I kept looking out the curtain and asking if anyone had seen my brother. It was going to be awkward if I had to perform this solo alone.
I heard the music start just as Ryan stepped behind the curtain. I pushed on my mustache to try to get the glue to stick. We stepped out as the curtain parted, and belted out our best rendition of, I Got You, Babe.
We got a standing ovation. Ryan was a great Cher, while I with my fluffy ‘stache was a hit.
Our next song to close our act, was Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, which Ryan had performed before.
At close, Bear picked Cher Ryan off the stage and left me alone. They were waving as they left the building.
“Cher has left the building folks.”
“Yes. But she left the main man behind.”
“Lucille Ball, you know I’m a sucker for redheads.”
“Too bad. I’m actually bald. Let’s get changed and see what pops up.”
“I’ve got you, babe….
The End