Ride With Me Chapter 2 80%
Library Sign in

Chapter 2



After entering the code, I pull into my driveway and come to a stop. Looking over to the side, I take in the young blond man currently sitting in the passenger seat, sleeping. Liam. Princess.

God, he's beautiful. Of course, I've seen him around the club. There's no way you could miss him. He works the stage with so much charisma that everyone stays glued to him. He has this lean, tanned body with gorgeous blond curls that go down to his shoulders, and frame his face. Tonight's the first night I've been close enough to see his beautiful blue eyes. However, he's pretty young—at least twenty years younger than me—and so damn gorgeous. Most nights I spend at the club, I keep an eye on him. He's captured my attention for the longest time, but I've always kept my distance. There are certain types of things I need from a pretty boy, and I wasn't sure he could give them to me.

Until he let it slip.

He called me ' Daddy ' and it felt right. Like a puzzle clicking into place.

I reach over and gently rustle him awake, his ocean-blue eyes blinking up at me. They flutter closed as I brush my thumb against his cheek.

"We're here." He darts up quickly, wiping some drool off his mouth. Fuck, he's adorable. "Come on, let's go."

He follows me into my two-story house, his eyes widening when we step inside. My house is on the larger side; two stories with six bedrooms and three garages. Did I need this big of a house? Probably not. But when I want something, I get it. The outside is all black with hints of white, while the inside is the same, but with the addition of gold accents. I watch as Liam takes in the house, and I feel a pulse of relief when he smiles.

"Your house is beautiful."

"Thank you. Why don't you take a shower while I make you a snack?"

"Oh no, that's okay." He shakes his head, but I won't take no for an answer. He was out in the rain for who knows how long and is completely drenched. He deserves to take a hot shower and clean up.

"Take the shower, Liam," I command, deepening my voice so he knows it's not debatable.

"Okay," he breathes, his body leaning into mine.

Hell, he follows directions so easily. Maybe he could be what I'm looking for.

"Bathroom is up the stairs, second door on the right. Once you're clean, wrap yourself in a towel that’s next to the tub and call down for me."

"Got it."

I watch him bounce up the stairs, the end of his jacket barely covering his ass. My dick starts thickening behind my slacks and I can't look away, wondering what he's wearing underneath. He disappears from view and I head to the kitchen to busy myself with making him a quick snack. A short while later, I hear soft feet padding on the top of the stairs.

"Um. Hello?" He chuckles as I walk out into the entryway. "Sorry, I never got your name."


Shaking my head, I smile. "It's Gideon. Gideon Anderson."

"Gideon. Hmm. I like that," he says, playing with the hem of the towel.

I stride up the stairs, reaching him in no time. Water is dripping off the ends of his long blond hair and running down his chest. I have to stop myself from reaching out to touch him. "Come on, I have some clothes you can slip into." Guiding him into my room, I open the dresser drawer where I keep a bunch of T-shirts. "Feel free to grab anything you'd like. I figure a shirt is more comfortable than dirty, wet clothes."

"Thank you," he murmurs, walking over to the dresser. He grabs a black shirt out of the drawer and slides it over his head, tossing his towel into the basket. He uses his fingers to comb through his curls, and they fall easily over his shoulder as he shakes them out. Fuck, he’s mesmerizing. He moves effortlessly, capturing my attention. I watch as he grabs his soaked duffle bag that he brought with him. His hands disappear as he rummages around inside until he pulls out a lacy, dark green thong. He gingerly pulls them up his creamy legs until the small strip of lace slides between his ass cheeks. His ass is perfect.

And god, he looks good in my shirt. It's swallowing him, the hem going down to his knees, and all I want to do is crawl over to him and stuff my head under the shirt.

"No problem. Are you hungry?" I ask, walking over to him, caging him in by the dresser.

"I could eat," he says, blinking up at me with huge doe eyes. My hands come out, lightly grabbing his curls. I pull one down, wrapping it around my finger.

“Come on, let’s go.” We head back downstairs to the kitchen and he plops onto a bar stool. I pass him the plate I made with salami, pepperoni, and different types of cheeses. "This okay?"

"This is perfect. Thank you," he whispers.

I watch him take timid bites before finally devouring the entire plate I’d set front of him. Fuck, he was hungry. I stare at him as he finishes the plate, licking his fingers while humming happily. I'd been drawn to Liam since the first time I saw him up on the stage. I knew I wanted him, knew he needed someone to take care of him, but he wasn't ready yet. He is now, though. I'm up and out of my seat, making him more food before he can ask. I set the new plate in front of him, smiling when he eagerly starts eating again.

"So do you really own Ocean?" he asks, taking a sip of the water I placed in front of him.

"I do. Have you never seen me before? At the club, I mean."

"Of course I've seen you. It'd be hard to not notice you." His cheeks pink up, and I smile, loving how shy he is. "I didn't know you were the owner, though. I just thought you were a man enjoying the show. And maybe looking for something or someone specific."

He dips his head shyly and I place my finger under his chin, raising his head. "I was looking for someone. Someone special."

"Like a baby boy?" he whispers, causing my heart to stop at his words and I smile, knowing we're on the same wavelength.

"I was hoping for a pretty princess. And I think I might have just found him."

"A princess?" he asks, wide-eyed.

While I like having a baby boy, I crave having a pretty princess. A boy who wouldn't mind dressing up for me, wearing lace and pearls. I sit down on the stool next to him, placing my hand on his knee.

"A gorgeous princess," I tell him, lifting my hand to caress his cheek. "I've watched you for a while. Each night that I go to the club and see you on that stage, my eyes stay trained on you, but I’ve always been too scared to make a move."

"Why?" he asks, his eyes fluttering closed as he leans into my palm.

"Because you could be someone I let in. There's something about you I desire. Crave. And I know that once I have my hands on you, I won't want to let you go. I'll want to keep you."

"I want that. I can be so good for you, Daddy," he squeaks and covers his mouth. "Can I call you Daddy?" he whispers.

"Yeah, Princess. You can call me Daddy."

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