why he loves living around trees so damn much.

“Morning.” He smiles my way, holding a pitcher of juice in his hand. “Come join me.”

“Uh… Is it cool if I use your bathroom first?”

“Sure. Neither have any windows so I hope that’s not the reason.” He winks and I snort.

“Of course they don’t, but no I really have to pee. It was all that water you gave me.”

Laughing, he shakes his head. “It was beneficial and so is peeing. You can use the shower too if you want. I have some clothes you can borrow. Yours reek of crime.”

I laugh and stand from the couch. “I’m okay. I don’t understand why you’re being so nice to me. I broke your glass and stole your shit.”

“You did, but you’ll also be helping me get it back soon, and I don’t need you growing tired or passing out before you can. Go wake up and then come eat breakfast. We won’t get very far with how you are now.”

Of course that’s the only reason he’s doing all this. He wants me to lead him to the right place today and get me the hell out of his hair. Where that will land me, who knows. He hasn’t said yet. Will he, if I ask? He’s been mostly kind so far, and the occasional anger radiating off him is understandable but he’s a good guy.

Halfway to the bathroom, I freeze, my toes curling against the floor. He took my shoes off. “Can I ask you something?”

“What’s that?” He raises his head from the cup he’s filling.

“Are you going to take me to the cops when this is all over?”

“Let’s see if you can find it first and we’ll go from there.” His face is neutral.

“Sounds fair. I really am sorry for what I did. I know it didn’t seem like it at first and I should have apologized before.”

“You weren’t sorry then and it would have been a lie. I believe you’re telling the truth when you say it now though.”

For some strange reason I am. I’ve never seen the people I’ve stolen from as anything but rich snobs who wouldn’t miss what they’ve lost. He’s made it very clear how important it is to him. So much so, he’s been super hospitable to the person who took it. I’ll give it back. Not because it’s the right thing to do—no, I’ve never been that person and don’t think I can be—but because I want to give it back. In some odd way, I feel like I owe him. He’s seen me for the person I couldn’t see him for.

As soon as I’m in the bathroom, I close the door and flip on the lights. My eyes are red and raw, large bags resting beneath my lids. Last night I slept better than I have in all my life but it’s not enough. Not judging by my reflection and the achiness in my bones. Two more nights like that and I’ll be better than ever. I could always consider going for late night walks or running from the cops before bed every night. Unless neither of those are the secret ingredient I’ve been looking for. Unless... Closing my eyes, I open them again, slapping myself on the cheek.

As much sleep as I got last night, the crazy thoughts haven’t disappeared. I’m not much closer to being of sound mind than I was yesterday.

Two sharp knocks on the door have me jolting. “Everything okay in there? I brought those clothes for you in case you wanted them.”

I unlock the door, taking the sweatpants and long sleeve gray shirt from him. “Thanks. I’ll only be a few more minutes.”

“Take your time. I have to finish cleaning up the kitchen.”

I lock the door as soon as he pulls it closed. After washing my face, I tug on the clean clothes, tossing mine on the sink. I exit the bathroom and as I’m about to ask for something to put my clothes in, he hands me a grocery bag. “They fit you well enough.”

“Yeah, about as good as a sack fits three potatoes.” I laugh uncomfortably, collecting the bag from his hand and he smiles.

“And yet you somehow pull it off.”

He doesn’t join me at the table because he ate while I was sleeping, and just sips his coffee while staring out the window. Breakfast is better than yesterday’s sandwiches and I eat way too fast for my stomach to catch, feeling it rolling after chasing my food down with water. Meeting me halfway, he collects the dishes from my hand and points behind me.

“Your shoes are by the couch. I’ll grab my keys, then we can head out. Unless there’s something else you need to do first?” He lowers his brow.

“No, I’m good.” Walking slowly, I circle around the couch and slip on my shoes. He meets me at the door with my phone in his hand, fully charged. “There’s still no service but I thought you might like it back anyway.”

“Yeah, it comes and goes apparently.” My pants sag on my waist as I slip the phone into one of the pockets and follow him outside. A cool breeze wraps around us as I catch up to him.

“Need my jacket?” He turns around, slowing down.

“No, I’m okay. You’ve done enough.”

“You learn over time to take advantage of someone’s kindness when you get it. Never know when it’ll come again.” Turning his face back around, he continues moving forward down the long driveway. I don’t give myself time to consider what he means by that. A little word of wisdom he was told before by someone older than him, I’m sure.

“I don’t get it often to begin with, so I doubt I’ll notice when things go back to normal.”

“You’d be surprised.” He stops in front of the crooked tree I led him to last night. One of the few things that stood out to me when I ran out here. “This way, right?”

I run a hand through my hair, closely studying the other trees. “Should be.”

“After you.” He nudges his head forward and I lead the way, remembering better with clearer eyes and the sun lighting our path. Walking too far, I reach the large tree I hid behind. Unlike the ones around it, its branches are covered in orange and red leaves, the front of the bark peeled off in several areas.

“What’s wrong?” Warm breath ghosts over my ear and I shiver.

“We’re really close but I went too far.” I backtrack, and stop where the branches that were once stacked over the small hole are scattered. Empty. I swear my heart stops. I wait for him to ask the same question again but instead he rests a hand on my shoulder, saying, “Shall we go back to the house then?”

“I don’t understand. I hid it here yesterday.” My tone shifts to a higher octave. “It’s not like it grew legs and wandered off.”

“Were you working alone yesterday? I can’t imagine someone doing such a big job so fast and all by themselves.”

“I was the only one in the house and...” My words trail off when the revelation hits me. Fucking assholes. Brick was watching me the whole time. He had to be. Or he was tracking me somehow. I look down at my phone, remembering the three of us were on the same plan and had all activated Find my Phone in case something went wrong.

“Your friend took it, didn’t he?” The muscle in his cheek ticks. “You happen to know where he is now?”

“They planned all of this. For me to fail and them to make enough money off me to run away somewhere together.”

“Who are ‘they’?” His face doesn’t soften. I keep waiting for those smiles I was getting between the hard expressions yesterday, but his lips hint at no sign of them returning anytime soon.

“My boyfriend and best friend. They took everything and...” I check my phone, and I no longer have access to theirs. “I doubt we’ll find them.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

My eyes shoot up to his. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s not enough anymore, but you can still make it right.”

“By turning myself in?” My stomach grows queasy.

“That’s one option, but we’re talking ten to thirty years for armed robbery.”

“Wait…But I wasn’t armed?”

“They won’t know that, and who do you think they’ll believe? Surely not the criminal.” He cocks his head, leaning down. “Maybe you came back for what you forgot and shot me? That’s more time.” His eyes darken, and I finally get a smile but it’s not the one I want.

Or is it? Fear hits me and it’s as exciting as breaking into a house. The not knowing. The danger that can strike at any moment. I have a need to come out of the other side winning. What will the prize be? More sandwiches and eggs? Needing to be closer to finding out, I say, “What’s my other option?”

“Pay me back for what you stole.”

“I don’t have any money.”

“Not with money.” He sucks his teeth, and I tug at the sleeves of my shirt, not sure what to do with my hands.

Hair rises on the back of my neck at the terrifying look in his eyes. “What do I have to do? Because if it’s some sexual favor you’re wanting, I’ll have you know, my ex-partners called me terrible in bed.” They didn’t, and I doubt anything I’m saying sounds convincing with how much my voice cracks.

“It’s not. I can get that anywhere. There’s something else I think you can help me with that I normally don’t come by as easily.”

“So, you don’t want sex from me?”

“No. As I said before, this isn’t about sex.”

Shaking off the ridiculous urge to ask him what’s wrong with me, and whether it’s because I’m not his type, I ask, “What’s is it?”

“Give me what you did yesterday. Be my perfect patient for a whole week. Then I’ll let you go.”

Yeah, not at all what I was expecting him to say, and I don’t know if I should be worried about what all that entails. He said like last night. Can’t be much more than that then. Sounds too damn easy though, and so far, this man has been full of surprises. “For one full week?”

“Yes, and then I’ll let you go. We can pretend this never happened. I’ll claim everything I lost through insurance. You walk away scot-free.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “Will it be exactly like last night, or more?”

He strokes my cheek, his fingers leaving behind tingles and strange promises for later. “Whatever I feel you need to get better. So, what will it be?” He steps closer, invading my space with his addicting scent.

So many scary thoughts pop into my head and they’re almost laughable. This guy is like fucking Mr. Rogers for Christ’s sake. No way his brain even slightly touches the places mine goes sometimes, but why am I hoping for more surprises? I suck in a breath, choosing my next words carefully. “I don’t want to go to prison.”

“Then you won’t. Not as long as you meet your end of the bargain.”

One week will go faster than I realize, and if yesterday was a preview of what’s to come, it’ll be way better than becoming some asshole’s prison bitch. I’ll get through this like everything else, and even after being caught, I’ll still get to celebrate a victory of getting away with another robbery. The rewarding feeling is so close again. I just have to get through the fear part first. A whole week of wondering if he’ll change his mind. A whole week of wondering if he’s not really the good guy I’ve pegged him as.

I can be his good patient, and I will be.

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