Room One Hundred and Eleven (Bred By Billionaires) 1. Poppy 5%
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Room One Hundred and Eleven (Bred By Billionaires)

Room One Hundred and Eleven (Bred By Billionaires)

By Loryn Fox
© lokepub

1. Poppy



“ W akey wakey.”

Someone shakes my shoulder. Though they do it gently, my guilty conscience spurs me to bolt upright from where I slumped over on one of the tufted leather couches in the staff area. “Oh no! I’m sorry. Please don’t tell Gunner I fell asleep on the job.”

“Why not?” From where she stands in front of me, Riley flips her long dark hair over her shoulder.

“He may be one of your fiancés, but he’s my boss.” Yeah, she’s pretty and about to marry three smoking-hot billionaires—one of whom owns the sex club we’re in right now. Some girls have all the luck, am I right? “People’s safety depends on me staying alert.”

What kind of medic would I be if someone got injured because I was out cold?

“The club closed ten minutes ago. Kane ushered the last guests out already.” He’s another of her lovers, who manages security. The third, Fitch, does pretty much everything else around this place. “You’re all good.”

“Seriously, Riley. I can’t afford to disappoint them.”

Our friend Melody—who’s married to Riley’s big brother and their other two husbands—is curled up on a matching armchair nearby. She adds, “You’re running yourself ragged. If you ask, I’m sure Gunner will give you some time off. You could use a break.”

“Sure, relaxing would be nice, but I need this paycheck.” I scrub my eyes then stare up at the ornate stamped metal ceiling as if that will force my peepers open. “Besides, I’m not about to weasel extra perks out of him because I’m friends with you two.”

“No one’s going to fire you for being human, Poppy. I swear.” Riley sighs. “I only realized you dozed off because you didn’t answer after I tried to invite you over. However, I’m rescinding that offer now that I see how thin you’re stretching yourself.”

Dang it! My friendships with Riley and Melody have been a complete surprise and a way bigger benefit to having taken this position than the cash flow it provides. Their comradery does more to keep me going than basic rest.

Still, it’s hard to focus on what the two of them chatter about in rapid-fire exchanges after working my night shift. Especially since I spent the day in nursing school and the early morning hours after I got off duty last night studying for an exam.

The gist of it is they’re flipping out over the zillions of proposals coming in from couture designers vying for the privilege of custom-making Riley’s wedding gown and the dresses for her bridal party.

Witnessing a fairytale come true like that isn’t something I’ve ever had the chance to do. Even if I’m just peering in from the fringes, it’s so much fun. Maybe worth doing even if it means another sleepless night, zombiying my way through classes tomorrow, then chugging an entire case of energy drinks to survive my next shift here.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my job.

Even though I never imagined I’d be the medical support at a sex club when I got my paramedic license. Hey, it pays well, and it lets me pursue my degree during the day. Win-win.

So what if it also makes me very aware of things I never dreamed possible before?

Wealthy lifestyles and the desires of the people living them.

And how I might enjoy some of those taboo fantasies if I were in their designer shoes.

“Poppyyyyyyyy…” Melody shakes her head softly.

“What?” I blink a few times, hoping that will clear the sleepy sand away. Considering Riley is now perched on the arm of Melody’s chair, I’m sure I blanked out for a bit again.

“I said we’re going to hang out at Riley’s and look through the sketches.” Melody repeats herself. “We really want you to check them out with us, but I think Riley’s right. You should go home and sleep instead.”

Dang it, she’s probably on to something. “I’d love to see some of the options. Maybe you could text me the top picks so I can drool over them in the morning. You’re going to be such a beautiful bride no matter what you decide on.”

My three bosses adore her.

They treat her like she was made just for them.

Truth be told, that’s what I envy most of everything I’ve witnessed here at the club—their devotion to one another, their unwavering love, and the sexy glances winging between them nonstop.

“Girl, for real. When’s the last time you crashed for a full night?” Riley’s looking at me like she’s about to escort me to one of the bedrooms upstairs and lock me in.

“You’re a straight-A student. What do your textbooks have to say about this? You know it’s not healthy. Burning the candle at both ends isn’t sustainable.” Melody’s frowning now too. “How can we help?”

“By being my friends. And continuing to be honest when you’re concerned.” I rise and cross to them, wrapping my arms around them both. I can’t conk out if I’m standing, right? “It means a lot that you care, thank you.”

“Well, in that case… I vote you should be doing more than existing. Grinding yourself down for someday . There’s more to life than school and work, you know?” Riley must have a magic wand—or a fairy godmother—that I don’t.

“Some of us have to pay our own bills.” The pair of them have a six-pack of billionaires between them.

Must be nice.

Before either of them can rightfully slap me down for being catty, I raise my hands. Palms out, I melt. “I’m sorry. Truly. I’m happy for you both that you’ve found happily ever afters. It’s just that you might not have the clearest perspective on regular life anymore.”

“Eh. It’s not like that’s untrue.” Riley hugs me tight. “No offense taken. And I’m sorry too. For pushing. I just wish there was something we could do to lighten your load. I’m not sure how since you’re too stubborn to let us pay for some of your tuition or living expenses.”

“I’ve told you a thousand times—I’m not here for handouts.” I retreat a few steps as if they’re going to shove cash down my throat. That’s not why I like hanging out with them.

“I have an idea,” Gunner says from over my shoulder. When had he joined us? How much had he heard? Kane and Fitch are wandering in right behind him as usual. “A proposal, if you prefer.”

Crap. How much did they hear?

I really don’t need my bosses thinking I can’t handle my shifts. Or my obligations.

I can’t lose this job. It’s cushy. Pays great considering it’s part-time.

Even has health insurance and a 401K with employer match.

They take good care of me, even if they don’t realize it since they’re used to having so much more than the average.

Riley fans herself as her men surround her. Kane wraps her tight in his arms while Fitch leans over him to plant a kiss on her cheek. I’m sure they’d do a lot more than that if Melody and I weren’t in the room.

Sure, a few fat stacks might make some things in my life easier. But truth be told, I’m way more jealous of my friends’ relationships than all the brokerage accounts they have combined.

“So…” Gunner settles onto the wingback chair behind his desk. “I have this thing that came up. Some guys asked me to recruit someone for them. You’d be perfect for this opportunity.”

“Not that I’m not grateful. Of course I am, thank you. But I don’t have time for another job.” Even though I could use the cash, how could I fit it into my schedule? There’s nothing left to cut.

“It’s a one-time thing. A weekend gig.” Gunner’s eyes twinkle dangerously. “Hell, I’ll even give you paid leave from our club if you want to do it. Double dip on me.”

“ Triple dip,” Fitch mumbles, and Kane snorts.

“Uh-oh.” Riley looks from her man to me and back. “I know that look. What are you up to?”

I’m glad she’s calling him on his not-so-subtle manipulation. I would like to do it myself, but he’s still my superior even if he is pretty cool most of the time.

This position is a building block for my future.

I won’t risk that for anything.

Flushing all my hard work down the drain isn’t an option.

“Like I said, helping out some friends…including Doc Poppy.” He twirls a gold pen around his fingers and over his knuckles.

A blush heats my cheeks. “How many times have I told you guys? I’m only a paramedic.”

“You’re our doc.” Fitch ruffles my hair. When there aren’t club guests around, he treats me like his kid sister. It’s lovely for the most part. Right now, not so much.

Kane chuckles.

Ugh. I hate when they know me a little too well. I’m curious by nature.

And now I have to know what’s on offer.

“What makes you think I’m a good fit for…whatever this is?” I tip my head.

“You need to relax. You’re chill with Riley and Melody, which means you know what we’re about—the kind of relationships we have—and you haven’t run away yet. You could use someone to make your life easier. Plus, you’re impulsive as fuck.” Gunner taps his pen against his lips. “Yes, you’re perfect.”

“Impulsive?” Should I be offended by that?

“Yeah. For sure. You took the role here without asking nearly enough questions.” Kane frowns. “Hell, I bet Fitch that an innocent girl like you would bail on your first shift.”

“I’m not a quitter.” I laugh. “Besides, I’m open-minded enough to see that no one is here against their will. They’re all getting plenty out of participating in the activities . Nothing to be afraid of.”

Okay, it had been shocking at first.

Not exactly your ordinary workplace.

Moans flood the hallways, echo around the shared spaces, and seep out from beneath the doors to private rooms every night. It’s something that haunts what little shuteye I do manage to get between formal lessons in anatomy, which have nothing on the things I’ve learned in this job.

Everyone else seems to be able to tap into their passionate side.

Melody. Riley. My bosses. All the guests at the club…

Everyone but me.

I’ve never had any hands-on experience. It must be tattooed on my forehead or something.

“And anyway, how did you know I’m a virgin?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“I didn’t for sure, until you just confirmed it.” Kane’s grin is wicked. He looks to Gunner and nods once, dislodging a few strands of his onyx hair so they tumble over his forehead. “You’re right. She’s the one they want.”

Gunner sets the fancy pen on his opulent desk, handcrafted from exotic wood. The surface is polished so I can see his reflection as he slides an envelope from the long drawer that hovers above his lap.

It’s burgundy, larger than a postcard, and sealed with gold wax.

The circle is filled with two cursive letters: CS.

“What’s that?” Melody leans forward for a better look, but Gunner hands the beautiful stationery to me instead.

It’s thick and heavier than I expected as it lands in my palm. If I was dramatic, I might think the weight of destiny caused the distinct thud that ripples through my metacarpals.

I rub my thumbs over the fine paper. Black calligraphy swirls across the front side of the envelope. Beautiful and carefully scribed, it reads: Be Our Guest .

“Open it!” Riley is as eager as Mel.

“You’re sure?” I ask Gunner. The desire to rip it open wars with my unwillingness to ruin something so gorgeous and, okay, some apprehension. Whatever I’m holding feels like it could have the power to change everything.

Am I ready for that?

“Absolutely.” He wiggles his fingers at the envelope. “Go ahead. It’s for you.”

Maybe Kane’s right. My better sense doesn’t stand a chance. Wax crumbles beneath the pressure of one of my neat oval nails.

A trifold of fancy embossed cardstock tempts me to lift the flaps. The creamy vellum inside lends the script dancing across it a sacred quality. “We cordially invite you to join us at Club Sin: Seattle for a weekend you’ll never forget.”

A matte photograph peeks through from behind the translucent sheet. It features an elaborate black door with the number 111 centered on it in gold.

Behind the formal invitation is a stack of pages on Club Sin letterhead. These are typed in tiny font, lines all jammed together on the smaller-than-standard pages. Words pour over the sheaves in a tight stream of text I have no hope of focusing on with my bleary vision.

“What’s this?” I wonder aloud.

“A contract,” Fitch answers.

“I don’t understand.” I glance up at Gunner. “Is this sin place something like your club?”

“Yes.” He nods. “In a way. Here we have open play areas and private rooms for whatever their owners choose to do inside with anyone who joins them consensually. Club Sin is known for delivering people’s fantasies. Each room provides an opportunity for a different experience.”

“What’s room 111 for?” Riley seems as fascinated as I am about it. “Maybe we should go check it out.”

Kane bristles. “Your perfect ass is staying right here with us.”

She rolls her eyes but pats his puffed-up chest. “Down, boy, I meant with you of course.”

“This room is booked by people with particular tastes. For the weekend in question, by three men in particular who are looking for the right woman to join them.” Gunner clears his throat. What the hell could a sex club owner be uncomfortable saying to me in front of his fiancée and another woman who lives the same lifestyle as them?

His dancing around the truth probably should be a warning.

Still, my mind is stuck on the part about three men.

My boss is willing to pay me to go away with a trio of guys who can afford something like this, who want to spoil me and give me a break from work? I’m not seeing the downside.

“They’re looking for a virgin, for starters,” Gunner admits.

“Oh yeah, we’re out.” Melody and Riley crack up as they shrug at each other, sporting matching grins.

So all I have to do is let them punch my V-card in exchange for a wild weekend? After hearing all about Melody and Riley’s first times I’d be dumb not to say yes. “Count me in.”

“Poppy.” Fitch scrubs his hands over his face.

“What?” I shrug. “I get the idea. Fancy-ass building, big-city lights, rich men willing to pay to get off on their kink of being the only person—people—to have possessed some young woman’s body. An all-expenses-paid luxury vacation with three partners who will honor and value sharing my first time.”

Pivoting, I turn to face Melody and Riley. “I should do it, right?”

“You trust these guys?” Riley asks Gunner.

“I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t.” His frown makes me glad she asked so I didn’t have to.

I can’t afford to offend my boss, especially when he’s a man as powerful and influential as Gunner.

“Club Sin vets their members, same as we do. Plus we’ve run in the same circles as these guys for years. They know what they’re doing,” Kane adds.

Melody cuts the tension. “That means they’re going to treat you well, Poppy. In bed and out of it. Show you a good time. Make sure you’re so tired each night that you can’t help but rest. I vote yes. Go for it, girl.”

“Um, so… What do I wear?” I don’t think scrubs are going to cut it. Women at Gunner’s usually go one of three ways—stunning cocktail dresses, lingerie, or bare-ass naked.

I’ve only got a budget for the last option, and there’s no way I’m bold enough for that with strangers who aren’t medical professionals like me in some impersonal exam room.

A grin spreads slowly over Kane’s lips, his dark smile wicked. “If you decide to do it, Melody and Riley can help you with that. Their treat. By them, I mean the three guys you’ll be meeting, of course. They can afford it.”

“Take an extra day for shopping and prep.” Fitch nods. “Riley, will you book spa treatments? Go all out.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” She turns and high-fives Melody. “Girl day!”

“What have I gotten myself into?” I mutter.

“You really should read the fine print before you commit to things.” Fitch shakes his head, concern pinching the corners of his lips. “Maybe then you’d realize?—”

“Let it be.” Gunner cuts him off.

“Does it matter?” I shrug. “Riley and Melody are right. I need a break. I want to see how the other half lives. And I’m going to enjoy the heck out of being pampered for a bit. So…I accept. Thank you.”

“The pleasure will be all theirs.” Kane grins and shares a knowing stare with Gunner and Fitch.

Goosebumps dot my arms.

“We’ll take you home.” Fitch rests one hand on my upper arm and rubs. Gentleman he is, he offers me his suit jacket. “You’re too tired to drive. Riley can text you details once she reserves everything.”

“That’s perfect.” Riley loops her arms around Kane’s neck and waits for him to scoop her up.

She wraps her legs around his waist then waits for him to kiss the shit out of her. “I love that you take care of my friends.”

“What about me?” Gunner pouts as only a billionaire spoiled by the young soon-to-be wife he shares with his partners can manage. “It was my idea.”

“Poppy…” Fitch draws my attention to him. “Please, take the invite home. Give Gunner your official answer tomorrow night after you’ve gone over the entire contract.”

“Sure, okay. I’ll read it.”

Except I didn’t. I had far too much homework to get around to it.

Fine, that’s a convenient excuse. I couldn’t risk something dissuading me because I’m not about to reject a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to unwind on three billionaires’ dime while still getting paid at my job and finally finding out what it’s like to have someone spoil me—in bed and out of it.

If that makes me impulsive, so be it.

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