Ride With Me Chapter 3 39%
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Chapter 3



What are you doing, stupid?

I have no clue, but he looked safer than the idiot twins and their friends back there.

My internal battle over my decisions lately rattled inside my head as the blur of dark green sped past the passenger side window. My knuckles were white from clutching the side of the seat. If I died that night, I hoped my ghost would come back to torture Kenny. After all, it was his fault I had to hitchhike across the country.

“Relax.” Dean’s deep chuckle sent vibrations of warmth through my body. “Is there anyone you can call and give my information to? Perhaps you would feel better if someone knew where and who you were with.”

I would, but they might just call me an idiot for taking a ride with a stranger.

“It’s important that a friend knows where you are and who you are with and can notify the police if you didn’t respond to their texts or calls. You should text a friend my details to feel more comfortable riding with me. I don’t mind.”

I watched the muscles flex in Dean’s forearm as he shifted gears and wondered how it would be to ride him.


“Oh. Um, okay. I’ll text my friend Stacy.”

Pulling out my phone, I typed in a quick text to Stacy.

Me: I had to find a way to Florida and didn’t get dickwad to give me back the car I paid half for.

Stacy: We would have taken you. Why didn’t you ask?

Me: I didn’t want to bother you guys. You’re just starting to settle in at home with your men and didn’t need me to take you away from it again.

I could have asked and maybe should have, but she and her men had only just gotten back into the groove of things at home after a substantial dramatic situation; they didn’t need me bothering them.

“What’s wrong?” Dean flicked a quick glance in my direction. “You’re nibbling your lip. I thought it would calm you, not escalate your anxiety.”

“She asked me why I didn’t just ask them to give me a ride.”

“Well, why didn’t you? Let me guess. You thought you would be bothering them.”

I lowered my head. How did he know me so well already? “I didn’t want to bother them.”

“Andrew, listen to me.” Dean reached over and squeezed my thigh. “You need to remember you are not a bother to friends and people who love you.”

I looked down at my phone and saw another text from Stacy. Well, here goes the part she’ll get furious at me for.

Stacy: Where are you now? We’ll come get you.

Me: I am somewhere in Indiana. I caught a ride. He wanted me to text you and give you his information so I felt safe, and so you knew where I was and who I was with.

I watched the three dots pop up for several minutes then disappear, only to reappear. From experience, I knew Stacy was venting then deleting it and trying to be softer in her words. Still, I was afraid of what she would send to me.

Stacy: Give it to me, along with a photo of his ID and license plates. Also, I need a picture of you for when I need to set up a missing-person poster.

Stacy: What the fuck, Andrew?

Me: I’ll send you the information at our next stop. You can call me whenever to make sure I’m okay. He seems like a good guy, though.

She was mad. Thank God I didn’t call. I can still remember how bad it got the last time we fought. I think my hearing diminished by 15 percent that night. Stacy didn’t make me wait long for a reply.

Stacy: Famous quotes from neighbors of serial killers. “He was such a nice guy.”

Stacy: What am I gonna do with you, Andrew?

Stacy: I’ll be waiting for your text. Do not make me wait too long.

“Everything okay?” Dean asked as I laid my phone back down.

“I think so. She’s mad at me but wants your blood type and Social Security number.”

“Ha. You can send a photo of me, my truck, and my ID. Here.” Dean handed me his wallet. Go ahead and get that started. And if she wants, I can provide character references.”

“We can take care of that at the next stop. She can wait.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind you going through my wallet to get the necessary information.”

“Thanks. But I’d rather wait until we’re stopped. I hate trying to take pictures in a moving vehicle. It makes my car sickness rear its ugly head.”

“Do you need to take something? I think I have a few ginger chews in the glove box.” Dean reached out to open the compartment, but I waved him off.

“No, it’s fine for now. I know what triggers it, and so far, I’m avoiding those things. That’s why I’ll wait to send the pictures.

“Okay, but tell me the minute you start feeling sick, okay?”

“Deal.” A warmth crept into my chest at the worry in his voice. It had been a long time since a partner showed me they cared. How did I not notice when Kenny stopped showing me he gave a shit about my well-being? Man, I really am an idiot.

“Now, would you mind if I put some music on? I drive better listening to ’90s music, but if you want, I can probably find something more contemporary.” Dean lifted his chin toward the radio, and I turned it on.

“That’s fine. Are you thinking more of Rage Against the Machine, Korn, or Pearl Jam?”

“I was listening to the station, but if you open the glove box again, you will find my CD stack. Why don’t you surprise me?”

“Challenge accepted.” I reached out and flipped open the door to access the case that held his CDs. “Let’s see what chaos I can create tonight.”

“Bring it.” Dean smiled, and my insides lit up in pleasure. Now, I just needed to find the right music.

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