Ride With Me Chapter 2 12%
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Chapter 2



That little shit! I cursed my stepson out with every possible word I could think of as I put the car in park and climbed out. This was what he wanted. There was no chance of him outrunning me. It didn’t matter that I was twenty years older than him, I hadn’t seen Wild run willingly once in all the years I knew him. Me? I ran track my entire life. Got a college scholarship for it, even made it as far as the Olympic qualifiers once. Maybe I wasn’t as fast as I used to be, but I kept the training up, and it would take no time at all to chase down the brat.

Which was why I was going to have some fun with him. I leaned against the side of the car and squinted into the darkness. I couldn’t really make him out, but I could hear his muttered curses and squeaks as he tripped his way through the field. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. If the little fucker wanted to play games, I’d play all right. But it would end up the way we both wanted it, with him in the car, panting my name under me.

It wasn’t an accident that Wild found the pictures. Fuck, it was insulting he thought I was so stupid as to just leave them in an unprotected folder right there for anyone to find. I offered Wild to use my computer today when he was complaining about his being too slow to work on his assignment. I planned for him to see them. I took a lot of time handpicking exactly which ones I wanted him to “come across”. They were ones I was sure would send him in my direction.

But then the brat ran. I would’ve let him go if I didn’t see the video of him getting himself off as he clicked through them. He was scared and probably felt guilty about his mom. He should’ve realized I’d never let go without making sure she was cared for first. It was why I told her yesterday I wanted a divorce. I might have been a pervert, but I wasn’t a fucking cheater.

I put out the cigarette and pushed away from the car. I popped the trunk and got a few supplies. Time to hunt and teach this the boy a lesson. Wilder was mine. Now I had to make him understand that.

I took my time as I followed the trampled path through the field. He wasn’t even trying to hide his tracks. That was my fault, really. I never taught the boy how to survive. He was always a little soft, and I’d nurtured that, loved that side of him. It never bothered me that he preferred dolls to trucks as a kid. I was the one who’d bought him that purple sparkly tutu when he was eight and brought him to see Lady Gaga for his sixteenth birthday. He was my son, so who gave a fuck about anything else?

It was only the last year or so that I started seeing him differently. As more than my kid. It began innocently enough. I accidentally walked into the bathroom when he was getting out of the shower. I only saw a glimpse before turning around and leaving, but it was enough.

I wanted to let my obsession go. I was married to his mom for fuck’s sake. I’d raised the kid. But the more I tried to ignore it, the worse my obsession became. It was six months ago that I caved completely to the craziness inside my head and planted the cameras. It was then that I realized I was past the point of no return.

Losing my patience, I picked up my pace. I could use my flashlight, but what fun would that be? This chase was already too easy.

Wild tripped and cursed loud enough that anyone in a five-mile radius would hear him.

“Fuck, that fucking hurt!”

I almost stopped, shouted to make sure he wasn’t really injured, but then Wild climbed to his feet and was running again. Time to stop the game.

I was on him in seconds. Really, it wasn’t fair. I should probably train him once he was officially mine. I never wanted him to lose the softness that made him Wild, but this was just pathetic. If anyone else but me was chasing his ass, he would’ve been dead.

I tackled him from behind. I wasn’t even quiet about it or fast. Wilder all but stopped when he sense me coming. I couldn’t tell if it was a deer-in-headlights thing or if he was just tired of running. Either way, the end was result was us both crashing into the ground, my considerably larger body weight crushing him.

“Jesus, fuck, Rey, get off me.” He whined as he wriggled underneath me.

I didn’t think it was his intention, but as he fought to get from under me, his ass rubbed against my dick, back and forth. I was nearly hard as I struggled to keep him still.

I slapped the side of his thigh. “Enough, Wild. Settle.”

Wild pushed back in rebellion, then his whole body stilled. He twisted his head to face me, with those big, surprised eyes, when he felt my erection rub against him. I pushed one hand on the center of his back, holding him in place as I ground my hips across his ass.

“Do you feel that, princess? Your bratty behavior is making Daddy hard.”

Wild keened. The most obscene, sexy fucking sound I’d ever heard.

“Oh, you like that huh? My hard dick rubbing against you? You wish it was inside you, don’t you. Filling you up. I know how much you liked to be filled.”

I wasn’t sure if he even realized it, but Wild was humping the ground, his sounds getting louder, as he stopped pretending to fight.

“I saw all those boys you used to let fuck you, my slutty little boy, but I promise you, none of them will ever compare to me.”

“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath.

I fisted the waistband of his jeans and pulled them down to expose his ass.

“Are you not wearing underwear, princess?” I slapped his ass, enjoying the jiggle, my lip sucked in between my teeth. “It’s like you were asking for this.”

Wild bucked underneath me. “Fuck…you…” he grunted.

My grin was feral. “Yeah, I think it’s the other way around.”

I slapped his cheek again, trying to ignore how fucking hard it made me when he moaned like that. Wild liked it rough, liked it to hurt a little. I knew everything about my boy. It was finally time to show him.

“I should take you right here,” I muttered more to myself than anything as I struggled to expose his ass. Why were his pants so fucking tight?

Wild’s nails dug into the ground, scrambling for purchase. He lifted his hips up as much as he could manage, which gave me more room. I wasn’t sure he even realized he was cooperating.

“Would you like that, princess? If I stripped you and filled this tight fucking ass right here in the middle of this field to show you everything you were trying to run away from?”

“No,” Wild whined, even as he arched into my touch. I spread his cheeks and spat right on his hole. I had no intention of taking him here, since I had plans, but it didn’t hurt to keep him on his toes. My boy would learn what happened when he tried to leave me.

“Did you really think you could run from me, Wild? I will always find you. What I don’t understand is why you left in the first place.”

“You’re disgusting.”

I laughed evilly. “Oh yeah? You didn’t think that when you were jerking off to the pictures earlier.”

Wild froze underneath me. “Y-you saw that?”

I leaned down so my whole body weight was on him, pinning him to the ground. My mouth was so close to his ear that my lips brush against the curve. “Oh yeah, princess. I saw the whole thing. You look so pretty with your hand around your cock and my name on your lips.” I nipped at his ear, causing him to shiver. “I plan to have you saying my name like that every day from now on.”

Wild shook his head in protest even as his hips pushed into my hold. His mind might’ve been fighting this, but his body sure as fuck wasn’t. “No, so…wrong. Mom.”

That was right. I hadn’t told him about that yet. I bit his shoulder. “I’m not with your mother anymore, princess. I gave her divorce papers the other day. Don’t worry, she’ll be taken care of.”

He’d have more questions later, but that could wait. This was about claiming my boy and helping him understand exactly who he belonged to.

“Enough of that now. Time for me to take what’s mine. Don’t you agree?”

I didn’t wait for Wild to respond. In seconds, I had his hand pinned behind his back with one hand while I fished out the zip ties I had in my pocket with the other. I shoved his wrist in the hole but didn’t tighten it.

“This is your last chance, Wild. If you don’t want this, say it now, and it’ll stop. I’ll drive you home and call a tow for your car. We’ll never speak about this again. But, if you don’t, then you’re mine, and I’ll do what I whatever I want with you.”

The air was heavy between us as I waited for Wild’s answer. I probably should’ve backed off and given him some room to think, but I couldn’t manage it. I finally had what I wanted for so long right here, I wasn’t about to give it up now.

Wild twisted enough in my grip so he was staring at me. His expression was so intense, so full of emotion, that for a split second I thought he really was going to tell me no. Then, with gritted teeth, like he couldn’t quite believe what he was saying, Wild met my eyes and replied, “Don’t stop.”

I was grinning as I tightened the zip ties.

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