Ride With Me Chapter 3 71%
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Chapter 3



Learning that my current partner cheated on me and attempted to humiliate me in front of our friends felt like a brutal punch to the gut.

While our relationship may not have been heading anywhere significant, was it too much to expect loyalty from him? I understood that Tommy wasn't looking for anything serious, yet he had agreed to exclusivity. If he had only communicated with me, we could have addressed any problems or ended things amicably. Instead, Tommy chose to try and embarrass me in front of our friends.

Jokes on him, because everyone now knows what an untrusty little rat he truly is.

I’m not heartbroken, but Tommy could be enjoyable in bed when he put in the effort. Throughout our time together, he was generally willing to follow my lead, and I've never had anyone beg for my attention quite like he did.

I like my men to act and behave in a certain type of way. I don’t want someone I can easily walk all over, I need them to have a little bit of spunk to them, while also willing to communicate with me if there’s a problem.

Driving home after a long, hectic day at work, I'm eagerly anticipating the moment I can kick back on the sofa with a cold beer in hand. Despite the sweltering heat, I’m not loving the sudden downpour that has emerged out of nowhere, leaving the air thick and muggy. I roll down the car windows to let in some fresh air, but then I slow my pace, noticing the sound of shouting voices in the distance.

As I ease my foot off the accelerator, I catch sight of two men vehemently shouting at each other. I can't help but raise an eyebrow when I realise that one of them is completely naked, arms raised in exasperation. The other man wears a bored expression, one arm casually extended to the side with his thumb jutting upwards as if he's attempting to hitch a ride.

I know I should simply overlook the scene and carry on my way home, but my curiosity is too strong to resist. “Hey!” I call out, prompting the feuding duo to pause their argument and glance over in my direction.

The fully clothed man strides over to me first, and I can’t help but notice the sweat cascading down his face—a strikingly handsome face, if I’m being honest. His clothes are clinging to him, soaked through from the rain.

"Are you guys alright out here?" I ask, my voice laced with concern.

“Car troubles,” he explains.

I glance at his bare companion, and before I can voice my confusion, the man at my window interjects, "He doesn't handle the heat very well, so he figured it was best to cool off by stripping down."

"Right?" I respond, forcing a nod as if his reasoning makes complete sense. "Do you guys need a ride somewhere?" The moment the words leave my lips, a loud crack of thunder rumbles overhead, causing the naked man to squeal in surprise and bolt towards us in a frantic dash.

Before I can say anything else, the man is climbing into the back seat of my car, naked and soaked.

“Sorry about him,” the man at my window says, a hint of frustration in his voice. “If it’s not too much trouble, could you give us a ride?” I expect him to climb into the back with his friend, but to my surprise, he slips into the passenger seat beside me instead.

“So, where are you boys heading?” I ask, making sure to keep my tone as friendly as possible, before starting the car.

The nude man in the back snorts, but doesn’t answer my question.

“We were heading to Happy Natures camping ground,” the man beside me explains, his tone tinged with disappointment. “It’s our anniversary, and we had big plans. But then our car broke down, and honestly, I’m not familiar with the area, so walking back just isn’t an option.”

“Oh, well, happy anniversary to you both,” I say, attempting to lighten the mood. However, the man in the back lets out a sarcastic snort, a sound that cuts through the moment and leaves an uncomfortable tension hanging in the air.

“Thanks,” the man beside me replies, his voice tinged with irritation that undermines his words. “Is there a train station nearby where you could drop us off?”

“There’s a station about twelve miles from here,” I reply, glancing out at the downpour that has turned the world into a grey blur. “But given this torrential rain, I can't promise the trains will be running on time.”

“Fantastic,” the nude man mutters under his breath, sarcasm dripping from his words.

“Are there any hotels around here?” the man beside me asks, his voice dripping with frustration, pointedly ignoring his boyfriend sulking in the back seat.

I shake my head and reply, “Not a chance. It’s like a hotel desert out here.”

I realise what I’m about to suggest next could come off as quite weird and creepy, but I ask it anyway, “How about I take us to my cabin and we’ll figure something out from there?”

The guy behind me leans forward, his tone sharp. “How do we know you’re not just taking us there to off us? Ever heard of stranger danger? Because right now, you’re making that sound pretty real.”

I can’t help but laugh, it’s the most I’ve heard the naked man talk. “I promise you I’m not here to hurt you—unless, of course, you’re into that kind of thing,” I mutter the last part under my breath. “Anyway, I’m Magnus and all I really want is to get home and kick back with a cold beer.”

“I’m Leo, and this is Mason,” Leo says, gesturing to his partner with a nod. “We’d really appreciate your help, so we’ll gladly take you up on your offer.”

We fall into a comfortable silence as I navigate the winding road to my cabin. The rain continues to pour, creating a rhythmic backdrop against the car. Once we arrive, I glance at Leo and Mason. “Stay put,” I say, my voice cutting through the steady drumming of the rain. Then, with a quick nod, I leap out of the car and dash through the downpour toward the front door.

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